Curriculum Vitae Gary Reger - Trinity College

Curriculum Vitae Gary Reger - Trinity College

Curriculum Vitae Gary Reger - Trinity College


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(1992) 322-341.<br />

"Apollodoros of Cyzicus and his Delian Garden," Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 32<br />

(1991) 229-237.<br />

"Coinage and Federation on Hellenistic Keos," in Landscape Archaeology as Long-term History:<br />

Northern Keos in the Cycladic Islands, eds. J.F. Cherry, J.L. Davis, and E. Mantzourani, Monumenta<br />

Archaeologica, volume 16 (Los Angeles 1991) 305-317, with Martha Risser.<br />

"The Family of Balakros son of Nikanor, the Makedonian, on Delos," Zeitschrift für<br />

Papyrologie und Epigraphik 89 (1991) 151-154.<br />

"Some Remarks on `I.G. XII 8, 262 complété' and the Restoration of Thasian Democracy,"<br />

Klio 72 (1990) 396-401.<br />

"The Ceramic Database and Studies of Trade," in Analysis and Publication of Ceramics. The<br />

Computer Data-base in Archaeology, eds. Jeffery A. Blakely and W.J. Bennett, Jr., British<br />

Archaeological Reports International Series, volume 551 (Oxford 1989) 67-69, with Martha<br />

Risser.<br />

"The Delian ΧΩMA," Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 74 (1988) 29-30.<br />

c. Reviews<br />

The Dance of the Islands, by Christy Constantanpoulou (Oxford 2007), Journal of Hellenic<br />

Studies, in press.<br />

The Seleukid Royal Economy. The Finances and Financial Administration of the Seleukid Empire, by G.<br />

G. Apherghis (Cambridge 2004), New England Classical Journal, forthcoming.<br />

City Government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor, by Sviatoslav Dmitriev (Oxford 2005),<br />

International Journal of the Classical Tradition, forthcoming.<br />

The Invention of Coinage and the Monetarization of Ancient Greece, by David Schaps. New England<br />

Classical Journal 32 (2005) 354-356.<br />

Athens from Alexander to Actium, by Christian Habicht (Cambridge, Mass. 1997), American<br />

Historical Review 104 (1999) 1724.<br />

Heritage and Hellenism. The Reinvention of Jewish Tradition, by Erich Gruen, Classical Review 50<br />

(2000) 133-134.<br />

Les archipels égéens dans l'antiquité grecque. Ve -- IIe siècles av. notre ère, by Patrice Brun, Centre de<br />


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