the full Outdoor Learning Programme 2013 - Severn Gorge ...

the full Outdoor Learning Programme 2013 - Severn Gorge ...

the full Outdoor Learning Programme 2013 - Severn Gorge ...


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<strong>Severn</strong> <strong>Gorge</strong> Countryside Trust is aregistered charity which manages muchof <strong>the</strong> landscape within IronbridgeWorld Heritage Site. The Trust is locatedin a <strong>full</strong>y accessible award winningeco-build set within <strong>the</strong> woodlands of<strong>the</strong> Sunniside Old Deer Park, central toIronbridge and hosts a small car park.The landscape, of woodlands,heathlands and wildflower meadows,are managed for wildlife and publicaccess and includes 25 kms of footpathsalong which you will find an abundanceof wildlife and clues of <strong>the</strong> past.This <strong>Outdoor</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Programme</strong> isa new venture for <strong>the</strong> Trust. Fundingfrom Big Lottery and Natural Englandhas enabled <strong>the</strong>se courses to be heavilysubsidised. The fees cover resourcesand are charged accordingly. Somecourses require you to bring materialsor equipment. Please see additionalinformation.Contact information:bookings@severngorge.org.uk01952 433880www.severngorge.org.ukBookings:All courses are based at <strong>Severn</strong> <strong>Gorge</strong>Countryside Trust unless indicated with ameeting point and post code.Please book your places via email tobookings@severngorge.org.uk or tel:01952 433 880 or by post with SAE to<strong>Severn</strong> <strong>Gorge</strong> Countryside Trust, DarbyRoad, Coalbrookdale, Telford, TF8 7EP.Booking forms are on page 15.All courses and walks have limitednumbers of places.The course places are reserved oncepayment has been received. Where acourse is <strong>full</strong>y booked, we can acceptfur<strong>the</strong>r names in case of cancellations.There are no concessions.For <strong>the</strong> FREE guided walks, please bookyour place. However, contact us as soonas possible if you cannot attend.Cancellation: If you need to cancelyour place, please contact us as soon aspossible. If you cancel more than 4 weeksbefore <strong>the</strong> course starts we will retain 50%to cover our administration costs.Cancellations within 4 weeks of <strong>the</strong>course start date are chargeable in <strong>full</strong>unless we are able to fill <strong>the</strong> place from areserve list.Start times: Times listed are <strong>the</strong> actualtime <strong>the</strong> course/walk begins. Please arrive15 minutes before <strong>the</strong> stated time forregistration.Refreshments and clothing: Pleasebring your own packed lunch and drinks.Tea and coffee will be available for indoorsessions. We shall be outside for most of<strong>the</strong> courses. Strong footwear and outdoorclothing are essential.Ages: All courses are suitable forparticipants 16+. On guided walks,children must be accompanied by anadult.AccommodationA variety of accommodation is availablein <strong>the</strong> local area. The Tourist InformationCentre in Ironbridge will be pleased tohelp you: tic@ironbridge.org.uk orwww.visitironbridge.co.uk3

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