2010-11 College Catalog - South Florida State College

2010-11 College Catalog - South Florida State College

2010-11 College Catalog - South Florida State College

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sfcc15. How the school determines whether you are makingsatisfactory progress and what happens if you arenot.16. To make available for review, a copy of the documentsdescribing the institution’s accreditation, approval, orlicensing.Student Responsibilities - It is your responsibility to:1. Review and consider all information about a school’sprogram(s) before enrolling.2. Pay special attention to the application for studentfinancial aid, complete it accurately and thoroughly,and submit it on time to the correct location. Errors candelay receiving financial aid. Intentional misreportingon application forms for financial aid is a violation ofthe law and is considered a criminal offense subjectto penalties under the U.S. Criminal Code.3. Return all additional documentation, verificationinformation, corrections, and/or new informationrequested by either the Financial Aid Office or theagency to which an application was submitted.4. Read and understand all forms before signing andkeep copies of them.5. Accept responsibility for all agreements that bear yoursignature.6. Notify the lender of changes in the name, address,or school status if a loan exists.7. Perform in a satisfactory manner the work that isagreed upon in accepting a work study award.8. Know and comply with the deadlines for applicationor re-application for aid.9. Comply with the school’s refund procedures.10. Request financial aid transcripts from each postsecondaryinstitution previously attended even if nofinancial aid was received.<strong>11</strong>. Notify Financial Aid Office of all financial aid receivedfrom any source(s) other than the <strong>College</strong> as soon asthe student receives it.12. Know the time for the disbursement of the award(s)and pick up any aid checks within a reasonable periodof time.13. Abide by all conditions of the financial aid award(s).Questions concerning financial aid programsand other student rights and responsibilitiesshould be directed to the Financial Aid Officeat (863) 784-7254.REFUNDSREFUND POLICY - You must officially drop a course toobtain consideration for a refund. Refunds must be requestedwithin the drop with refund period at the Registrar’s Office(see Academic Calendar for drop with refund deadlines).Refund exceptions to this rule must be requested in writingto the Academic Appeals Committee and be based upondocumented reasons beyond your control.The refund period for summer, and other short terms isreduced in proportion to the length of the term. Changes inyour schedule may involve application of the refund policy.For example: If you drop a class during the refund periodand add another, you will have the money applied towardthe added class.Fees paid by check will not be refunded until your checkclears the <strong>College</strong>’s bank. Refunds are paid by collegecheck or paid by crediting the credit card that paid the fees.Refunds are processed two to four weeks after the end ofthe drop with refund period.Refunds for <strong>College</strong> Credit, Occupational CertificateCourses, and Short Term Classes:1. Fall and Spring Terms: 100 percent refund whenofficial withdrawal is received by the Registrar’s Officeby the last day of the drop with refund period duringnormal operating hours.2. Summer Term: 100 percent refund when officialwithdrawal is received by the Registrar’s Office on thethird day of classes during normal operating hours.This provision applies to other six-week and eightweekterms or courses.3. Full Term Occupational Classes, 150-480 contacthours: 100 percent refund when official withdrawal isreceived by the Registrar’s Office prior to end of firstcalendar week of student enrollment.4. Short Term Occupational Classes, 30-140 contacthours: 100 percent refund when withdrawal isreceived by the Registrar’s Office prior to secondclass meeting.5. Short Term Occupational Classes, 1-29 contacthours: 100 percent refund when official withdrawalis received by the Registrar’s Office prior to thesecond class meeting, except, in the case of singleterm classes, workshops, or seminars when officialwithdrawal must be completed and received by theRegistrar’s Office prior to the start of the class oractivity.Special Refunds - The <strong>College</strong> will issue or apply 100percent refund for courses for the following schedulechanges: (1) courses canceled by the <strong>College</strong>; (2) courselevel changes within subject area during the first four48

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