MRC National Institute for Medical Research Mill Hill Essays 2010

MRC National Institute for Medical Research Mill Hill Essays 2010

MRC National Institute for Medical Research Mill Hill Essays 2010


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<strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Essays</strong><br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>MRC</strong> <strong>National</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong><br />

<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Research</strong>

<strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Essays</strong><br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>MRC</strong>, <strong>National</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Research</strong><br />

The Ridgeway<br />

<strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong><br />

London NW7 1AA

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Foreword<br />


The 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic: don’t panic but you<br />

are all going to die<br />

Peter Coombs<br />

A dangerous occupation<br />

Zhores Medvedev<br />

Bringing it all back home: next-generation sequencing<br />

technology and you<br />

Mike Gilchrist<br />

Immortality and obscurity<br />

Harriet Groom<br />

Conquistadores and cot death<br />

Marianne Neary<br />

Is immunotherapy the ultimate solution <strong>for</strong> Alzheimer’s<br />

disease?<br />

Marina Lynch<br />

Lithium, manic depression and beyond<br />

Qiling Xu<br />

Translation: beating scientific swords into medical<br />

ploughshares<br />

John Galloway<br />

What makes bone marrow such a versatile resource <strong>for</strong><br />

curing human diseases?<br />

Thomas Elliott<br />

A selection of science books<br />

Reviewed by members of NIMR staff<br />

About the authors<br />

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Foreword<br />

The <strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Essays</strong> address aspects of current medical science of interest to the public.<br />

2009 saw the first influenza pandemic <strong>for</strong> several decades. Peter Coombs describes the<br />

outbreak and the measures to contain the pandemic and characterise the virus.<br />

Zhores Medvedev describes his early life and education in Soviet Russia during the second<br />

world war and immediate post-war years. He also describes the influence of Trofim<br />

Lysenko on Soviet science.<br />

Gene sequencing has helped to trans<strong>for</strong>m biomedical science. Mike Gilchrist unpicks the<br />

details of how high-throughput sequencing works and what we can learn from its results.<br />

Harriet Groom reviews Rebecca Skloot’s best-selling book about Henrietta Lacks, which<br />

won the <strong>2010</strong> Wellcome Trust Book Prize. She explains why HeLa cells are both remarkable<br />

and very useful to science.<br />

Marianne Neary’s essay was shortlisted <strong>for</strong> the Max Perutz Science Writing Award this<br />

year. She describes an interesting link between research into cot death and adaptation to<br />

life at high altitude.<br />

Marina Lynch, from Trinity College Dublin, explains what Alzheimer’s disease is and how<br />

immunological therapies are showing great promise as treatments <strong>for</strong> Alzheimer’s.<br />

Qiling Xu’s essay on lithium describes its pharmacological effects, its use in bipolar affective<br />

disorder and its effects on major developmental signalling pathways.<br />

Biomedical research funders are keen to bridge the gap between basic biomedical science<br />

and clinical benefits <strong>for</strong> patients. John Galloway, from the Eastman Dental Hospital, explores<br />

what translational research means.<br />

Thomas Elliott won the <strong>2010</strong> NIMR Human Biology Essay Competition <strong>for</strong> local schools.<br />

His essay explains why bone marrow is an important therapeutic tool.<br />

New this year is a selection of science book recommendations from NIMR staff. They range<br />

from popular science books to fiction, by way of scientific history and autobiography.<br />

We hope there is something to interest you and we would value your comments.<br />

Frank Norman Jim Smith<br />


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A view of NIMR from Totteridge

The 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic: don’t<br />

panic but you are all going to die<br />

‘Don’t Panic But You Are All Going To Die’ is a headline from the satirical news website<br />

The Daily Mash at the time of the swine flu outbreak, published 27 th April 2009.<br />

In August <strong>2010</strong> the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared that<br />

the ‘swine flu’ pandemic was over. In the preceding 17 months, the<br />

pandemic had spread across the world infecting millions of people. Since<br />

the announcement of the end of the pandemic the WHO, national health<br />

organisations and the media around the world have been questioning<br />

whether the response to it, and the associated cost, was warranted.<br />

Outbreak<br />

Peter Coombs<br />

The first confirmed human cases of the new swine flu were in Mexico<br />

in March 2009, where a number of serious cases drew attention to<br />

the outbreak. Mexico in<strong>for</strong>med the WHO and the United States, and<br />

attempts were made to contain the spread. Later analysis has revealed<br />

that there were probably hundreds of non-lethal cases be<strong>for</strong>e March; the<br />

virus appears to have first passed to humans at the end of 2008. In mid-<br />

April 2009 the first cases in the US were confirmed, and by the end of<br />

April the first cases in Europe were being reported. On June 11th 2009,<br />

the WHO raised its influenza pandemic alert to phase 6 and declared<br />

that the virus was causing a global pandemic.<br />

The initial outbreak gave rise to a massive amount of media attention.<br />

The tabloid press in the UK did not hold back; ‘Third of world could<br />

catch swine flu’ said a Daily Mail headline. Despite the sensationalism<br />

of the tabloids, the new outbreak did represent a very real risk. It was<br />

a novel strain, so there would be no, or only limited, immunity in the<br />

population; the severity of infection and ease of spread of the virus were<br />

unknown. Estimates of the numbers who would be infected worldwide<br />

and how many would die varied massively, and the mass media tended to<br />

focus on the biggest ‘worst case scenario’ numbers. Ben Goldacre in his<br />

excellent Bad Science column commented on the difficulty of predicting<br />

what would happen with the swine flu outbreak, ‘infectious disease<br />

epidemiology is a tricky business: the error margins on the models are<br />

wide, and it’s extremely hard to make clear predictions’. The reality was<br />

that early on no-one knew what would happen - it could be bad, or it<br />

might not be.<br />


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Early on in the swine flu outbreak some indicators weren’t good. The<br />

virus emerged quite quickly and spread rapidly. It appeared to be infecting<br />

significant numbers of young people, which was also a noted characteristic<br />

in reports of the 1918 pandemic, which killed tens of millions worldwide.<br />

It was also an H1N1 virus strain, the same as in 1918. Initial cases in<br />

the United States and Europe were mostly mild but even with a low<br />

mortality rate, if enough people were infected, the numbers of deaths<br />

could be large and the strain on health services significant. A critical<br />

concern was that if the new swine flu strain was to mutate or combine<br />

with another influenza strain, then a more virulent and dangerous strain<br />

could emerge.<br />

Headline writers always choose the highest estimate of potential fatalities<br />

The sensationalism of the tabloid newspapers was only surpassed by<br />

the ill-conceived conspiracy theories on the internet. Fuelled perhaps<br />

by fear of the unknown, combined with a large dose of imagination,<br />

some of the more outlandish rants suggested that the virus had been

The 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic: don’t panic but you are all going to die<br />

created as a government ploy to reduce the world’s population, or that<br />

pharmaceutical companies had produced and released the virus to make<br />

billions of dollars in vaccine and drug sales.<br />

As part of the media hype, particularly a few weeks into the outbreak,<br />

another tack was seen with a selection of ‘what is all the fuss about’<br />

stories. One of the most outspoken people was Simon Jenkins writing in<br />

the Guardian, who wrote a couple of articles early on in the pandemic<br />

saying that the ‘risk to Britons’ health is tiny’. He suggested that the<br />

scaremongering coverage was about selling drugs and justifying budgets<br />

and was a waste of resources. Several rebuttals from people both within<br />

and outside the scientific community commented on the reality of the<br />

risk and the need to act rationally in the face of media hype and the<br />

necessity of being prepared.<br />

A range of scientists and health advisors gave multiple interviews in the<br />

media. The health secretary and the government chief medical officer<br />

were among those constantly in the news media explaining what was<br />

happening, what the plans were and encouraging people to be aware<br />

of the danger but not to panic. Virology experts, including NIMR’s Alan<br />

Hay and John McCauley (the past and current Directors of the WHO<br />

Collaborating Centre <strong>for</strong> Reference and <strong>Research</strong> on Influenza at <strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong>)<br />

gave interviews with daily newspapers, BBC radio and TV programmes,<br />

explaining the unusual genetic make-up of the virus, progress in vaccine<br />

development and how severe the spread might be. Estimates of the<br />

spread and severity of the pandemic were always qualified with the<br />

caveat that these were estimates based on available evidence, but that it<br />

was unknown how it would progress and we should be prepared.<br />

Public perception of swine flu and the media coverage is likely to have<br />

been affected by experience with other recent potential pandemics,<br />

particularly the SARS outbreak and the threat of H5N1 bird flu in the early<br />

2000s. That these viruses did not result in worldwide devastation after<br />

the surrounding tabloid hysteria has made people more sceptical. Does<br />

that mean that the swine flu outbreak was overhyped? Not necessarily.<br />

It is sometimes difficult to accept, certainly in the cut-and-dried world of<br />

the mass media, that things are unknown. Risks exist everywhere, though<br />

particularly <strong>for</strong> things like influenza pandemics, the severity and impact<br />


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<strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Essays</strong><br />

of a new outbreak are very difficult to estimate early on, and things can<br />

change as the pandemic spreads.<br />

It is very difficult to predict the spread and severity of a novel influenza<br />

outbreak, or indeed any disease outbreak. Early reports and fatality<br />

numbers can be inaccurate and deceptive due to factors such as<br />

selection bias (only those with serious problems are observed), media<br />

bias (people dying is more likely to be reported than people getting<br />

better), and incorrect reporting (<strong>for</strong> example, the initial estimated fatality<br />

rate of the outbreak in Mexico proved to be too high and was later<br />

revised downwards). Complications such as delays in reporting and<br />

sample testing, non-reported cases, and confusion with other illnesses<br />

with flu-like symptoms, further confuse the matter. Yet the scale and type<br />

of response needed to combat the flu outbreak would depend on how<br />

the virus was spreading and behaving.<br />

Looking at the influenza pandemics from the 20th Century, the mortality<br />

rate has varied considerably, ranging from around 1 million deaths in the<br />

1968 Hong Kong flu to an estimated 20-100 million deaths in the 1918<br />

Spanish flu. These figures should be placed in the context that 250,000-<br />

500,000 deaths worldwide are attributed to seasonal flu each year.<br />

Influenza is a big worldwide killer, even outside pandemics.<br />

In typical influenza infections it is the very young, the elderly and those<br />

with underlying health problems who usually suffer the most. However,<br />

with the 2009 outbreak elderly populations only showed low levels of<br />

illness. Studies showed that a significant proportion of those in the 60plus<br />

age range had some degree of immunity to the new pandemic strain,<br />

either from exposure to circulating strains when they were very young<br />

or from earlier vaccinations. This is because the 2009 swine flu virus<br />

shares some immune characteristics with the viruses that were around<br />

60-plus years ago.<br />

The part of the population most affected were people less than 30 years<br />

old, mostly having mild symptoms. A small proportion of infections during<br />

the pandemic resulted in quite severe viral pneumonia; especially among<br />

30-50 year olds. This group of people are not typically a high risk group,<br />

though many of those affected had underlying medical conditions.

The 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic: don’t panic but you are all going to die<br />

The virus<br />

So what makes the swine flu virus different and where did it come from?<br />

The swine flu virus is of the influenza strain H1N1. The H and N refer<br />

to the proteins found on the surface of the influenza virus, hemagglutinin<br />

and neuraminidase, which are numbered (H1-H16; N1-N9) depending<br />

on which subtype they belong to. The hemagglutinin binds to host cells,<br />

allowing the virus to enter the cells. The neuraminidase is an enzyme<br />

which helps newly produced viruses escape from the host cell. These<br />

two proteins are present in large numbers on the surface of the virus,<br />

and so are also the parts of the virus that the host immune system<br />

will see. When the human body is infected with the virus or vaccinated<br />

it will develop antibodies against the virus, and be immune to further<br />

infections by the same virus. However, the influenza virus has evolved<br />

to regularly mutate these exposed surface proteins, so that the human<br />

immune system does not recognise them.<br />

Structure of the influenza virus<br />


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The influenza virus contains 8 gene segments, each of which contains<br />

the in<strong>for</strong>mation necessary to make the proteins that the virus needs<br />

to help it infect a cell, to replicate, and <strong>for</strong> its progeny to escape the<br />

host cell and go on to infect other cells. Sequencing of the genes of the<br />

2009 H1N1 swine flu virus led to the finding that the strain is related<br />

to viruses recently circulating in pigs in North America and in Europe/<br />

Asia. The strain is made up of a mixture of these genes, <strong>for</strong> example the<br />

hemagglutinin is descended from the North American ‘triple reassortant’<br />

strain and the neuraminidase from recent European/Asian swine viruses.<br />

The strain itself had not been detected previously in human or swine<br />

populations. The ‘triple reassortant’ viruses from North America have<br />

been in circulation in pigs since the late 1990s, and contain genes from<br />

older avian, human and swine viruses.<br />

Pigs have been termed a mixing vessel <strong>for</strong> influenza viruses because<br />

they can be infected by both avian and human influenza viruses. If pigs<br />

become infected by more than one virus at the same time, the viruses<br />

can swap genes producing new variants, potentially producing a strain<br />

that is transmissible to and by humans.<br />

Drugs and vaccines<br />

Since the H5N1 bird flu outbreaks in South-East Asia in 2004 onwards,<br />

the UK government had been stockpiling the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and,<br />

to a lesser extent, Relenza <strong>for</strong> use in the event of a pandemic. Tamiflu and<br />

Relenza, also known as oseltamivir and zanamivir, work by blocking the<br />

neuraminidase on the virus surface, so that new viruses that are produced<br />

can’t escape from the host cell. The drugs are effective in reducing the<br />

length and intensity of flu infections if taken within the first few days of<br />

contracting the virus. This stockpile in the UK amounted to 30 million<br />

doses, enough <strong>for</strong> half the population, and more were ordered when the<br />

pandemic arrived.<br />

A few years ago, a mutation in neuraminidase was discovered which<br />

makes the virus partially resistant to Tamiflu. Work conducted by scientists<br />

at NIMR has shown how and why this happens. In the pre-2009 seasonal<br />

H1N1 influenza virus, there was a high occurrence of this mutation in<br />

some areas of the world. There was concern that this mutation might

The 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic: don’t panic but you are all going to die<br />

occur in the swine flu pandemic virus and spread. This led some countries<br />

to increase their stocks of Relenza, to which the Tamiflu-resistant strains<br />

were still susceptible. Tamiflu is generally preferred to Relenza <strong>for</strong><br />

treatment because Tamiflu is taken as a tablet, whereas Relenza is taken<br />

using an inhaler. Fortunately, only isolated cases of Tamiflu-resistant strains<br />

were found during the pandemic.<br />

A national flu service was established in the UK to reduce the strain on<br />

hospitals and GPs, and a system <strong>for</strong> providing antiviral drugs (Tamiflu and<br />

Relenza) to people who needed them was set up. The Health Protection<br />

Agency (HPA) and the NHS, as well as the WHO, provided guidelines<br />

and in<strong>for</strong>mation on what to do if you were infected and how to minimise<br />

the spread of the virus.<br />

Each year the UK, and many other countries, enact a large scale influenza<br />

vaccination scheme targeting the currently circulating seasonal influenza<br />

strains. The seasonal influenza vaccine was found to give very low<br />

protection against the new swine flu strain. The early decision to produce<br />

a vaccine <strong>for</strong> the swine flu <strong>for</strong> the northern hemisphere winter 2009-<br />

<strong>2010</strong> was influenced not just by the unknown severity of the new virus,<br />

but given that the virus appeared to be spreading worldwide even if it<br />

was mild, the lack of protection from the seasonal vaccine would be<br />

like not having a vaccine at all, which would result in many more deaths,<br />

particularly in the young, elderly and infirm.<br />

By mid-May 2009 the UK government had agreed with vaccine<br />

producers that a separate swine flu vaccine would be produced if the<br />

WHO pandemic level was raised to 6, with enough doses <strong>for</strong> the whole<br />

population. A high-yield virus is needed <strong>for</strong> producing vaccine, where<br />

the virus grows in large amounts in the chicken eggs used to produce<br />

it. Candidate vaccine strains were developed that grew well, followed by<br />

safety testing and scaling up. However, this process takes several months,<br />

meaning the first batches of vaccine were available in the UK only by late<br />

autumn, separate from the seasonal vaccine which would be delivered<br />

on its own at the start of autumn in the northern hemisphere as usual.<br />

The first batches of vaccine arrived after the predicted autumn wave of<br />

cases had started, slightly earlier than expected, coinciding with children<br />

returning to school after their summer break. The people at most risk<br />


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were prioritised <strong>for</strong> vaccination: children, pregnant women, people<br />

with medical complications and healthcare workers. If a strong immune<br />

response was not observed with the vaccine then a second dose would<br />

be required so orders were scaled to account <strong>for</strong> this.<br />

The usual timescale <strong>for</strong> flu vaccine production, about 6 months, was not<br />

possible given the timing of the pandemic outbreak, so various processes<br />

were sped up when possible to produce the vaccine be<strong>for</strong>e the northern<br />

hemisphere winter arrived. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, this led to speculation in some<br />

parts of the media that the vaccines would there<strong>for</strong>e not be safe. The<br />

