03/31/2011 - The Independent

03/31/2011 - The Independent

03/31/2011 - The Independent

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LEGAL NOTICES/CLASSIFIEDStious business name(s) listedabove on March 15, <strong>2011</strong>.Signature of Registrant:/s/: Rose Fall, OwnerThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Alamedaon March 15, <strong>2011</strong>. ExpiresMarch 15, 2016.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> Legal No.2963. Published March 24, <strong>31</strong>,April 7, 14, <strong>2011</strong>.FICTITIOUS BUSINESSNAME STATEMENTFILE NO. 449301<strong>The</strong> following person(s) doingbusiness as: Stop-N-WashCoin Laundry, 1344 RailroadAve, Livermore, CA 94550,is hereby registered by thefollowing owner(s):Highland Laundry, Inc., 47000Warm Springs Blvd #114,Fremont, CA 94539,This business is conducted by:a Corporation<strong>The</strong> registrant began to transactbusiness under the fictitiousbusiness name(s) listedabove on March 11, <strong>2011</strong>.Signature of Registrant:/s/: John Martin, PresidentThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Alamedaon March 16, <strong>2011</strong>. ExpiresMarch 16, 2016.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> Legal No.2964. Published March 24, <strong>31</strong>,April 7, 14, <strong>2011</strong>.FICTITIOUS BUSINESSNAME STATEMENTFILE NO. 449298<strong>The</strong> following person(s) doingbusiness as: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong>,2250 First St, Livermore, CA94550, is hereby registered bythe following owner(s):Inland Valley Publishing Company,Inc., 2250 First St, Livermore,CA 94550This business is conducted by:a Corporation<strong>The</strong> registrant began to transactbusiness under the fictitiousbusiness name(s) listedabove on April 24, 2006.Signature of Registrant:/s/: Joan Seppala, Publisher/PresidentThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Alamedaon March 16, <strong>2011</strong>. ExpiresMarch 16, 2016.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> Legal No.2965. Published March 24, <strong>31</strong>,April 7, 14, <strong>2011</strong>.FICTITIOUS BUSINESSNAME STATEMENTFILE NO. 449048<strong>The</strong> following person(s) doingbusiness as: Snip in Style,1360 Railroad Ave., Livermore,CA 94551, is herebyregistered by the followingowner(s):Wanda Vanessa Chavez,1360 Railroad Ave., Livermore,CA 94551.This business is conducted by:an IndividualRegistrant has not yet begunto transact business underthe fictitious business nameor names listed.Signature of Registrant:/s/: Wanda Vanessa ChavezThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Alamedaon March 9, <strong>2011</strong>. ExpiresMarch 9, 2016.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> Legal No.2968. Published March <strong>31</strong>,April 7, 14, 21, <strong>2011</strong>.STATEMENT OFABANDONMENTOF USE OFFICTITIOUS BUSINESSNAMEFILE NO. 448<strong>03</strong>0<strong>The</strong> following person(s) has(have) abandoned the useof the Fictitious BusinessName: Curves Livermore,1129 Catalina Dr., Livermore,CA 94550.<strong>The</strong> Fictitious business NameStatement for the Partnershipwas filed on February 14, <strong>2011</strong>in the County of Alameda.<strong>The</strong> full name of Registrants:Amber Baydo, 1137Via Granada, Livermore, CA,94550Sharon Hebenstreich, 1124Via Granada, Livermore, CA94550.This business was conductedby: Co-PartnersSignature of Registrant:/s/: Amber BaydoThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Alamedaon March 23, <strong>2011</strong>. ExpiresMarch 23, 2016.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> Legal No.2969. Published March <strong>31</strong>,April 7, 14, 21, <strong>2011</strong>.FICTITIOUS BUSINESSNAME STATEMENTFILE NO. 449555<strong>The</strong> following person(s) doingbusiness as: Curves Livermore,1129 Catalina Dr., Livermore,CA 94550, is herebyregistered by the followingowner(s):Shambers, Incorporated, 1129Catalina Dr., Livermore, CA94550This business is conducted by:a Corporation<strong>The</strong> registrant began to transactbusiness under the fictitiousbusiness name(s) listedabove on March 23, <strong>2011</strong>.Signature of Registrant:/s/: Amber Baydo, Vice President.This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Alamedaon March 23, <strong>2011</strong>. ExpiresMarch 23, 2016.