2010-11 College Catalog - South Florida State College

2010-11 College Catalog - South Florida State College

2010-11 College Catalog - South Florida State College

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sfccAdult EducationThe Adult Education programs at SFCC provide students witha range of educational services to improve basic reading,math, and writing skills; complete a high school diploma; orimprove English language communication. Students mustbe at least 16 years old to access these programs of study.Classes do not necessarily follow the SFCC academiccalendar and are offered year-round at a variety of class sites.You may start classes at any time during the year.Adult Basic Education (ABE) and General EducationalDevelopment (GED) Classes - These classes are designedto help GED students improve basic skills and to preparefor the GED exam. Course instruction covers readingcomprehension, mathematics, writing, science, social studiesand consumer education. You must take the Tests of AdultBasic Education (TABE) in order to register for any ABE orGED course. Once you complete the GED program, you willearn a <strong>State</strong> of <strong>Florida</strong> High School Diploma.Requirements to Earn a <strong>State</strong> of <strong>Florida</strong> High SchoolDiploma:1. Earn scores of <strong>11</strong>.0 or higher in the Reading, Math, andLanguage sections of the TABE.2. Pre-GED scores of 450 in each section and a compositescore of 2300*.3. GED composite score of 2250, with a minimum scoreof 410 on each subtest (average score of 450).* Sixteen and 17 year-old students must complete the waiverprogram before proceeding to the GED examFor graduation ceremony procedures, see “Student Information“section of this <strong>College</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong>.English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) -TheESOL Program prepares you to communicate effectivelyin contemporary American English. The courses aredesigned to be interactive and include many opportunitiesfor you to practice listening, reading, speaking and writingthe English language. The curriculum also focuses ongrammar, pronunciation and accent reduction, readingcomprehension, vocabulary, and interactive listeningskills that are applicable and transferable to daily life. OurEnglish language immersion classrooms, in conjunctionwith educational activities and materials designed for adultlearners, engage learners at every level and enhancethe learning experience. The program includes modelsto enhance skills useful in workplace, life and academicapplications.You will start by taking the CASAS assessment. It isrecommended that students attain a score of 6 on theCASAS before advancing to the ABE or GED program, ortransitioning into a college program. The Advanced ESOLclass allows a seamless transition to Adult Education and/or other courses of study.A citizenship class is offered to assist you, if eligible,through the application process and prepares you for theoral and written examination in the U.S. Citizenship andImmigration Services interview. Lessons on AmericanHistory, Civics, and Geography prepare you to demonstrateyour knowledge of U.S. government. In addition to reading,writing, and speaking the English language, you will learnabout the other requirements for citizenship.For your convenience, classes are offered year-round ata variety of locations and hours in Highlands and Hardeecounties. You must be at least 16 years old to register andyou may register at any time during the year.Adult High School - The SFCC Adult High School programis open to students who have earned at least 10 high schoolcredits and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 orhigher. Students must earn 24 high school credits, maintain a2.0 grade point average, and earn passing scores on requiredstatewide, standardized end-of-course (EOC) assessmentsto complete the diploma requirements. Upon completion ofthe program, students earn a SFCC High School Diploma.SFCC High School Diploma Credit Requirements:EnglishMathematicsScienceSocial ScienceOccupational/Fine ArtsLife ManagementElectives4 credits4 credits (including Geometry,Algebra I and II)3 credits (including Biology Iand Chemistry or Physics)3 credits to include:1 American History½ Economics½ American Government1 World History1 credit½ credit8 ½ creditsFor graduation ceremony procedures, see “Student Information“section of this <strong>College</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong>.SFCC Adult High School Early <strong>College</strong> Program - TheEarly <strong>College</strong> Program is open to students who meet thestandard SFCC Adult High School requirements, but whoalso have a 3.0 grade point average and college placementtest scores of 83 in Reading, 83 in Sentence Skills, and 77 inElementary Algebra or equivalent scores on either the SAT orACT. This program allows academically advanced students toearn college credit while completing a high school diploma.30

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