WHO and other scientists were quick to reassure that the fast-tracking<br />

of the vaccine production process would not compromise the safety or<br />

quality control. However, the scaremongering in the media continued,<br />

with stories about possible neurological complications, suggestions<br />

that the pharmaceutical companies didn’t care if they were safe, use of<br />

‘dangerous’ adjuvants (agents that are added to vaccines to increase the<br />

immune response), and the lack of safety testing in people. The swine<br />

flu vaccine was created in a similar way to how the seasonal vaccine is<br />

created each year, but including the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase<br />

from the new strain. The vaccine has been shown to have an excellent<br />

safety profile.<br />

In reality, vaccines are not 100% safe. There are very rare cases where<br />

individuals have a severe allergic response to vaccination. The benefits of<br />

vaccination far outweigh these extremely rare risks, which are continually<br />

researched and minimised. Influenza vaccination programs save hundreds<br />

of thousands of lives each year around the world. Vaccine uptake was<br />

hindered by these sensationalist scare stories, even the quick response of<br />

the WHO and other scientific advisers to assure people of the vaccine<br />

safety were reported by some parts of the media with scepticism. It<br />

does bring up an important factor in communication between scientific<br />

experts, the media and the public, and how scientific experts are viewed<br />

and the responsibility of media organisations, especially in cases of public<br />

health.<br />

Post-pandemic<br />

It has been estimated that in excess of 160,000 deaths worldwide were<br />

associated with the swine flu pandemic. This is slightly less than the

The 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic: don’t panic but you are all going to die<br />

number of deaths attributable to seasonal influenza in a typical year, but<br />

it could have been a lot worse. Of the very limited number of confirmed<br />

human cases of H5N1 ’bird flu’ (~450), the mortality rate is over 50%. If<br />

a <strong>for</strong>m of H5N1 that could pass from human to human developed that<br />

was equally virulent, then it could be catastrophic.<br />

The world has never had such detailed knowledge of influenza viruses or<br />

been as prepared as it currently is <strong>for</strong> a pandemic. The rapid sequencing of<br />

the genes of the H1N1 novel strain, the collaborations between scientists,<br />

doctors and government health departments around the world, the<br />

sharing of in<strong>for</strong>mation between such people and the monitoring of the<br />

spread and mutations in the viruses have all been important. The access<br />

to in<strong>for</strong>mation in the media and on the internet, and the production of<br />

a successful vaccine and use of antiviral drugs in severe cases have been<br />

major successes in the response to the pandemic, without which many<br />

more lives would have certainly been lost.<br />

In terms of what could be improved, it is often easy to criticise actions<br />

with hindsight after the event. Evaluation of the effectiveness of response<br />

and what decisions were made is an important part of planning <strong>for</strong> the<br />

future. That the 2009 H1N1 pandemic was not worse was very <strong>for</strong>tunate,<br />

but it doesn’t mean that this will be the case when the next influenza<br />

pandemic arrives. The WHO and government health authorities around<br />

the world have learnt a lot in terms of which parts of their responses to<br />

the pandemic worked well, and which could be improved on.<br />

One aspect of the swine flu pandemic response that is commonly<br />

criticised is the early decision to produce a vaccine. Because of the time<br />

taken to produce a vaccine, the decision was taken early. However, at that<br />

time little was known about the morbidity and mortality of the pandemic<br />

virus strain. One key lesson is that comprehensive, reliable serological<br />

testing is needed early on in order to make a well-in<strong>for</strong>med decision<br />

on how dangerous the strain is likely to be from the numbers of people<br />

who have been infected. With greater epidemiological and serological<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation early on in the pandemic, the scale of vaccine production<br />

and antiviral drug orders would probably have been scaled back, reducing<br />

the massive cost.<br />


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From the standpoint of the post-‘mild’-pandemic phase we are now in,<br />

the scepticism of some commentators about the proposed risks in spring<br />

2009 seem fair in an ‘I told you so’ way. But this is to ignore the very real<br />

risk that existed. The virus may have been much more virulent, caused<br />

more severe disease, or may have mutated into a more dangerous strain<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e spreading through the world population. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, predicting<br />

whether a new pandemic will be as mild as the 2009 one, or as deadly as<br />

the 1918 outbreak, is currently impossible.<br />

There have been calls <strong>for</strong> greater transparency, particularly at the WHO,<br />

over who made the recommendations of vaccine production and drug<br />

stockpiling and their connections to the pharmaceutical companies<br />

producing vaccines and drugs. There is no need <strong>for</strong> media conspiracy<br />

stories to run wild, but openness is needed when decisions influence<br />

massive public spending. The WHO has taken the need <strong>for</strong> transparency<br />

seriously and addressed concerns that were expressed.<br />

The UK spent approximately £1 billion on stockpiling antiviral drugs<br />

and producing vaccines. The stockpiling had been initiated some years<br />

previously in case of a H5N1 ‘bird flu’ outbreak. There can be no doubt<br />

that several pharmaceutical companies have made a lot of money out of<br />

the pandemic, although it should be remembered that no-one else is in a<br />

position to produce such vast quantities of vaccines quickly enough. The<br />

drugs and vaccines have undoubtedly saved lives and, to put the cost in<br />

context, even a massive cost like £1 billion is only about 1% of the NHS<br />

annual budget. Government health departments may well be considering<br />

how they negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies, <strong>for</strong> example,<br />

it may be in the interests of the health budget to have a more flexible<br />

approach to orders, especially when it was found that a single dose of<br />

the vaccine was usually sufficient <strong>for</strong> immunity to develop. Despite the<br />

scepticism of vaccine uptake in some countries, it has been estimated<br />

that 350 million doses of vaccine were administered and the vaccine was<br />

~95% effective. It is difficult to calculate how many lives have been saved<br />

by vaccine uptake, but it could be a huge number. In the future, people<br />

are looking at ways to produce vaccines more quickly, using technological<br />

advances and better processes, in preparation <strong>for</strong> the next pandemic.<br />

It is expected that the swine flu pandemic virus will become a seasonal

The 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic: don’t panic but you are all going to die<br />

virus, and looks to have displaced the old seasonal H1N1 virus lineage.<br />

The new swine flu H1N1 strain is included in the seasonal vaccine <strong>for</strong><br />

winter <strong>2010</strong>-2011.<br />

As the WHO director-general Margaret Chan said in her postpandemic<br />

conference statement, ‘this time around we have been<br />

aided by pure good luck’. The pandemic virus was much milder than<br />

it might have been, the virus did not mutate into a more lethal <strong>for</strong>m<br />

during the pandemic, there were very limited cases of Tamiflu resistant<br />

viruses and the vaccine was a good match <strong>for</strong> circulating strains.<br />

The 2009 swine flu has been a significant test <strong>for</strong> our pandemic<br />

preparedness, and it was thankfully mild in its severity. We have learnt<br />

a lot, which can only be a good thing, as the next pandemic might<br />

not be so mild.<br />


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A dangerous occupation<br />

Zhores Medvedev<br />

In December of 1938 my family and I - my mother Yulia and my twin<br />

brother Roy - were evicted from our Moscow apartment following the<br />

arrest of my father Aleksander Medvedev, who was a professor at the<br />

military academy during the final stages of Stalin’s “Great Terror” campaign<br />

of 1937-38. My father had been arrested in August as a supporter of<br />

Nikolai Bukharin, a communist leader who had opposed Stalin’s plan of<br />

<strong>for</strong>ced collectivisation in agriculture, and he was sentenced in December<br />

to eight years of hard labour. As the family of an “enemy of the people”<br />

we there<strong>for</strong>e lost the right to live in our apartment, which belonged to<br />

the military academy. We moved to Rostov-on-Don to live with my aunt<br />

Nadia and my grandmother, who was very ill and partially paralyzed after<br />

a stroke five years earlier. Nadia was a single mother with a 5 year old<br />

daughter, so there were six of us living in a one-bedroom flat. My mother,<br />

who was a cellist, managed to find a job at the local theatre.<br />

When the German army invaded the USSR on June 22, 1941, I was 15<br />

years old. Three months later German troops occupied Taganrog, a port<br />

town only 100 km from Rostov. Two weeks be<strong>for</strong>e Rostov was taken<br />

by the Germans we fled, this time to Tbilisi, leaving all our possessions<br />

behind. In Tbilisi, the city where I had been born in 1925, I had an aunt<br />

and an uncle. Our Tbilisi aunt was a piano teacher and she lived with her<br />

husband and two daughters in a com<strong>for</strong>table three-bedroom apartment.<br />

Our uncle Misha’s family also lived in Tbilisi and my brother Roy moved<br />

to live with them. By the end of 1941 our family suffered further great<br />

losses. My grandmother died of heart failure at the age of 69 and my<br />

uncle Misha died in a typhoid epidemic; he was only 41.<br />

Why ageing?<br />

My interest in the problems of ageing and longevity developed in 1939<br />

when I was still at school. The main influence on me was a book by an<br />

American biologist, Paul de Kruif, called Microbe Hunters - a brilliantly<br />

written collection of biographies and achievements of famous scientists. I<br />

was also attracted by the biography of Elie Metchnikoff, the great Russian<br />

scientist who discovered phagocytes and immunity. Metchnikoff’s book<br />

The Prolongation of Life: Optimistic Studies was originally published in<br />

Russia in 1908 and was reprinted many times. His ideas about ageing as<br />

a treatable pathology were immensely inspiring. Metchnikoff coined the<br />

term “gerontology” <strong>for</strong> the new science of ageing and longevity. Ageing

esearch was very popular in the USSR at this time because the Census<br />

of 1939 declared the Caucasus as the world centre of longevity. This<br />

legend about Georgian and Abkhazian longevity survived until 1975.<br />

During 1942 at school I continued my study of ageing and was a regular<br />

reader at the Tbilisi State Library. Another book which influenced my<br />

thinking at that time was a brilliant monograph: The Problem of Ageing<br />

and Longevity by A. V. Nagorny, a Professor at Kharkov University. It<br />

was probably the best book on ageing at that time and presented a<br />

comprehensive analysis of age-related changes, as well as a review of<br />

existing theories.<br />

On 1st February 1943 I received call-up papers <strong>for</strong> military duty<br />

although I was only 17 years old and still at school. The Red Army was<br />

liberating the North Caucasus and approaching Rostov, and so the age<br />

<strong>for</strong> entering active military service was lowered by a year. After three<br />

months of intensive military training I became a private in the 169th<br />

infantry regiment at the Taman Front, the southernmost part of the<br />

Soviet-German emplacements. Novorossiysk, an important Soviet<br />

port on the Black Sea, was still in German hands and an offensive was<br />

planned to liberate it at the end of May. After intensive artillery and air<br />

bombardment of German positions, three Soviet armies (21 divisions)<br />

attacked the German “Blue Line” which was defended by 17 German<br />

divisions and two brigades. We quickly overran the German trenches and<br />

moved on. Twelve kilometres behind the first line of German defences<br />

was another line that was better prepared. As a result the Soviet troops<br />

were stopped and unable to take the city, still 40 km away. We hastily<br />

dug out individual trenches, which were really nothing more than holes<br />

in the ground, and stayed put. On the next day we repelled the German<br />

counterattack but with heavy losses <strong>for</strong> both sides. My own experience<br />

of active fighting continued <strong>for</strong> only one week longer. I was wounded in<br />

my right foot on June 1st; and our company was reduced to only 20 men.<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e the attack against German positions there had been 150 men in<br />

the company. Novorossiysk was finally liberated in October.<br />

Biology, medicine or agronomy?<br />

After treatment in three military hospitals my right foot had healed just<br />


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enough <strong>for</strong> me to walk without crutches, using a cane, and so I boarded<br />

the train <strong>for</strong> Moscow. I arrived in Moscow at the beginning of January<br />

1944 with an intention to enter Moscow University’s Faculty of Biology. It<br />

was the middle of the academic year, but I had no choice.<br />

The Dean of Biology at the University greeted me warmly. He was ready<br />

to designate me as a “candidate” at the beginning of the academic year in<br />

October. At that time there were very few male students. A temporary<br />

rule gave invalids and veterans of the war the right to enter universities<br />

without entrance examinations or competition. However, because<br />

the University did not have a hostel <strong>for</strong> students, it would have been<br />

necessary <strong>for</strong> me to rent a room. Finding accommodation in Moscow<br />

in 1944 was nearly impossible and extremely expensive; my small war<br />

invalid’s pension was certainly not enough. There was also food rationing<br />

and because ration cards had to be linked to a permanent address, a<br />

place at a student hostel turned out to be a necessity. I was there<strong>for</strong>e<br />

unable to take up the University place.<br />

My next destination was the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>. The Director of the <strong>Medical</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> was impressed with my knowledge of medical problems and was<br />

also ready to give me the status of “candidate”. But again there was no<br />

accommodation <strong>for</strong> undergraduate students. All student hostels which<br />

were part of the <strong>Institute</strong> campus had become military hospitals.<br />

There was still one possibility <strong>for</strong> education in biology – the K.A.Timiriazev<br />

Moscow Agricultural Academy. The programme of the academy included<br />

botany, zoology, organic chemistry and biochemistry, physics, plant<br />

physiology, genetics, and microbiology. Since plants and farm animals<br />

also age, I reasoned that I would be able to study ageing here just as<br />

well as at the university. The Timiriazev Academy, nearly 100 years old,<br />

occupied a very large plot of land in a suburb of Moscow and had 25<br />

buildings, both old and new, as well as several blocks of student hostels,<br />

a park, ponds, experimental fields, a <strong>for</strong>est and several animal farms and<br />

museums. The dean of the main Faculty of Agronomy, Professor Nikolai<br />

Maisurian, welcomed me as a friend. Like me, he was also born in Tbilisi<br />

and realised how difficult it was to reach Moscow from there. He<br />

offered me candidate status, a temporary job at the experimental station<br />

and a bed in the student hostel (each room there was shared by four

A dangerous occupation<br />

undergraduates). This offer solved all my problems. The academic year<br />

started on October 1st. There were two hundred undergraduates in the<br />

first year at the agronomic faculty who attended lectures, but only six of<br />

them were male. Four were war invalids, one was handicapped, and the<br />

sixth had tuberculosis. The other faculties were not much different. There<br />

were five faculties with horticulture the most popular.<br />

Professor Petr Mikhailovich Zhukovsky<br />

Different departments of the academy usually welcomed undergraduate<br />

students to remain at the laboratories and to receive some subject<br />

tuition or even to take part in some research projects. There was also<br />

a “Student Science Society”. During the spring of 1945 this Society<br />

decided to organize a student science conference, a tradition that had<br />

been interrupted by the war. I did not have any research results to report<br />

yet but I did submit a handwritten paper anyway. It was a hypothesis<br />

concerning the question of how the plant vegetative growing point,<br />

which consists of an apical or primary meristem (the group of rapidly<br />

dividing embryonic cells), is trans<strong>for</strong>med from the vegetative growing<br />

point into a flowering shoot under the influence of certain factors such<br />

as short or long days or cold weather (<strong>for</strong> winter crops). The problem of<br />

how the leaf-producing tissues change abruptly to flower-producing ones<br />

was the main puzzle not yet solved. The chairman of the conference who<br />

had to read papers or abstracts and select some <strong>for</strong> oral presentation<br />

was Professor Petr Zhukovsky, the famous botanist whose lectures <strong>for</strong><br />

first year students were very popular. In 1943 he had been awarded the<br />

Stalin Prize in science. His textbook on botany was considered to be the<br />

best. Every week first year students not only had a lecture on botany,<br />

but also a practical seminar where we used to work with different plants,<br />

with herbariums, got experience using a microscope, worked in the<br />

greenhouse etc. Zhukovsky already knew me, since I was the only man in<br />

a group of 20 students at the practical seminars of different departments.<br />

After one of the botany seminars I was invited to the professor’s office.<br />

Zhukovsky greeted me in a very friendly manner.<br />

Zhukovsky made some positive comments about my paper... “It is<br />

written with good scientific language. Let’s test your theory together”, he<br />

suggested, “we have a laboratory of plant embryology at our department.<br />


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We’ll give you a good microscope. You do need to learn a lot.” The next<br />

day I came to the laboratory and found it was a large room with different<br />

microscopes and other equipment and the smell of toluene.<br />

Two weeks later the war was over.<br />

The Nikitsky Botanical garden<br />

While continuing to study a number of subjects, I worked intensively<br />

at the plant embryology laboratory. I was also given a small space in<br />

the Department of Organic Chemistry <strong>for</strong> analytical procedures. At<br />

the end of 1945, a lot of new laboratory equipment was arriving from<br />

Germany as “war reparations”, including modern Zeiss microscopes, Jena<br />

laboratory glass and many chemicals. Professor Zhukovsky was fascinated<br />

by a 1939 German study of unicellular algae, Chlorella, which showed that<br />

the male and female cells contained different compositions of carotenoid<br />

pigments. It was suggested that these pigments, or products of their<br />

metabolism, might play a role in the sexual differentiation of plant cells.<br />

It was known that there were several hundred different carotenoids, but<br />

their role in plant tissues was not well established. Zhukovsky asked me<br />

to collect all available literature on the problem in English, since he did<br />

not know the language although he was fluent in French and German. I<br />

made nearly one hundred translations <strong>for</strong> him from material I found in<br />

the main state library and he wrote a review entitled “The role of light<br />

and carotenoids in the development of asexual and sexual generations<br />

of plants” (in Russian) which was soon published in an academic journal<br />

under both our names. It was my first scientific publication.<br />

At the beginning of 1948 Zhukovsky arranged a six month research<br />

assignment <strong>for</strong> me at the laboratory of plant biochemistry of the Nikitsky<br />

Botanical Garden, near Yalta in Crimea, to study the composition of<br />

carotenoid pigments in the male and female organs of different plants. It<br />

had been founded by Tsar Alexander I as an “Imperial” botanical garden<br />

in 1812. Thanks to the subtropical climate and extensive space, nearly 10<br />

square kilometers, by 1947 more than 50 000 species and varieties were<br />

collected in this garden, including different sorts of olive trees, grapes,<br />

fig trees, palms and decorative trees, such as the Lebanon cedar and<br />

Ginkgo biloba. When I arrived, at the beginning of April 1948, the head of

Biochemistry was Professor Vasily Nilov, a good friend of Zhukovsky. I was<br />

given a small room at the laboratory and a single room in a guest house<br />

<strong>for</strong> research visitors. A modest salary was also provided in addition to my<br />

student stipend and invalid pension.<br />

Since 1946 the Nikitsky Botanical Garden’s biochemistry laboratory was<br />

focused on the quest <strong>for</strong> plant extracts with antibiotic activity. Extracts<br />

and evaporation products from different plant tissues were tested <strong>for</strong><br />

their antibacterial effects. My work was different but extremely absorbing.<br />

I was collecting samples of male and female parts of different plants and<br />

analysing their carotenoid<br />

diversity. There is a great<br />

variety of sex types among<br />

plants: hermaphrodite (selfpollinating),<br />

bisexual and<br />

heterosexual, with male<br />

and female plants growing<br />

separately. To identify<br />

individual carotenoids I<br />

used paper and column<br />

chromatography, at that<br />

time a new and exciting<br />

analytical technology. Nearly<br />

every week I would prepare<br />

a detailed report of results<br />

which I mailed to Professor Zhukovsky in Moscow. I also greatly enjoyed<br />

all the opportunities offered by the Black Sea coast, with the beach only<br />

a ten minute walk from my house. This idyllic life, however, was suddenly<br />

interrupted on August 1st, the day when Pravda, Izvestia and other central<br />

newspapers (distributed throughout the country by air) published a<br />

lengthy report by Academician Trofim Lysenko entitled “On the Situation<br />

in Biological Science”. It had been presented at a special session of the<br />

Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences on 31 st July 1948. Lysenko was at<br />

the time the president of this academy.<br />

The August coup<br />

Zhores Medvedev<br />

A dangerous occupation<br />

In the entire history of the USSR this was an unprecedented occurrence.<br />


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Never be<strong>for</strong>e had a scientific report, even by scientists at the highest<br />

level, been published simultaneously and in its entirety in government<br />

and Party papers, which amounted approximately to sixty million copies.<br />

Normally only Reports of Central Committee Secretaries at Communist<br />

Party Congresses or Plenums would receive this treatment. This meant<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e that the Lysenko Report was made on behalf of the Central<br />

Committee and had been approved by Stalin and the Politburo, which<br />

were the main policy-making and governing bodies in the USSR. Yet<br />

the main content of Lysenko’s work was primitive pseudoscience that<br />

returned biology and all related sciences to the past, going back 150<br />

years to Lamarckian ideas according to which acquired characteristics<br />

can be inherited. At the centre of Lysenko’s Report was a declaration<br />

that theories of heredity, based on discoveries by Mendel, Morgan and<br />

the ideas of Weismann, were reactionary, idealistic and bourgeois. The<br />

chromosomal theory of inheritance and the existence of genes and germ<br />

lines were all rejected. All explanations of the significance of meiosis and<br />

mitosis were dismissed as irrelevant, and those who continued to believe<br />

in these theories were now to be regarded as reactionaries, idealists,<br />

and carriers of a bourgeois influence in Soviet science. Only those who<br />

accepted, without qualification, the concept of heredity developed by<br />

Lysenko would be considered to be materialists and representatives of<br />

progressive science.<br />

In the next few days the newspapers published shortened versions of<br />

the debates on the Lysenko report. Most speakers had risen in support<br />

while some were even more radical, treating Morganists-Mendelists-<br />

Weismannists as “enemies of the people” serving the interests of<br />

imperialists. Zhukovsky took part in the debates, presenting the strongest<br />

criticism of Lysenko’s theories and supporting the chromosomal theory<br />

of inheritance. He attempted to explain the meaning of the constancy of<br />

chromosome numbers in different species, meiosis, and the connection<br />

between chromosomal alterations and mutations. However, on the final<br />

day of the debates, after Lysenko’s acknowledgment of the fact that his<br />

report had been considered and approved by the Central Committee<br />

of the Communist Party, Zhukovsky took the floor again and stated that<br />

he now understood his errors, rejected Morganism and would work<br />

according to Michurin’s biological principles. Ivan Michurin was a Russian<br />

self-educated fruit plant selectionist who considered that vegetative<br />

hybridization or grafts were the way to change plants. Zhukovsky was

a member of the Communist Party and had little choice but to follow<br />

party discipline. Two other prominent scientists repented their errors as<br />

well.<br />

Professor Petr Zhukovsky<br />

A dangerous occupation<br />

It was clear that the August session of the Lenin Academy had trans<strong>for</strong>med<br />