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> Legal No.2970. Published March <strong>31</strong>,April 7, 14, 21, <strong>2011</strong>.NOTICE OF PETITION TOADMINISTER ESTATE OF:HERBERT LOGIEROBINSONCase No. VP115669051. To all Heirs, beneficiaries,creditors, contingent creditors,and persons who mayotherwise be interested in thewill or estate, or both, of:HERBERT LOGIEROBINSON2.A PETITION FOR PRO-BATE has been filed by:ALLEN G. FARNUM in theSuperior Court of California,County of Alameda County3.THE PETITION FOR PRO-BATE requests that: ALLENG. FARNUM be appointedas personal representative toadminister the estate of thedecedent.4.THE PETITION requests thedecedent’s will and codicils, ifany, be admitted to probate.<strong>The</strong> will and any codicils areavailable for examination inthe file kept by the court.5.THE PETITION requestsauthority be administer theestate under the <strong>Independent</strong>Administration of Estates Act.(This authority will allow thepersonal representative totake many actions withoutobtaining court approval.Before taking certain veryimportant actions, however,the personal representativewill be required to give noticeto interested persons unlessthey have waived notice orconsented to the proposedaction.) <strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong>administration authority will begranted unless an interestedperson files an objection tothe petition and shows goodcause why the court shouldnot grant the authority.6.A HEARING on the petitionwill be held in this courtas follows:Date: 4-25-<strong>2011</strong>TIME:9:30am DEPT: 201 at:Superior Court of California,County of Alameda2120 Martin Luther King Jr.WayBerkeley, CA 947047.IF YOU OBJECT to thegranting of the petition, youshould appear at the hearingand state your objections orfile written objections with thecourt before the hearing. Yourappearance may be in personor by your attorney.8.IF YOU ARE A CREDITORor a contingent creditor ofthe decedent, you must fileyour claim with the court andmail a copy to the personalrepresentative appointed bythe court within four monthsfrom the date of first issuanceof letters as provided inProbate Code section 9100.<strong>The</strong> time for filling claims willnot expire before four monthsfrom the hearing date noticedabove.9.YOU MAY EXAMINE thefile kept by the court. If youare a person interested in theestate, you may file with thecourt a Request for SpecialNotice (Form DE-154) ofthe filing of an inventory andappraisal of estate assets orof any petition or account asprovided in Probate Codesection 1250.A Request for Special Noticeform is available from thecourt clerk.10.Attorney for Petitioner:A n n M . J a s p e r ( S B N217954)1871 <strong>The</strong> Alameda, Suite400San Jose, CA 95126(408) 345-9494<strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> Legal No.2966. Published March <strong>31</strong>,April 7, 14, <strong>2011</strong>.NOTICE OF INVITING BIDSNotice is hereby given thatsealed competitive bids willbe accepted at the AlamedaCounty Social Services AgencyContracts Office, 2000San Pablo Avenue, 4 th Floor,Oakland, CA 94612 NET-WORKING/NORTH COUNTYBIDDERS CONFERENCERFP #ACSSA-SSI/SSDI-GAPFY11/12 – SSI/SSDI AdvocacyServices for General AssistanceClients, Monday, April4, <strong>2011</strong>, 1:30 p.m. – AlamedaCounty Social Services Agency- 2000 San Pablo Avenue,Berkeley Room A & B (#3<strong>31</strong>),3 rd Floor, Oakland, CA NET-WORKING/SOUTH COUNTYBIDDERS CONFERENCERFP #ACSSA-SSI/SSDI-GAPFY11/12 – SSI/SSDI AdvocacyServices for GeneralAssistance Clients, Tuesday,April 5, <strong>2011</strong>, 10:00 a.m.– Alameda County SocialServices Agency, 24100Amador Street, ShootingStar B (#638), 6 th Floor, Hayward,CA Responses Due by3:00 pm on April 25, <strong>2011</strong>County Contact: Tim Robertsat (510) 271-9185 or viaemail: TRoberts@acgov.org Attendance at NetworkingConference is Non-mandatory.Specifications regardingthe above may be obtainedat the Current ContractingOpportunities Internet websiteat www.acgov.org.3/<strong>31</strong>/11CNS-2068469#<strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong> Legal No.2967. Published March <strong>31</strong>,<strong>2011</strong>.ANIMALS2) CATS/ DOGSADOPT A DOG OR CAT, foradoption information contactValley Humane Society at925 426-8656.Adopt a new best friend:TVAR, the Tri-Valley AnimalRescue, offers animals foradoption every Saturdayand Sunday, excluding mostholidays. Saturdays from9:30 am to 1:00 pm, dogsand cats are available at thePleasanton Farmers Market atW. Angela and First Streets.Two locations will showcasecats only: Petsmart in