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<strong>AFRICAN</strong> <strong>METHODIST</strong> <strong>EPISCOPAL</strong> <strong>CHURCH</strong>SECOND <strong>EPISCOPAL</strong> DISTRICTWOMEN IN MINISTRY2011 DIRECTORYSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 0

TABLE OF CONTENTS(Click to access page)2008-2012 Second Episcopal District WIM OfficersWomen In Ministry - About Us‘Herstory’ of Women In Ministry in African Methodism“Still I Rise”SEDWIM Membership Directory by Conference(Click to jump to your Conference)Baltimore ConferenceWashington ConferenceVirginia ConferenceNorth Carolina ConferenceWestern North Carolina ConferenceA special Thank You to the following sisters who assisted increating this directoryReverend Dr. Joan L. WhartonReverend Jamila J. Woods-JonesReverend Melodie BooneReverend Oretha CrossReverend Rosalyn R. CrosbyReverend Anna E. MosbyReverend Betty StricklandAccuracy of InformationEvery effort has been made to compile complete and accurate information for this directory. If youare aware of any contact information that is incorrect, please notify your Caucus Leader orConference Coordinator.Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 1

OUR LEADERSHIPBishop Adam Jefferson Richardson, Jr.Presiding PrelateReverend Dr. Joan WhartonSecond Episcopal District WIM PresidentSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 2

2008-2012 Second Episcopal District WIM OfficersBishop Adam Jefferson. Richardson, Jr.Presiding Prelate1134 Eleventh Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20001Office: (202) 842-3788 ♦ Fax: (202) 289-1942 ♦ Cell: (703) 343-3401bishoprichardson_2000@yahoo.comPresident1st Vice President2nd Vice PresidentReverend Dr. Joan L. Whartonsedwim1@verizon.netReverend Doris E. Lindseyrev_lynz@yahoo.comReverend Anita ThompsonAmbvt1873@aol.com3rd Vice PresidentSecretaryCorresponding SecretaryTreasurerFinancial SecretaryWorship LeaderHerstoriographerReverend Vanessa Copelandvcopeland@aol.comReverend Kim Mossrevkimmoss@earthlink.netReverend Angelique J. Masonms_valiant1226@yahoo.comReverend C. Michele LangstonStjamesame7@Aol.ComReverend Elberta Pugh-Hudsonephudson@hotmail.comReverend Dr. Orea Jones-Wellsojoneswe@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 3

Women In Ministry - About UsThe mission of the Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry (WIM) is to meetthe spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of women in ministry. WIM isdesigned to encourage women to grow in their faith in Christ, to develop andstrengthen intimate friendships with other women, and to provide opportunitiesto serve and reach our community for Christ.We are clergy women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds who hold avariety of gifts, talents and skills. We both cherish and work to be advocates onbehalf of all women clergy, the young and the not as young! We seek to share theincredible strengths and resources found in the African Methodist EpiscopalChurch, so that we may be better, wiser and stronger in carrying out God'sministry and mission in the world.This call involves a commitment to train, develop, inspire and to instill withinclergy women (local, itinerant, evangelist, exhorter, etc.) the desire to fulfill theirpotential in life, with a sense of dignity, determination and destiny.The Role and Purpose of SEDWIM1. Model and share best practices in communication, programming, andleadership.2. Represent and build support for each other.3. Foster spiritual growth and renewal among women.4. Build support among women in ministry that encourages bonds of sisterhoodand the creative exchange of ideas and information.5. Mentor and encourage the younger WIM to reach their potential in Christ.6. Find ways and means to challenge each woman to use her gifts tocompliment the talents of other women, as we work side by side to furtherthe mission, vision and goals of the SEDWIM."A new command I give you, that you love one another. Even asI have loved you, you must love one another. By this the worldwill know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."John 13:34-35Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 4

‘HERSTORY’ OF WOMEN IN MINISTRY IN <strong>AFRICAN</strong> METHODISMExcerpts from Reverend Sandra E. H. Smith Blair(Associate Minister, St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, Berkeley, CAPast President, Connectional A.M.E. Women In Ministry)Although the Second Great Awakening in the mid-19 thcentury created greater opportunities for women to beinvolved in worship, social norms and Biblicalinjunctions were generally used in antebellum societyto justify the exclusion of women from public roles oroffices in Protestant churches.In the late 19 th century, women began moving into newarenas of lay leadership in home and foreign missions,as well as religious education; but barriers to ordainedministry remained. Denominations with free-churchpolity and religious groups of a more charismatic naturewere more amenable, than the more hierarchicalchurches, to permitting new forms of female leadership.Antoinette L. Brown became the first American woman to be fully admitted tothe Christian ministry, when she was ordained in 1853 to serve theCongregational Church at South Butler, New York. Anna Howard Shaw was thefirst Methodist woman to be ordained. After being denied ordination by theMethodist Episcopal Church Conference in 1880, she was ordained in theMethodist Protestant Church, but was so disillusioned, until she did not remainactive in the church. It was not until 1924 that the Methodist Episcopal Churchbegan granting women ordination as local preachers.Among the African Methodist denominations, the African Methodist EpiscopalZion (AMEZ) Church was the first to ordain a woman. Julia A.J. Foote wasordained a deacon in the New York Conference in 1894, and an elder in 1900.Mary J. Small was ordained a deacon in the Philadelphia/Baltimore Conference in1895 and an elder in 1898. The AME and CME Churches did not begin to ordainwomen until the mid 20 th century.Women with callings to ministry emerged soon after the inception of the AfricanMethodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) in 1787. Jarena Lee, the first preachingwoman, was allowed by Richard Allen to preach and was licensed, but wasrefused ordination. Additional women included Sophie Murray and Elizabeth Coleof Bethel AMEC, Baltimore, MD; Rachel Evans of New Jersey; Harriet FelsonTaylor of Union Bethel AMEC in Washington, DC.Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 5

Both women and men sought to persuade the church to recognize the call ofwomen to the preaching ministry. The following actions would follow:• An 1844 petition to the General Conference to license women was rejected.• In 1848, the Daughters of Zion Women's Society petitioned the GeneralConference and faced opposition, led by Bishop Daniel Payne.• In 1852, Bishop Paul Quinn tried unsuccessfully to get a resolutionapproved to license women.• In 1864, the General Conference let a resolution to license women die.• In 1885, Bishop Henry McNeal Turner ordained Sarah A. Hughes, a deaconin the North Carolina Conference; but this was overturned by the 1888General Conference.Not until 1888 did the AMEC General Conference approve the licensing of womenas local preachers. However, it prohibited them from being assigned, and definedtheir role as evangelists.The AMEC began ordaining women as local deacons in 1948 and local elders in1956; but not until 1960 were women ordained to itinerant orders. ReverendGertrude Bryant of Louisville, KY, in the 13 th Episcopal District, who was ordainedin 1956 into her 80's, carried around with her a 1952 Discipline which read,"Women are included in the provisions for the ordination of local deacon. In nocase shall they (women) be given itinerant relationship."In the late 19 th century the African Methodist Churches established the firstofficial position for women with the creation of the office of Stewardess forwomen to assist the Pastor and male Stewards and Class Leaders in certaincapacities, as well as to attend to females in the church. This was done by theAMEC in 1868.The revival of the Early Church order of Deaconess created an additional arena oflay service for Protestant women. In 1900, the AME General Conference set upthe office of Deaconess as a position of special status for women to perform fulltimechurch and charitable work.Women also served as Exhorters, Missionaries, and Evangelists. In 1878, theWomen's Parent Mite Missionary Society was <strong>org</strong>anized, and in 1896, theWomen's Home and Foreign Missionary Society was established. However, thesewere structural alternatives to ordination that kept women in a subordinate role,subject to strict male control and authority. This did not allow for full inclusionand equity in the leadership of the church. Some women left the church to joindenominations that accepted their calling. For example, Rebecca Cox Jacksonjoined the Shakers.Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 6

