booth application - Southwest Dental Conference

booth application - Southwest Dental Conference

booth application - Southwest Dental Conference


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1. ManagementThe exhibition of the <strong>Southwest</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> isconducted under the direction of the Dallas County <strong>Dental</strong>Society (the “Association”) and its agents or employees actingon its behalf.2. Character of ExhibitsThe Association reserves the right to decline or prohibit anyexhibit that, in its judgment, is not suitable to or in keepingwith the character of the exhibition. This reservation isall-inclusive and concerns persons, things, conduct, printedmatter and souvenirs.3. Rules Governing ExhibitorsThe Association shall have the right, which is hereby expresslyreserved, to interpret or amend the rules and regulations, andits decision is final. Exhibitors, by applying for and acceptingexhibit space, agree to abide by any rules or regulations thatmay hereafter be adopted, which shall be as much a part of therules and regulations as though originally included. Exhibitorsalso agree to abide by the rules and guidelines of the DallasConvention Center and any other vendors contracted toprovide services for the <strong>Southwest</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>. Allissues not specifically addressed are subject to the decisionof the Association. All exhibitor requests for permission tovary from any of these rules and regulations must be sent tothe Association before November 15, 2013. The Associationreserves the right to cancel this contract in case exhibitordisplays or promotes any product which is not authorizedby the Association; or if the premises should be damaged soas to render the premises untenable or unfit for use. In suchevent, all payments previously made on this contract shall beprorated, and the prorated portion thereof shall be returnedto the exhibitor by the Association and the Association shallbe released from any and all claims for damages, loss, costsor expenses sustained or incurred by the exhibitor by reasonof such cancellation. The exhibitor, its employees, agents orrepresentatives shall observe and comply with all federal, stateand municipal laws, rules and regulations in the use of suchexhibit space. On all matters not herein covered, or on anypossible differences, final decision is subject to the judgment ofthe Dallas County <strong>Dental</strong> Society.4. Enforcement of Rules and RegulationsBreach of any rule or regulation by any exhibitor will subjectexhibitor to restriction, termination or sanctions, includingloss of priority assignment status and/or future exhibitionprivileges. The rules and regulations presented in thisprospectus are intended to bring order and fairness to theexhibition.5. Application for Exhibit SpaceThe Association reserves the right to refuse space to anyexhibitor, exhibit or any part thereof, which in its judgmentis not acceptable. The Association reserves the right to refusethe <strong>application</strong> of any exhibitor whose business operationsconflict in any manner with any of the policies of the DallasCounty <strong>Dental</strong> Society. The decision of the Association shallbe final and the exhibitor agrees to abide by, and not contestin any manner, that decision.6. Payment/Refund InformationAll fees for exhibit space must be paid by August 1, 2013or the space will be cancelled immediately and resoldwithout notification. A 50% deposit for each <strong>booth</strong> mustaccompany the <strong>application</strong>. Contracts received after August1, 2013 must be accompanied by payment in full. Fees arepayable to <strong>Southwest</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> in U.S. funds bycheck, money order, MasterCard, Visa or American Express.Refunds requested prior to August 15, 2013 will be subjectto a 25% administrative fee. Requests for refunds must bereceived in writing. No refunds will be made after August15, 2013.7. Booth AssignmentAssignment of exhibit space shall be made solely at thediscretion of the Association, with consideration given2014 <strong>Southwest</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>Exhibitor Rules & Regulationsto requested <strong>booth</strong> space(s). The Exhibit Hall floor plancan be viewed online at www.swdentalconf.org. The floorplan is subject to change and should not be consideredcontractual. Applications receive priority assignment statusbased on when the contract is received, the number ofyears exhibited and number of <strong>booth</strong> spaces contracted atthe <strong>Southwest</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>. The Association cannotguarantee the separation of competitors, but will make everyeffort to do so. The Association reserves the right to relocateexhibitors if it becomes necessary because of circumstancesbeyond its control, or if it is in the best judgment of theAssociation. Applicants are advised that final confirmationof exhibit space may be slightly delayed due to the volume of<strong>application</strong>s received at the time of submission, and depositof the applicant’s check or processing of credit card paymentshould not be construed as final confirmation of acceptance.Until the applicant receives final written acceptance or denialof exhibit space, any funds expended for the developmentor construction of an exhibit <strong>booth</strong> are done so at theapplicant’s own risk.8. Exhibit SpaceBooths are 10-foot deep by 10-foot wide and include drapefor back and side walls; one two-line identification signwith company name, city, state and <strong>booth</strong> number; and oneundraped 6-foot long by 30-inch high table, provided it isordered via the special order form in the Exhibitor ServiceKit. See specifications for <strong>booth</strong>s and hanging signs herein.Nothing may be attached directly to the draping. TheAssociation will provide carpet for aisles and other public areas.Exhibitors are required to provide carpet for their <strong>booth</strong>(s),ordered via the Exhibitor Service Kit.Drapes must be certified as flame retardant by the fire marshal.Electrical