Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis: Current concepts and ... - Biliaryatresia.org

Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis: Current concepts and ... - Biliaryatresia.org

Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis: Current concepts and ... - Biliaryatresia.org


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<strong>Non</strong>-<strong>cirrhotic</strong> <strong>portal</strong> <strong>fibrosis</strong> 533these patients. If these patients are managed with selectiveshunt surgery, shunt occlusion <strong>and</strong> post-shuntencephalopathy may cause some morbidity, but dietarymanipulations (protein restriction) can ameliorate thesymptoms to a large extent.CONCLUDING REMARKS<strong>Non</strong>-<strong>cirrhotic</strong> <strong>portal</strong> <strong>fibrosis</strong> continues to be a commoncause of PHT in selected geographic areas of the world,especially in socially disadvantaged people. The etiopathogenesisof this condition is possibly multifactorial.The clinical presentation of patients is with splenomegaly<strong>and</strong>/or complications of PTH. The patients have arelatively well-preserved liver function. The diagnosis isbased on clinical <strong>and</strong> endoscopic evidence of PHT, aswell as radiological <strong>and</strong> histological features. 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