03/31/2011 - The Independent

03/31/2011 - The Independent

03/31/2011 - The Independent

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Art & CommunityTHE INDEPENDENT • THURSDAY, MARCH <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 5Legally BlindYoung Photographer's Work AmongEntries in LAA Spring ShowPhoto caption: Colorful purses and totes are among the many items awaiting shoppers at SpringFling for the Animals on April 16.Luke Gregory, a 13 year oldlegally blind Livermore photographer,will have his work debutedat the Livermore Art Association(LAA) Spring Art Show April 1and 2. In spite of his vision, Lukebegan last month using the cameraon his iPod Touch to show hisunique perspective on the world.Close-ups of nature, capturingtexture and playing with light andshadows, Luke clicked away atmundane objects around the houseand backyard and around Livermore.Soon digital images of cacti,old warped fences, stone benchesand light fixtures filled his Flickraccount online.Luke is very near-sighted, andhas a nystagmus in both eyeswhich causes involuntary movement.He also has a unique formof color-deficiency in which hecannot detect red, but yellow appearsfar brighter to him than toothers with normal vision. His visionis not entirely correctable withlenses. However, the camera lensquickly has proven to be a means toexpress his interesting view.When his Flickr account addressreached the email in-box ofAngela Johal, Vice President ofthe Livermore Art Association,she insisted he join the LivermoreArt Association. “He has a greatsense of composition, design, andyes, color!” Johal said. He joinedthat very day and is excited to be apart of the art community, althoughhe’s somewhat bewildered by thereaction to his work.“I’m kinda surprised that anyonethinks it’s good. I’m happyabout it, but it surprised me - alot!” Luke says.Luke is also an active memberof Boy Scout Troop 9<strong>03</strong> in Livermoreand a competitive swimmerwith the Livermore Blue Dolphinsswim team. He says that he oftenthinks about what he might photographwhen he’s at Scout activitiesor swimming.Luke’s work will be at theSpring Art Show at <strong>The</strong> Barn onPacific Avenue on April 2-3 andalso at the Teen Art Expo at theLivermore Public Library CivicCenter April 1-30. He says helooks forward to entering photographsin the Alameda CountyFair this summer and other showsin the future.View Luke’s photography atwww.flickr.com/photos/bylukegregoryJust Like New Fund Benefitsfrom Animal Lovers' Boutique<strong>The</strong> Animal Lovers' Boutique,located year-round in the lobbyof Feline Medical Center (FMC),<strong>31</strong>60 Santa Rita Road in Pleasanton,will hold a special SpringFling for the Animals event onSaturday, April 16. Proceeds fromthe 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. boutique willbenefit Jackie Barnett’s Just LikeNew (JLN) Fund, a Valley HumaneSociety program that aids sick andinjured pets.Spring Fling will showcaseanimal-themed items for springand Mother’s Day such as planters,garden art, wind chimes, home decor,brass gifts, decorative pillows,purses and other fashion accessories,as well as cat and dog toys,dishes and accessories.<strong>The</strong> Just Like New Fund wasfounded in 1995 by Pleasantonanimal advocate Jackie Barnett,who passed away in 2009. <strong>The</strong>fund, which now bears Jackie’sname, provides financial assistanceto Tri-Valley residents who cannotafford emergency, lifesavingveterinary care for their pets. Sinceits beginning, the JLN Fund hashelped save the lives of more than400 companion animals.Today more than 40 volunteersmentored by Jackie are continuingher work. Volunteers raise moneyfor the JLN Fund by making andselling catnip toys and by operatingthe Animal Lover’s Boutiqueat Feline Medical Center.Although FMC does not offerveterinary services on weekends,it is opening its lobby on Saturday,April 16 for the special SpringFling sales event. For more information,please contact Vicki Zeigler,(925) 872-7668, or visit theValley Humane Society website,www.valleyhumane.org.

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