Trade and Commercial Law Assessment - Honduras - Economic ...

Trade and Commercial Law Assessment - Honduras - Economic ...

Trade and Commercial Law Assessment - Honduras - Economic ...


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TRADE AND COMMERCIAL LAW ASSESSMENT DECEMBER 2004HONDURAS♦♦♦Establish codes of conduct among judges <strong>and</strong> court staffEndeavor through training <strong>and</strong> statutory reform to address the overly formalistic aspectsof the law <strong>and</strong> the judiciaryThrough outreach <strong>and</strong> demonstrable results, persuade the public that the courts in<strong>Honduras</strong> can be trusted to uphold their commercial agreements.Continued reforms in the courts <strong>and</strong> judicial system will help <strong>Honduras</strong> secure more benefitsfrom increased regional trade.C. HELPING SMES ACCESS CAPITAL: AN IMPERATIVE FOR ECONOMIC GROWTHBusinesses in <strong>Honduras</strong>—particularly SMEs—face numerous obstacles within the legal,bureaucratic, <strong>and</strong> trade environments that inhibit their ability to become formally establishedunder the law <strong>and</strong> to grow <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong>. That almost 50 percent of businesses in <strong>Honduras</strong> operatein the informal sector—compared with fewer than 17 percent in Organization for <strong>Economic</strong>Cooperation <strong>and</strong> Development (OECD) countries—reveals the difficulties enterprises face. 12 Anentrepreneur seeking to establish a company in <strong>Honduras</strong> confronts procedural inefficiencies <strong>and</strong>corruption when trying to register, enormous restrictions in using collateral to secure debt, <strong>and</strong>grave threats to the property interest in the very parcel of l<strong>and</strong> on which the new company mayoperate. Companies that wish to exp<strong>and</strong> their opportunities through international trade faceinefficiencies within the agencies that are charged with regulating <strong>and</strong> facilitating theirtransactions, along with constant threats to the security of their goods. These inefficiencies canraise costs significantly for smaller companies seeking to engage in trade.As reported herein, encumbrances specifically facing SMEs in <strong>Honduras</strong> include the following:♦♦♦SMEs, especially informal ones, have great difficulty obtaining credit because of a lackof lender confidence in their ability to collect on collateral. Microfinance institutionsprovide a potential alternative source of credit, but interest rates are often prohibitivelyhigh (up to 80 percent). Interviewees have stated that even banks charge approximately35-percent to 40-percent interest or higher.Currently, no single entity is tasked with organizing the quality control st<strong>and</strong>ards toremain updated on international industrial st<strong>and</strong>ards. Because of their small size, SMEsdo not individually have the resources to remain current on such topics. Creating such anentity would significantly increase the likelihood of SME participation in internationalcommerce. This is also a basic requirement for global competitiveness.SMEs disproportionately bear the costs of institutional inefficiency <strong>and</strong> the politicizationof institutions. In establishing registration <strong>and</strong> notary costs, along with otheradministrative fees, officials <strong>and</strong> notaries do not take into consideration the relativelygreater impact that such fees have on small-sized companies. For example, current lawrequires the signature of a notary in many situations of questionable necessity. As small12 See World Bank, Snapshot of Business Environment—<strong>Honduras</strong>, athttp://rru.worldbank.org/DoingBusiness/ExploreEconomies/BusinessClimateSnapshot.aspx?economyid=86.II-4

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