Lysenko into a kind of dictator in biological and agricultural sciences.<br />

Mass repressions against supporters of traditional genetics inevitably<br />

would follow. It was also possible that the campaign against geneticists<br />

was a cover-up <strong>for</strong> a more general repressive political campaign upon<br />

which Stalin’s dictatorship was based. Unexpectedly my professor, Petr<br />

Mikhailovich Zhukovsky arrived at the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, badly<br />

in need of a rest and the chance to talk to friends. The Nikitsky Garden<br />

was under his supervision. He embraced me and tears were in his eyes.<br />

He told me “I made a Brest Treaty with Lysenko, a shameful treaty... But I<br />

did this <strong>for</strong> my students.” He was referring to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk,<br />

which Lenin signed with Germany in March 1918. It was annulled a few<br />

months later.<br />


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The trans<strong>for</strong>med Academy<br />

Vavilov-Lysenko-Stalin<br />

Courtesy of Roberto Bobrow<br />

Vavilov repeatedly criticised the non-concepts of Trofim Lysenko. As a result, Vavilov was<br />

arrested on August 6, 1940 and died of malnutrition in a prison in 1943<br />

When I returned to Moscow at the end of September 1948, the Timiriazev<br />

Academy was already a different place. The Rector of the Academy, the<br />

prominent agrarian economist Professor Vasily Nemchinov had been<br />

dismissed, and the new rector Vsevolod Stoletov was a trusted assistant<br />

of Lysenko. Key biological departments were completely reorganised. The<br />

famous plant geneticist, Professor Anton Zhebrak and nearly all lecturers<br />

in the Department of Genetics and Selection had been fired. Lysenko<br />

himself took the chair. Professor Aleksandr Paramonov, Head of Zoology<br />

and a world famous expert on farm animal parasites and the author of<br />

two textbooks was also dismissed. He was replaced by Nikolai Nuzhdin, a<br />

Lysenko supporter who was not even a zoologist. Deans of two faculties<br />

were also replaced. Both Zhukovsky and Maisurian, who had repented<br />

their “errors”, retained their positions. For undergraduate students the<br />

main problem now was the textbooks. Previous textbooks on botany,

zoology, genetics, plant and animal breeding, plant physiology and other<br />

subjects were withdrawn. But new textbooks were non-existent. Biological<br />

faculties of universities suffered even more serious reorganizations. There<br />

were not enough Lysenko cadres <strong>for</strong> all the key positions there<strong>for</strong>e one<br />

of the true Lysenkoists was given several posts. Isai Present, who was a<br />

Marxist philosopher and Lysenko’s closest colleague since 1930, became<br />

the dean of biological faculties of Moscow and Leningrad universities<br />

simultaneously. He would spend one week in Moscow and the next in<br />

Leningrad.<br />

The new situation made it extremely problematic <strong>for</strong> me to stay at the<br />

academy and to do research <strong>for</strong> my Ph.D. The new rector of the academy,<br />

V.N. Stoletov, personally took charge of changing the research topics of<br />

graduate student projects in many departments.<br />

Ph.D. degree by surprise<br />

A dangerous occupation<br />

I decided to extend my undergraduate term, moving from the general<br />

agronomic faculty to the more specialised smaller faculty of agro-chemistry<br />

and soil science. Because I now had to study several new disciplines<br />

(analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, soil chemistry, herbicides) I needed<br />

two years be<strong>for</strong>e graduation, rather than one as be<strong>for</strong>e. I calculated that<br />

the two years would give me enough time, not only to complete my<br />

diploma work, but also to accumulate enough experimental results <strong>for</strong><br />

a Ph.D. thesis and to prepare <strong>for</strong> oral examinations. The Soviet Union’s<br />

manner of awarding scientific degrees was inherited from the old Russian<br />

tradition. It required an open public defence in front of the “Scientific<br />

council” either of the faculty or the research institute. All the professors<br />

of the faculty or heads of laboratories of the institute, between 10 and 20<br />

men and women, were members of such councils. Two official opponents,<br />

usually professors, were given the task of evaluation. Anyone else could<br />

also attend and scrutinise the work. In some rare controversial cases the<br />

debates could extend to the following day. A decision was then made by<br />

secret ballot of the council.<br />

The political situation in the USSR in 1949 was going from bad to<br />

worse. The Berlin crisis which started in July 1948 along with the conflict<br />

between the USSR and Yugoslavia made the international situation very<br />


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unstable. This tension provided an excuse <strong>for</strong> a campaign against “agents<br />

of imperialism” in the Soviet Union, during which several thousand party<br />

and state officials in Leningrad and Moscow became victims and hundreds<br />

were sentenced to death. A second terror campaign was anti-semitic.<br />

Prominent figures of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee were arrested<br />

and the Jewish theatre in Moscow was closed. The death penalty, which<br />

had been abolished in 1947 in commemoration of the 30th anniversary<br />

of the October Revolution, was reintroduced. Now it was not only the<br />

courts that could impose death sentences, but also “Special Committees”<br />

<strong>for</strong>med by the Ministry of State Security (MGB) which were given the<br />

power to condemn people without trial, on the basis of “investigation”.<br />

During the spring and summer of 1949 I worked in a small botanical<br />

garden at the Timiriazev Academy. My main project was research into the<br />

nature of the sexual determination of hemp (Cannabis sativa) which has<br />

separate male and female plants in variable proportions. With sensitive<br />

tests based on isoelectric point measurements I was able to discover the<br />

fact that the pollen of hemp is nearly equally divided into two groups. I<br />

suggested that half were male and the other half female. Results of this<br />

study were soon published in the scientific journal Doklady Akademii<br />

Nauk. The previous year’s results of my carotenoid research were also<br />

published. From October 1949 I spent long hours in the library reading<br />

and writing until very late.<br />

I was known in the academy as a young researcher, but it was also clear<br />

that Zhores Medvedev, now a chairman of the Student <strong>Research</strong> Society,<br />

was not a supporter of “Michurin science”. I decided to submit my work<br />

not to the Science Council of the Faculty, but to the <strong>Institute</strong> of Plant<br />

Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The Director of<br />

this <strong>Institute</strong>, Professor and Academician Nikolai Maksimov, was a good<br />

friend of Zhukovsky and it was he who was submitting our papers <strong>for</strong><br />

publication in Doklady Akademii Nauk. There were 13 voting members of<br />

the science council at this <strong>Institute</strong> and only one of them was known as a<br />

follower of Lysenko. At our faculty the ratio was not as favourable.<br />

By March 1950 my thesis manuscript was ready: 260 pages of typewritten<br />

text. Its title “The Physiological Nature of the Formation of Sexual<br />

Differentiation in Plants” made it possible to discuss different theories in an

objective way. I brought a copy of my thesis to Professor Zhukovsky who<br />

was my official supervisor. He was surprised but pleased and relieved. It<br />

was his achievement as well.<br />

In March 1950 I finally graduated from the Timiriazev Academy with<br />

the qualification of “agronomist” specializing in agro-chemistry and<br />

soil science. The date of my Ph.D. defence was December 1st 1950.<br />

The secret ballot decision to award the degree was unanimous. Now<br />

I was free to apply <strong>for</strong> a position as a research scientist and to select a<br />

new research problem. I decided to start some experiments on protein<br />

synthesis and the nature of senescence in plants. The Nikitsky Botanical<br />

Garden biochemistry laboratory was the first place where I started.<br />

Zhores Medvedev<br />

A dangerous occupation<br />


24<br />

Bringing it all back home: next-generation<br />

sequencing technology and you<br />

Mike Gilchrist<br />

Technological advances in experimental biology are accelerating at such<br />

a pace that today a Cali<strong>for</strong>nia company can propose, <strong>for</strong> ten thousand<br />

dollars and given a sample of your DNA, to do something that would<br />

have cost us three billion dollars a decade ago – sequence a human<br />

genome. How can they do that? And possibly more importantly, why<br />

would you want them to do that? What would it tell you about your state<br />

of health, both now and in the future? What might it tell you about your<br />

parents’ and your children’s prospects?<br />

To understand what is really quite a revolution in experimental biology<br />

we will have to look not only at the architecture and organisation of<br />

the genome, but also at the methods we have been using to get at the<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation it carries, and how this in<strong>for</strong>mation is used by the organism<br />

to grow correctly from an embryo to an adult. We will also need to<br />

understand how small differences between the genomes of different<br />

individuals arise, and how these lead to some of the observable differences<br />

that make each of us unique. Let us start with the genome<br />

The molecular structure and in<strong>for</strong>mation content of our<br />

genome<br />

The human genome has two primary functions: it carries the coded<br />

instructions <strong>for</strong> how to build and run a human being; and it conveys this<br />

genetic in<strong>for</strong>mation from generation to generation, while allowing a little<br />

mixing and small amounts of change so that future generations remain<br />

robust and can evolve. Since Crick and Watson solved the structure of<br />

DNA we have understood how the molecular structure of the genome<br />

allows it do these things. The genome is carried on twenty three long<br />

molecules of DNA, our chromosomes, and we have two copies of it in<br />

most of the cells in our body. The genetic in<strong>for</strong>mation on the chromosomes<br />

is encoded into the sequence of bases that link the twin helical backbones<br />

of the DNA molecule (see Figure 1). This genetic code is very simple,<br />

consisting of just four different bases; adenosine, cytosine, guanine, and<br />

thymine; which we usually refer to by the letters A, C, G and T. A base on<br />

one strand of the DNA must bond with its complementary base on the<br />

other strand, A with T, C with G, and vice versa, so that the two strands<br />

make exact but complementary copies of each other.

Figure 1 The molecular structure of DNA<br />

The double helix structure of DNA solved by Crick and Watson in 1953, showing the<br />

base pair links between the two sugar-phosphate backbone molecules. Although only a<br />

few turns of the helix are shown, these molecules extend <strong>for</strong> many millions of base pairs<br />

to <strong>for</strong>m our chromosomes.<br />

This is what facilitates the precise replication of the chromosomes<br />

when cells divide during growth of an organism. Although the basis of<br />

the genetic code is simple, the sheer length of the DNA - there are<br />

approximately 100 million base pairs in an average size chromosome -<br />

provides more than enough variation to build the tens of thousands of<br />

distinct molecules that are needed <strong>for</strong> life.<br />

The international Human Genome Project set out in 1990 to determine<br />

the sequence of our DNA, involving hundreds of scientists from North<br />

America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim. It took ten years to produce<br />

a draft version of the genome and we now know that it contains close<br />

to 3 x 10 9 , or three thousand million, base pairs, and we know what<br />

most of its sequence is. Can we get a feel <strong>for</strong> how much ‘in<strong>for</strong>mation’ the<br />

genome contains? In simple terms a good thick airport novel contains<br />

about a million letters, and so a library of 3,000 such books would hold<br />

the same amount of ‘text’ as the human genome. This would fit easily<br />

into bookcases lining one wall of a generously sized living room. If we<br />

were to devote our leisure time to reading these ‘books’, and could get<br />

through one a week, it would take sixty years to plough through our<br />

entire genome – a nice fit with our lifespan, and hopefully a few years left<br />

to digest what we have read.<br />

As we read through our genome, however, we would quickly be assailed<br />


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by a recurring sense of déjà vu: that we had read this or that bit be<strong>for</strong>e,<br />

possibly many times over. It turns out that not all of the genome ‘text’ is<br />

unique, and not all of it carries useful in<strong>for</strong>mation, at least so far as we<br />

can currently interpret it. We could improve our analogy to take this into<br />

account. Suppose that our book collection starts off with all the novels of<br />

(say) Austen, Tolstoy and Zola. This would make up a little under 2% of the<br />

total of 3,000 books. Then we need to imagine that the balance is made<br />

up of 2950 copies of Marcel Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu: Du<br />

côté de chez Swann. Furthermore, these multiple copies are themselves<br />

cut up into fragments ranging from a few characters to several pages,<br />

and the resulting mixture, much of which is highly repetitive, is distributed<br />

randomly amongst the pages of the other books.<br />

Going back to the real genome what this means is that our genome<br />

sequence is largely made up of repetitive, or unin<strong>for</strong>mative, sequence,<br />

which we think of as having little impact on the day to day running of<br />

our bodies. This material is sometimes called ‘junk’ DNA, and as you<br />

might guess, it turns out that the repetitive elements have a significant<br />

adverse impact on our ability to experimentally determine the sequence<br />

of our genome. Our genes, which do most of the useful work, occupy the<br />

remaining ‘interesting’ 2% of the genome, and are the key to our biology.<br />

We have about 20,000 – 25,000 genes, and each is responsible <strong>for</strong> making<br />

one of the many smaller molecules (mostly proteins) that we need to<br />

grow and to function. The recipe <strong>for</strong> each gene’s product is contained<br />

in its DNA - think of it as long paragraphs of unique text interspersed<br />

amongst the junk – and the precise sequence of the gene determines<br />

the structure and nature of (say) the protein it produces. In addition, the<br />

sequence around a gene contains signals which, in concert with other<br />

genes, tell the body where and when to produce that gene’s protein. This<br />

is the origin of our need as biologists to sequence the genome, as only<br />

this way can we begin to understand the functioning of all these genes.<br />

So how do we go about sequencing a genome?<br />

Sequencing the human genome: old style<br />

Consider first what we could do ten years ago, at the turn of the<br />

millennium. The primary method <strong>for</strong> sequencing DNA then was called

Bringing it all back home: next-generation sequencing technology and you<br />

Sanger sequencing (after the Nobel Prize winner, Fred Sanger, who<br />

invented it), and we could routinely sequence sections of DNA <strong>for</strong> up<br />

to about 800 bases with high accuracy. This however was as far as we<br />

could go, and even though we could sequence the ends of quite large<br />

fragments of DNA, we could not sequence the section in the middle<br />

(see Figure 2a). Extracting someone’s DNA is easy enough, but how do<br />

we begin to sequence a whole genome when our technology allows us<br />

to access only the very end sections of DNA molecules? As the Human<br />

Genome Project progressed, the methods used to sequence the genome<br />

changed quite radically. At first it was a methodical sequencing of small<br />

regions of known sequence to build up larger ones; now the standard<br />

approach <strong>for</strong> vertebrate genomes is so-called shotgun sequencing. In very<br />

simple terms we take the genome and shatter it into many thousands of<br />

molecular fragments, and then sequence the ends of all the fragments.<br />

And we do this not just with one copy of the genome, but with millions<br />

of copies, although this is easy, as our body contains trillions of cells, each<br />

one containing its own copies of the genome. Then, using a considerable<br />

amount of computing power, we begin to look <strong>for</strong> sequenced ends that<br />

match each other, and gradually we assemble a copy of the genome<br />

sequence from these overlapping matched ends, not entirely unlike a<br />

very large jigsaw puzzle (see Figure 2b) with tens of millions of pieces.<br />

The repetitive nature of the genome is, however, quite a problem <strong>for</strong> the<br />

assembly process. By working with DNA fragments that are generally<br />

larger than most of the repetitive regions we can effectively ‘step over’<br />

these regions when assembling the genome pieces in the right order. Then,<br />

when the overall order is correct the individual repetitive regions are<br />

easier to assemble. A simple shotgun sequence strategy might combine<br />

groups of carefully size-selected fragments of 5kb (i.e. 5,000 base pairs),<br />

20kb and 100kb. This enables the assembly software to handle quite<br />

large repeat regions, and increases the chances of a robust and accurate<br />

assembly.<br />

In many ways it is amazing that we have been able to do this, and we<br />

have sequenced a few more species with genomes as large and complex<br />

as ours, but it is prohibitively expensive and it is unlikely there will be any<br />

more large genome projects like this.<br />


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Figure 2 (a) limitations of DNA sequencing capability<br />

DNA is sequenced by breaking it up into fragments and sequencing the fragments from<br />

both ends. There is a limit on the distance from the end that can be sequenced, and this<br />

often leaves the sequence of the central portions of fragments inaccessible. For older<br />

style Sanger sequencing this limit is about 800-1000 base pairs.<br />

(b) de novo shotgun assembly of a genome sequence<br />

Tens of millions of DNA fragments are sequenced from both ends, and then assembled<br />

by computers looking <strong>for</strong> overlapping matching sequence from different fragments.<br />

Large fragments, and a range of different sizes, enable assembly to take place despite<br />

the presence of confusing repetitive sequences. The figure shows a partial assembly with<br />

about 3x average coverage from a mixture of 5kb fragments (blue) and 20kb fragments<br />

(ochre). Random positioning of fragments means that there are still gaps where the<br />

sequence is unknown, although the order of the sequenced sections relative to each<br />

other is known.<br />

The new sequencing technology<br />

New sequencing technologies began to emerge during the closing phases<br />

of the Human Genome Project with the promise of very much higher<br />

throughput than Sanger sequencing, and these methods quickly became

Bringing it all back home: next-generation sequencing technology and you<br />

known generically as massively parallel, next generation sequencing. The<br />

most widely used system today is owned by the US company Illumina Inc.,<br />

which bought the UK company Solexa that developed the technology.<br />

The technical details are quite fascinating: it involves the simultaneous<br />

sequencing of millions of tiny fragments of DNA on the surface of a glass<br />

slide about the size of a large matchbox, essentially by imaging them as<br />

they grow. Fragments of DNA to be sequenced are anchored at one end<br />

to the surface of the glass slide, in an enclosed flow cell through which<br />

reagents can be passed. The fragments have been trans<strong>for</strong>med into single<br />

stranded DNA and a second strand can now be re-synthesised using the<br />

Figure 3. Illumina ‘Genome Analyser’ flow cell (schematic) <strong>for</strong> high throughput<br />

sequencing<br />

(a) Flow cell channels reagents between glass plates with millions of anchored DNA<br />

fragments <strong>for</strong> sequencing. (b) Cross section of flow cell showing second strand synthesis<br />

of anchored template strands. Laser light activates base-specific emission colour from<br />

modified nucleotides incorporated at the end of each cycle. (c) Imaging the surface of the<br />

flow cell after each cycle records the base added at each ‘spot’ of DNA. (d) Image analysis<br />

‘reads out’ the sequence of incorporated second strand bases at each spot.<br />


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anchored strand as a template (see Figure 3). Individual building blocks of<br />

DNA, or nucleotides, are used, which have been modified so that each<br />

of the four bases (A, C, G or T) emits a different coloured light when<br />

excited by a laser. When these are washed over the template fragments<br />

on the glass slide the nucleotide with the next correct base is chemically<br />

locked in place on the growing second strand. The glass slide is then<br />

photographed at very high resolution while laser light is shone on it, so<br />

that each growing fragment shows up as a tiny dot of light, coloured<br />

depending on which base was just added. The light emitting capability<br />

is then removed chemically, and the process repeated in cycles until the<br />

point where it becomes unreliable. The resultant stack of images is then<br />

analysed by computer, and the DNA sequence of each fragment can be<br />

easily ‘read out’ according to the sequence of colour changes at each<br />

dot.<br />

One of these new technology sequencing machines costs about the same<br />

as the older sequencing machines to run, but instead of a few hundred<br />

sequences each time, we generate hundreds of millions of sequences <strong>for</strong><br />

the same ef<strong>for</strong>t, and this is why they are so powerful. But there is a catch,<br />

and in fact there are two catches: first, the sequences are very short, only<br />

tens of bases, and secondly, the maximum fragment size is limited, in the<br />

simplest version of the technology, to a few hundred bases.<br />

Could one assemble a genome sequence with these short reads, if there<br />

were enough of them? Small microbial genomes can be assembled as<br />

they lack the great number and size of the repeat sequences found in<br />

genomes like our own. Even quite small repeat regions of just a few<br />

thousand bases become impenetrable barriers to assembly when<br />

the two sequenced ends of your DNA fragments are no more than<br />

a few hundred bases apart, and so this new technology is unsuitable<br />

<strong>for</strong> the complete assembly of human-size genomes. The resolution of<br />

this apparent problem lay in an unexpected direction – after all why<br />

assemble the human genome again from scratch when all our genomes<br />

are very nearly identical? Simply by matching the sequence of these<br />

short reads against the existing ‘reference’ genome and laying them out<br />

alongside it we can effectively re-sequence the genome <strong>for</strong> any individual.<br />

Furthermore, this works best just where we have the most interest: the<br />

relatively unique regions containing genes and their control signals.