Though women today are ordained for the deaconate and elder's orders andcomprise approximately 20% of the clergy across the Connection, we stillexperience opposition, denial of our gifts for ministry, and questioning of thevalidity of our calling.Female pastors have demonstrated their capability for church building and churchgrowth. However, most women are assigned to small to medium size churches.Location at a church that pays a smaller budget excludes women from certainpositions such as preaching or leading worships at some events, membership onthe finance committee, election as General Conference delegates/alternates,membership on the General Board and major commissions.Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 7

“Still I Rise”By Reverend Jamila J. Woods-JonesPastor, Cornerstone AME Church of LaPlata, MD3 rd Vice President, SEDWIMOn Tuesday, July 12, 2000, history truly became “herstory,”when the Reverend Vashti Murphy McKenzie was elected, andlater consecrated, the first female Bishop in the 213-yearhistory of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church.Bishop McKenzie’s historic victory occurred during the 46 thQuadrennial session of the AME General Conference. “Becauseof God’s favor, the stained glass ceiling has been pierced andbroken,” McKenzie exclaimed. As she announced heracceptance of this esteemed position within the church, McKenzie spoke of thewomen who f<strong>org</strong>ed the way for her and others to succeed in ministry. Shereminded the audience of women, who led the way in the quest to becomebishops for decades, as those who “sacrificed, cried, died, and gave their verybest.” Bishop McKenzie currently serves as Presiding Prelate of the 13 th EpiscopalDistrict.On July 5, 2004, the Reverend Carolyn Tyler Guidry provedonce more, that women in ministry are continuing to breaknew ground. She was elected and consecrated the122 nd Bishop,and the second female Bishop in the history ofthe AME church, during the 47 th Quadrennial session of theGeneral Conference. In 1989, Reverend Tyler was assigned toWalker Temple AME Church in Los Angeles, California. Thisassignment gave her the distinction of being the first femaleappointed to a major metropolitan charge in the AMEChurch. In 1994, she wasthe first female appointed Presiding Elder in the 5th Episcopal District of the AMEChurch.She is a contributor to the fourth edition of Those Preaching Women, byThe Reverend Dr. Ella Mitchell (released June, 2004). Bishop Guidry currentlyserves as Presiding Prelate of the 8th Episcopal District.The Reverend Sarah Frances Davis is the 126th elected andconsecrated Bishop of the AME Church. Her historic election onJuly 6, 2004, makes her only the third woman in the 218-yearhistory of the denomination to ascend to its highest level ofEpiscopal service in African Methodism. Bishop Davis currentlyserves as the Presiding Prelate of the 16th Episcopal District.Bishop Davis was unanimously elected to the office of Chair of the GlobalSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 8

Development Council (GDC) of the AME Church (2009-2011). In 1997, BishopSarah became the first woman in the Connectional A.M.E. Church to be appointedChair of a Board of Examiners, serving the 10 TH Episcopal District (State of Texas).Ebony Magazine named Bishop Sarah as one of the 50 Most Intriguing Persons of2004.Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 9

BALTIMORE CONFERENCEPRESIDING ELDERSBaltimore DistrictReverend Dr. Earle M. Brooks4800 Cardinal DriveSalisbury, MD 21804410-742-1304410-430-9230 (cell)410-860-8239 (fax)junotbrooks@aol.comEastern DistrictReverend Ernest L. Montague, Sr.3927 Lausanne RoadRandallstown, MD 21133410-496-5902410-496-5903 (fax)443-956-9723 (cell)emont123@aol.comWIM OFFICERSCONFERENCE COORDINATORReverend Rosalyn R. CrosbyPastor, Union Bethel AME Church, Cecilton, MDangelsandhe@yahoo.comDISTRICT CAUCUS LEADERSBaltimore DistrictEastern DistrictReverend Heidi StevensMt. Calvary AME Church, Towson, MD(Reverend Dr. Ann Lightner-Fuller, Pastor)Reverend Rae Lynn KingeterPastor, Mt. Joy AME Church, Monkton, MDAssistant Conference CoordinatorSecretaryTreasurerWorship LeaderHerstoriographerSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 10

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Thomasine Adams5502 Radecke AvenueBaltimore, MD 21206410-967-6788Reverend Marilyn Aklin609 Braeside RoadBaltimore, MD 21229410-207-0807Reverend Dr. A. Qismat Alim2821 Claybrooke DriveWindsor Mills, MD 21344410-944-3209Reverend Dana Porter AshtonBethel (Chesapeake City)201 Second StreetChesapeake City, MD 21915410-356-1253 - Home410-885-2649 - Churchbethelamecc@yahoo.comEvangelist Linda Bailey3906 Squire Tuck Way,Pikesville MD 21208410-922-9496Reverend Lori Barker9526 Oak Trace Way,Randallstown, MD. 21133,410-530-3343Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 11

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Shana Baker4311 Chatham RoadBaltimore, MD 21207410-949-5575Kotoshia N Berry7204 Valley Country Ct, Apt T1Pikesville, MD 21208-6185(443) 682-8316Reverend Dora A. Best200 Calvert StreetChestertown, MD 21620410-292-7502Reverend Adrienne Breckenridge4017 Maine AvenueBaltimore, MD 21207410-516-7861Reverend Kathy J. Briggs813 Harlem AvenueBaltimore, MD 21201443-226-1302Reverend Annette Brown8950 Harkate WayRandallstown, MD 21133410-521-5255Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 12

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Keisha Brown9403 Hannahs Mill DriveOwings Mills, MD 21117443-398-0539bklashon4@aol.comReverend Naomi Brown421 Rock Run PlaceHavre de Grace, MD 21078410-734-0481Reverend Sandra Moore Brown716 Lincoln TerraceCambridge, MD 21613410-330-7176Reverend Angela C. Bullock5207 Charleston PlaceDunwoody, Ge<strong>org</strong>ia 30338443- 841-6856Reverend Bonnie Epps-Burgess4610 Ashforth WayOwings Mills, MD 21117410-356-2091Reverend Tracy Victor Butler2724 Claybrooke DriveBaltimore, MD 21244443-413-5841Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 13

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Brenda Carter33123 Bend Valley RoadWindsor Mill MD 21244443-690-4410Reverend Lorraine Castain1709 Northbourne RdBaltimore, MD 21239-3722410- 319-8645Reverend Vivian Castain4218 Penhurst AvenueBaltimore, MD 21215410-367-7264Reverend Regina Clay10073 Windstream Drive #3Columbia, MD 21044443-864-5373Reverend Charlotte Clemons19 Birch Bark DriveOwings Mills, MD 21117410-581-1586Reverend Angela Edward Coates1619 Wadsworth WayBaltimore, MD 21239443-286-8223Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 14

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMSister Rhonda Cole1010 St. Dunstans RoadBaltimore, MD 21212443-278-3353Reverend Sharon Coles5617 Gerland Ave.Baltimore, MD 21206Reverend Bedelia CommodoreP.O. Box 81Barclay, MD 21607410-758-1071Reverend Rosalyn Crosby304 Peddicoat DriveWoodstock, MD 21163410-521-4997Reverend Nancy Dennis1814 Madison AvenueBaltimore, MD 21217410-961-4621Reverend Deborah E. Dorsey2 Perdale CourtNottingham, MD 21236(443) 231-8199Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 15

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Emma Dorsey3701 Woodbine RoadBaltimore, MD 21207Reverend Jules Dunham-Howie1514 McCullohBaltimore, MD 21217Sister Donna Marie Dunn100 Royalty CircleOwings Mills, MD 21117443- 452-7353Bonnie Epps-Burgess4610 Ashforth WayOwings Mills, MD 21117Reverend April Faulcon5078 Sprinhouse CircleRosedale, MD 21237410-574-5220Reverend Roberta Fletcher9510 Coyle Rd. Unit 402Owings Mills, MD 21117443-694-5202Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 16

