Arms Trade Treaty Campaign Briefing - Amnesty International

Arms Trade Treaty Campaign Briefing - Amnesty International

Arms Trade Treaty Campaign Briefing - Amnesty International

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Left: A Special Task Force motorcycle unitsoldier guards a roadside checkpoint inColombo, Sri Lanka, November 2008.Below: A funeral procession for five studentswho were killed by Sri Lankan security forcesin Trincomalee on 2 January 2006.7Lanka had a previous ammunitioncontract worth US$100 million withanother Chinese company, Norinco. Between 2000 and 2006, the mainsuppliers of heavy weaponry andarmaments, including battle tanks, armouredvehicles, rocket systems, combat aircraftand helicopters, were China, CzechRepublic, Israel, Pakistan, Russia andUkraine. European Union (EU) export data showsthat the UK, Czech Republic, Spain,Slovakia and Bulgaria were the largestsuppliers of arms to Sri Lanka between2001 and 2008. In February 2010, the RussianFederation and Sri Lanka signed a US$300million loan for the supply and repair of arange of arms, including military helicopters.The LTTE has continued to source armsthrough well-developed arms traffickingnetworks, and has captured much of itsartillery from the Sri Lanka Army.recommeNdatioNsThe UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moonshould: Establish an independent, internationalmechanism to investigate crimes underinternational law committed in Sri Lanka,including the killing of Ragihar Manoharanand his companions.© Private Make the results public and, where thereis sufficient evidence, prosecute thoseresponsible in proceedings that meetinternational fair standards.index: aCt 30/001/2012 amnesty international January 2012

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