Antilax Bactoferm VeyFo® Antilax Immuno - Veyx-Pharma GmbH

Antilax Bactoferm VeyFo® Antilax Immuno - Veyx-Pharma GmbH

Antilax Bactoferm VeyFo® Antilax Immuno - Veyx-Pharma GmbH

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VeyFo ®<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Bactoferm</strong>Protection fromharmful bacteria<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Immuno</strong>(with <strong>Immuno</strong>globulins)Improving the localimmunity in the gutFormulations for professionalsdemanding peak performanceE1

VeyFo® <strong>Antilax</strong> <strong>Bactoferm</strong>Product detailsDried powder preparation with„<strong>Bactoferm</strong>“(Lactobacilli-fermented milk powder)Energy-/dietetic nutrient providerElectrolytes/buffer substances, Aminoacids, Vitamin E and IronQuality and recommendedapplicationThe present formulation• with organically bonded high qualitycomponents satisfying the requirementsfor bioavailability and product safety• as well as for the special nutritionalpurposes “convalescence” accordingto the list of the stipulated nutritionalpurposes defined in the “OfficialSchedule for Dietary Feed,”is a supplementary dietetic feed to stabilize the digestive system in piglets, calves,lambs and got kids as well as to stabilize the water and electrolyte balance in foals.<strong>Bactoferm</strong> ensures orderly and precise function of the gut’s physiological defencemechanismsIt is produced by fermenting raw milk during which selected lactobacillus startercultures are added in process and by subsequently coating it with an emulsifier. Thelactobacilli are stabilized by their inactivation and this is ensured following rapidlyplacing the fermentation emulsion onto absorptive material and drying it carefully.This preparation, in the form of an emulsion, thus ensures that it passes undamagedinto the small intestine and provides for a homogenous dispersal of the reactivatedlactobacilli over the whole surface area of the gut mucosa.Lactobacilli support the significant nutritional physiological adhesion and absorptionmechanisms in the gut and thereby assist in facilitating for an orderly and preciseremoval of toxins and toxin forming organisms.Extensive investigations in healthy and infected animals have proven their stabilizingeffect on the gut mucosa as well as their capability to suppress the developmentof pathogenic organism at the same time.

VeyFo® <strong>Antilax</strong> <strong>Immuno</strong>Product detailsDried powder preparationwith immune milk powderEnergy sources/Dietary nutrients,Electrolytes/Buffer substances,Amino acids, Vitamin E and IronQuality and recommendedapplicationThe present formulation• with organically bonded high qualitycomponents satisfying the requirementsfor bioavailability and product safety• as well as for the special nutritionalpurposes “convalescence” accordingto the list of the stipulated nutritionalpurposes defined in the “Official Schedulefor Dietary Feed,”is a supplementary dietetic feed to stabilize the digestive system in piglets, calves,lambs and got kids as well as to stabilize the water and electrolyte balance in foals.Mixed colostrum (milk) powder for the gutVeyFo® <strong>Antilax</strong> <strong>Immuno</strong> contains defatted freeze-dried and lyophilized mixedcolostrums obtained through a special process. The source material for the powderis primary colostrum from healthy IBR-free cows that have developed a targetedincrease in specific antibody content in the form of a maternal protective inoculationagainst scour inducing pathogens such as E. coli and various viruses (e.g. Rotavirus,Corona virus). The mixing of numerous milkings for the product batches guaranteesa very broad standardized spectrum of immunoglobulins (antibodies).If VeyFo® <strong>Antilax</strong> <strong>Immuno</strong> is fed to young animals suffering from scours, then alocalized immunity develops through the attachment of antibodies on the surfaceof the gut’s mucous membranes. Bacteria and viruses are rendered non-pathogenic.Various other bioactive constituents of colostrum such as lacto-peroxidase andlysozyme deploy an additional pronounced effect against scour pathogens. Thereis evidence that the protective substances in colostrum are effective across animalspecies, thus the bovine colostrum contained in the VeyFo® <strong>Antilax</strong> <strong>Immuno</strong> notonly conveys successful protection against scours in calves, but also in other younganimals.

Energy sources/Dietary nutrientsElectrolytes/Buffer substancesThe formulation*Energy sources, consist. of:GlucoseDietary nutrients, comprising of:Banana mealFine oatmealLinseed, groundSkim milk powderYeast, driedLocust bean gumGuar gumElectrolytes/buffer substances,comprising of:Sodium hydrogene carbonateSodium bicarbonateSodium chlorideMagnesium chlorideSodium propionatePotassium citratePotassium chlorideSodium diacetateCalcium chloride dihydrateVeyFo®<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Immuno</strong>VeyFo®<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Bactoferm</strong>40.60 % 40.00 %23.60 %••–––••18.50 %–44,000 mg/kg100,000 mg/kg12,000 mg/kg–5,000 mg/kg7,000 mg/kg10,000 mg/kg7,000 mg/kg36.00 %•••••••13.80 %70,000 mg/kg–35,000 mg/kg12,000 mg/kg5,000 mg/kg5,000 mg/kg7,000 mg/kg–3,800 mg/kg*„Note“: The information given is to be understood as a general survey and is subject to alterations,especially if these do not affect the intended special nutritional purpose. The latest version of the labellingof the product/packaging is always valid.