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMEvangelist Robin Gay4104 Dudley AvenueBaltimore, MD 21213443-416-9063Sister Dana Gaymon8775 Centre Park Drive#250Columbia, MD 21045773-620-4149Reverend Pearl Geter2016 Brunt streetBaltimore, MD 21217410-668-8641Reverend Doretha Gilliam4053 Carthage RoadRandallstown, MD 21133Reverend Candace Gray12 Villa Capri CircleEssex, MD 21221410-574-3736Reverend Crystal Reese Harrid2039 Featherbed LaneGwynn Oak, MD 21207443 804 4222Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 17

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Veronica Reaves Harvey5504 Govanne AvenueBaltimore, MD 21212Reverend Cynthia Harvin7111 Park Heights Avenue Apt 104Baltimore, MD 21215410-358-1743Reverend Lori Hines9936 Linden Hill RoadOwings Mills, MD 21117410-868-1582Reverend Helen Holton830 N Chapel Gate LaneBaltimore, MD 21229-1219(410) 566-8297Reverend Jules Dunham Howie1514 McCullohBaltimore, MD 21217410-800-2330Sister Shawanna Denise Jackson3798 Timahoe CircleNottingham, MD 21236410- 870-1319Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 18

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Rhonda Johnson8803 Groffs Mills DriveOwings Mills, MD 21117410-654-9775Sister Denise Michele JonesP.O. Box 564Chestertown, MD 21620Reverend Linda Jones424 High StreetCambridge, MD 21613410-228-3274Reverend Benita KeenePO Box 663Riderwood, MD 21139443-798-0940Reverend Wanda King3508 Longwood StreetBaltimore, MD410-523-5443Rae-Lynn Kingeter160 English Run CircleSparks, MD 21152410-329-3848Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 19

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Cynthia Laurie561 Revolution StreetHavre de Grace, MD 21078410-939-5073c.laurie@att.netReverend Dr. Ann Lightner Fuller3407 Meredith Ridge RoadPhoenix, MD 21131443-695-1749Minister Veronica Lockett5627 Lothian Rd.Baltimore, MD 21212443-415-1398Reverend Merriel Lucas1302 Edison Hwy.Baltimore MD. 21213410-325-9122Reverend Dr. Mankekolo Mahlangu-Ngcobo3315 Mondawmin AvenueBaltimore, MD 21216410- 233-4649Reverend Angelique Mason3323 Elbert StreetBaltimore, MD 21229410-566-0344Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 20

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Dr. Bess McCallister7112 Bexhill RoadBaltimore, MD 21244410-448-1202Reverend Dr. Harriet McCombsLife Abundant Mission4992 Montgomery RoadEllicott City, MD 21043Reverend Arlene McDuffie4702 Eugene AvenueBaltimore, Maryland 21206443-602-1205 – cellArlene.McDuffie@va.govReverend Karen McGheePO Box 41816Nashville, TN 37204410-913-2378 mobileSister Jeanine F. McKoyP.O. Box 3737Baltimore, MD 21217443-977-2243jeaninemckoy@hotmail.comSister Wanda MeekinsP.O. Box 270Owings Mills, MD2117443-414-6536Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 21

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMSister Tiffany R. Nicholson6608 Ducketts LaneEldridge, MD 21075443-445-3308Sister Miesha Fernell Osborne738 Bethnal RoadBaltimore, MD 21229443- 694-5202Sister Tia Parker1400 Fillmore Street Apt.202Baltimore MD 21218410- 467-8777Reverend Linda J Payne3621 Cedar DriveBaltimore, MD 21207410-908-8013Sister Nicole Pyles42 Championship Ct.Owings Mills, MD 21117410- 998-3608Reverend Marietta Ramsey1513 Greendale RoadBaltimore, MD 21218410-243-8743Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 22

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Veronica Reaves-HarveyReverend Dr. Debyii Sababu Thomas1306 Heatherstone DriveBowie, MD 20720301-262-4824Sister Betty Jean Scott911 Edmund StreetAberdeen, MD 21001443- 655-1496Sister Shaman Shine-Lee1000 E. Joppa RoadTowson, MD 21286410-296-5553Sister Catherline ShockleyP.O. Box 652Berlin, MD 21811443-760-0493Reverend Heidi Stevens707 York RoadApt. 7309Towson, MD717-574-0694Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 23

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Dawn Thomas3506 Elmore AvenueBaltimore, MD 21313410-563-0112Reverend Vistula Thomas3000 Reisterstown RoadBaltimore, MD 21215Reverend Patricia A Thompson2641 W Lafayette AveBaltimore, MD 21216-4732410- 566-6341Reverend Dr. J. Ruth Travis1000 Mt. Wilson DrivePikesville, MD 21208410-581-2351Reverend Monique Upshur- Davis378 Hoffeckers Mill DriveSmyrna, DE 19977(302)653-5848Reverend Diana E. Wailes302 Gatehouse Lane, Unit EOdenton, MD 21113410-874-8294Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 24

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Tamitha Walker1401 Anne DriveRoyal Oak, MI 48067(201) 616-8481 - cellReverend Dr. Peggy Wall10 E. Lee Street – # 1008Baltimore, MD 21202410-752-2467Sister Chevaun Whitman13450 Buchanan Drive,Fort Washington, MD 20744240-832-8840Rhonda Shepherd Williams6031 Burnt Oak RoadCatonsville, MD 21228443-745-8827Reverend Edwina Witherspoon3207 Dorithan RoadBaltimore, MD 21212443-804-8252Reverend Dr. Joan L. Wharton5900 Bland AvenueBaltimore, MD 21215410-323-2059Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 25

BALTIMORE CONFERENCE WIMReverend Brenda WhiteP.O. Box 32467Baltimore, MD 21207800-319-2058Reverend Doretha Whittington28176 Holland Crossing RoadMarion Station, MD 21838410-623-2205Sister Karla Young715 Glen Allen DriveBaltimore, ND 21229410-945-7873Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 26

WASHINGTON CONFERENCEPRESIDING ELDERSCapitol DistrictReverend Dr. Goodwin Douglas12804 Maidenwood TerraceBeltsville, MD 20705(301) 210-0610Cell: (301) 412-4492presidingelder1@comcast.netPotomac DistrictReverend Dr. Louis-Charles Harvey1354 Tuckerman Street, NWWashington, DC 20011(202) 723-8731Fax: (202) 723-5323presidingelderH@aol.comWIM OFFICERSCONFERENCE COORDINATORReverend Anna E. MosbyPastor, Mt. Gilboa AME Church, Catonsville, MD301-455-5049 Cellaem731@msn.compastor@mtgilboa.<strong>org</strong>DISTRICT CAUCUS LEADERSCapitol DistrictPotomac DistrictReverend Dr. Valdes Snipes BennettHemingway Memorial AME Church,District Heights, MD(Reverend Samuel E. Hayward III, Pastor)snipesbennett@yahoo.comReverend VanettaL. BriceGreater Mt. Nebo AME Church, Bowie, MD(Reverend Jonathan L. Weaver, Pastor)briceaccounting@netscape.netReverend Dr. Dianne D. ColesReverend Debra GrantReverend Hedy Jamison DrummondReverend Charlotte RitchieReverend Latia EatonReverend Avonda ThompsonAssistant Conference CoordinatorSecretaryTreasurerFinancial SecretaryWorship LeaderHerstoriographerSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 27

