NRC PROGRAMMES - Norwegian Refugee Council

NRC PROGRAMMES - Norwegian Refugee Council

NRC PROGRAMMES - Norwegian Refugee Council


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tittelEmergency food security and distributionRationaleThe right to adequate food is “realized when every man,woman and child, alone or in community with others, hasphysical and economic access at all times to adequate foodor means for its procurement”. 1) Conflicts are a primaryobstacle to realizing this fundamental human right in manyparts of the world. Losses of human lives and assets, populationdisplacements and insecurity prevent or deeply disrupt agriculturaland economical activities as well as food procurementand preparation. Food crises often result in malnutrition,disease and death.Through its Emergency Food Security and Distribution coreactivity, <strong>NRC</strong> intends to promote the right to adequate foodof refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees,and thus to safeguard lives, preserve nutritional status andcontribute to livelihoods and recovery.ObjectiveS• to fulfil the immediate food needs of refugees and IDPsand maintain their adequate nutritional status in emergencysituations• to fulfil the immediate non food item needs of refugeesand IDPs in emergency situations• to promote self reliance, and support durable solutionsas soon as the context allows• to contribute to food security, livelihoods and recoveryin various phases of displacement• to ensure school-age children proper food intake in orderto promote education, alleviate short-term hunger andimprove their learning capabilities1)Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, GeneralComment 12, UN document E/C.12/1999/5EMERGENCY FOOD SECURITYAND DISTRIBUTIONFood distribution in Uganda.Conflict, with its associated collapse of social, political and economic systems, is a major causeof food insecurity for households. Agricultural production is disrupted, employment opportunitiesare decreased and livelihood assets are looted or destroyed. Consistent with saving lives andcurbing malnutrition, the overall objective of this core activity is to support the food securityand livelihoods of people affected by displacement.16 <strong>NRC</strong> CORE ACTIVITIES<strong>NRC</strong> CORE ACTIVITIES 17

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