Bringing it all back home: next-generation sequencing technology and you<br />

But why would we want to sequence other humans if we have already<br />

sequenced one? The answer is that a lot of what makes us different from<br />

each other is determined by many small differences in our DNA, and<br />

next-generation sequencing technology gives us a quick and powerful<br />

way of finding these differences. What we see if we line up all the short<br />

sequence reads <strong>for</strong> a given individual against the reference genome is that<br />

at many positions the individual has a different sequence to the reference,<br />

often over as little as a single base (see Figure 4). In fact we may see two<br />

different bases at some positions, and this reflects the inheritance of<br />

different genomes from our parents. In order to understand why some<br />

of these differences are so important we need to return to the genome<br />

sequence and see how signals are encoded in DNA, and how changes<br />

to the DNA arise.<br />

Figure 4. Re-sequencing an individual’s genome<br />

Although the short reads we typically get from next generation sequencing technologies<br />

are not really good enough <strong>for</strong> de novo genome assembly, we can effectively re-sequence<br />

someone’s DNA by aligning their data against our known reference genome. In this way<br />

we can easily determine the sequence variation <strong>for</strong> any individual that may underpin<br />

complex diseases and other inherited traits.<br />

The genetic code and signals in the DNA sequence<br />

We have established already that the DNA of our genome is a long and<br />

variable sequence of the four bases A, C, G and T. The precise sequence<br />


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of these bases determines many things: where on a chromosome a<br />

gene begins and ends, what the nature and structure of the molecule<br />

it produces is, and when and where the gene is active in the body. We<br />

can usefully think of the bits of sequence that do these things as signals<br />

between the genome and the machinery of the cell which has to translate<br />

the signals into meaningful molecular action. If these signals are changed<br />

or lost because of damage to our DNA, then our cells may misbehave<br />

with sometimes un<strong>for</strong>tunate consequences.<br />

For example there are two simple signals in the sequence of a protein<br />

coding gene: an ATG where the cell should start using the sequence<br />

to build the protein, and TAA, TAG or TGA where it should stop. The<br />

important point is that if either signal is lost then the gene will not<br />

produce the right protein. The converse is also true: if the DNA within<br />

the gene sequence is altered so that a new ‘stop’ signal is gained in the<br />

wrong place then the protein it produces may be shortened, and in all<br />

likelihood will not work as it should (see Figure 5a). There are many other<br />

types of signal in our DNA which control the behaviour of genes; some<br />

are very precise, and some, to our eyes, look uncom<strong>for</strong>tably ill-defined,<br />

but all have in common the property that changes to the DNA sequence<br />

will have effects on the functioning of our cells and our body.<br />

Fortunately DNA is quite a robust molecule and can generally be<br />

repaired by the cell, but it is not immune to alteration. External agents<br />

like radiation or chemicals can cause breaks in the DNA, which may be<br />

mis-repaired, or they can cause the base at a given position to change. Of<br />

course this is damaging the DNA in just one of the body’s many cells. In<br />

most cases the effect will probably be insignificant, but not if the damage<br />

occurs in one of the specialised cells from which our offspring derive.<br />

These germ cells, eggs in women and sperm in men, carry only one copy<br />

of the genome, and it is from the fusing of a single sperm with a single egg<br />

that a new human being grows. The critical point, <strong>for</strong> this story, is that any<br />

changes which have occurred in the DNA of either of these two parental<br />

copies of the genome are now copied into every cell of the new body<br />

as it divides and grows. Changes in the functioning of the altered gene<br />

may affect any, or all, of the body’s tissues where the protein from that<br />

gene is required.

Bringing it all back home: next-generation sequencing technology and you<br />

Human genetic variation and complex diseases<br />

When a change in the DNA is created it is called a mutation, but if<br />

it is passed on to future generations and becomes established in part<br />

of the population we refer to it as a polymorphism – i.e. a difference<br />

in the genetic code present in some people at a specific position in<br />

their genomes. Small pieces of DNA may be lost or inserted, but the<br />

commonest <strong>for</strong>m of polymorphism is the alteration of a single base, or<br />

nucleotide, to a different base, and we refer to these as single nucleotide<br />

polymorphisms, or SNPs (pronounced ‘snips’). We inherit one complete<br />

copy of the genome from each of our parents, so at the site of each<br />

known polymorphism we might inherit the ‘normal’ version from one<br />

parent, and the ‘deleterious’ version from the other parent, or any other<br />

possible combination depending on which versions of the polymorphism<br />

our parents had inherited from their parents, and so on (see Figure 5b).<br />

We refer to the different versions of the sequence in the populations as<br />

alleles. If one allele is clearly deleterious, we may refer to it as a mutation<br />

even when established in the population, and we will use this meaning<br />

here.<br />

What are the effects on each of us of carrying these polymorphisms<br />

around in our DNA? Human variation, by which we mean everything<br />

that distinguishes us as individuals, from hair and eye colour, to height and<br />

weight, and the ability to play chess or make music, is the combination of<br />

two things: our genetic inheritance and the environment in which we grow<br />

up. Some of these, like eye colour, are purely genetic in quite a simple way,<br />

i.e. the eye colours of our ancestors determines the possible eye colours<br />

we may be born with. But some characteristics are much more complex,<br />

and in ways we are only beginning to understand. For example, we know<br />

that height is a combination of genetic and environmental factors. By<br />

careful study of family relationships we estimate that well over half of<br />

human height variation should come from our genes, but even with<br />

masses of data on this most measurable of traits, we cannot yet identify<br />

all the genes that are contributing.<br />

We can make a broad distinction between simple traits and complex traits.<br />

With simple traits we can generally track down the causative gene with<br />

ease, and indeed some have been known <strong>for</strong> many years. Complex traits<br />

are more of a puzzle, and we do not yet have the ability to find all the<br />

contributing genes. Where this creates difficulties <strong>for</strong> us is in developing<br />


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our understanding of the causes of genetically complex diseases, like<br />

diabetes, asthma, cancer, autism and schizophrenia.<br />

Figure 5. (a) A mutation becomes a polymorphism<br />

DNA may be damaged thereby causing a mutation, and if it is in a germ cell it may be<br />

passed on to a child, and hence into the population. Some mutations are harmful; <strong>for</strong><br />

example in this case the C to A mutation in a gene causes the appearance of a premature<br />

STOP signal and a truncated protein when the gene is activated.<br />

(b) The genetics of inheritance<br />

Once a polymorphism is established in the population the children of heterozygous<br />

carriers (who have one copy of each allele) may have none, one or two deleterious<br />

alleles. In the last case this may cause serious illness, while heterozygous offspring can be<br />

largely unaffected.<br />

As with other simple traits, the genetic causes of simple or monogenic<br />

diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia, are well known and<br />

we can identify specific mutations in a given gene as the cause with some<br />

degree of certainty. If you are un<strong>for</strong>tunate enough to have inherited such<br />

a genetic variant you will almost certainly develop the disease at some<br />

point. With complex diseases we only know enough to say that if any

Bringing it all back home: next-generation sequencing technology and you<br />

of your parents or grandparents had the disease, then there is some<br />

likelihood, greater than in the general population, that you may develop<br />

the disease yourself. We do know some of the contributory genetic<br />

variants and affected genes but we have a pretty good idea that, even <strong>for</strong><br />

well studied diseases, there are many we have not found yet.<br />

Genome wide association studies<br />

Early attempts to track down the genes involved in complex diseases<br />

using data from affected families largely failed, probably because we<br />

underestimated the numbers of genes involved. Now that we have<br />

catalogued large amounts of human genetic variation we can use a more<br />

brute <strong>for</strong>ce approach.<br />

Genome wide association studies (GWAS) rely on being able to determine<br />

the genetic status (i.e which allele they have) <strong>for</strong> many individuals at many<br />

known polymorphic sites in the genome, a process we call genotyping.<br />

Initially we have no idea which polymorphisms, and hence which genes,<br />

are associated with a disease being investigated, but by studying the<br />

genotypes of a sufficiently large group of people with the disease, and<br />

comparing them with a similar size group of healthy people, we can<br />

begin to track down the genes involved. For polymorphisms that have<br />

an effect on the likelihood of you getting a disease, one of the alleles<br />

will predispose you to the disease, and the other will be protective. This<br />

should show up in a statistically different bias between the two groups<br />

in the study: i.e. the disease group are more likely to carry the disease<br />

associated allele than are the control (healthy) group. This both identifies<br />

the polymorphism as being disease associated, and tells us which allele<br />

increases our risk of developing the disease. In contrast, polymorphisms<br />

that are not associated with the disease will show the same allele<br />

distribution in both groups. The outcome from this type of experiment<br />

is there<strong>for</strong>e a list of genomic locations where there are polymorphisms<br />

whose alleles are to some extent predictive of our disease status.<br />

The first surprise is that, <strong>for</strong> a given disease, these lists are quite long;<br />

recent studies in type-I diabetes and Crohn’s disease have suggested<br />

more than 30 genetic risk indicators in both cases. The second surprise<br />

is that although we can estimate the genetic contribution <strong>for</strong> each<br />

polymorphism associated with a given disease, adding them all together<br />

falls some way short of explaining the proportion of that disease we<br />


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expect to be genetic from a study of its behaviour in families. A pervasive<br />

concern is that this ‘missing heredity’ may be in very rare alleles, found in<br />

only a small proportion of the population, and that these polymorphisms<br />

will, as a consequence of their rarity, be very difficult to find. So the<br />

picture we have now of complex diseases is that they are the result of<br />

possibly quite subtle failures in some, but not all, of the genes associated<br />

with developing the disease; and it is proving quite difficult to track down<br />

all the genes involved, and even more so to understand precisely what<br />

functional role they each play.<br />

Personal genomes<br />

Let us try and pull these diverse threads together. We have already<br />

assembled a complete version of the human genome – a reference copy<br />

– using ‘old fashioned’ long-read sequencing, and this was expensive and<br />

time consuming. Now we have new sequencing technologies that can<br />

easily produce many millions of short sequence fragments of our own<br />

DNA. These cannot be ‘assembled’ in the traditional sense, but they can<br />

be lined up against the reference genome, to see where our own DNA<br />

differs from the reference. We note in passing that the reference genome<br />

is just another person’s genome and is no more ‘right’ than our own, it is<br />

just the one we sequenced first. We also have an extensive catalogue of<br />

human polymorphisms. Some of these we know indicate clear causality<br />

<strong>for</strong> simple diseases; many are associated, with varying degrees of risk but<br />

little clear causality, with a steadily growing list of complex diseases. The<br />

vast majority, however, have a quite unknown effect, even those which are<br />

clearly likely to affect the functioning of a gene.<br />

So it is entirely possible to have one’s genome ‘sequenced’. The cost<br />

would be measured in thousands, rather than tens of millions, of dollars,<br />

and the data would be ready in just a few weeks. The important stuff will<br />

be there, as the re-sequencing approach works just where it is needed:<br />

in the regions of relatively unique sequence where the genes lie and are<br />

controlled.<br />

What would we learn from our genome? For each polymorphism that<br />

was known or suggested to be associated with a disease we could get a<br />

read-out of the two alleles we have at that position, our genotype, and<br />

from that an indication of the risk of having or developing that disease.<br />

For complex disease the excess risk <strong>for</strong> each polymorphism can be

Bringing it all back home: next-generation sequencing technology and you<br />

aggregated to give an estimated overall risk, although our confidence in<br />

these calculations is not as high as we would like. Some of these pieces of<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation may help us make beneficial adjustments to our lifestyle: <strong>for</strong><br />

example if our genetic profile indicates a 10% additional risk <strong>for</strong> type-II<br />

diabetes then we might make extra ef<strong>for</strong>t not to put on weight, as that<br />

is a known aggravating factor that we can control. For known monogenic<br />

diseases there would probably be no big surprises. These are mostly rare<br />

and mostly severe, so the likelihood is that you already know you have<br />

it, or <strong>for</strong> later onset disease, that it is in your family and you already<br />

know the chance of developing it. The same might also be true <strong>for</strong> some<br />

complex diseases where we have specific genetic tests <strong>for</strong> some of the<br />

contributory factors, like breast cancer.<br />

There is a further twist: although we have made progress in understanding<br />

the genetic basis <strong>for</strong> disease, even in those cases where we can pinpoint<br />

the precise causative mutation in a particular gene it remains an extremely<br />

challenging problem to figure out how to repair broken genes in vivo. We<br />

hope that in the future we will be able to use gene therapy, where we<br />

introduce a new copy of a gene into the genome in the cells where it is<br />

needed, but just now this is a risky and somewhat controversial approach.<br />

A more promising short term gain may be in the field of personalised<br />

medicine, which starts from the observation that the effectiveness of<br />

some drugs can be quite variable between individuals, and this may have<br />

a genetic component. Our genotype may lead to more appropriate drug<br />

treatment.<br />

We may be curious to know everything that is in our genome, but there<br />

may be unpleasant surprises that we are not prepared <strong>for</strong>, and can do<br />

nothing about. The arguments here are not much different from those<br />

associated with genetic counseling, where people at known risk of a<br />

genetic disorder are contemplating taking a test: what is the value of<br />

knowing? If there are no cures <strong>for</strong> what you find, are you better off not<br />

knowing? But what if you are contemplating having a family? This brings<br />

us to our final point, and that is that in some senses the in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

in your genome is not yours alone. Choices you might make to ‘know’<br />

your genetic profile will affect people you share your genes with: your<br />

parents, your siblings and your children. There are some profound ethical<br />

issues here, and, at least until we can make more and better use of the<br />

knowledge gained, it may be best to think carefully whether or not to<br />

read Pandora’s genome.<br />


38<br />

Immortality and obscurity<br />

Harriet Groom<br />

The Immortal Life of Henrietta<br />

Lacks is a non-fiction work<br />

about the life and family of<br />

a woman from Baltimore<br />

in the USA. She died in<br />

hospital in a “coloured ward”<br />

in 1951 from an aggressive<br />

<strong>for</strong>m of cervical cancer and<br />

yet cells from her body<br />

have continued to grow in<br />

laboratories since her death.<br />

These cells have been the<br />

spring-board to some of the<br />

greatest advances in medical<br />

science in recent history but<br />

their fame in the scientific<br />

community has far exceeded<br />

that of their begetter,<br />

Henrietta Lacks. When<br />

George Gey, a scientist at<br />

Johns Hopkins University,<br />

created an immortal cell line<br />

from Henrietta Lacks’ tumour<br />

Courtesy of Pan Macmillan<br />

he named it HeLa (hee-luh)<br />

from her first name and<br />

surname. The HeLa cell line<br />

was set to change biomedical science <strong>for</strong>ever but the Lacks family would<br />

only find out 20 years later that cells had been taken from Henrietta<br />

without her knowledge or permission and were being traded and used<br />

across the globe.<br />

This book is simultaneously charming and in<strong>for</strong>mative, gripping and<br />

thought-provoking. It addresses issues as fundamental as trust, racism<br />

and loss, alongside a detailed and transparent commentary on the science<br />

that developed from the creation of the first immortal human cell line.<br />

Rebecca Skloot has penned an engaging description of the journey she<br />

took to research the life, family and issues relating to Henrietta Lacks and<br />

her amazing legacy. The people she met on this journey are brought to<br />

life with great skill and faithfulness to reality, to the extent that you feel

you are accompanying her on her journey of discovery. The book is an<br />

essential read <strong>for</strong> anyone using HeLa cells, but is also highly recommended<br />

<strong>for</strong> everyone else, scientist or not. One of the many reasons <strong>for</strong> its broad<br />

appeal is its resistance to being pigeon-holed into a particular genre.<br />

Although it is largely a biographical work, the narrative is simultaneously<br />

popular science, a detective story and, with characters so compelling, you<br />

could be <strong>for</strong>given <strong>for</strong> mistaking it <strong>for</strong> a novel. The book provides an eyeopening<br />

insight into medical practices at the time, intertwined with the<br />

impact of class, race and mental health.<br />

One woman, many lives<br />

The book begins by introducing us to the title figure but she is by no<br />

means the only protagonist. The other main character of the book is<br />

Henrietta’s daughter, Deborah. Abused sexually as a child and physically<br />

in her first marriage, hers has not been an easy life by any stretch of the<br />

imagination. Her feisty but vulnerable character is the main focus of the<br />

story and is part of what makes it so engaging. The third unexpected<br />

character in the book is Skloot herself. On her website she talks about<br />

the decision to include herself in the narrative and it is clear that the<br />

difficult and sometimes dangerous routes she took to find answers are<br />

indeed part of the story itself.<br />

Beyond the three main characters I really enjoyed the book’s “tale<br />

within a tale” nature. Throughout, the reader is introduced to numerous<br />

characters, be they members of the Lacks family or their neighbours,<br />

or the scientists who contribute to the HeLa side of the story. For<br />

each individual Skloot concisely and elegantly gives us an introduction to<br />

their lives, character and motivations. By the end of the book I felt like<br />

I had spent time with a huge diversity of people including some of the<br />

scientists that previously I had only known from textbooks.<br />

Despite its charm and wit, the book is not a com<strong>for</strong>table read. The<br />

tragedy contained within it is profound, from the blackening of Henrietta’s<br />

tumour-ridden body during radiation therapy to her burial in an unmarked<br />

grave. Deborah’s quest to learn more about her sister, Elsie, who was<br />

committed to a Hospital <strong>for</strong> the Negro Insane during childhood, is not<br />

an uplifting one. Indeed it is debatable whether the tale as a whole ends<br />

happily or not. The book finishes with a brief summary of where its<br />


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protagonists are now, a touch gratifying to a naturally curious reader. This<br />

serves to remind the reader of the biographical nature of the book; a<br />

reality check at the end of a novel-style read.<br />

Award-winning writer Rebecca Skloot<br />

Rebecca Skloot was first inspired to find out more about Henrietta<br />

Lacks after her community college lecturer, Donald Defler, gave a brief<br />

introduction to Henrietta and her cellular legacy.<br />

As the other students filed out of the room, I sat thinking, “That’s<br />

it? That’s all we get? There has to be more to the story”. I<br />

followed Defler to his office. “Where was she from?” I asked.<br />

“Did she know how important her cells were? Did she have<br />

any children?” He said “I wish I could tell you, but no one knows<br />

anything about her.”<br />

This thirst <strong>for</strong> knowledge and passion <strong>for</strong> a story, Henrietta’s story in<br />

particular, stayed with Rebecca Skloot <strong>for</strong> over 20 years, through high<br />

school, a biology undergraduate degree, a Master of Fine Arts in creative<br />

fiction and on into her career as a science writer. This combination<br />

of scientific and creative training has led to a very accomplished first<br />

book. The book has received very positive reviews as well as accolades.<br />

Rebecca Skloot will be a success story to inspire anyone considering the<br />

“soft science” path of scientific journalism.<br />

The project to research and write the book took over a decade to<br />

complete and required a significant financial and emotional investment<br />

by the author. The effect she had on the family is evident throughout<br />

and particularly touching in the closing chapters of the book. The<br />

acknowledgments are a revealing treat in this respect, referring to one of<br />

the Lacks family members singing hymns into her answerphone on her<br />

birthday.<br />

The omnipresent tool<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e I read this book, I was certainly familiar with HeLa cells and, like<br />

many other scientists, had used them during my research. However, I<br />

am ashamed to say that my knowledge of their origin was limited to a

Immortality and obscurity<br />

muted recollection of a lecturer referring to the woman from whom they<br />

were derived. A brief perusal of the index of my undergraduate science<br />

“bible”, the textbook Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts et al.,<br />

satisfyingly reveals an entry <strong>for</strong> “HeLa, cell line”. The citation refers to the<br />

establishment of a continuous line of cells derived from a human cervical<br />

carcinoma in 1952 by Gey and colleagues. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, in common<br />

with many references to the cell line in biology textbooks, the person<br />

to whom HeLa refers is missing. Now, thanks to “The immortal Life of<br />

Henrietta Lacks”, the identity of the woman from whom this ubiquitous<br />

cell line was derived will remain etched in my memory permanently. The<br />

next time I use them in the lab my thoughts will migrate to her family and<br />

the author of this book.<br />

Immortality and legacy<br />

Rebecca Skloot<br />

Courtesy of Manda Townsend<br />

The unique status of the cells derived from Henrietta’s cervical tumour<br />

was that they were the first immortal human cells grown in culture.<br />

George Gey’s lab, and many other labs, had tried <strong>for</strong> years to make human<br />

cells grow outside of the body but this was the first successful attempt. In<br />

the chapter “The birth of HeLa”, Skloot describes how Henrietta’s cells<br />

doubled in number every 24 hours and expanded to fill the space they<br />

were given. An oft-quoted statistic is that more than 50 million tonnes<br />


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of HeLa cells have been grown since their first isolation in 1952. At a<br />

conservative estimate they feature in more than 60,000 scientific papers<br />

and thousands of registered patents. Scientists affectionately refer to<br />

HeLas as weeds due to their ability to out-grow and out-survive other<br />

cell lines. Their ease of growth is a double-edged sword as it means that<br />

HeLas easily contaminate other cell cultures (an issue that is covered<br />

with engaging historical perspective in the chapter “The HeLa Bomb”).<br />

In my PhD I used HeLa cells to study the properties of a particular<br />

protein of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Like many researchers I<br />

chose these cells due to their high growth rate, ease of manipulation and<br />

robustness. Since then I have used HeLa cells to study the infectivity of a<br />

novel retrovirus xenotropic murine leukaemia-related virus (XMRV). You<br />

would struggle to find a tissue culture lab in the world that has never had<br />