Dublinnoon to 4 and the Pet FoodExpress in Livermore 1 to 4.Sundays, cats are at Petsmartin Dublin 1 to 4, and PetCo inSan Ramon 11 to 3. TVAR at(925) 8<strong>03</strong>-7043 website atwww.tvar.orgEMPLOYMENT60) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITYBE WARY of out of areacompanies. Check with thelocal Better Business Bureaubefore you send money orfees. Read and understandany contracts before you sign.Shop around for rates.65) ENGINEERINGEngineers – Sr. MaterialsEngrs for LED products.MS in Chemistry. Mail:Job 3340-LC01-, Bridgelux,101 Portola Ave,Livermore, CA 9455175) MANAGEMENTDirector Strategic Sourcing:Lead a team of SourcingManagers and Buyersto negotiate costs withsuppliers and work withmanufacturing and productdevelopment to implementidentified cost savingsopportunities. Bachelorsdegree or foreign degreeequivalent in Food Science,Food Engineering,Business Administration orrelated plus five (5) years ofexperience in food manufacturing,product formulationand sourcing or relatedOpening in Pleasanton, CA.MUST REFERENCE JOBCODE #<strong>2011</strong><strong>03</strong>14FVC.Contact: M. Choo, SafewayInc., 5918 StoneridgeMall Road, Pleasanton,CA 94588. Must havelegal right to work in U.S.EOE.TO PLACE A CLASSIFIEDADcall Richard 925 243-8000MERCHANDISE115) ESTATE/ GARAGE/YARD SALESMOVING SALE: furniture,household items, toys,GeoTrax and Thomas tankengine, outdoor furniture,stuffed animals and lotsmore. 446 Adams Way,Pleasanton. April 2 and3, 8am.118) FREE SECTIONMUSICAL INSTRUMENT-Free Yamaha Organ, VeryGood Condition, You PickUp. Call (925) 997-9062.127) LOST/ FOUNDJEWELRY Well-MadeHoop Earring, 14k gold,with small stones. Pleasedescribe to claim. 925-447-5475NOTICES/ANNOUNCEMENTS155) NOTICES“NOTICE TO READERS:California law requires thatcontractors taking jobs that total$500 or more (labor and/ormaterials) be licensed by theContractors State LicenseBoard. State law also requiresthat contractors include theirlicense numbers on all advertising.Check your contractor’sstatus at www.cslb.ca.govor 800-321-CSLB (2752).Unlicensed persons takingjobs less than $500 muststate in their advertisementsthat they are not licensed bythe Contractors State LicenseBoard.”www.independentnews.comREAL ESTATEInland Valley PublishingCo.Client Code:04126-00001Re: Legal Notice forClassified Ads<strong>The</strong> Federal Fair Housing Act,Title VII of the Civil RightsAct of 1964, and state lawprohibit advertisements forhousing and employmentthat contain any preference,limitation or discriminationbased on protected classes,including race, color, religion,sex, handicap, familial statusor national origin. IVPC doesnot knowingly accept anyadvertisements that are inviolation of the law.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Independent</strong>, MARCH <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> - PAGE 11It’s Time to Invest inReal Estate AgainBy Cher Wollard<strong>The</strong> headline is startling: Housing Is Back.No, this isn’t Realtor magazine, but the cover of Fortune. Andthe writer is Shawn Tully, the magazine’s senior editor-at-largewho was among the first to predict the housing downturn of thepast four years.“Forget stocks. Don’t bet on gold … the most attractive assetclass in America is housing,” he writes in this month’s issue.And among the best places to invest in real estate is the BayArea.While homebuyers remain skittish about taking the plunge,hard-headed investors have no hesitation.<strong>The</strong>y have been buying up properties throughout the Bay Areaat least since 2008.While much of the evidence is anecdotal, DataQuick InformationServices reported that in January, the last month for whichcomplete data is available, nearly one-third of all new and resalehouses and condominiums in California were purchased withcash.Some of those sales were to homeowners with cash, perhapsfrom sales of other property. Some “cash” buyers may have borrowedfunds from sources other than mortgage providers.But all-cash deals tend to be investors who will be renting outor “flipping” the property.Absentee buyers – mainly investors – purchased 23.4 percent ofall Bay Area homes sold in February – the highest for any monthsince January 2000, when the absentee statistics begin being kept.Last month’s figure was up from 22.8 percent in January and 19.1percent a year ago. Since 2000, the monthly average for absenteebuyers is 13.5 percent.