Trade and Commercial Law Assessment - Honduras - Economic ...

Trade and Commercial Law Assessment - Honduras - Economic ...

Trade and Commercial Law Assessment - Honduras - Economic ...


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TRADE AND COMMERCIAL LAW ASSESSMENT DECEMBER 2004HONDURASagainst the bidding process. In fact, the challenging party is ineligible for government contractsfor a period of up to 2 years after issuing the suit.The <strong>Law</strong> on Government Contracts favors the government in many respects. If the government isfound liable for a suit against it, the compensation it pays carries interest rates that are belowmarket rates. The same treatment does not apply if a private party is found liable <strong>and</strong> needs tocompensate the government.In labor matters, parties are not free to contract at their discretion. Parties cannot waive certainstipulations, <strong>and</strong> some provisions are automatically included in labor contracts regardless of thecontent of written agreements. For example, contracts cannot allow for night shifts, nor canemployers typically dismiss an employee without paying large compensation.<strong>Honduras</strong>’s legal framework for contracts should be improved to meet the needs of domestic <strong>and</strong>foreign commerce; modern contracts are not included in the legal framework, distributionagreements are biased toward local parties, government contracts are unfair, <strong>and</strong> powers ofattorney from abroad or to be used abroad are hindered by bureaucracy.C. IMPLEMENTING INSTITUTIONSIn <strong>Honduras</strong>, lawyers are allowed to practice law immediately after graduating from law school.Interviewees estimate that there are around 16,000 lawyers in <strong>Honduras</strong>. Although, in the past,lawyers had to fulfill certain requirements before being admitted to practice law, there arecurrently no requirements besides graduation from law school. <strong>Law</strong>yers are ill prepared inmatters relating to international business transactions. Approximately 90 percent of lawyers havenever taken a course in international business law <strong>and</strong> lack knowledge regarding basic businessprinciples. According to interviewees, deficiencies in commercial law training are due, in part, toan educational emphasis on local criminal law.<strong>Law</strong>yers become notaries after passing an oral examination administered by the Supreme Court.Several sources have alleged that this examination is biased.Notaries are supervised by the Supreme Court, but supervision is weak because the court isunable to devote much attention to its supervisory role because of other responsibilities.According to interviewees, a lack of sufficient supervision has led to instances of fraudulentbehavior by notaries. For instance, many persons reported that it is common practice for notariesto state that they have verified a transaction before the transaction has occurred. As a result ofthis practice, one person’s right—usually that of the person whose document is fraudulentlyauthenticated—can appear to prevail over other’s right.Court procedures are slow. It was reported that it could take up to 5 years to reach a trial courtdecision on credit collection in a purely written procedure. Appellate <strong>and</strong> Supreme Courtprocedures could add an additional 10 years to the wait. The constitutional action of amparo,which in theory is a mechanism to quickly rule on a constitutional offense, can take the SupremeCourt up to 2 years to conclude.IV-3

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