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Michelle Agnewrev_mlagrew@yahoo.comSister Sherry Alexander3823 Copperville WayFt. Washington, MD 20744preacherwoman_1@netzero.comReverend Cassie Allen6014 Montgomery AvenuePensacola, FloridaReverend Angela Anderson1639 Langsford RoadGwynn Oak, MD21207(410) 747-6463Reverend Shirley Anderson7403 Lasoeda DriveBaltimore, MD(410)841-4944Reverend.apayne@yahoo.comReverend Tonya Anderson301 Sunshine PlaceCatonsville, MD21228Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 28

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Kimberly BarnesPO Box 6401Largo, MD 20792gethsemaneame@yahoo.comSister Beverly Barnfield11103 Tea Berry Way Ct.Clinton, MD20735Sister Christian Belton7200 Quantum Leap LaneBowie, MD20720(301) 352-2402Graphic_cb_design@yahoo.comSister Deborah Boston6807 Marianne DriveSuitland, MD20746Reverend Dr. Marie Phillips Braxton6805 Diploma DriveLaurel, MD20707Mpbrax49@hotmail.comReverend Vanetta L. Brice700 Avis DriveLargo, MD 20774(301) 808-3481briceaccounting@netscape.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 29

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Diane Brown107 Kylie PlaceUpper Marlboro, MD 20774-1677brownd20026@aol.comReverend Dr. Jo Ann Browning606 Luxor CourtFt. Washington, MD20744(301)248-8833Reverend Dr. Alicia Byrd9531 Tessa LaneOwings Mills, MD 21117(410) 581-8322Reverend Charisma Canty8711 Victoria RoadSpringfield, VA22151-1220(703) 250-1885CharismaCanty@yahoo.comReverend Robin Canty8711 Victoria RoadSpringfield, VA22151(703) 250-1885Robincanty@msn.comSister Karen Ann Carr3916 Ames Street, NEWashington, DC 20019(202) 396-8362KarenCarr97@yahoo.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 30

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Eloyce Cartwright5875 Suitland RoadSuitland, MD20746(301) 420-1360Sister Mildred Clark10604 Springknoll CourtWaldorf, MD20603dclarkmel@msn.comReverend Idi Aisha Clarke8213 Sir Michael PlaceWhite Plains, MD20695-3415(301) 266-5481idiaisha@gmail.comReverend Melynda Clarke12929 Marquette LaneBowie, MD 20715240-245-3175mcluvsthelord@hotmail.comReverend Dr. Dianne D. Coles4103 Old Glen Dale RoadMitchellville, MD20720(301) 262-6512Colesf8m@msn.comReverend Betty Collins7229 Pompano TerraceGaithersburg, MD20879(301)527-0473Betty.collins@fda.has.govSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 31

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Yvonne Cooper2349 Belleview AvenueCheverly, MD 20785(301)386-9624(202) 746-7577 cellYcooper77@aol.comReverend Marion Crayton13318 Coldwater Dr.Ft. Washington, MD 20744-5426Sister Monica V. DaCosta8420 Indian Head Hwy, Apt. C1Fort Washington, MD 20744(240) 493-4358(202) 525-8637monica.v.dacosta@hotmail.comReverend Hedy Jamison Drummond3820 Southern Cross DriveBaltimore, MD21207-6465(410) 653-0457hedydrummond@msn.comReverend Latia Eaton3727 Springdell AvenueRandallstown, MD21133(410) 655-4936lee59962@hotmail.comReverend Beatrice C. Edwards3133 Heartleaf LaneWaldorf MD 20603301-645-1226202-256-2290 cell301-645-1226 Faxrevbce@comcast.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 32

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Tia Farmer2303 Old Gate CourtFt. Washington, MD 20744(301) 839-1858Reverend Tanya G. Fields1123 Ostena StreetBaltimore, MD 21230tgfenterprises@hotmail.comReverend Dorothy Fordham413 Kettering DriveUpper Marlboro, MD 20774(301) 350-4188Reverend Daphne Fraser17152 Moss Side LaneOlney, MD 20832(301)924-0647fieldcourt@yahoo.comReverend Pernice Geter2016 Brunt StreetBaltimore, MD 21217Reverend Dr. Barbara Glenn9318 Willow Creek Drive, Apt. FMontgomery Village, MD 20886(240)246-0284byglenn@firstamegaithersburg.<strong>org</strong>Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 33

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Etoria V. Goggins3760 Wilkinson DriveSuitland, MD 20746(301) 814-2715egoggi@aol.comReverend Anita J. Gould15607 Everglade Lane #B202Bowie, MD 20716(301) 805-8557RevAGould@comcast.netReverend Debra Grant8703 Jennifer CourtClinton, MD 20735(301) 868-4380Debradagrant@aol.comReverend Barbara Green9623 Small DriveClinton, MD20735Sister Dianne Griggs13035 Clarion RoadFt. Washington, MD 20744Reverend Marilyn Hardy4322 Lord Fairfax CourtUpper Marlboro, MD 20772Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 34

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Dr. Barbara Harmon12109 Chesterton DriveUpper Marlboro, MD 20774(301) 249-6360Reverend Sharahn Harris136 N. Huron DriveOxon Hill, MD(301) 839-3422SeektheLord1@aol.comSharahn.b.harris@usdoj.govReverend H. Lorraine Harvey5506 Wilvan AvenueBaltimore, MD 21207Reverend Kellie V. Hayes7200 Quartium Leap LaneBowie, MD20720(301)464-9022REVKELLiE@aol.comReverend Althea Hayward15210 Derbyshisre WayAccokeek, MD 20607Reverend Dr. Glenda Hodges9306 Pine View LaneClinton, MD 20735(301) 856-4756ghodges@huhosp.<strong>org</strong>Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 35

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Jacquelyn Hollingsworth4100 Monument Court, #202Fairfax, VA 22033703-591-8604Revjholli@aol.comReverend Dr. E. Gail Anderson Holness920 Euclid Street, NWWashington, DC 20001(202)387-1153(h) (202)274-6097(202)210-5084 (c)EGAH@msn.comReverend Marlene Jefferson16606 Eldbridge LaneBowie, MD 20716Mrjefferson777@yahoo.comReverend Dr. Edna C. Jenkins3703 62 nd PlaceCheverly, MD 20785(301) 772-2662rdecj@hotmail.comReverend Glenda Jennings–Harrison1096 Riviera DriveVirginia Beach, VA 23464(202) 246-4877glenda.harrison@cvn70.navy.milglenda.jenningsharri@cvn.70.navy.milReverend Dr. Diane H. Johnson6904 Geneva LaneCamp Springs, MD 20748(301) 449-3996RevDrDHJ@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 36

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Yolandra Johnson21 Victoria SquareFrederick, MD 21702(240) 626-8246kingskid13@msn.comReverend Caroline Jones909 Varney Street, SEWashington, DC20032Reverend Rosemarie Jones5714 Keppler RoadTemple Hills, MD. 20748goodnews4rev@aol.comheavenlykeys@verizon.netReverend Joan A. King3811 Kilburn RoadRandallstown, MD(410) 521-5479RevJoanK@aol.comReverend Geri Kyler7505 Overlook Ct.Oxon Hill, MD 20745(301) 567-6534(240) 381-8865Kylergwm@comcast.netReverend C. Michele Langston3753 Columbus DriveBaltimore, MD 21215(410) 542-0739Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 37

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Dr. Nancy T. Lee7603 Jaywick AvenueFort Washington, MD 20744(301) 248-2759revnlee@comcast.netReverend Kimberly Lewis11732 Tolson PlaceLake Ridge, VA 22192703-580-0513Klewis1908@yahoo.comSister Milwina Locklear2409 Skyland Place, SEWashington, DC20020(703) 305-7327Milwina3@msn.comReverend Wanda E. London7018 Copperwood WayColumbia, MD21046-1454(301) 870-7832REVWEL@aol.comReverend Renee P. Marshall14282 Lindendale RoadDale City, VA 22193(703) 680-0766marshallrp@verizon.netReverend Dr. Paula Whatley Matabane6804 Wilburn DriveCapitol Heights, MD 20743(301) 350-4323pmatabane@verizon.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 38