“Sales over the past two months certainly underscore themarket’s reliance on investor and cash purchases at a time manypotential buyers hesitated to,” said John Walsh, DataQuickpresident.Interest from investors partly explains why Livermore has amere 238 residential resale properties on the market this week– and has only 2.1 months of inventory based on pending sales.That means, if we continued at the current pace, all of the resalehousing in Livermore would be sold or under contract for salewithin about 64 days.In Pleasanton, 169 resale properties are on the Multiple ListingService this week, for a 1.9 month supply of active inventory.Figures for Dublin are 152 homes, 1.3 months of inventory.<strong>The</strong> pace for closed transactions in the Tri-Valley is higher– about five months – but still well below the seven months ofinventory considered to be needed for a balanced market.Some headlines are making much of a drop in home sales yearto-date.However, last year at this time, first-time homebuyerswere racing to complete sales in time to qualify for generous taxcredits. Without such credits in place, it’s natural the pace wouldslow somewhat this year.That slowdown offers buyers a window to get into the marketwhile the getting is good.Tully mainly bases his predictions on two factors:• the historic drop in new construction which, he predicts, willlead to housing shortages in the future, and• the steep decline in prices since 2006– about 30 percentnationally and as much as 55 percent in the hardest-hit markets,such as the Central Valley.Housing shortages combined with greater affordability, Tullysays, will lure more Americans back into the housing market. <strong>The</strong>return of the homeowner, to compete with all those investors, willpush housing prices up.He predicts the suburban Bay Area, along with markets suchas San Diego, Northern Virginia, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, andmost of Texas, will experience the strong market first.Mike Castleman, founder and CEO of Metrostudy, a companythat tracks the inventory of new homes in 19 states, includingCalifornia, predicts that shortage of new homes will hit in thenot too distant future.In the 41 cities Metrostudy looked at, vacant homes that areeither under construction or being offered for sale totaled 78,000– down from 343,000 at the peak of the homebuying market in2006, and well below levels of a decade ago.“If we had anything like normal levels of buying, those houseswould sell in 21/2 months,” he told Fortune. “We’d see an incredibleshortage. And that’s where we’re heading.”Locally, new home developments report a surge in buyerssince the start of the year.While some buyers are only interested in purchasing newhomes, many will find better deals on the resale market.In the Bay Area, increased affordability has been a factor inincreased housing sales for at least a year. That affordability isbased on:• lower home prices• historically low interest rates• job growthLower home prices and interest rates mean lower monthlymortgage payments. <strong>The</strong> typical mortgage payment that BayArea buyers committed themselves to paying last month was$1,440, according to DataQuick. Adjusted for inflation, that was46.8 percent below the typical payment in spring 1989 and 60.7percent below July 2007.As for job growth, a recent survey of Bay Area executives bythe Bay Area Council points to regional economic stabilization.“According to our survey, the best place to look for a jobover the next six months is in San Francisco, on the Peninsulaand Silicon Valley,” said Jim Wunderman, CEO of the council, abusiness-sponsored, public policy advocacy group.Whether you are looking for property as an investment or toprovide a home for your family, your local Realtor can help youfind exactly what you are looking for.Technology Wiz to Address RealtorsMark Flavin, technology specialist with Bay East Associationof Realtors, will be guest speaker at the Real Estate Alliance ofLivermore meeting on April 7.Flavin’s topic will be “Technology Trends.”<strong>The</strong> alliance, a marketing group for Realtors and professionalsin related fields who do business in Livermore, meets Thursdaymornings at the First Street Alehouse, 2106 First Street, Livermore.Doors open for networking at 8 a.m. <strong>The</strong> meeting runs 8:30to 9:30 a.m.Admission is $4. For more information, contact CharityShehtanian of Cal Coast Financial at (925) 583-3411.Cher Wollard is a Realtor withPrudential California Realty, Livermore.

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