Sri Lankan 4th ARMOURED REGIMENT - Foreign Military Studies ...

Sri Lankan 4th ARMOURED REGIMENT - Foreign Military Studies ...

Sri Lankan 4th ARMOURED REGIMENT - Foreign Military Studies ...


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Realizing the need to train crews, andhaving no directions from Colomboconcerning dangerous and sensitiveissues, decisions were made by thecommand team to conduct task-orientedtraining as realistically as possible.Firing on the move or fire andmovement drills were not done due toextreme danger and movementrestrictions. Basic troop battle drillswere conducted in an open groundadjacent to Monkey Bridge Camp, butsquadron movements were confined tosand model.While basic training wasprogressing, instructions were receivedto deploy tanks for operations by earlyDecember 1991. I disagreed on thegrounds that crews were not adequatelytrained and troop leaders lackedexperience to command tank troops incombat. These concerns were conveyedin a detailed and lengthy letter addressedto Regimental Headquarters, Colombo,with recommendations for advancetraining before undertaking operationalduties. My letter created unexpectedanger in the higher echelons of the Armyand the Ministry of Defense (MoD) andI was immediately summoned toColombo. The feeling in Colombo wasthat the Commanding Officer had notonly resisted deploying tanks but hadgone a step further and asked for moretraining prior to deployment. In themilitary it was tantamount toinsubordination.I was directed to report toGeneral Waidyaratne, the ArmyCommander. He was furious at the start,but gave a patient and concerned hearingwhen I explained the complexities ofindividual training, marrying up tankcrews, tank commander training, andprogressing to collective troop andsquadron training. None of which had26

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