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Angela Barksdale Martin1306 Forest Oak Ct.Bel Air, MD 21015(410) 838-4596revm@lamarandangela.comSister Evelyn S. Mathis1805 Porter AvenueSuitland, MD20746(301) 736-1998(301)526-6229Reverend Brenda McClain1100 Sulphur Springs RoadBaltimore, MD 21227BLMcClain50@aol.comSister Sheila McDuffie9406 Buena Vista AvenueLanham, MD 20706Reverend Anna E. Mosby13117 Brussels WayUpper Marlboro, MD 20772(301) 627-2194aem731@msn.comReverend Linda E. Mouzon6945 Scarlet Oak DriveElkridge, MD21075(410) 996-5714revlindamouzon@verizon.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 39

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Karen Myers6440 Lauren LaneSpring Grove, PA 17362Reverend Bridgette Nevils15 Yevola S Peteres WayAnnapolis, MD 21401RevNevils@gmail.comReverend Dr. Mary C. Newton8200 Joselle CourtFt. Washington, MD 20744(301) 248-8152mary.newton9@verizon.netReverend Renee Norwood1114 Mandarin DriveUpper Marlboro, MD20744(301) 390-0750Reverend Linda R. Ogundipe12017 Arista Manor WayGermantown, MD 20876(301) 515-0598Linda.ogundipe@comcast.netReverend Romina E. Parahoo7328 Mayhill DriveGaithersburg, MD20879(301) 869-5323overcomerforsure@yahoo.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 40

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Roxanne Parson2836 Deerfield DriveEllicott City, MD 21043(410) 465-5741reverendroxanne@msn.comReverend Deborah Perkins18103 Glover CourtAccokeek, MD2067-3223(301) 283-3457Reverend Dr. Lois Poag-Ray215 Oneida St., NEWashington, DC 20011(202)635-2228LAPOAGRAY@verizon.netReverend Deloris Prioleau12125 Long Ridge LaneBowie, MD20715(301) 464-8084RevDeeABP@msn.comReverend Kim L. Queen6801 Freeport StreetHyattsville, MD 20784(301) 583-7420Dancer4Jehovah@aol.comReverend Charlotte Ritchie11015 John Paul Jones AvenueFt. Washington, MD 20744-4162(301) 203-1605sevenfaith@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 41

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Annette Roane1004 Donington CourtBowie, MD 20721(301) 390-0359Trpsalm121@aol.comReverend Colette Robinson9112 Fox Park RoadClinton, MD 20735(301) 877-3916RevColette@Bethany-AME.<strong>org</strong>Reverend Edith D. Robinson7508 Harpers DriveFt. Washington, MD 20744(301) 248-1004(240) 603-3604 cellEdithrobinson19@yahoo.comReverend Sherita Moon Seawright1609 Portland AvenueFt. Washington, MD 20744(301) 265-9840sgms03@aol.comReverend Dr. Sandra Shands-Strong3340 Alden PlaceWashington, DC(202) 399-0196Reverend Col. Sheila Sidberry–Thomas4353 Redwood Rd.Ft. Meade, MD 20722-2206(410) 871-3672Sheila.Sidberry@us.army.milSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 42

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Frances Sparkman16027 English Oaks Avenue #EBowie, MD 20716(301) 464-7082RevSpark@aol.comReverend Dr. Valdes Snipes-Bennett9805 Huxley DriveLanham, MD 20706snipesbennett@yahoo.comReverend Dr. Cassandra Sparrow3333 University Blvd., West #1108Kensington, MD 20895Casparrow02@aol.comReverend Dr. Kelechi –MphoNgozi Sumes1814 29 th Street, SEWashington, DC 20020-6410(202) 575-4770Sister Barbara Swayne6907 Woodstream LaneLanham, MD 20706(443) 562-3788barbaraswayne@yahoo.comReverend Ruby Thomas309 Battersea LaneFt. Washington, MD 20744(202) 707-4920Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 43

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Avonda Thompson420 West CourtGlen Bernie, MD 21601(410) 760-1883Avonda1967@aol.comReverend Rochelle Toyer6803 Red Maple CourtDistrict Heights, MD 20747(301) 735-8303RToyer2222@aol.comReverend Leolis WalkerP. O. Box 26015Washington, DC2001(202) 545-0090Sister Dorothy L. Walls3118 Brinkley Staton Dr.Temple Hills, MD 20748(301) 505-0850wallshosanna@AOL.comSister Denise West13014 Old Stage Coach Rd.Laurel, MD 20708(240) 547-0151Reverend Dr. Constance C. Wheeler-Evans9418 Stoney Ridge RoadSpringdale MD 20774301-773-4570Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 44

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMReverend Patricia White2814 Woodway PlaceCheverly, MD20785Reverend Rowena White15106 Peartree PlaceBowie, MDReverend Janice Williams745 Gallatin St., NEWashington, DC 20017Reverend Rita Williams1510 Potomac Heights DriveFt. Washington, MD 20744(301) 265-0891Reverend Romaine Williams7005 Lancaster RoadBaltimore, MD 21207(410) 653-2335RNWILLIAMS1@MSN.comSister Leslie Willis16505 Governor Bridge Road, Apt.305Bowie, MD20716(703) 868-2763Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 45

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE WIMSister Belina Wimbish2356 Belleview AvenueCheverly, MD 20785(301) 379-6327BelinaWimbish@aol.comReverend Jamila J. Woods-Jones12301 Brolass RoadClinton, MD 20735(240) 355-1770REVTREJ@aol.comReverend Kimberly Young6229 Clara Edward TerraceAlexandria, VA 22310703-403-3815 (Cell)revkimberly@msn.comReverend Verna Young4415 Lietunant Lanzio PlaceUpper Marlboro, MD20772Young4415@comcast.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 46

VIRGINIA CONFERENCEPRESIDING ELDERSNorfolk/Eastern Shore DistrictReverend Chester W. MorrisPO Box 541Eastville, VA 23347757-678-5617757-999-7014 - Cellmorris@intercom.netPortsmouth/Richmond/Roanoke DistrictReverend William A. Dyson, Sr.5318 Common CourtVirginia Beach, VA 23462757-499-6705757-777-5200 - Cellamedyson@hotmail.comWIM OFFICERSCONFERENCE COORDINATORReverend Oretha CrossPastor, Gaskins Chapel AME Church, Onancock, VAsorneagle@msn.comDISTRICT CAUCUS LEADERSNorfolk/Eastern Shore District Portsmouth/Richmond/Roanoke DistrictReverend Sandra GreeneReverend Andrea ScottPastor, St. Stephens AME ChurchPastor, Christ Our Redeemer AME Church,Cape Charles, VAStaunton, VAReverend Sabrena McCormickReverend Jacqueline Hardy-HarrisReverend Kimberly NealReverend Stephanie Morris-CastroSecretaryTreasurerWorship LeaderHerstoriographerSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 47

VIRGINIA CONFERENCEReverend Cassandra BaileyPO Box 5042413 Church Rd.Accomack VA 23301(757) 787-4570Reverend Willie Mae Beamon305 Wynn StreetPortsmouth.,VA 23701(757) 465-3521Reverend Sherri Brooks7505 River Rd. Apt. 10ENewport News, VA 23607sherdodob@yahoo.comReverend Debbie Lee Bryant28 Doolittle RoadHampton, VA 23669(757) 722-6216Reverend Myra Burton545 E. Bute StreetNorfolk, VA 23510(757) 286-6409Reverend Stephanie Morris Castro6338 Lankford Hwy.P.O. Box 702(757) 999-3012SMCastro@juno.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 48

