Novel Approaches for Brain Drug Delivery System-Review

Novel Approaches for Brain Drug Delivery System-Review

Novel Approaches for Brain Drug Delivery System-Review

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International Journal of Pharma Research & <strong>Review</strong>, June 2013; 2(6):36-44 ISSN: 2278-6074Fig. 2: Schematic representation of the drug penetrate and impenetrate across the BBB.Fig. 3: Schematic representation of the factors affecting drug transport across the BBB3-Blood-Tumor BarrierIntracranial drug delivery becomes evenmore challenging when the target is a CNStumor. The presence of the BBB in themicrovasculature of CNS tumors has clinicalconsequences (13).In CNS malignancies where the BBB issignificantly compromised, a variety ofphysiological barriers common to all thesolid tumors inhibit drug delivery via thecardiovascular system. <strong>Drug</strong> delivery toneoplastic cells in a solid tumor iscompromised by a heterogeneousdistribution of microvasculaturethroughout the tumor interstitial, whichleads to spatially inconsistent drug delivery.However, as a tumor grows large, thevascular surface area decreases, leading toreduction in trans-vascular exchange ofblood-borne molecules. At the same time,intra-capillary distance increases, leading toa greater diffusional requirement <strong>for</strong> drugdelivery to neoplastic cells and due to highinterstitial tumor pressure and theassociated peri-tumoral edema leads toincrease in hydrostatic pressure in thenormal brain parenchyma adjacent to thetumor. As a result, the cerebralmicrovasculature in these tumor adjacentregions of normal brain may be even lesspermeable to drugs than normal brainendothelium, which leads to exceptionallySwatantra Bahadur Singh, IJPRR 2013; 2(6) 38

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