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Ask For A Test Demo - Navigator Publishing


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RIGGINGof high tensile yarns that when properlyengineered can result in lowstretch rigging with incrediblestrength-to-weight ratios. This newrigging has revolutionized the racingmarket and proven its reliability inextreme offshore conditions such asthe double-handed Barcelona WorldRace and the Volvo Ocean Race.Let’s take a closer look at themakeup of soft rigging. There arethree main parts to it; the inner core,the outer covering and the terminals.The inner core yarns are the loadbearing yarns and can be whateverthe engineer deems best for each particularapplication. The most commonyarns are Vectran, carbon, PBOand Kevlar. Each of these yarns havetheir strengths and weaknesses andeach piece of rigging is engineeredwith these differences in mind. <strong>For</strong>example, Kevlar, PBO and to someextent Vectran are all extremely sensitiveto UV degradation. Their tensileproperties are amazing, but as soon asany light comes into contact with theyarns there is immediate degradation.This problem is alleviated by encapsulatingthe delicate yarns in an outercover that serves three main purposes;to protect the inner yarns from theelements, to bundle the lot togetherinto a length of rigging and to providea rugged chafe protective coveringso that the rigging can withstandthe abuse of a tough offshore passage.Navtec has been at the forefront ofsoft rigging. In 1997, they pioneeredPBO rigging in a product called Z-System. The “Z” stood for Zylon,another name for PBO. By bundlingPBO strands together in differingamounts, the engineers were able toprecisely customize a specific piece ofrigging to meet its needs. This kind ofprecision means that the size of eachpiece of rigging is kept to a minimum,an important considerationgiven the drive to reduce windage.The cost is also kept down. The individualyarns are expensive. Preciseengineering means that there are noextra yarns along for the ride in anyTA N K T E N D E RTHE ORIGINAL PRECISIONTANK MEASURING SYSTEM!Accurate tank soundings have never beeneasier when one TANK TENDER monitorsup to ten fuel and water tanks. Reliablenon-electric and easy to install.www.thetanktender.com(253) 858-8481 Fax: (253) 858-8486Handcrafted,high efficiency Overhead area lightwith LED Night-Vision option. Dual power allowschoice of bright light or gentle glow, and two levelsof red. The attractive wood fixture is availablein different wood finish options, as well as splashproofmodels. LED Reading Light in chrome or titaniumfinish. Our website provides helpful informationon selecting cabin lighting.Email: alpenglowlights@gmail.comwww.alpenglowlights.com36 OCEAN NAVIGATOR SEPTEMBER 2010www.oceannavigator.com

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