HeLa cells growing in it and considering the scale of scientific research<br />

across the world, this is no small statement.<br />

So, what makes HeLa cells different from the normal cells in Henrietta’s<br />

body? Scientists use the word immortal to describe cells that do not<br />

adhere to the “Hayflick limit”. This is a natural limit on the number of<br />

times a cell can divide be<strong>for</strong>e it undergoes programmed cell death. Cells<br />

in the body are limited to this number of divisions because the ends<br />

of chromosomes shorten with every cell division and the cell commits<br />

suicide be<strong>for</strong>e it passes on truncated, damaged chromosomes to<br />

daughter cells. The portions of DNA at the ends of chromosomes that<br />

signal this cell death when shortened are called telomeres. Immortal<br />

cells express an enzyme called telomerase which restores the ends of<br />

the chromosomes, thereby bypassing this important defence mechanism<br />

and allowing mutations to be passed on to future generations of cells.<br />

The accumulation of mutations through a number of avenues can lead to<br />

the trans<strong>for</strong>mation of a cell (see a previous <strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> Essay from 2005, “A<br />

Lottery Ticket and a Packet of Cigarettes, Please”).<br />

The process of transition from a normal cell to a cancer cell is called<br />

trans<strong>for</strong>mation. In 1984 Harald zur Hausen discovered a new strain of a<br />

sexually transmitted disease-causing virus, human papilloma virus (HPV).<br />

To date hundreds of HPVs have been identified but only a small subset<br />

of these, known as “high risk” types, cause growths on the cervix that can

Immortality and obscurity<br />

lead to cancer. Together with collaborators zur Hausen identified HPV-<br />

16 and HPV-18 in cervical cancers and he believed these viruses could<br />

cause cancer. He had HeLa cells growing in his lab so he tested these<br />

and found them to contain HPV-18. He obtained cells from Henrietta’s<br />

original biopsy and found that the cells had multiple copies of the HPV-<br />

18 genome. Some viruses show a propensity to insert some of their<br />

own DNA into a cell’s DNA via the process of integration. In HPV this<br />

occurs but with a very low frequency. Subsequent research into HPV in<br />

HeLa cells found that the insertion of some HPV DNA into the cellular<br />

DNA resulted in disruption to the levels of the cell’s p53 protein. The<br />

p53 protein regulates the cell cycle and is considered to be an important<br />

guardian of the genome from mutations. Through interactions with other<br />

proteins p53 prevents the cell dividing when there is something wrong<br />

and there<strong>for</strong>e has a protective effect against cancer. The inactivation<br />

of p53 will have contributed to the trans<strong>for</strong>mation of the cells in<br />

Henrietta’s cervix. The work on HPV-18 and further studies with HeLa<br />

cells contributed to the Nobel Prize won by zur Hausen in 2008 <strong>for</strong><br />

his development of a vaccine <strong>for</strong> cervical cancer, the disease that killed<br />

Henrietta Lacks.<br />

The role that HeLa cells have played in science since their birth is not<br />

limited to one vaccine but is fundamental and far-ranging. George Gey’s<br />

growth of HeLa cells in specially created liquid, or “culture medium”,<br />

led to the development of standardised techniques <strong>for</strong> growing cells in<br />

laboratories. Many concepts that seem second nature to all scientists<br />

today began in Gey’s lab. Skloot’s description of Gey’s lab is an interesting<br />

aside into Gey’s character as well as the technical aspects of growing cells<br />

in culture. <strong>Research</strong>ers will be interested to read about the introduction<br />

of sterile technique, a way of preventing bacteria and fungi growing in<br />

the rich culture medium and killing the cells you are investigating. More<br />

alien to the modern researcher are the tales of home-made laboratory<br />

equipment. Even in the current financial climate I don’t think scientists<br />

would make their own tissue culture rooms by hand or carve sinks out<br />

of stone from the local quarry! Gey was obviously very committed to<br />

his quest <strong>for</strong> immortal human cells. The introduction of standardised<br />

laboratory techniques developed in his laboratory resulted in the<br />

biological supplies industry, a multi-million pound industry today, and the<br />

new idea of biological materials as commodities.<br />


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The rapid spread of HeLa cells around the world was underpinned by<br />

the ability to send cells in frozen <strong>for</strong>m, rather than in flasks in the warmth<br />

of scientists’ pockets. This concept would eventually lead to cryogenics<br />

including the freezing of human embryos. The technical advances<br />

associated with HeLa cell culture in the 1950s translated in due course<br />

to significant leaps including the cloning of Dolly the sheep, the isolation<br />

of stem cells and in vitro fertilisation.<br />

The discovery that HeLa cells could be infected with poliovirus was a<br />

stepping stone to the development of a vaccine <strong>for</strong> this crippling disease.<br />

Since their birth HeLa cells have been infected with and subjected to all<br />

assaults known to man and this has helped us to learn a great deal about<br />

a variety of diseases. Another significant virus human immunodeficiency<br />

virus (HIV) was used to infect HeLa cells and this resulted in the discovery<br />

of the mechanism that the virus uses to enter the cell. HeLa cells have<br />

also been key in discoveries in tuberculosis and Salmonella research<br />

amongst many others.<br />

In addition to the cells themselves, HeLa cell DNA has been used<br />

to perfect numerous techniques and processes. The cells were used<br />

to develop genetic tools such as tests <strong>for</strong> Down syndrome and<br />

preimplantation genetic screening <strong>for</strong> in vitro fertilisation. Haematoxylin, a<br />

stain that allows the visualisation of chromosomes was first used in HeLa<br />

cells. Being able to visualise chromosomes, containing the code <strong>for</strong> life,<br />

was a significant milestone in scientific history. In the book the family are<br />

presented with a picture of Henrietta’s chromosomes “painted” through<br />

a technique known as fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). This gift<br />

was made by a scientist, Christoph Lengauer, whose research at Johns<br />

Hopkins University relied heavily on HeLa cell research. The effect on<br />

Deborah’s brother Zak is very touching.<br />

Who told you you could sell my spleen?<br />

A less obvious contribution of HeLa cells and Henrietta Lacks to scientific<br />

research is the effect that her story had on the way we now approach<br />

medical ethics. At the time that Henrietta’s cells were taken from her, the<br />

idea of “in<strong>for</strong>med consent”, a concept that <strong>for</strong>ms the backbone of current

Immortality and obscurity<br />

guidelines on human tissue research, was virtually non-existent. In the<br />

chapter “Night Doctors” we read tales of black people being abducted<br />

by white doctors to be guinea pigs in scientific research. Although<br />

some of these stories are based in black folk-lore, Skloot summarises<br />

real historical examples of vulnerable populations being used in research<br />

without their consent. The images of black bodies shipped in turpentine<br />

containers and families living in houses laced with lead will certainly shock<br />

modern readers.<br />

In addition to the necessary historical references to consent issues in the<br />

main body of the book, the afterword focuses on the idea of consent<br />

and the contentious ethical and legal issues surrounding human tissue<br />

research in modern day America. Those of us not familiar with the current<br />

situation may be shocked by the opening paragraph of this section:<br />

When I tell people the story of Henrietta Lacks and her cells,<br />

their first question is usually “Wasn’t it illegal <strong>for</strong> doctors to take<br />

Henrietta’s cells without her knowledge? Don’t doctors have<br />

to tell you when they use your cells in research?” The answer<br />

is no – not in 1951, and not in 2009, when this book went to<br />

press.<br />

With the caveat that Skloot’s research focuses entirely on legislation and<br />

practises in the USA, the chapter is in<strong>for</strong>mative in considering the two<br />

prongs of this issue, consent and money. Whilst litigation is normally<br />

associated with financial motives, this chapter reveals that the issue of<br />

consent rather than money underlies the greater proportion of lawsuits<br />

related to human tissue research. I think the author summarises the<br />

difficulties well when she says “How you should feel about this isn’t at<br />

all obvious.” Agreeing to give your tissues <strong>for</strong> a known purpose, such as<br />

being on an organ donor register or contributing knowingly to a medical<br />

study, is one thing; your appendix being used after having them removed<br />

without your prior knowledge is quite another.<br />

Interestingly, one of my early experiences as a researcher at the <strong>MRC</strong><br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Research</strong>, was attending a course devoted<br />

to the Human Tissue Act, the legal framework <strong>for</strong> human tissue research<br />

in the UK. It is clear that we have come a long way since those cells were<br />

isolated from the cervix of the young woman in Baltimore in the 1950s;<br />

however, the issues surrounding in<strong>for</strong>med consent are not straight<strong>for</strong>ward<br />


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and perhaps never will be. Those of you who are interested in this topic<br />

and seek further in<strong>for</strong>mation on this or any other aspect of the story<br />

will be satisfied by the extensive referencing at the end of the book in<br />

addition to further in<strong>for</strong>mation on Rebecca Skloot’s website.<br />

Henrietta Lacks’ gravestone<br />

Courtesy of David Kroll<br />

Closure and the Henrietta Lacks Foundation<br />

The book is a passionate quest to tell the story of a woman whom<br />

science has largely <strong>for</strong>gotten. The tone of the book is not crusading<br />

but its passion contributes to the emotional involvement of the reader.<br />

The stress that the investigative journey puts on Henrietta’s remaining<br />

daughter, Deborah, manifests as troubling ill-health. It is a sad irony that<br />

the Lacks family struggled to af<strong>for</strong>d good health care. However, we are<br />

left with a feeling of catharsis as the family come to terms with the loss<br />

of their mother and her existence as immortal cells in labs across the<br />

world. This heartwarming resolution peaks with the moving scene of<br />

Deborah and her troubled brother Zakariyya seeing their mother’s cells<br />

down a microscope in the very building where she died more than 50<br />

years previously.

Immortality and obscurity<br />

A portion of the revenue from book sales are being donated to the<br />

Henrietta Lacks Foundation. This foundation was set up by Rebecca<br />

Skloot and has given out its first grants to members of the Lacks family<br />

this year to contribute mainly to their access to education. On its board<br />

of directors sits Dr Roland Pattillo, the doctor who has been a friend of<br />

the Lacks family throughout their hard times and who helped Rebecca<br />

Skloot to contact them in the first place after an extended screening<br />

process.<br />

Rebecca Skloot and the Lacks family set out to tell a story that needed<br />

to be told. The author has achieved this in a wonderful book that is<br />

destined to be a classic.<br />

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is published in the UK<br />

by Pan Macmillan.<br />


48<br />

Conquistadores and cot death<br />

Marianne Neary<br />

Francisco Pizarro<br />

the Spanish Conquistador and<br />

conqueror of the Incan Empire<br />

When Francisco Pizarro and his<br />

Spanish army arrived at the borders<br />

of the Inca Empire in 1528, they<br />

faced some of the most mountainous<br />

terrain on earth. They were not<br />

viracocha cuna, or ‘gods’, as the Incas<br />

had initially mistaken them <strong>for</strong>; they<br />

had come to <strong>for</strong>ge the collapse of<br />

one of the most prized empires in<br />

the world.<br />

The Conquistadores pursued the<br />

Incas higher and higher into their lofty<br />

abode. The Incas were not retreating,<br />

however. Well aware of the effects of<br />

altitude on lowlanders, theirs was a<br />

cunning trick leading the Spanish into<br />

the gasping jaws of Mother Nature.<br />

Alas, no great battle is without a<br />

struggle and, despite the military<br />

prestige of the Conquistadores, this<br />

was no exception. Only in 1545 did<br />

they eventually establish the city of<br />

Potosi; at 4090m it was the world’s<br />

highest city. However, Potosi was<br />

never more than a frontier town:<br />

due to the altitude Spanish babies<br />

and cattle all died at birth. The only hope of survival was <strong>for</strong> pregnant<br />

women and animals to descend to the lowlands in order to give birth<br />

and rear their young <strong>for</strong> the first year of life.<br />

Five hundred years later, this same dilemma haunts our earthly heights,<br />

from the Han Chinese population of Tibet to the cattle ranchers of the<br />

Rocky Mountains. Joseph Neary, a vet in the Rocky Mountain <strong>National</strong><br />

Park, has observed that, unlike those species that have evolved to live<br />

at high altitude such as llamas and yaks, cattle can develop a condition<br />

known as High Mountain Disease (HMD). 75% of cattle loss to HMD<br />

occurs in animals less than 2 years old.

We do not have a scientific explanation of these observations, though<br />

we do know that a major challenge of living at altitude is the lack of<br />

oxygen. Since an unborn baby or calf is subject to similar conditions of<br />

low oxygen in the womb, it is a puzzle why they should struggle at high<br />

altitude. The answer to this conundrum may shed light not just on the<br />

problem of fatalities at birth but also on conditions such as Sudden Infant<br />

Death Syndrome or ‘cot death’.<br />

Panorama of Potosi, Bolivia<br />

This picture was taken and modified by Martin St-Amant. This image is distributed under the<br />

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://bit.ly/bLeg1M<br />

Getting to the heart of the matter may lead us just there. Our heart<br />

clocks up a whopping 100,000 beats every day and consumes a great<br />

deal of energy in the process. To generate this energy the heart has<br />

a choice of fuels: fat, which provides the most energy, or sugar, which<br />

generates less energy but doesn’t guzzle as much oxygen in the process.<br />

In the normal adult heart, fat is the fuel of choice. Be<strong>for</strong>e we were born<br />

however, our hearts used sugar; this makes sense considering the relative<br />

paucity of oxygen in the womb. Following this logic it is no surprise that<br />

the switch of fuel, back to sugar, happens within a few hours of birth,<br />

when our heart has to suddenly adapt to deal with larger pressures and<br />

energy demands.<br />

We hypothesise that if this switchover in fuel does not occur, the heart<br />

cannot meet the increased demands and fails to cope: this proves fatal.<br />

What could happen to prevent this switch occurring? Insights gained from<br />


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the Spanish conquest suggest that increased oxygen availability could be<br />

the trigger <strong>for</strong> the switch. So when oxygen concentration is as low outside<br />

the womb as it is inside, as it is at high altitude, problems arise.<br />

The fact that Spanish infants had to be raised in the lowlands <strong>for</strong> a whole<br />

year be<strong>for</strong>e returning to altitude further suggests that the switch remains<br />

unstable and liable to change in early life. This may echo a poignant truth<br />

<strong>for</strong> cot death, which occurs in the same time frame. Looking at the<br />

risk factors <strong>for</strong> cot death, you see that most of them can point to low<br />

oxygen: prone sleeping position, maternal smoking, bed sharing and head<br />

covering.<br />


Fatality<br />

Birth at<br />

high<br />

altitude<br />

Birth at low altitude<br />

Cot death risk factors<br />

=Decrease in [o2] ?<br />


[O2]<br />

The link between metabolic pathways, oxygen and infant mortality<br />

Exploring this further, we have found that immediately after birth a key<br />

fat-burning metabolic pathway is turned on in the heart and this pathway<br />

turns out to be activated by increased oxygen. Yet how come the Inca

Conquistadores and cot death<br />

babies survived? A scientific report published in May this year revealed<br />

that populations native to high altitudes have subtle variations in two<br />

genes. Adding support to the theory, one gene relates to oxygen sensing<br />

and is the same gene that is found to vary in activity at birth; the other<br />

induces the same fat-burning pathway we described above.<br />

The next steps are now to see whether artificially blocking portions of<br />

this pathway and interfering with the oxygen sensing machinery prevents<br />

the fuel switchover.<br />

If the theory is correct, maintaining normal oxygen levels could spare<br />

the heartache of cot death. Simply ensuring adequate ventilation in an<br />

infant’s room and cot may achieve this. Dr Joseph Neary, from the Rocky<br />

Mountain <strong>National</strong> Park reports that “One ranch I visit gives oxygen to<br />

calves after they are born at high altitude. So far, this has increased the<br />

proportion of calves surviving to weaning”.<br />

Whether this translates into human physiology remains, <strong>for</strong> the moment,<br />

‘up in the air’.<br />


52<br />

Is immunotherapy the ultimate solution <strong>for</strong><br />

Alzheimer’s Disease?<br />

Marina Lynch<br />

Just over 100 years ago Auguste D, a 51 year-old woman, was admitted<br />

to the state asylum in Frankfurt under the care of the psychiatrist Alois<br />

Alzheimer. She was suffering from loss of memory, progressive cognitive<br />

impairment, hallucinations, delusions and psychosocial incompetence.<br />

When asked to write her own name, she was unable to and repeated:<br />

"I have lost myself" (Ich hab mich verloren). This sentiment was echoed,<br />

perhaps more eloquently, by Abraham Schweid, an academic pathologist<br />

who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease in 2003. In 2005 he<br />

wrote:<br />

I can’t finish my ideas.<br />

My words are upside down.<br />

When I begin an idea,<br />

It’s not there when I go back to it.<br />

According to the World Alzheimer's Report, one person is diagnosed<br />

with Alzheimer’s Disease every 7 seconds and an estimated 35.6 million<br />

people worldwide are living with dementia in <strong>2010</strong>. This number is<br />

expected to nearly double every 20 years. Because of progressive decline<br />

across a broad range of cognitive functions, daily living tasks become<br />

increasingly more difficult and the increasing dependency of the sufferers<br />

means that the current and projected cost, both in economic terms and<br />

in societal terms, is huge.<br />

Auguste D died 5 years after she was hospitalized. Alzheimer, now in the<br />

medical school in Munich, and his mentor Emil Kraepelin undertook a<br />

post-mortem examination of her brain. They linked the deterioration<br />

in cognitive function with histological findings, which are the hallmarks of<br />

the disease: the presence of abnormal accumulation of fibrous proteins,<br />

or plaques, around cells and the presence of microscopic fibrous tangles<br />

within cells, coupled with extensive loss of nerve cells (neurons). These<br />

findings were published in 1907 and the condition became known as<br />

Alzheimer’s Disease.<br />

An insoluble protein called amyloid-b is the main component of plaques.<br />

In the past two decades or so it has been established that specific <strong>for</strong>ms<br />

of amyloid-b are capable of causing neuronal death and also capable of<br />

inducing inflammation. These are well-established features of Alzheimer’s

disease and there<strong>for</strong>e it was proposed that amyloid-b was a major<br />

contributory factor in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s. This idea was<br />