Amino acids, Vitamins and Iron<strong>Bactoferm</strong>- or Immune-Milk PowderThe formulation*Amino acid premix, comprising of:GlycineL-lysine HClDL-methionineL-threonineL-tryptophanImmune milk powder-concentrate,IBR-freeVeyFo® Lactoferm(with 10 % “<strong>Bactoferm</strong> “ lactobacillifermented milk powder 10H11)Aroma premix, comprising of:VanillinFencharomAroma-microemulsionVitamin EL-carnitineIronpreserved with citric acid and potassiumsorbateVeyFo®<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Immuno</strong>6.00 %44,000 mg/kg10,000 mg/kg10.000 mg/kg600 mg/kg350 mg/kg10.00 %0.92 %•••290 mg/kg1,300 mg/kg600 mg/kgVeyFo®<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Bactoferm</strong>6.00 %40,000 mg/kg10,000 mg/kg10.000 mg/kg––3.00 %0.75 %•–•–––0.38 % 0.45 %*„Note“: The information given is to be understood as a general survey and is subject to alterations,especially if these do not affect the intended special nutritional purpose. The latest version of the labellingof the product/packaging is always valid.

Nutritional physiological role1. Compensating pre-existing fluid andelectrolyte losses as well as those thatoccur during the course of the illness2. Correction of an acid base equilibriumdisorder through sodium bicarbonate andsodium diacetateVeyFo®<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Immuno</strong>••••••VeyFo®<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Bactoferm</strong>•••3. Provision of easily digested energy sources ••• •••4. Protection of the gut mucous membraneagainst the ingression of microorganismand the absorption of toxins throughmucilage.Promoting the development of friendly gutbacteriaInfluencing the conditions to suppress the••••••••••••••••••development of pathogenic organisms5. Active lactobacilli strains support the•••nutritional physiologically importantadhesion and absorption mechanisms inthe gut and thereby assist in the disposalof toxins and the creators of toxins in aregulated and precise manner.6. Provision of essential vitamins (E, L-•••carnitine7. Comprehensive supply of important•••amino acids8. Local immune protection against scour •••(diarrhoea) pathogens9. Giving it to animals that are still takingin sufficient drinking water at an earlystage of scouring almost always resultsin avoiding time consuming and stressfultreatments using infusions.It can also be used as a scour prevention(e.g. when moving into new finishinghousing and also during and after longperiods of transport).••••••••••••

Feeding recommendationsThe product is used for digestive disorders (scours)of nutritional origin in calves, piglets, lambs, goatkids and foals over 1 to 7 days and to maintainnormal digestion in piglets over 2 to 4 weeksRecommended dosage100 g VeFo® <strong>Antilax</strong> are dissolved in 1 litrelukewarm water. In specific cases the amountadministered is dependent on the live weight andthe age of the animal, as well as the extent ofdehydration, and can be recommended as follows:Calves:A daily intake of 2 to 3 litres of the ready-to-useVeyFo® <strong>Antilax</strong> solution is desirable. In addition,milk should be available to appetite. The totalquantity of VeyFo® <strong>Antilax</strong> solution and milk, orrespectively milk replacer administered, should bespread over the three daily feeds if possible.Foals, piglets, lambs and goat kids, cats and dogs:Normal feeding using dam’s milk is to bemaintained.The ready-to-use VeFo® <strong>Antilax</strong> solution is to beoffered to appetite at least 3 times daily betweeneach suckling period.Package sizesVeyFo®<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Immuno</strong>VeyFo®<strong>Antilax</strong><strong>Bactoferm</strong>• •• •• •• •6 x 100 gsachets5 kg bucket6 x 100 gsachets

High performance animals require optimized feeding regimes.We want you to be successful and do our utmost to achieve thistarget.All constituents contained in the products are well known in animal nutrition. Theyare also used as nutritional supplements in humans. The quality and processing meetthe highest purity criteria thus achieving a long shelf-life as well as a trouble-freeapplication of the same.Package sizes6 x 100 g sachets5 kg bucketAdditional instructionsTo be kept out of the reach of children, not to be stored above 20 °C and kept awayfrom light.In order to achieve a clear separation from our animal care and veterinary medicinalproduct lines we exclusively market and label all our supplementary and dieteticfeeds - as the present ones - under the umbrella brand „VeyFo®“. These products areno medicinal products and are subject to the latest issue of the legal provisions forfeedstuffs contained in the Feedstuffs Law as well as the Feedstuffs Order.<strong>Veyx</strong>-<strong>Pharma</strong> ist GMP-, QS- und DIN EN ISO 9001-zertifiziert.<strong>Veyx</strong>-<strong>Pharma</strong> <strong>GmbH</strong> · Söhreweg 6 · 34639 Schwarzenborn · DeutschlandTel. 05686 99860 · Fax 05686 1489 · E-Mail zentrale@veyx.dewww.veyx.de11/2010

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