Sri Lankan 4th ARMOURED REGIMENT - Foreign Military Studies ...

Sri Lankan 4th ARMOURED REGIMENT - Foreign Military Studies ...

Sri Lankan 4th ARMOURED REGIMENT - Foreign Military Studies ...


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good fortune of coming to a wellestablished camp. What welcomed themwas a cattle occupied, mosquito andrattle snake infested, abandoned aircrafthangar complex left over from WorldWar II. The officers occupied agenerator house, and senior noncommissioned officers and soldiers usedtwo hangers for living accommodation.None of the buildings had windows ordoors as they had been removed byIndian Peacekeeping Force (IPKF) 7troops earlier. Cooking and dining weredone under trees. The Air Force guardroom was converted to a temporaryheadquarters with borrowed furniturefrom nearby camps with <strong>4th</strong> ArmouredRegiment’s beginning at Clappenburg,Trincomalee, reminiscent of earlyEnglish settlers moving to NorthAmerica in the sixteenth century.A survey carried out a few weeksbefore moving to Clappenburg revealedthe shocking state of the regiment’sfuture home. It was used as a Tamilrefugee camp with heaps of rubbish andan unbearable smell of human excreta.There was no water or electricity and themen were to share a few toilets – a ratioof 1:30. The regiment arrived in hiredpublic buses with one jeep, a truck and asingle high frequency base station forcommunications. A few cooking utensilswith other basic necessities were theonly items available. I vividly recollectthe expression on my men’s faces asthey arrived in CPB. It was a mixture ofdoubt, despair and disappointment. Themen looked at the young officers andthey in turn looked at me, but I had noone standing behind me to look up toexcept the vast expanse of the IndianOcean.7 The Indian Peace Keeping Force had come to<strong>Sri</strong> Lanka in 1987 and peaked at strength near80,000. Over 1200 were killed in action and theforce withdrew in 1990.16

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