<strong>for</strong>malized with the development of the so-called amyloid hypothesis,<br />

which proposes that amyloid-b is the causative factor in Alzheimer’s<br />

disease.<br />

Auguste Deter. Alois Alzheimer’s patient in November 1901, the first described<br />

patient with Alzheimer’s Disease<br />

Cortesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/vivacomopuder/3051327340/<br />

Alzheimer’s disease can be divided broadly into two subtypes, early-onset<br />

or familial Alzheimer’s, and late-onset Alzheimer’s. There is a strong genetic<br />

component to familial Alzheimer’s; persons with inherited mutations in<br />

certain genes have a 50:50 chance of developing the disease. Amyloid-b<br />

is derived from another protein called amyloid precursor protein.<br />

Presenilin is a protein involved in the removal of potentially damaging<br />

proteins. Mutations in the genes that code <strong>for</strong> amyloid precursor protein<br />

or presenilin confer a risk of developing familial Alzheimer’s but this <strong>for</strong>m<br />

of the disease accounts only <strong>for</strong> about 5% of sufferers. There is, however,<br />

also a genetic risk factor <strong>for</strong> people who develop late-onset disease.<br />

There is a gene that codes <strong>for</strong> a protein called apolipoprotein E (ApoE),<br />


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which is involved in the transport of certain fats. The risk of developing<br />

Alzheimer’s disease is associated with inheriting one particular <strong>for</strong>m of<br />

the ApoE gene; this is identified as the e4 <strong>for</strong>m (ApoEe4) and the greater<br />

the number of copies of this gene that are inherited, the greater is the<br />

risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, only about 40% of those<br />

with late-onset Alzheimer’s inherit the ApoEe4 gene and so the gene is<br />

only one of the risk factors.<br />

Current strategies <strong>for</strong> the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease are<br />

only minimally effective. Part of the reason <strong>for</strong> this is the absence of<br />

methods to diagnose the disease at an early stage. In many cases it is<br />

likely that significant neuronal loss has occurred be<strong>for</strong>e diagnosis and<br />

in this scenario, because restoration of function is unlikely, treatments<br />

focus on limiting further neuronal loss. Prevention of the disease is the<br />

ultimate goal and it is interesting that the risk of developing Alzheimer’s is<br />

reduced in individuals who are treated long-term with non-steroidal antiinflammatory<br />

drugs <strong>for</strong> conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. There<br />

is some evidence indicating that the cholesterol-lowering drugs, statins,<br />

also offer some protection but the evidence is less compelling. However,<br />

it is highly unlikely that either strategy will ever be adopted as a means<br />

of protection against the disease because neither drug offers complete<br />

protection and, like all drugs, however safe, both have side effects.<br />

Immunotherapy is perhaps the strategy likely to offer the greatest hope<br />

<strong>for</strong> the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and <strong>for</strong> the treatment of mild<br />

or moderate Alzheimer’s, particularly as diagnostic tools to identify early<br />

disease become more sophisticated. The primary aim of immunotherapy<br />

is to eliminate amyloid-b, accumulation of which is detrimental to the<br />

health of neurons, and so it is based on the amyloid hypothesis. There are<br />

two possible immunotherapy options. The first is active immunotherapy,<br />

where amyloid-b is injected and triggers activation of specific immune cells,<br />

T cells. These are lymphocytes, which are a subtype of white blood cells,<br />

and their activation plays a pivotal role in immunity. A sequence of events<br />

is set in motion resulting in the production of specific antibodies. The<br />

second option is passive immunotherapy, where an antibody is injected<br />

by-passing the need <strong>for</strong> activation of the immune cells. In both cases, the<br />

objective is to ensure that the antibody will prevent accumulation of<br />

amyloid-b and there<strong>for</strong>e the development of the amyloid-b-containing<br />


Is immunotherapy the ultimate solution <strong>for</strong> Alzheimer’s Disease?<br />

Studies into the possibility of using immunotherapy to treat Alzheimer’s<br />

disease began in 1995, after the creation of a mouse model of the<br />

disease which developed amyloid-b-containing plaques and showed a<br />

deterioration in cognitive function with age. The mouse was engineered<br />

to produce increased amounts of a mutant <strong>for</strong>m of a human amyloid<br />

precursor protein that was isolated from a Swedish family with the<br />

inherited <strong>for</strong>m of the disease. The first trial of active immunotherapy was<br />

conducted in 1999 and the authors reported that repeated immunization<br />

of these mice with amyloid-b prevented plaque <strong>for</strong>mation in young<br />

animals, and reduced the plaque burden and prevented cognitive decline<br />

in older animals. It was concluded that this active immunization protocol<br />

stimulated the production of anti-amyloid-b antibodies and initiated<br />

the removal of amyloid-b by microglia, which are the cells in the brain<br />

responsible <strong>for</strong> removing cell debris by a process called phagocytosis. A<br />

short time later, another group undertook a similar experiment in a nonhuman<br />

primate, the Caribbean vervet, with a similar outcome. In this case,<br />

the clearance of amyloid-b from the brain was linked with a decrease in<br />

the amount of amyloid-b in the cerebrospinal fluid, the protective fluid<br />

that circulates around the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous<br />

system, and an increase in the amount of amyloid-b in the plasma. These<br />

studies identified two methods whereby amyloid-b-containing plaques<br />

can be cleared from the brain: antibody-mediated removal of amyloid-b<br />

by phagocytosis, or transport of amyloid-b from the brain. A third<br />

possible method is chemical modification of amyloid-b leading to the<br />

dissolution of plaques. Theoretically, approaches to stimulate any of these<br />

mechanisms should be beneficial; immunotherapy focuses on the first.<br />

The promising preclinical results led the drug companies Elan and Wyeth<br />

to initiate in 1999 the first Phase I clinical trial with their amyloid-b vaccine,<br />

called AN-1792. This trial involved 80 patients with mild to moderate<br />

Alzheimer’s disease. The vaccine consisted of a synthetic amyloid-b<br />

peptide and another substance, called QS-21. This is an “adjuvant”, which<br />

is necessary to activate the immune response that leads to antibody<br />

production in the immunized individuals. There were no apparent sideeffects<br />

following the four intramuscular injections over a six-month period<br />

but few of the patients developed antibodies. As a result, the vaccine was<br />

modified by the addition of a substance called polysorbate 80, which was<br />

designed to boost the immune response and there<strong>for</strong>e increase antibody<br />


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production. This modified vaccine was used in the Phase IIa clinical trial<br />

which began in 2001, with an enrolment of 372 patients, but the trial<br />

was aborted when a small number of vaccinated patients developed<br />

meningoencephalitis, an inflammatory condition of the meninges and<br />

brain. The cause of the excessive inflammatory response leading to the<br />

meningoencephalitis has been the subject of intense research and debate.<br />

One possibility is that it resulted from the addition of polysorbate 80<br />

to the vaccine, which led to unacceptable activation of immune cells,<br />

specifically T cells. In 2001, this solubilizing agent was considered to be<br />

inert, but it is now known that it can induce extreme allergic reactions. It<br />

was initially suggested that patients who developed meningoencephalitis<br />

might be those who exhibited the most profound immune reaction<br />

to the injected amyloid-b (and there<strong>for</strong>e who produced the greatest<br />

amount of antibody). However antibody levels did not correlate with<br />

the development of meningoencephalitis.<br />

Despite these setbacks, some important findings have been reported and<br />

follow-up analysis is still ongoing. Of the 80 patients enrolled in the Phase<br />

1 trial, 42 died be<strong>for</strong>e or during follow-up. Post-mortem examination<br />

of eight of these individuals who had been vaccinated with AN-1792<br />

indicated that vaccination markedly reduced the number of plaques in the<br />

brain. Plaque clearance was correlated with antibody level but not with<br />

cognitive per<strong>for</strong>mance because all eight individuals showed symptoms<br />

of severe dementia be<strong>for</strong>e death. The most likely explanation <strong>for</strong> the<br />

persistent dementia is that the neuronal damage was too advanced by<br />

the time of vaccination but these individuals also did not complete the<br />

trial and received only one or two vaccinations.<br />

Neuropathological analysis has also been completed on three of the 18<br />

individuals who developed meningoencephalitis in the Phase II trial. This<br />

revealed that few plaques were observed in these patients, indicating<br />

efficient clearance, but there was evidence that cells which are normally<br />

found in the circulation, but not in the brain tissue, had infiltrated the<br />

brains of the patients. In contrast, while plaque clearance occurred in the<br />

brains of vaccinated patients who did not develop meningoencephalitis,<br />

there was no significant infiltration of T cells and this led researchers<br />

to conclude that the presence of these cells was likely to be the cause<br />

of the excessive inflammation. Studies on another 14 individuals have

Is immunotherapy the ultimate solution <strong>for</strong> Alzheimer’s Disease?<br />

confirmed that vaccination does indeed cause a marked reduction in the<br />

number of plaques, but the persistence of some of the other pathological<br />

features of Alzheimer’s disease like the presence of microscopic fibrous<br />

tangles within cells and amyloid-b accumulation in cerebral blood vessels<br />

(another of the effects of the disease) appears to resolve over time. Initial<br />

indications were that plaque clearance was accompanied by a slower<br />

rate of cognitive decline but the most recent follow-up data suggest that<br />

this improvement is confined to a subgroup of patients where antibodies<br />

persisted. At this point, the conclusion is that immunization is likely to be<br />

beneficial in a specific cohort of individuals but it should be emphasized<br />

that, although other trials have been completed, the only comprehensive<br />

set of data published is from the AN-1792 trial.<br />

Ef<strong>for</strong>ts are currently focused on engineering vaccines that avoid the<br />

adverse side effects and this is being done by immunizing with specific<br />

fragments of amyloid-b, rather than using the whole protein or by linking<br />

amyloid-b with proteins that control cell activation. In theory, either<br />

approach should prevent the unwanted side effects observed to date<br />

but the results of the ongoing clinical trials will not be available <strong>for</strong> at<br />

least 12 months.<br />

Passive immunotherapy, i.e. when anti-amyloid-b antibodies are<br />

administered directly, is the second major immunotherapeutic approach<br />

to Alzheimer’s. In this case, because the patient’s own immune system<br />

is not activated, the effects of the therapy are short-lived. However, this<br />

approach avoids the risk of T cell-mediated inflammation of the meninges<br />

and brain, and it also eliminates the problem of a poor response to<br />

antibody (which can be a problem in older individuals because the<br />

efficiency of the immune system decreases with age). Animal studies<br />

indicated that weekly immunization <strong>for</strong> six months resulted in a decrease<br />

in the number of amyloid-b plaques and an improvement in memory,<br />

but microhaemorrhages were observed in some animals. Initial Phase I<br />

trials generally showed good safety and tolerability with some evidence<br />

of improved cognitive function. An additional encouraging finding was<br />

reported at the International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease in<br />

July <strong>2010</strong>. The results of one clinical study have found that appropriate<br />

screening of patients by magnetic resonance is likely to avoid the side effects<br />

of a potentially powerful passive immunotherapy drug, apineuzumab.<br />


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Meanwhile, another passive immunotherapy drug, bapineuzumab, is being<br />

evaluated in two Phase II trials and seven Phase III trials, several of which<br />

are actively recruiting participants.<br />

Amyloid b, plaque <strong>for</strong>mation and immunotherapy<br />

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment is injection of a cocktail<br />

of natural human immunoglobulins that includes amyloid-b antibodies.<br />

It is also being considered as a possible treatment <strong>for</strong> Alzheimer’s. This<br />

has been used since 1982 as a treatment <strong>for</strong> autoimmune neurological<br />

diseases like myasthenia gravis. More recently IVIG has been shown to<br />

promote amyloid-b clearance from the brain and protect neurons from<br />

the neurotoxicity induced by amyloid-b. The reports of a pilot study,

Is immunotherapy the ultimate solution <strong>for</strong> Alzheimer’s Disease?<br />

published in 2004, suggested that amyloid-b was decreased in the fluid<br />

which bathes the brain, the cerebral spinal fluid, and increased in blood<br />

serum. This indicates that amyloid-b is being removed from the brain<br />

and, importantly, this was accompanied by a stabilization of cognitive<br />

function in some patients. It has since been established that the changes<br />

in amyloid-b distribution were maintained only during treatment, and<br />

not after treatment was stopped. Results of a Phase II trial by Baxter<br />

International have suggested that there is reduced cell loss and improved<br />

cognition, over an 18 month period, in patients given their IVIG therapy,<br />

Gammagard, compared with placebo-treated patients. A Phase III trial<br />

is currently underway and is due to be completed in July 2011. The<br />

potential of IVIG treatment is also being evaluated by other companies.<br />

Immunotherapy is designed to eliminate amyloid-b accumulation and<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e presupposes that the causative agent in Alzheimer’s disease<br />

is amyloid-b. However this view continues to be challenged by some<br />

researchers, although research in the area continues apace. Perhaps<br />

we should not overlook the convincing epidemiological evidence which<br />

indicates that preventing inflammation reduces the risk of developing<br />

Alzheimer’s and consider the combination of anti-inflammatory therapy<br />

and immunotherapy. Huge strides have been taken in the development<br />

of immunotherapies <strong>for</strong> the treatment of Alzheimer’s since the initial<br />

Elan clinical trial in 2001 and the optimism that this will offer the first<br />

truly beneficial therapeutic after 100 years is palpable. More important,<br />

perhaps, is the prospect that further development and research will, at last,<br />

result in a vaccine that will eradicate this most devastating of diseases.<br />


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Lithium, manic depression and beyond<br />

Qiling Xu<br />

A survey of the prevalence of treated and untreated mental disorders<br />

in the adult population aged 16 and over in England was carried out in<br />

2007. It found that nearly one person in four had at least one mental<br />

disorder and that one person in eighteen reported having attempted<br />

suicide. Depression is one of the commonest mental disorders and it has<br />

been predicted that by the year 2020 depression will <strong>for</strong>m the second<br />

greatest contribution to the worldwide burden of disease. The illness<br />

is characterised by sadness, loss of interest in activities and decreased<br />

energy. Depression is different from normal mood changes that are part<br />

of our daily life.<br />

A severe <strong>for</strong>m is manic depression - also called bipolar disorder – in<br />

which the mood swings from exaggerated elation (“mania”) to feeling<br />

low or irritable (“depressed”). Depressive disorders and schizophrenia<br />

are responsible <strong>for</strong> sixty percent of suicides, with manic depression the<br />

third leading cause of death in 15-24 year olds. The causes of depression<br />

are complex and include psychological, social and genetic factors.<br />

First-line treatments <strong>for</strong> depression are medication, psychotherapy, or<br />

a combination of both, together with support groups <strong>for</strong> vulnerable<br />

individuals.<br />

Remarkably, a simple chemical compound – lithium salt – is highly effective<br />

in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Lithium is a naturally occurring<br />

element, in the same group of alkali metals as sodium and potassium<br />

in the chemical periodic table. On its own lithium is a highly reactive<br />

metal, but it is normally found as a salt, a chemical compound in which<br />

the positively charged lithium ion is associated with a negatively charged<br />

cation; it is the lithium ion that is the therapeutically active component.<br />

The use of lithium salts <strong>for</strong> treating mental illness such as manic disorder<br />

was known in the 19 th century but rediscovered in the mid-20 th century<br />

by an Australian psychiatrist, John Cade. As described in his seminal study<br />

“Lithium salts in the treatment of psychotic excitement”, published in the<br />

<strong>Medical</strong> Journal of Australia in 1949, he first experimented with guinea pigs<br />

to analyse the toxicity and protective effect of lithium salts and found that<br />

the treated animals became lethargic. He then presented in detail the<br />

results of treatment of ten manic patients. This is an excerpt from case I:

“a male, aged fifty-one years, who had been in a state of chronic<br />

manic excitement <strong>for</strong> five years, restless, dirty, destructive,<br />

mischievous and interfering, …His response was highly<br />

gratifying. …with lithium citrate he steadily settled down and<br />

in three weeks was enjoying the unaccustomed surroundings of<br />

the convalescent ward. …He was soon back working happily<br />

at his old job.”<br />

The patient was readmitted several months later due to not taking<br />

the lithium medication and was treated again. He was soon better, and<br />

returned to home and work. John Cade also reported the sedative effect<br />

of lithium treatment on six patients with dementia:<br />

“Although there was no fundamental improvement in dementia,<br />

three patients, who were usually restless, noisy and shouting<br />

nonsensical abuse, lost their excitement and restlessness and<br />

became quiet and amenable <strong>for</strong> the first time <strong>for</strong> years.”<br />

Based on these findings, John Cade suggested that lithium salts should<br />

be used <strong>for</strong> treatment as an alternative to involuntary confinement of<br />

psychopathic mental patients.<br />

Following these pioneering studies, Mogens Schou and co-workers<br />

carried out the first rigorously-controlled clinical trials of lithium that<br />

firmly established that it has a mood stabilising effect. In the 1970s the<br />

U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved its use in treating bipolar<br />

disorder. Today, lithium is used mainly to help patients by reducing both<br />

the number and the severity of manic and depression states, giving them<br />

more emotional control and greater capability in coping with problems.<br />

John Cade’s work has thus been hailed as the beginning of the modern<br />

psychopharmacological era, and it opened the door to treatment that<br />

has saved many lives and improved the quality of life of millions with<br />

manic depression.<br />

The finding that lithium is highly effective <strong>for</strong> the treatment of manic<br />

depression raises the question of how it exerts its therapeutic effects.<br />

Lithium has been found to alter the amount of many different biochemical<br />

components of the functioning brain, including substances that relay (or<br />


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“signal”) in<strong>for</strong>mation between nerves. These alterations could in turn<br />

underlie the changes in mood. It can be difficult to guarantee effective<br />

treatment as it is necessary to achieve the appropriate level of lithium in<br />

the body: if the dose is too low, it won’t work; if too high, it has unwanted<br />

side-effects, or toxicity. Lithium toxicity often leads to poor compliance<br />

in patients, who need to have regular blood tests to make sure they are<br />

getting the right dose. Alcohol use is discouraged because it interferes<br />

with the efficacy of the lithium medication.<br />

It is there<strong>for</strong>e important to uncover whether the beneficial effects of<br />

lithium are due to it acting on one specific target that has several roles<br />

in the brain, or instead are due to it acting on many targets. If just one<br />

or a small number of targets of lithium are responsible <strong>for</strong> the beneficial<br />

effects, then new drugs could be devised that are more specific <strong>for</strong> these<br />

targets. There is emerging evidence that one particular target of lithium<br />

underlies many of its effects on mood. Be<strong>for</strong>e discussing this, the stage<br />

will be set by a brief summary of key aspects of brain development and<br />

maintenance, as many psychiatric diseases, including bipolar disorder, have<br />

their origins in foetal development.<br />

The adult human nervous system is very complex and consists of over<br />

one hundred billion neurons (nerve cells) of hundreds of different types,<br />

and five to ten times as many other cells (glial cells). The nervous system<br />

is <strong>for</strong>med progressively during development, starting from the induction<br />

of a simple sheet of neural cells that are the progenitors, or ‘stem<br />

cells’, that give rise to all of the different types of nerve and glial cells.<br />

These progenitors proliferate and differentiate in a highly orchestrated<br />

manner to generate appropriate cell types at the correct time and place.<br />

During their differentiation, cells will migrate to specific locations, and<br />

each neuron extends long branches that <strong>for</strong>m connections with specific<br />

neurons, and in some cases with other cell types. During the process of<br />

making connections brain cells are linked through specialised junctions<br />

called synapses. A synapse is the club-shaped tip of a nerve branch which<br />

almost touches another cell and thereby allows the transmission of signals,<br />

and hence in<strong>for</strong>mation, between the two nerve cells. The signals can be<br />

electrical or chemical. The chemical signals carried by molecules are<br />

called neurotransmitters and many antidepressant drugs act to increase<br />

the amount of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Lithium, manic depression and beyond<br />

