Blanchard J (anti-masonic) - Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated Part I

Blanchard J (anti-masonic) - Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated Part I

Blanchard J (anti-masonic) - Scotch Rite Masonry Illustrated Part I


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292 GRAND ELECT, FUFECT AND SUBLIME MASON.that far onward and above the steps he has already takenfreemasonry is to develop itself on a still larger scale.The Sacred Vault”’ is the last place of rest in themystic field of the first efforts of Freemasonry and proph~esies its future~triumphs. The candidate looks for thelast time at the mystic furniture of the SolomonianSchool, such as the Altar of Sacrifices, typifying materialworship; the Altar of Perfumes, typifying intellectualreligion; the Brazen Sea, typifying impenetrable infinity;the Loaves of Shew bread, typifying the mysticcommunion of mankind; the Golden Tray and Trowel,typifying the fusion of all the races of men and thesecret of their alliance, despite the many differences ofcustoms and laws which divide the sons of the AlmightyFather.On one side and in the past appears the formidableGod of by-gone generations; his names are inscribed onthe Breast Plate of the High Priests of the Jews. Onthe other side and far in the future, the Eternal, Good,Simple, Benevolent, Merciful, Eouitable and ever consolingFather of mankind, whose titles are written withthe blood of that Sublime Teacher, who first of all proclaimedthe existence of a God of Love and Love only.late 1W.—’~ln the early ag~a. the cave or vault was deemed sacred.‘me first worship was in cave temples, which were either n~turaI orformed by art to resenible the excavation, of nature. Of such greatextent was this practice of subterranean worship by the nations of <strong>anti</strong>qulty.that many of the form. at heathen temples, as well as the nave.,aisles, and chanceis at churches subsequently built for Christian worship,are said to owe their origin to the religious use of caves.from this. too, arose the tact, that the initiation into the incientmysteries was almost always pertormed In subterranean edifices; andwhen the place at initiation, as in some of the Egyptian temples, wasreally above ground, it was so constructed as to give te the neophytethe appearance, in its approaches and its internal structure, of a vault.ha the great doctrine taught in the mysteries was the resurrection fromthe dead—az to dis and te ho Initiated were synonymous term,’.—it wasdeemed ~per that there should he some formal resemblance between adescent into thegrave and a descent Into the place ot initiatinn. ‘Happyii the man,• says the Greek poet. Pindar. who descends beneath thehollow earth having beheld these mysteries, for he knows the end aswell as the divine origin of llte: and In a like spirit 5o~lhocles exclaims,“Thrice happy are they who descend to the shades below afterhaving beheld these sacred rites. for they alone have life In Hades.while all others suffer there every hind of evil. ‘—MaekaVa heyclopsa.ila of Nrsemasonly, Aitiela vault, bw.~GRAND ELECT, PERFECT AND SLBLIME MASON. 298What an encouragement for a freemason to pursue hi.course and reach the last term of his painful and glo.rious career.The ceremonies in this degree are sublimely grandand imposing and are calculated to give us exaltedviews of the Grandeur, Power and Majesty of God.The lecture and history of this degree are rich toprofusion with valuable and interesting matter relatingto the symbolism and instruction contained in all thepreceding degrees of Symbolic and Ineffable <strong>Masonry</strong>.DECORATiONS :—The lodge represents a subterraneanvault painted red or hung with red hangings. In theWest is a part of Enoch’s pillar, consisting of piecesfound among the ancient ruins. In the East is thePillar of Beauty, the Burning Bush and a TransparentDelta, with the Hebrew letters “Jod. :.He. :.Vau. :.He. :.“inscribed therein.The lodge is illuminated when at work by twentyfour(24) lights distributed as follows: nine in the East,three in the North, seven in the West, before the SeniorWarden and five before the Junior Warden in the South.PTJRNITURE :—Consists of the Holy Bible, Square andCompass and Triangle, the Altar of Incense, the Altarof Sactiflce, table of Shew-Bread, Brazen Layer, Ark ofthe Covenant, Tables of the Law, Golden Candlestick,Two Brazen Columns, Golden Urn of oil, Golden Vasefilled with water, Golden Goblet filled witll wine, Goldfling and Trowel, a Silver hod of ointment and theCube Stone. Before each of the officers is a white triangulartable.The assembly is styled a Grand Lodge of Perfection,and consists of but twenty-seven (27) members. Itmore are made they must become honorary members.

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