outlet(s) may be ordered via the order form in theExhibitor Service Kit. All displays must be confined within<strong>booth</strong> space. All aisles must be kept free and clear, and aresubject to the control of the Association. All displays must beapproved by the Association. Nailing or attaching to any partof the building is prohibited. No combustible materials will bepermitted in the Exhibit Hall. Helium balloons are prohibited.Equipment in operation must provide adequate protectionagainst dripping of any liquid on the floor. All empty cratesand packing materials must be removed from the <strong>booth</strong> forproper storage, and there will be no storing of cartons, packingmaterials, etc. within the <strong>booth</strong>. The aisles are the property ofthe entire exhibition, and each exhibitor has the responsibilityto assure proper flow of traffic through the entire show.Aisles must not be obstructed at any time. When large crowdsgather for sampling, to watch a demonstration or for a contestand interfere with the flow of traffic or create excessive crowdsin neighboring <strong>booth</strong>s, it is an infringement on the rights ofother exhibitors.9. Forfeiture of SpaceExhibitors who 1) resell or sublet exhibit space under anycircumstances (two or more firms cannot occupy the same<strong>booth</strong> space) without express approval of the Association; 2)render their badges to unauthorized persons; 3) do not set uptheir <strong>booth</strong>(s) in the Exhibit Hall by opening time of the firstday or 4) begin tearing down their <strong>booth</strong> before the showofficially ends will forfeit their exhibit space and/or futurepriority assignment status and/or future exhibition privileges.10. Show DecoratorAll requests for additional services should be addressed to theofficial show decorator listed in the Exhibitor Service Kit. TheExhibitor Service Kit will be online approximately two monthsprior to the <strong>Conference</strong> with the necessary order forms. Tablecovers, drapes, furniture and accessories may be ordered fromthe official show decorator, along with any additional workor equipment that might be required. Carpet, audio-visualservices, freight, floral, portable <strong>booth</strong> rental, computer rental,etc. will be available at special show rates.11. Shipping InstructionsForward all materials to the official show decorator with<strong>Southwest</strong> <strong>Dental</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> and <strong>booth</strong> number(s)indicated on the address label. Include full instructions fordelivery to the Dallas Convention Center; bill of lading;number of crates or cartons; firm name and address; andrepresentative in charge. All shipments must conform tonormal shipping instructions and must be sent prepaid.Shipments received within 30 days of show set-up date willbe stored by the official show decorator without charge.Shipments are delivered to the Dallas Convention Centerper your instructions, empty crates removed, stored andre-delivered. The Dallas Convention Center does not havefacilities to receive or store freight prior to set-up day. Yourtransfer company will prepare the bill of lading per yourshipping instructions and ship.12. Exhibitor Appointed ContractorIf utilizing a contractor other than the official showdecorator, written notice must be submitted to theAssociation 45 days prior to the <strong>Conference</strong>. Suchcontractor must provide certificate of liability insuranceto the Association 30 days in advance of the <strong>Conference</strong>.Your contractor will not be allowed in the Exhibit Hall if acertificate of insurance is not received.13. Exhibitor’s Official RepresentativesEach exhibitor should submit, via the exhibitor badgerequest form available online, names of all officialrepresentatives attending the meeting. Exhibitors are allowedsix (6) free badges per contracted <strong>booth</strong> space for the entireshow. Should the number of badges exceed this number,a $15.00 charge per person will be assessed and billed tothe exhibiting company. Exhibitors registering onsite mustprovide credentials (i.e., business card or authorization oncompany letterhead). Exhibitor representatives are required tostaff their exhibit <strong>booth</strong> during all official exhibition hours.14. Show HoursExhibitors must set up during the approved time framedesignated by the Association. Early set-up times will behandled on a case-by-case basis. Early tear-down is notpermitted. Set-up for exhibitors will be Tuesday, January28, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and Wednesday, January 29, 8:00a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Show dates and times are Thursday, January30 and Friday, January 31, from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. andSaturday, February 1 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Move outbegins at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 1 and continues onSunday, February 2, 8:00 -11:00 a.m.15. SecurityPerimeter guards will be provided from set-up throughtear-down, but the Association is not responsible for anyloss or damage to exhibitors’ goods or property. Additionalor individual security personnel must be approved by theAssociation.16. Selling in AislesAll business activities of the exhibitor must be confinedto the <strong>booth</strong> space rented. No business activities are to beconducted in any aisles, lobbies, other <strong>booth</strong>s, or other areasof the Exhibit Hall or Convention Center. Exhibitors maynot stop attendees in the aisle. Violators will be subject toforfeiture of <strong>booth</strong> space.17. Solicitation by Non-ExhibitorsFirms and representatives not assigned exhibit space by theAssociation are prohibited from soliciting business in anyform in the Exhibit Hall. Violators will be required to leavethe Exhibit Hall.18. Sales on Show FloorDirect exhibit floor sales are allowed during regular ExhibitHall hours. However, purchased products cannot bedelivered to the Dallas Convention Center. Exhibitors areresponsible for any and all tax permits required by Texas lawor local ordinance.

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