Until recently, it was believed that once the mature nervous system is<br />

<strong>for</strong>med, no new neurons can be generated. We now know that in specific<br />

regions of the adult brain, stem cells are present which differentiate to<br />

<strong>for</strong>m neurons and may have important roles in specific functions such<br />

as learning and memory. In addition, the existing neural stem cells may<br />

enable some replacement of cells that have been lost due to injury or<br />

disease. Some of the factors that regulate nervous system development<br />

may thus have continued roles that maintain the functionality of the<br />

mature brain.<br />

During the development of many animal species, including humans,<br />

there is an overproduction of neurons that compete with each other to<br />

make connections to the appropriate target, and the excess neurons are<br />

eliminated by a process of programmed cell death, termed apoptosis. This<br />

elimination occurs because neurotrophic factors - signaling proteins that<br />

are required <strong>for</strong> the survival and growth of nerve cells - are present only<br />

in small amounts. Consequently, during normal development not all nerve<br />

cells are able to receive sufficient neurotrophic support, and the others<br />

undergo cell death. An abnormally low level of neurotrophic factors leads<br />

to increased apoptosis and loss of nerve cells in the developing or mature<br />

nervous system, and this is one of the common pathologies underlying<br />

many neurodegenerative diseases.<br />

Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is one of the neurotrophic<br />

factors with important roles in the developing and mature nervous system.<br />

It helps to support the survival and growth of existing neurons and the<br />

differentiation of new neurons from stem cells. BDNF is present in areas<br />

of the brain that are crucial <strong>for</strong> learning, memory, emotion and higherorder<br />

thinking. Defects in the BDNF gene and its regulators are associated<br />

with a milieu of mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia and<br />

dementia, as well as neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s<br />

disease and Huntington’s disease.<br />

Studies of the postmortem brain from bipolar patients have shown<br />

that in the prefrontal cortex - an area associated with judgement and<br />

executive function - there is a significant increase in the levels of proteins<br />

that affect apoptotic cell death. Intriguingly, several lines of evidence show<br />

that lithium treatment leads to increased production of BDNF in the<br />


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brains of patients with bipolar disorder. Lithium may there<strong>for</strong>e exert its<br />

effect in part by activating neurotrophic signalling that protects cells from<br />

apoptosis. Bipolar patients have different levels of response to lithium<br />

treatment, with around one third of them seeing total remission of<br />

symptoms. Comparative studies have revealed that plasma BDNF levels<br />

in these patients were higher than in the patients who respond less well<br />

to lithium, but the same as those of healthy controls. Excellent responders<br />

may constitute a specific subgroup of bipolar patients <strong>for</strong> whom longterm<br />

lithium administration can produce complete normality.<br />

Figure 1 Lithium decreases GSK-3 activity in several ways<br />

GSK-3 is inactivated by specific enzymes that add a phosphate, and this can be reversed<br />

by dephosphorylating enzymes. Lithium inhibits the dephosphorylation, and consequently<br />

GSK-3 is less active. Magnesium ions (Mg 2+ ) are required <strong>for</strong> activated GSK-3 to<br />

phosphorylate substrates required in a diverse array of biological functions. By competing<br />

with Mg 2+ , lithium ions block the function of activated GSK-3. As a consequence of these<br />

inhibitory effects, GSK-3 can no longer regulate many important biological processes.

Lithium, manic depression and beyond<br />

The emerging links between lithium and neurotrophic factors are<br />

encouraging advances but they do not address the direct mechanism<br />

by which lithium acts. Chemically, lithium exerts its action by competing<br />

with magnesium (another metal ion) <strong>for</strong> binding, thus inhibiting various<br />

magnesium-dependent enzymes. Many of these enzymes are involved in<br />

the propagation of chemical signals required <strong>for</strong> cell survival, proliferation<br />

and differentiation. Some of them are implicated in neurological<br />

functions.<br />

Lithium can also inhibit some metabolic enzymes, including one called<br />

glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) (see figure 1). GSK-3 is an enzyme<br />

initially discovered to be involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism<br />

but is also found to be a component of several pathways that relay<br />

chemical signals from outside cells (extracellular) to the cell nucleus. In the<br />

mid 1990s, researchers found that lithium administration to developing<br />

frog embryos had the same effect as did loss of function of GSK-3. This<br />

led them to the discovery that GSK-3 was directly inhibited by lithium.<br />

Since then, GSK-3 has emerged as a key target that is central to the<br />

effects of lithium treatment.<br />

GSK-3 is involved in several diverse cellular processes and it is likely that<br />

several of these contribute to the therapeutic effects of lithium. One of<br />

these processes is regulation of the activity of specific transcription factors,<br />

proteins that act as molecular switches to turn particular genes on or off.<br />

An important and well-understood example is the Wnt signaling pathway.<br />

The Wnt pathway came to light in studies of embryo development and<br />

was found to have essential roles in promoting the survival, proliferation,<br />

differentiation and migration of cells in many different tissues including<br />

nerve tissue, as well as in synapse <strong>for</strong>mation in the nervous system. In<br />

essence, the Wnt pathway involves the inhibition of an inhibitor, leading<br />

to activation of a transcription factor. In the absence of Wnt signals, GSK-<br />

3 comes together with other proteins and causes a critical mediator<br />

of the pathway, a protein called beta-catenin, to be rapidly removed by<br />

degradation. The binding of Wnt signaling molecules to receptors on the<br />

cell surface leads to blocking of the function of GSK-3. Consequently, betacatenin<br />

can now accumulate, move into the cell nucleus and assemble<br />

with other proteins to switch on specific target genes. The mode of<br />

action of lithium on the Wnt pathway is illustrated in Figure 2.<br />


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Figure 2 Effect of lithium on the wnt pathway<br />

In the absence of wnt signals, GSK-3 causes destruction of beta-catenin. Wnt proteins<br />

bind to their receptors on the cell membrane and activate the pathway. This leads to<br />

inhibition of GSK-3, such that beta-catenin is no longer destroyed, and can now move<br />

into the nucleus and activate specific genes. Since lithium inhibits GSK-3, it has the same<br />

effect as activation of wnt pathway.<br />

Lithium is a potent inhibitor of GSK-3, and consequently it activates the<br />

Wnt pathway which in turn promotes cell survival. Activation of the Wnt<br />

pathway may also affect manic depression through additional mechanisms,<br />

<strong>for</strong> example the increased production of BDNF and an increased number<br />

of synapses. Indeed, a recent report demonstrates that beta-catenin can<br />

directly bind and activate the BDNF gene.<br />

In addition to its relationship with the treatment of bipolar disorder, there<br />

is emerging evidence <strong>for</strong> links between the Wnt pathway and other<br />

neurological disorders. For example, GSK-3 and potential targets of the<br />

Wnt pathway have been linked to schizophrenia and autism. A search<br />

<strong>for</strong> genes switched on by beta-catenin has identified some of the known

Lithium, manic depression and beyond<br />

susceptibility genes <strong>for</strong> schizophrenia, autism and bipolar disorder.<br />

Recently a gene called Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1 was discovered. When<br />

defective this gene increases the risk of having psychiatric disorders, and<br />

is an essential regulator of the proliferation of neural progenitor cells.<br />

A recent report reveals that this gene acts via inhibition of GSK-3 and<br />

modulation of the Wnt signaling pathway. Furthermore, several studies<br />

have identified GSK-3 as a mediator of the pathological effects of alcohol,<br />

and lithium is used in treating alcohol abuse. It is there<strong>for</strong>e not surprising<br />

that GSK-3 has emerged as a therapeutic target <strong>for</strong> the design of novel<br />

drugs <strong>for</strong> the treatment of bipolar disorder and other neurological<br />

diseases.<br />

A major difficulty in devising new treatments <strong>for</strong> manic depression is that<br />

the underlying causes of the disorder are not yet understood. Emerging<br />

lines of evidence paint a multifaceted picture of causes and effects. The<br />

risk of bipolar disorder has been associated with viral infection and pre-<br />

or perinatal stress. Mood switches in bipolar patients have been linked to<br />

impaired control of rhythmic activities such as the sleep/awake cycle in the<br />

brain. Genetic predisposition is also a major risk factor in the pathogenesis<br />

of bipolar disorder. Gene discovery ef<strong>for</strong>ts have been hampered by the<br />

complex mode of inheritance and the involvement of multiple genes.<br />

Genome-wide association studies aided by large-scale DNA sequencing<br />

(a separate topic in this volume) are a powerful approach to uncovering<br />

the secrets of genetic mutations and variations in bipolar patients.<br />

Genetic variation may also contribute to different responses to lithium<br />

treatment and other antidepressant drugs. Investigating the genetics of<br />

lithium sensitivity has identified new molecules that modulate lithium<br />

sensitivity and thus offer new therapeutic targets <strong>for</strong> the treatment<br />

of manic depression and other mental disorders. Furthermore, the<br />

identification of risk genes <strong>for</strong> manic depression may provide a better<br />

understanding of the nature of pathogenesis and in turn may lead to<br />

a better therapeutic target. Many of the genes associated with bipolar<br />

disorder have also been associated with schizophrenia. These overlapping<br />

candidate genes may help to determine some of the common features<br />

such as psychosis, mania and suicidal feelings, and interestingly lithium is<br />

effective in reducing the frequency of suicide attempts in both diseases.<br />


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There are reports of defects in the glial support cells in the brain in manic<br />

depression and schizophrenia, suggesting that these rather than nerve<br />

cells may be the affected cell type in some cases.<br />

The multi-causal nature of bipolar disorder remains a major challenge<br />

<strong>for</strong> the diagnosis and treatment of this illness. Animal models have been<br />

developed to enable a better understanding of its pathology, and to identify<br />

therapeutic targets and better drugs <strong>for</strong> bipolar disorders. Investigating the<br />

genetics of lithium sensitivity has identified new molecules that modulate<br />

lithium sensitivity and thus offer new therapeutic targets.<br />

Another important tool is the use of functional magnetic resonance<br />

imaging (fMRI), a brain scan technique that maps areas of brain activated<br />

by, <strong>for</strong> example, tasks or questions to the conscious person. This has<br />

enabled meaningful comparisons of brain images, which define the<br />

affected regions and provide a neurophysiological basis <strong>for</strong> understanding<br />

mental disorders such as bipolar disorder. A number of imaging studies<br />

suggest that structural abnormalities in the amygdala, basal ganglia and<br />

prefrontal cortex occur in patients with bipolar disorder. These are the<br />

brain areas associated with a variety of functions, including motor control,<br />

learning and emotion.<br />

fMRI will also have a great impact on investigating a wide array of<br />

other brain lesions and aspects of mental health. A recent example<br />

is a study showing that fMRI could help doctors diagnose adults with<br />

autism by identifying structural differences in their brain, though it is not<br />

clear whether the regional differences are the cause or effect of the<br />

pathogenesis. Extension of this study to younger people will help to shed<br />

light and allow the identification of at-risk children more rapidly.<br />

The discovery that lithium inhibits GSK-3 has paved the way to establishing<br />

that many mood disorders involve the activity of GSK-3 or GSK-3<br />

regulated functions. Disruptions of these intricate regulating systems may<br />

contribute to the heterogeneity of the disorder. As a mood stabiliser,<br />

lithium will remain popular in treating bipolar disorder, although the side<br />

effects and toxicity remain a problem. Further research is needed to<br />

discover new drugs and ways of controlling GSK-3 activity in a tissuespecific<br />

manner to avoid unwanted effects of inhibition outside the<br />

nervous system.

Lithium, manic depression and beyond<br />

Stephen Fry<br />

Courtesy of Lotte D’Hulster<br />

Stephen Fry, the actor, comedian and author, has spoken publicly about his<br />

experience with bipolar disorder, which was also depicted in the documentary<br />

Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic-Depressive.<br />


70<br />

Translation: beating scientific swords<br />

into medical ploughshares<br />

John Galloway<br />

Science: use or ornament?<br />

What is science <strong>for</strong>? Sir JJ Thomson is credited with the proof of the<br />

existence of the electron; he won the Nobel Prize <strong>for</strong> it in 1906. It is<br />

alleged that at an annual dinner of the Cavendish Laboratory, one of his<br />

colleagues proposed a toast. “To the electron - may it never be of any use<br />

to anybody!” Even if no more than apocryphal, those few words crystallise<br />

the answer to the question. They suggest that science ought to be above<br />

mere utility which is a bit ‘trade’. At the same time they strongly imply<br />

that there are those who, rather regrettably, think otherwise.<br />

So, perhaps depending on your point of view, on the one hand science<br />

is there to find out interesting things about the world: its purpose is to<br />

be enlightening. Or, on the other, science ought to be useful: keeping the<br />

streets clean, making us live longer, paying the national bills. Five years<br />

ago the UK government’s Economic Impact Group asked the <strong>Research</strong><br />

Councils, the main funders of research in the UK, to:<br />

“…provide views on how they could deliver and demonstrate a<br />

significant increase in the economic impact of their investments,<br />

and also to provide in<strong>for</strong>mation on each council’s strategy <strong>for</strong><br />

the allocation of funding.”<br />

The Warry Report was the <strong>Research</strong> Councils’ response. It didn’t hold<br />

back:<br />

“The economic benefits too will be diverse, extending beyond<br />

productivity gains to conceptions such as value created through<br />

better healthcare, better public services at national and local<br />

level, through law and policy making and cultural benefits.”<br />

That’s quite a claim. It is difficult to know what else there is that could<br />

benefit!<br />

The two views about the purpose of science appear to be diametrically<br />

opposed, even mutually contradictory. One is a romantic adventure to<br />

discover the truth about the world and is pursued only <strong>for</strong> its own sake;<br />

the other, chasing the dragon of the mastery and exploitation of nature;

ultimately attaining the utopian state of physical, mental and social well<br />

being. Scientists have spotted that it would be a good thing <strong>for</strong> them<br />

to argue that you cannot have the second without the first. Scientists<br />

of necessity have to be ‘free-range’, able to follow their own, however<br />

idiosyncratic, inclinations, if what they find is to be of any real use to the<br />

world outside science. Only in this way will they attract ever-greater<br />

bounty from government.<br />

Consider this <strong>for</strong> instance:<br />

“Practical and economic benefits arise from scientific discoveries.<br />

Science has economic impact precisely because curiosity-driven<br />

research reveals patterns and features of the natural world<br />

that we did not know and did not expect.”<br />

It is taken from a recent website aimed at recruiting disaffected scientists<br />

to petition the government <strong>for</strong> a reversal, or at least a change, of policy.:<br />

“A policy now being applied by the UK <strong>Research</strong> Councils….<br />

directs funds to projects whose outcomes are specified in<br />

advance….” the UK taxpayer should not support investigations<br />

with <strong>for</strong>egone conclusions.”<br />

The sentiments it expressed were echoed last year by a letter to the<br />

Financial Times signed by any number of UK Nobel Prize winners.<br />

What is the source of this tension between scientists and their government<br />

paymasters? In relation to medical research the editor of The Lancet,<br />

Richard Horton, wrote of:<br />

“…the huge gap between theory and practice, between the<br />

burgeoning scientific basis of medicine and the relatively slow<br />

progress of clinical practice and preventive public health… the<br />

discontinuity is all too well recognised today with the debates<br />

about how to translate research into practice and how best to<br />

use the mass of in<strong>for</strong>mation we already have.”<br />

In other words, governments that hold science’s purse strings have made<br />


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it clearer that they wish to see something more than exponentially<br />

growing quantities of increasingly recondite and largely incomprehensible<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation, however interesting to scientists it might be. They wanted to<br />

see some practical benefits coming out of science, preferably benefits that<br />

attracted votes. Notice, by the way, that Horton was writing in 1993.<br />

Where and when did the problem start? It is apt as well as convenient to<br />

look at the UK <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Committee, <strong>for</strong>erunner of the <strong>Medical</strong><br />

<strong>Research</strong> Council (<strong>MRC</strong>), set up in 1913. In his history of the <strong>MRC</strong> Sir<br />

Landsborough Thomson wrote:<br />

“Thus began a policy of the concerted funding of medical<br />

research from the public purse.…it had functions not previously<br />

discharged on the public behalf to more than a slight extent;<br />

and it had potentially a scope as wide as the farthest limits of<br />

medical science.”<br />

There was of course a difficulty. It wasn’t seen back in 1913 but it is<br />

seen clearly enough now. Whereas more scientific knowledge and better<br />

understanding are necessary <strong>for</strong> progress, it turns out they are far from<br />

sufficient. However wonderful the biology being created, it still has to be<br />

turned into practical, safe and reliable <strong>for</strong>ms of treatment or diagnosis;<br />

worthwhile clinical outcomes in other words. And this is far easier to<br />

promise than to deliver. Indeed, the history of the funding of research<br />

from the public purse over pretty much the whole of the last century<br />

has been one of governments attempting, though largely failing, to direct<br />

or channel the money towards the ‘practical’ problems and priorities of<br />

government ministries, rather than merely leaving scientists to get on<br />

with it. The famous, or infamous, 1971 Rothschild Report proposed that<br />

the Department of Health should commission research from the <strong>MRC</strong>.<br />

Years later a member of the <strong>MRC</strong> Council at that time commented “The<br />

effect was nil.”<br />

Spreading the word<br />

Horton used an interesting word, translate, to describe research being<br />

trans<strong>for</strong>med into practice. It is a sense not given by the Ox<strong>for</strong>d English<br />

Dictionary, although it has been in the Ox<strong>for</strong>d Dictionary of English since

1998, <strong>for</strong> example:<br />

Translation: beating scientific swords into medical ploughshares<br />

“the translation of research findings into clinical practice.”<br />

Its first use in this sense may have been by McKinney and Stavely in<br />

1966:<br />

“Anti-inflammatory screening suffers from the fact that animal<br />

models of laboratory inflammation have not provided ideal<br />

counterparts of human arthridites and the translation of results<br />

from the laboratory to the clinic has not always been fruitful”.<br />

Then there seems to have been something of a gap of nearly 30 years<br />

until 1994, when Kelley and Randolph wrote:<br />

“The opportunities <strong>for</strong> translation of in<strong>for</strong>mation gained from<br />

molecular biology to health care delivery have never been<br />

greater.”<br />

It is worth noticing that the House of Lords Select Committee on<br />

Science and Technology did not use the word in their 1988 report called<br />

‘Priorities <strong>for</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Research</strong>’.<br />

As we move closer to the present day, however, this shift in sense <strong>for</strong><br />

translation has gained a great deal of ground. It is now the second most<br />

common current use of the word. The press have got hold of it:<br />

“The report will also highlight the need <strong>for</strong> more translational<br />

research – studies that get from the laboratory to the patient”<br />

This appeared in The Times on 15 March <strong>2010</strong> <strong>MRC</strong> itself called its<br />

2003/04 annual review, ‘Translating <strong>Research</strong>’. The 2006 Department<br />

of Health strategy paper, ‘<strong>Research</strong> <strong>for</strong> Better Health’ set up Biomedical<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Centres specifically to ‘spearhead translation’. The <strong>MRC</strong> created<br />

a ‘Translational <strong>Research</strong> Overview Group’ covering its four research<br />

boards. Dozens (perhaps hundreds) of translational research institutes<br />

and centres have been set up world-wide. And, possibly, the final proof<br />

that the word and its meaning are now seriously entrenched was the<br />


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2009 launch by the publishers of Science magazine of a sister journal<br />

called Science Translational Medicine.<br />

But what does ‘translation’ mean in concrete terms? Just what<br />

demonstrable benefits (and <strong>for</strong> whom) follow from particular scientific<br />

discoveries? And who exactly does the ‘translating’? The second half of<br />

this essay attempts to provide some sort of answers. It looks briefly at<br />

two current clinical problems in the broad field of transmissible disease<br />

covering between them, prevention, treatment and screening, and the<br />

part that research at NIMR has contributed to their eventual solution.<br />

The <strong>MRC</strong> 2003/04 annual review, Translating <strong>Research</strong>