VIRGINIA CONFERENCEReverend Marion Christian107 Shenadoah Rd.Hampton, VA 23661(757) 788-1618Sister Olivia CollinsP.O. Box 7Cheritian, VA 23316Reverend Vanessa A. Copeland1629 Rhodes St.Chesapeake, 23324(757) 543-2582Vcopeland@aol.comReverend Andrea Cornett-Scott17 Orchard Road.Staunton, VA 24401(540) 886-1802Reverend Oretha P. Cross201 College Place, Apt #209Norfolk, VA 23510(757) 222-0049sorneagle@msn.comReverend Dianne Fisher Perry-Bay1007 Whitehurst Landing Rd.Virginia Beach, VA 23464(757) 729-8520Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 49

VIRGINIA CONFERENCEReverend Hollyn Fisher-Rogers2301 Green StreetPortsmouth, VA 23704(757) 237-1335Chaplin Lt. Sherri GarrettUSS Frank CableAS40 FPO AP 96657-2615Reverend Sandra Greene4281 Derby Wharf Dr.Virginia Beach, VA 23456Sandagreene1@comcast.netReverend Jacqueline Hardy-Harris1804 Arrowhead CourtChesapeake, VA 23322(757) 673-8847Jacqueline2@cox.netReverend Gloria Jean Johnson508 White Haven CourtChesapeake, VA 23464(757) 523-0119Reverend Mary C. Kimble1216 General St.Virginia Beach, VA 23464(757) 635-4309mckimble@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 50

VIRGINIA CONFERENCESister Regina Copeland Lundy2101 King StreetSuffolk, VA 23434(757) 934-8720Reverend Marie McCoy1093 Bells Mill RoadChesapeake, VA 23322(757) 548-2683Reverend Sabrena McCormick802 Old Point AvenueHampton, VA 23663(757) 723-4041Sister Otelia B. McNortonPO Box 229Chatham, VA 24531(434) 432-8521ombarksdale@yahoo.comReverend Gwendolyn C. Minor1629 Rhodes StreetChesapeake, VA 23324(757) 362-1414MINORG@aol.comExhorter Danita Wood Mosley1949 John Brown LaneVirginia Beach, VA 23464(757) 479-1222Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 51

VIRGINIA CONFERENCEReverend Harrilene S. PowellPO Box 7745Hampton, VA 23666(757) 218-4017harrilenep@gmail.comReverend Kay S. Reid1378 Coral PlaceHampton, VA 23667(757) 344-4817Reverend Andrea Scott –Cornett17 Orchard RoadStaunton, VA 24401(540) 886-1802ascott@mbc.eduSister Beatrice E. Smaugh989 Summerside CourtVirginia Beach,VA 23456(757) 471-2755Agape199@cs.comReverend Dr. Monica Spencer6301 Wimbledon DriveRichmond, VA(804) 276-0207Spencegngw@aol.comReverend Lisa Tabur300 McDonald St.Apt. 21BBlacksburg, VA 24060(540) 998-4231Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 52

VIRGINIA CONFERENCEReverend Gloria Thompson3144 Gaston Dr.Chesapeake, VA 23323(757) 485-1328Reverend Kimberly Turner-Neal599 Grant Ave.Virginia Beach, VA 23452(757) 486-6653Reverend Shelia Uzzle14229 Blue Ridge TealVirginia Beach, VA 23452Reverend Phyllis D. Whichard808 Freedom Ave.Portsmouth VA(757) 485-9158Phylbj08@aol.comSister Freda Wilkins7823 Balineen CourtRichmond, VA 23228Reverend Amy Christine Hodge Ziglar3802 Trout Land Ave., NWRoanoke, VA 24017(540) 493-4325cziglar@cox.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 53

VIRGINIA CONFERENCESecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 54

NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEPRESIDING ELDERSSouthern DistrictReverend Evelyn Gail Dunn9408 Perimeter CourtZebulon, NC 27597919-269-5924egd4@yahoo.comNorthern DistrictReverend Larry S. HintonPO Box 335Clayton, NC 27528919-359-0575919-359-8381 Office & fax757-751-3368 - Celllandjhinton@embarqmail.comWIM OFFICERSCONFERENCE COORDINATORReverend Betty StricklandPastor, St. John AME Church, Hampstead, NC(910) 653-6119bstrickland@columbus.k12.nc.usDISTRICT CAUCUS LEADERSSouthern DistrictNorthern DistrictReverend Gwendolyn McNeilReverend Annette MooreSt. Luke AME ChurchPastor, Mt. Carmel AME ChurchFayetteville, NCBailey, NC(Reverend David Morrison, Pastor)Assistant Conference CoordinatorSecretaryTreasurerWorship LeaderHerstoriographerSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 55

NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Gaylian Barbour220 Rose Court,Benson, NC 27504Home: 919-989-4933gbarbourshope@aol.comReverend Mildred Brown1101 Stokes StreetRocky Mount, NC 27801Home: (252) 212-1602Jackie5705@cs.comReverend Faye C. Bryant139 Bryant-Newkirk RoadRose Hill, NC 28458Home: (910) 289-3538Reverend Sandra David6825 Carolina Beach RoadWilmington, NC 28412Home: (910) 599-2949revsgdavid@charter.netReverend Dr. Geraldine DereefP.O. Box 324Teachey, NC 28464Home: (910) 285-9182Presiding Elder Evelyn Gail Dunn9408 Perimeter CourtZebulon, NC 27597Home: (919) 269-5924edg@yahoo.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 56

NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Margie EdwardsP.O. Box 276Rich Square, NC 27869Home: (252) 539-2281mabenano46@yahoo.comReverend Mary Faircloth208 Buckingham DriveWinterville, NC 28590Home: (252) 321-1665andersonChapame@aol.comReverend Pamelia FaisonP.O. Box 127Pendleton, NC 27862Home: (252) 585-1073pamelafaison@yahoo.comReverend Gloria Fields1019 S. 7th StreetWilmington, NC 28401Home: (910) 762-2550Gloria_fields@bellsouth.netReverend Emily S. Foy3517 Sylvester RoadCastle Hayne, NC 28429Home: (910) 675-0353foylorraine@aol.comReverend Patricia Freeman915 Roscoe Freeman AvenueWilmington, NC 28409Home: (452-0504ftrenterprises@bellsouth.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 57

NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Charlotte Graham125 Clinic Circle DriveRose Hill, NC 28458Home: (910) 289-3790Reverend Wilma HansleyP.O. Box 592Hampstead, NC 28443Home: (910) 270-4722whansley@charter.netReverend Jacqueline Hill4962 Bluebanks Loop Road NELeland, NC 28451Home: (910) 655-3217Reverend Dr. Theresa M. Holmes608 Melba StreetFayetteville, NC 28301Home: (910) 488-2744Holmespot@aol.comReverend Freda Humphrey4849 Black Creek RoadSmithfield, NC 27577Home: (919) 934-2685Fronhu2002@yahoo.comReverend Dr. Orea Jones-Wells110 Catherine AllyHampstead, NC 28443(910) 270-0685ojoneswe@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 58

NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Phoebe R. Jordan121 Fairford RoadCastle Hayne, NC 28429Home: (910) 675-9352Postprj@aol.comCathy Alston KearneyReverend Doris LindseyP.O. Box 474Whitakers, NC 27891Home: (252) 437-0206DorisLindseyd@earthlnk.netReverend Serena R. Lofton938 Blount StreetSmithfield, NC 27577Home: (919) 989-9997Reverend Ge<strong>org</strong>ia McEachern446 Jerette RoadMarietta, NC 28262Home:mceachernw@bellsouth.netReverend Gwen McNeill4608 Coventry RoadFayetteville, NC 28304Home: (910) 424-3741mcneillg@faytechcc.eduSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 59

NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEEvangelist Tanya Millhouse211 N. 12th StreetWilmington, NC 28401Home: (910) 297-8224TanyaMillhouse@bedfordfair.comReverend Robbie Mills7548 Pleasant Grove Church RoadSpring Hope, NC 27882Home: (252) 478-7671cedarchief@aol.comReverend Doris J. MitchellRt 1, Box 150-DWhitakers, NC 27891Home: (252) 437-2849Gwendolyn L. Monserrate150 G<strong>org</strong>anus RoadMaple Hill, NC 28454Home: (910) 347-7365monfamily@att.netReverend Daphne Moody Solomon903 Old Wilson RoadNashville, NC 27856Home: (252) 459-7671revdaphnemoody@yahoo.comReverend Annette Moore36728 Blue Ridge RoadRaleigh, NC 27612Home: (919) 781-1143moore3j@bellsouth.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 60

NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Ruth Pugh2716 Creekdew CourtFayetteville, NC 28306-3401Home: (910) 339-2924Reverend Elberta Pugh-Hudson4985 Highway 53 EBurgaw, NC 28425Home: (910) 259-7933ephudson@hotmail.comReverend Lola Southern Reaves9357 Southern BoulevardWinnabow, NC 28479Home: (910) 371-5355Legglo@aol.comReverend Dorothy H. Richardson4434 Peele RoadClayton, NC 27520Home: (919) 553-4085Hdotrich@aol.comReverend Linda K. StatonP.O. Box 890Vanceboro, NC 28586Home:imstaton@embarqmail.comSister Rachel Stephens2418 Horse Branch RoadWilliard, NC 28478Home: (910) 254-1748Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 61

NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Betty F. Strickland5963 Miller RoadTabor City, NC 28463Home: (910) 653-6119preachandteach00@earthlink.netReverend Virginia B. Ware105 Bunker Hill RoadFayetteville, NC 28314Home: (910) 321-0922ginnywinny@embarqmail.comSister Serena Williams505 Dawson StreetWilmington, NC 28401-5709Home: (910) 763-9744serena9632@aol.comASSOCIATESReverend Philip A. BlairReverend Michael ReddNew Pikes CreekReverend Melvin GrahamThomas HudsonReverend Dr. R. L. Holmes608 Melba StreetFayetteville, NC 28301Home: (910) 488-2744Holmespot@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 62

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEPRESIDING ELDERSEastern DistrictReverend J. Bernard Wilder2429 Kennington RoadRaleigh, NC 27610919-834-3102919-630-1600 – Cell919-834-3164 – Faxpreacha-bernie@yahoo.comWestern DistrictReverend Dr. Conrad K. Pridgen941 Wyckshire CourtWhitsett, NC 273771-336-446-0137WIM OFFICERSCONFERENCE COORDINATORReverend Melodie BooneNew Covenant AME Church, Charlotte, NC(Reverend Tony Boone, Pastor)revmelodieboone@aol.comDISTRICT CAUCUS LEADERSEastern DistrictWestern DistrictReverend Pattie ThompsonJohnson Chapel AME ChurchMebane, NC(Reverend Larry McDonald, Sr., Pastor)Reverend Diane ConleyPastor, McElrath Chapel AME ChurchM<strong>org</strong>anton, NCReverend Deborah L. SmithReverend Camelia Pierson EavesReverend Marcia IsleyReverend Dr. Linda Kerr NorflettReverend Tamara KerseyReverend Lisa MarshallAssistant Conference CoordinatorTreasurerSecretaryHerstoriographerWorship LeaderDirector of Outreach and EvangelismSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 63

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCESister Stephanie Avery5815 Tynwald LaneCharlotte, NC 28227Reverend Barbara Barbour3112 Woodland Park RoadDurham, NC 27703(919) 598-8517Reverend Mary BartelPO Box 593Liberty, NC 27298(336) 662-5252ministryforchrist@att.netReverend Gwendolyn Benjamin10934 Wyndham Point DriveCharlotte, NC 28213(704) 649-6395Gwhitlock449@aol.comReverend Gwendolyn Wise Blackmon229 Rosenberry Hills DriveCarey, NC 27513(919) 678-0265(919) 210-2707Reverend Melodie Boone309 Woodward Ridge Dr.Mt. Holly, NC 28120(704) 957-7074revmelodieboone@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 64

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Rona Bowers1101 Danbrook DriveConcord, NC 28025(704) 386-6755Reverend Alase Brown2221 Booker AvenueCharlotte, NC 28216(704) 969-4625Reverend Deborah Brown3806 Abercromby DriveDurham, NC 27713(919) 484-9267preach2006@verizon.netReverend Minnie Bryant1722 7th Street Lane, SEHickory, NC 28602(828) 267-9907Reverend Dr. Sandra Bullock2309 Ellington StreetDurham, NC 27704(919) 956-6411sbullock19@nc.rr.comSister Deborah Avery Caldwell2694 NC 126M<strong>org</strong>anton, NC 28655(828) 584-8054Cell: (828) 443-1830arm11678@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 65

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Phyllis Caldwell525 Rocky Ford StreetM<strong>org</strong>anton, NC 28655(828) 433-0479(828) 334-1464cellpcaldwell@burke.k12.nc.usReverend Diane Conley4195 Chambers Chapel CircleM<strong>org</strong>anton, NC 28655(828) 584-2888revdia@bellsouth.netReverend Mildred Conley929 Third Street, SEHickory, NC 28602(828) 962-9905Sister Bertha Corbett5002 Governor Martin RoadEflin, NC 27243(919) 304-2628Reverend Barbara Crawford1917 Umstead StreetCharlotte, NC 28205(704) 332-6283(704) 605-4123 cellSister Deborah Crouch2216 Sierra DriveRaleigh, NC 27603Deborah_Crouch@ncmail.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 66

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Carolyn Davis300 Cascade Falls Lane, Apt. 300Durham, NC 27713(919) 699-5662Reverend Valerie Daye14100 Stonegreen LaneHuntersville, NC 28078(704) 947-1176vdaye@tiaa-cref.<strong>org</strong>Reverend Shirley DeCoster728 Winterlochen RoadRaleigh, NC 27603(919) 662-9574decostere@bellsouth.netReverend Camelia Pierson Eaves3 Miosha StreetDurham, NC 27701(919) 251-9567(919) 667-4047 cellcpeaves@gmail.comSister Dawn Fairley11-N St. Croix PlaceGreensboro, NC 27410(336) 218-8481Reverend Dr. Patrice Fields829 Lake Brandon TrailRaleigh, NC 27610(919) 601-5082patrice.fields@ncmail.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 67

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Brenda Finkley2920 Kingsley StreetBaltimore, MD 21223-2719(443) 708-4618(919) 539-3290 cellbrendafinkley@hotmail.comReverend Kim Foster912 Broad AvenueGreensboro, NC 27406(336) 273-5268(336) 451-4026 cellReverend Clare FrancisP.O. Box 30882Raleigh, NC 27622(843) 532-1379hibiscus2216@yahoo.comReverend Gladys GarlandPOBox 2117Milton, NC 27305(336) 234-7911Sister Constance Haggerty504-D Mystic DriveGreensboro, NC 27406(336) 275-1031(336) 471-6275 cellSister Dorothy Hartso506 Hospital Avenue, NWLenior, NC 28645(828) 758-7564Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 68

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Irene Hemby5134 NC Hwy 86 NHillsborough, NC 27278(919) 749-8053Doretha C. HemphillPO Box 3481M<strong>org</strong>anton, NC 28655(828) 439-9077Reverend Shirley Hines136 Huff CircleWinston-Salem, NC 27105(336) 744-9776Cell: (336) 749-5302revshines5@aol.comReverend Dr. Allonia Holmes112 Gwinnett PlaceCary, NC 27518(919) 852-2337Reverend Joan Hopton12010 Diamond Creek Rd., #209Raleigh, NC 27614(919) 554-3123jhopton1@embarqmail.comSister Hattie Howell6107 BoxReverend CoveGreensboro, NC 27405(336) 621-1176howel_hattie@yahoo.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 69

