2010 Annual Report - Post Falls Police

2010 Annual Report - Post Falls Police

2010 Annual Report - Post Falls Police

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P O S T F A L L S P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N TChaplainsThe Chaplain’s program was expanded in <strong>2010</strong> by adding a new Chaplain to theunit. Chaplain Jim Grassi joined Chaplains Dan Lynch and Mark McWhorter inoffering their services to the <strong>Police</strong> Department. Our Chaplains are a tremendousasset to the Department, performing death notifications, counseling andassisting in watching children until proper agencies are notified.PICTURED LEFT TORIGHT: CHAPLAINS JIMGRASSI, DAN LYNCH, ANDMARK MCWHORTERThe Chaplains spend many hours at the <strong>Police</strong> Department and riding alongwith officers during their shifts. The Chaplains visit members of the Departmentwho are sick or in the hospital; they help provide meals and rides for thosewho have been hospitalized, as well as, needed assistance once they returnhome. They also serve as an excellent resource for employees experiencingdifficult times in either their professional or personnel lives.In <strong>2010</strong>, the Chaplains joined the new Critical Incident Debriefing (C.I.D.) Teamreceiving training relevant to the needs of the <strong>Police</strong> Department.We are truly blessed to have an active group of Chaplains.PICTURED FROM LEFT TO RIGHT:CHAPLAIN DAN LYNCH, SERGEANTPAT LEONARD, ECO JENNEENIXON, CHAPLAIN JIM GRASSI,ECO LORI BORDERS, CHIEF SCOTHAUG, OFFICER NEIL UHRIG,CHAPLAIN MARK MCWHORTER,Critical Incident Debriefing(C.I.D.) TeamIn early <strong>2010</strong>, the <strong>Post</strong> <strong>Falls</strong> <strong>Police</strong> Department created the Critical IncidentDebriefing (C.I.D.) Team. The team consists of three Chaplains, oneSergeant, two Senior Patrol Officers, one Detective, and two EmergencyCommunications Officers.The C.I.D. Team was created to assist employees of <strong>Post</strong> <strong>Falls</strong> <strong>Police</strong> Departmentin dealing with a traumatic incident. The basic philosophy of the C.I.D. Teamis that of peer support. This team provides a safe, confidential arena in ourdebriefings for personnel to vocalize their concerns, question, thoughts andfeelings related to a critical incident.The C.I.D. Team trains to look for early warning signs of those severely affectedby a critical incident and who may be in danger of harming themselves orsomeone else. The C.I.D. Team trains in active listening skills, its primary focus.OFFICER SCOTT HARMON, ANDOFFICER DENNIS SANCHEZ.1 0

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