Bayer, R.- C. and F. A. Cowell - DARP

Bayer, R.- C. and F. A. Cowell - DARP

Bayer, R.- C. and F. A. Cowell - DARP


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A.13 Proposition 8Proof. First note that symmetry ensures that all …rms increase their declarationby the same amount if they all earn an additional dollar of grosspro…t. Therefore increasing the pro…t for all by the same amount does notin‡uence the individual ex post detection probability, <strong>and</strong> an individual dollarof gross pro…t will never lead to an additional declaration of more thanone dollar if the detection probability does not change. Therefore@d@Q = @d @@ @Q 1: (47)Di¤erentiating (20) with respect to Q gives the FOCn [f + t]t @d@Q + n 1 [f + t] @@Qn @@Q@dCi 0 @Q d = 0:(48)Substituting the FOC for an optimal declaration from (5) into (48) <strong>and</strong>simplifying yields1 [f + t] @@Q + @@Qwhich further simpli…es to1 t @d @i (d )[f + t] d [f + t] + t = 0;@Q @d i(49)@ i (d )@d i[f + t] d 1@d @= 0: (50)@ @QGiven that t < 1, conditions (D1) <strong>and</strong> (47) imply that (50) holds if <strong>and</strong> onlyif @=@Q = 0.35

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