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Wanda Howell444 Finley AvenueLenoir, NC 28645Home: (828) 754-6985revwandahowell8@peoplepc.comReverend Marcia Isley1416 Maple AvenueBurlington, NC 27215(336) 228-8374bluebeartenacity@aol.comReverend Esther Johnson728 Rawls RoadRaleigh, NC 27610(919) 231-0922Reverend Brendalyn Jones802 Hesperus PlaceCharlotte, NC 28216(704) 398-819Reverend Tamara Kersey1045 Camelot LaneGraham, NC 27253(336) 222-9511(919) 696-1621 celltokersey@yahoo.comSister Debora Lawson Smith6 Dundas CircleGreensboro , NC 27407(336)852-3845(336)855-9908 FaxSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 70

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCESister Shirley KincaidP.O. Box 1272M<strong>org</strong>anton, NC 28655(828) 572-0074Sister Francine Littles4021 Alamance Church RoadLiberty, NC 27298Sister Reverend Angela Lloyd2256 Phyllis LaneGraham, NC 27253(336) 336-6703Sister Mary LloydPO Box 2126M<strong>org</strong>anton, NC 28680(828) 433-1589(828) 201-0153 cellmelloyd03@yahoo.comReverend Daisy Long511 Lake Orange RoadHillsborough, NC 27278(919) 732-8462dpastorL@earthlink.netSister Syvella Robinson Lynch3900 Cass Ct., Apt. 2ERaleigh, NC 27613(919) 803-1193yellarobs@yahoo.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 71

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Lisa Marshall11226 Fountaingrove DriveCharlotte, NC 28262(704) 503-0123(704) 965-7812 celllckidlisa@aol.comReverend Vernell McAdooP.O. Box 82Efland, NC 27243(919) 304-2052Reverend Rachael McCaden120 Morefield RoadYanceyville, NC 27279(336) 644-9210Reverend Barbaretta McGill5308 Trustlewood LaneRaleigh, NC 27610(919) 231-9918banitamcgill@bellsouth.netReverend Dianne McGlen3301 Watauga DriveGreensboro, NC 27410(336) 617-8395admcglen@yahoo.comSister Aundra McGlockton9605 Baileywick RoadRaleigh, NC 27615(919) 376-3764almcglock@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 72

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Jacquelyn McGowan1933 Red Quartz DriveRaleigh, NC 27610(919) 834-5209(919) 757-6685 cellSister Valerie McIver1703 East Cornwallis Rd., Apt. GDurham, NC 27713(919) 544-8512valtherer@yahoo.comReverend Janice McKee2912 Monarch DriveCharlotte, NC 28214(704) 575-1532jmckee28208@lycos.comReverend Kathy Merritt4410 Crowne Lake Circle, Apt. 1EJamestown, NC 27282(336) 294-2988Cell: (336) 707-3295preechawoman@aol.comReverend Peggy Moore14119 Eldon DriveCharlotte, NC 28277(704) 541-7150(704) 340-7887 cellReverend Kim Moss3318 Dixon RoadDurham, NC 27707Home: (919) 768-0309moss@earthlink.netSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 73

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Theodora MossP.O. Box 204Roxboro, NC 27573(336) 599-4676(919) 323-5509theodoramoss@myembarqmail.comReverend Carmen Battle MumfordP.O. Box 1965Garner, NC 27529-1965(919) 329-5618(919) 286-7770 cellcbattlelaw@aol.comReverend Dr. Dorothy Nordt1009 Gunston LaneDurham, NC 27703(919) 596-9155(919) 606-0181 cellrevdot@netscape.netReverend Dr. Linda Kerr Norflett3532 Moss Dale AveDurham, NC 27707(919) 493-6119(919) 215-2732 celllnorflett@nc.rr.comReverend Debra Odom5622 Tower RoadGreensboro, NC 27410odoMD@labcorp.comReverend Kimberly O'Neal233 Crosscurrent LaneRaleigh, NC 27610(919) 231-7161Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 74

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Chalice Overy1712 Richard Allen LaneWinston-Salem, NC 27105(919) 475-2167chaliceovery@yahoo.comReverend Janet Pass3206 Stonypointe DriveGreensboro, NC 27406Reverend Mary Jane Palmer6 Syston CourtChapel Hill, NC 27517(919) 493-8626Reverend Myraette M. Pearson2117 Pear StreetGreensboro, NC 27401(336) 373-0282Reverend Dr. Mary Peterson3820 Stillmere DriveWinston-Salem, NC 27101(336) 724-1201cpeterson2929@bellsouth.netReverend Brenda D. Prince5352 Mock Robin LaneCharlotte, NC 28212Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 75

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Calma Rainey312 Hall AvenueBurlington, NC 27217(336) 226-5501Reverend Gloria Reddon1029 Peachtree RoadCharlotte, NC 28216(704) 398-8116Reverend Patricia Reviere6329 Bridgemont LaneWillow Spring, NC 27592(919) 557-1787Cell: (919) 753-3571eangle2005@embarq.comReverend Kimberly O. Richardson233 Cross Current LaneRaleigh, NC 27610(919) 231-7161Reverend Maye E. Riddick917 Davinci StreetDurham, NC 27704(919) 220-4026mayeriddick@yahoo.comReverend Jacqueline Robertson7029 Elm Hill courtCharlotte, NC 28217(734) 657-2475Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 76

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Phyllis T. RoyalP.O. Box 40763Raleigh, NC 27269(919) 395-3062pt_royal@hotmail.comReverend Mable Rugsbee2307 Wednesday CourtKannapolis, NC 28083(336) 512-1616Reverend Renee Shade3530 Piney RoadM<strong>org</strong>anton, NC 28655(828) 438-9480Reverend Carolyn D. Sims, Esq.620 Sykes StreetChapel Hill, NC 27516-1926ministersims@aol.comReverend Gay Singleton216-B Kernodle DriveBurlington, NC 27215(336) 261-3211(336) 675-0589 cellReverend Deborah L. Smith7214 E. Fork RoadHigh Point, NC 27265Home: (336) 454-1482dsmith@lifespanservices.<strong>org</strong>Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 77

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Dr. Mattie Ruth Smith109 Peach Orchard DriveGreensboro, NC 27455Home: (336) 288-7899dmrhs@aol.comReverend Phyllis Smith336-273-5268Exhorter Shontea L. Smith1401 Ranch RoadCharlotte, NC 28212Home:Cell: (336) 684-7166Reverend Beverly M. Solomon211 Wenonah WayDurham, NC 27713Home: (919) 544-4910Reverend Sarah Springs5639 Old Chapel Hill Road, #208Durham, NC 27707Home: (919) 970-7546sprin004@nc.duke.eduReverend Anita Thompson501 Jericho RoadHillsborough, NC 27278Home: (919) 732-4860ambvt1873@aol.comSecond Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 78

WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA CONFERENCEReverend Dr. Pattie Thompson501 Jericho RoadHillsborough, NC 27278Home: (919) 732-4860Cell: (919) 757-5367ambvt1873@aol.comReverend Florissa Walker6210 E. Washington St.Mebane, NC 27302Home: (919) 563-5915Licentiate Gwendolyn Williams1309 Elm StreetBurlington, NC 27215Home: (336) 570-1288Licentiate Pamela Williams2910-A East Kivett DriveHighpoint, NC 27260Home: (336) 991-9040Cell: (843) 532-1379Second Episcopal District Women In Ministry Page | 79

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