Present day pestilences<br />

Malaria, and influenza (flu) are two scourges of which the Horsemen<br />

of the Apocalypse would be proud. The World Health Organisation<br />

estimates that there are 3-500 million clinical cases of malaria a year, and<br />

growing, and one to three million deaths, including 2000 children every<br />

day. Even these figures may be gross underestimates and indeed have just<br />

been challenged in The Lancet. And then there is influenza.<br />

Just geometry<br />

Translation: beating scientific swords into medical ploughshares<br />

As ‘seasonal flu’ the threat of relatively mild infection is, like the poor,<br />

always with us. It occurs each year here in the UK, as in many places. But<br />

there is also the possibility of far more infectious and lethal strains of<br />

the virus emerging. The outbreak of ‘Spanish’ flu immediately following<br />

WWI killed between 30 and 40 million people world-wide. Though<br />

decidedly milder in its effects, ‘Asian’ flu which appeared in 1957, was<br />

highly infectious and 2 million people may have died from it. In the last<br />

few years, the threats posed by both avian and swine flu have <strong>for</strong>ced<br />

the country and the wider world on to public health ‘red-alerts’. Like<br />

terrorism, these threats may oblige governments to engage in expensive<br />

and socially dislocating plans of prevention and treatment irrespective of<br />

whether they actually materialise or not.<br />

The flu virus was identified at NIMR in 1933 where its changeable<br />

tendency was also noticed. Underlying its capricious and potentially deadly<br />

behaviour is simply a viral genome with the potential <strong>for</strong> a lot of variation.<br />

The resulting variety in the structures of the proteins that the genome<br />

prescribes creates strains of virus that are difficult to vaccinate against or<br />

treat. Their potential mildness or lethality as well as their demographic<br />

targets (the old and weak, the young and strong, the middle-aged) are<br />

impossible to predict reliably.<br />

A flu protein which drew the attention of the drug industry is<br />

Neuraminidase (NA). An enzyme, it breaks the virus out of the cells<br />

where it has been multiplying. While not in itself sufficient, there<strong>for</strong>e, NA<br />

is certainly necessary <strong>for</strong> the spread of infection. And whatever the viral<br />

strain, NA’s substrate is always the same, sialic acid on the cell surface. It<br />


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was argued perhaps 40 years ago that a drug whose molecular structure<br />

closely mimicked sialic acid would not only be a good bet but also<br />

effective against all strains of the virus. Not only that, but any evolving<br />

resistance to such a drug would necessarily also render the virus ‘unfit’<br />

in an evolutionary sense. In other words, a drug-resistant virus would,<br />

rather conveniently, also be relatively harmless.<br />

But, “Seek simplicity…and mistrust it” is good advice. Two drugs were<br />

developed: Tamiflu (Oseltamivir) and Relenza (Zanamivir), both mimicking<br />

the structure of sialic acid. Awkwardly, though, <strong>for</strong> this optimistic outlook,<br />

some mutants resistant to Oseltamivir but still infective were soon<br />

reported. On the other hand they continued to be blocked by Zanamivir.<br />

In other words they were mutants that could distinguish between the<br />

two drugs. It took research by Steve Gamblin’s protein crystallography<br />

group at NIMR to explain this singular behaviour. The changes in structure<br />

shown, contrive to deny Oseltamivir, but not Zanamivir, the necessary<br />

close stereoscopic fit with the active site necessary to block its role in<br />

breaking down sialic acid.<br />

Neuraminidase<br />

In the active site of neuraminidase (blue), oseltamivir fits next to the glutamine amino<br />

acid in the structure. In the oseltamivir-resistant neuraminidase (red), the mutation of<br />

histidine to tyrosine pushes the glutamine towards the oseltamivir, so that the drug can<br />

no longer occupy the active site well. This does not occur with zanamivir because it is<br />

a different shape, such that the drug is well placed to interact with the glutamine when<br />

either histidine or tyrosine are present.<br />

It is a finding that opens up a rational way to design some new drugs, or<br />

at least sensible variations on the existing ones, with potential benefits<br />

<strong>for</strong> both health and the economy. Over to Big Pharma! It also suggests a

Translation: beating scientific swords into medical ploughshares<br />

good theoretical basis <strong>for</strong> a UK government strategy <strong>for</strong> stockpiling antivirals<br />

against future epidemics:<br />

“It would be prudent <strong>for</strong> pandemic stockpiles of oseltamivir<br />

(tamiflu) to be augmented by additional antiviral drugs,<br />

including zanamavir (relenza).”<br />

The two anti-flu drugs (and the research to improve them) illustrate very<br />

nicely the goal that translation ought to aim <strong>for</strong>, what might be called a<br />

‘technological fix’. In other words they are a concrete expression of the<br />

cause-effect relationship which links the problem to its solution. The aim<br />

may seem self-evident, but a lot of innovation in medicine falls far short<br />

of achieving it.<br />

Telling the one from the other<br />

Whereas flu poses an ever-present threat of a major public health<br />

problem in the UK, these days malaria certainly does not; though that<br />

does not mean it poses no problems at all. Ironically, one of them arises<br />

from our possession of a successful health service. Like some other<br />

diseases, malaria can be transmitted by blood transfusion, something first<br />

recorded in 1911. Hundreds of thousands of people give blood. Hundreds<br />

of thousands travel to places where malaria is endemic. Some tens of<br />

thousands do both. Nevertheless, although several hundred cases of<br />

malaria are ‘imported’ into Britain every year, only 5 cases of transmission<br />

by transfusion were recorded in the 20 years to 2004. Success followed a<br />

policy of simply refusing (or deferring) donations from travellers exposed<br />

to infection. Success had to be paid <strong>for</strong> of course. Its cost was counted in<br />

safe donations that were lost.<br />

What was needed was a ‘marker’ to discriminate between those infected<br />

and those not. The successful candidate presented itself in a nice instance<br />

of ‘serendipity’. The vehicle <strong>for</strong> this happy chance was research into the<br />

possibility of creating a malaria vaccine started by Tony Holder some years<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e he came to NIMR’s Division of Parasitology. Vaccines provide the<br />

paradigm <strong>for</strong> ‘technological fixes’ in their embodiment of the cause-effect<br />

relationship. It is a relationship relying on the remarkable discriminatory<br />

power of antigens in selecting <strong>for</strong> antibodies. It follows that considerable<br />


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research ef<strong>for</strong>t goes into finding antigens that provoke a measurable<br />

harvest of antibodies. The exclusivity of the antibody-antigen relationship<br />

also provides a basis <strong>for</strong> the extremely reliable identification of proteins<br />

as markers <strong>for</strong> any number of medical conditions through technology like<br />

ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay).<br />

Knowing what the antigen actually does is not necessary <strong>for</strong> its value as<br />

a marker any more than its utility as the basis of a vaccine. It needs only<br />

a unique relationship with its source; preferably that there is a lot of it<br />

and that it is accessible. Around 1980 Tony Holder found a protein that<br />

satisfied all three needs: Merozoite Surface Protein 1 (MSP1). MSP1 is a<br />

protein common on the surface of the merozoite, one of the <strong>for</strong>ms the<br />

malarial parasite assumes in blood. It was a reasonable bet as the basis of<br />

a vaccine and trials are underway. <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Council Technology<br />

(<strong>MRC</strong>T), the Council’s technology transfer arm, negotiated MSP1’s<br />

use as a marker to test blood donors <strong>for</strong> the results of their possible<br />

exposure to malaria. In harness with a close molecular relation, MSP2,<br />

it now underpins an ELISA-based kit marketed by Lab 21, a company<br />

who supply it to blood transfusion services. Last year NHS Blood and<br />

Transplant used it to test 66,500 potential donors <strong>for</strong> malaria. 1425<br />

tested positive <strong>for</strong> antibody with only 346 ultimately confirmed, 0.61%<br />

of those at risk. For NHS Blood and Transplant, at least, something has<br />

been found in translation.<br />

Methods and motives<br />

Science is characterised not by the ‘scientific method’ which seems to<br />

be a myth, but as the few examples here illustrate, by its methods. As<br />

Barnes and Dupré’s book Genomes and What to Make of Them, published<br />

earlier this year reminds us, any science is not just a body of knowledge,<br />

made up of models and theories, concepts and ideas, maps, graphs and<br />

diagrams, but also a methodology embodied in technology of some sort.<br />

Knowing is not separable from doing. The thing being studied can only<br />

be conceptualised in terms of the technology. Protein crystallography is<br />

a vivid illustration of this dependency. It seems that science grows first<br />

by devising new methods and then by expanding their scope into new<br />

territory. That’s one important lesson about translation.

In principle, protein crystallography can answer any question that involves<br />

the three-dimensional fit between a protein and another molecule. But<br />

its medical and social usefulness lies in the particular causes to which it<br />

is harnessed, the questions it is chosen to answer, and the way society<br />

chooses to use the answers. Bob Edwards has just received the Nobel<br />

Prize <strong>for</strong> research begun 50 years ago at NIMR into the treatment of<br />

human infertility. But the translation of that research into producing<br />

babies has turned on two very different sides to the human character:<br />

the willingness of some women to let other women have their eggs <strong>for</strong><br />

nothing; and the readiness of some doctors to make huge profits out of<br />

those free eggs. The success of translation does not lie with scientists,<br />

however good their science, but with human motives, individual and<br />

corporate, selfish and unselfish, which underpin health care markets and<br />

drive market traders. That is the other important lesson. It is one that<br />

scientists and governments alike should learn.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Translation: beating scientific swords into medical ploughshares<br />

I could not have attempted this essay without a lot of help, particularly<br />

from: Margot Charlton, Steve Gamblin, Tony Holder, Frank Norman, Lois<br />

Reynolds, Tilli Tansey. I am grateful to all of them.<br />


80<br />

What makes bone marrow such a versatile<br />

resource <strong>for</strong> curing human diseases?<br />

Thomas Elliott<br />

Marrow is not the most exciting of tissues. Soft and fatty, hidden away<br />

within lifeless bones, it is easy to overlook. Yet bone marrow is at the<br />

cutting edge of a remarkable and growing list of disease therapies ranging<br />

from the treatment of cancer to the repair of damaged hearts. What,<br />

then, lies beneath this surprisingly versatile tissue and its applications in<br />

modern medicine?<br />

Belying its dull appearance, bone marrow is a thriving hub of new life.<br />

Indeed, the clinical use of bone marrow reflects its astonishing role as<br />

a vehicle <strong>for</strong> regeneration in the healthy body. Cell death is a natural<br />

occurrence and because it happens in the body at a ferocious rate it<br />

must of course be balanced by an equally prodigious rate of cell birth.<br />

Red blood cells, <strong>for</strong> example, die at a rate of 2 million every second<br />

and are replaced precisely by the creation of new cells within the bone<br />

marrow. This requirement <strong>for</strong> renewal on a massive scale is true of most<br />

blood cells; the neutrophils of the immune system are produced at a rate<br />

of about 100,000 million per day. At the heart of this renewal process is<br />

the stem cell. During repeated rounds of cell division not only is the stem<br />

cell population replaced, but any of a variety of different types of cell, each<br />

with significantly different functions, may be produced: red blood cells,<br />

white blood cells and platelets. It is thus both the number and diversity<br />

of cells produced by the bone marrow that <strong>for</strong>ms the basis of its broad<br />

medical application.<br />

There are two basic <strong>for</strong>ms of bone marrow transplant. An autologous<br />

transplant is one in which cells are removed from a patient and returned<br />

later. This is often necessary where blood cells are likely to be damaged<br />

during a medical treatment such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy. By<br />

replacing healthy bone marrow after the treatment is finished, a speedy<br />

recovery is ensured. In contrast, allogeneic bone marrow transplants are<br />

those in which marrow is donated from one person to another. While<br />

the procedure is much the same, a number of criteria must be met to<br />

keep the procedure safe. For example, the tissue type of the donor must<br />

match that of the patient. Whilst tissue matching is normally required to<br />

prevent rejection of a graft, in the case of bone marrow there is also the<br />

risk that, unless the match is good, donor immune cells attack the new<br />

host in a condition known as graft-versus-host disease, which can have<br />

very serious consequences. Bone marrow transplantation is a dangerous

and complicated task, but the benefits often outweigh the risks.<br />

Leukaemia, a cancer of the blood or bone marrow caused by uncontrolled<br />

division of white blood cells, is one of the most common diseases treated by<br />

bone marrow transplantation. High dose chemotherapy or radiotherapy<br />

is first applied to kill rapidly multiplying cancer cells, but this inevitably<br />

also destroys a large proportion of the patient’s healthy immune system<br />

and stem cells, leaving the patient anaemic and vulnerable to infection.<br />

Bone marrow is there<strong>for</strong>e transplanted from a healthy donor, leaving the<br />

stem cells within the graft to divide and repopulate the patient’s supply<br />

of blood cells. For example, multiple myeloma is a cancer of antibodyproducing<br />

cells of the immune system and is at present incurable, but<br />

survival can be extended using bone marrow transplants. Other cancers<br />

may be treated in a similar manner due to the plasticity of bone marrow<br />

stem cells, including myelogenous leukaemias of cells that usually give rise<br />

to red blood cells. Allogeneic transplants have the potential to be curative<br />

as the bone marrow is entirely healthy; hence they can be used as rescue<br />

treatments where bone marrow has already been destroyed, by cancer<br />

or otherwise.<br />

Bone marrow transplantation is clearly beneficial <strong>for</strong> conditions in which<br />

cell growth is excessive, abnormal and uncontrollable, yet it is equally<br />

applicable <strong>for</strong> illnesses in which our bone marrow does not produce<br />

enough of a desired cell type. Sickle cell anaemia is a disease in which red<br />

blood cells are abnormally curved; it is potentially fatal. One recent study<br />

reported a high success rate when treating adult sickle cell patients with<br />

bone marrow transplants as donor marrow is able to produce healthy,<br />

disc-shaped red blood cells. Similarly, patients with thalassaemia suffer<br />

from disproportionate destruction of red blood cells, leading to anaemia.<br />

In these cases, particularly among children, a transplant can lead to a huge<br />

increase in the quality of life. The same is true of aplastic anaemia, a rare<br />

bone marrow disease characterised by insufficient production of mature<br />

red and white blood cells.<br />

These well-established procedures just scratch the surface of the exciting<br />

capacities of bone marrow stem cells to produce blood cells and other<br />

tissues, as we have only recently begun to discover. Take the example<br />

of Claudia Castillo, who in March 2008 was the world’s first recipient<br />


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of a windpipe transplant partially constructed from her own cells. This<br />

was achieved by combining stem cells extracted from her bone marrow<br />

with a section of donor windpipe stripped of its cells using digestive<br />

enzymes. Indeed, the use of adult stem cells <strong>for</strong> organ regeneration and<br />

repair is a key area of development. In April this year, it was reported at<br />

the American Heart Association conference that a team had grown full,<br />

working blood vessels from bone marrow stem cells, presenting new<br />

opportunities in bypass surgery where no suitable vessels are available.<br />

The potential of bone marrow stem cells in medicine is immense; the great<br />

expansion in research and interest over the past decade suggests that<br />

developments will continue to emerge. Unlike foetal stem cells, plagued<br />

by problems of availability, rejection and ethics, adult stem cells found<br />

in bone marrow are fast emerging as the most versatile and effective<br />

responses to human disease – to rescue, recover and regenerate.

A selection of science books<br />

Life Ascending reviewed by Michael Sargent<br />

Nick Lane, Profile Books, 2009<br />

Reviewed by members of NIMR staff<br />

Life ascending is a wonderful chronicle of momentous occasions in<br />

evolution. The first three chapters concern the circumstances that allowed<br />

the “Tree of Life” to germinate. Rejecting the old idea of a “primordial<br />

soup” Lane argues that life first emerged in alkaline hydrothermal vents<br />

on the ocean floors, an extraordinary environment where RNA and then<br />

DNA came into existence. The second chapter, about the birth of selfreplicating<br />

molecules, is a plausible reconstruction of molecular biology<br />

as we know it. The third momentous innovation that made Planet Earth<br />

a suitable habitat <strong>for</strong> life to flourish was an oxygen-rich atmosphere. The<br />

key to this was a process that could split water into hydrogen and oxygen.<br />

This is a reaction that no human chemist has yet accomplished without<br />

using more energy than is released, but plant cells manage it with the aid<br />

of a molecule called chlorophyll. Two more primitive versions, known to<br />

exist in contemporary blue-green algae, fused and entered plant cells to<br />

become chlorophyll-containing chloroplasts. Crucially, oxygen production<br />

outpaced respiration because it could not recycle to carbon dioxide fast<br />

enough, allowing dead plant matter to accumulate. The new oxygenrich<br />

atmosphere drove oxidative reactions that could create immensely<br />

strong architectural polymers, such as lignin and collagen, that facilitated<br />

the evolution of large organisms.<br />

The most unlikely of evolutionary turning points is the emergence of<br />

the complex cell. Lane argues this came about when an Archaebacteria<br />

(an ancient group of microbes with eukaryotic foibles) engulfed a<br />

Eubacterium. Infested with so called “jumping genes” or transposons, the<br />

archaebacterial genome multiplied willy-nilly and created a much bigger<br />

genome in which modern genes were distributed in a vast expanse of<br />

non-coding DNA.<br />

Three of nature’s most extravagant initiatives are explored in chapters<br />

on sexuality, movement and vision. Sex imposed a ruthless discipline on<br />

the unruly jumping genes and later had a crucial role as a mechanism<br />

<strong>for</strong> shedding parasites. A wonderful evolutionary trail links the evolution<br />

of muscle from an intracellular house-keeping activity in motionless<br />


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primordial cells to its iconic involvement in the confrontation of predator<br />

and prey. Vision gave organisms a capacity <strong>for</strong> appreciating and exploiting<br />

their environment; an advance so important that most extant animals<br />

have sight.<br />

Lane considers the emergence of hot-bloodedness to be the start of<br />

eco-hooliganism; thermostats jammed at 37°C and food requirements<br />

ten times that of a solar-powered lizard. It created unprecedented<br />

opportunities, conferring on mammals and birds extraordinary stamina,<br />

adaptability to climatic extremes, ability to exploit the dark hours and<br />

spare energy to develop the brain. The penultimate chapter is a brilliant<br />

exposition of the emergence of consciousness. The book ends by<br />

reflecting on the importance of death, arguably a default arising from<br />

failed maintenance, but without which selective evolutionary pressure<br />

could not exist. In parallel, programmed cell death became an important<br />

tool <strong>for</strong> embryo <strong>for</strong>mation, the immune response and overcoming cellular<br />

malfunction.<br />

Some may dispute Lane’s choice of the top ten evolutionary inventions<br />

but they will certainly enjoy this enterprising survey and the entertaining<br />

debate it ought to provoke. The book won the <strong>2010</strong> Royal Society prize<br />

<strong>for</strong> science books.<br />

Living with Enza: The Forgotten Story of Britain and the<br />

Great Flu Pandemic of 1918 reviewed by Michael Sargent<br />

Mark Honigsbaum, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.<br />

The Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918 was the severest test that public<br />

health administrations had faced in their first fifty years. The arrival of this<br />

strain of influenza was dramatic and frightening. In some communities,<br />

one-third caught flu in a short period and five percent died; those who<br />

died went purple, drowned by fluid in their lungs. Two days after the<br />

Armistice, as the pandemic peaked, the British Chief <strong>Medical</strong> Officer had<br />

to admit that “he knew of no measure that could resist the influenza”.<br />

Mark Honigsbaum’s book is a vivid account of the pandemic in Britain<br />

and a reflection on what could have been done to ameliorate the disaster.<br />

Face masks and restrictions on public congregation might have helped

ut were scarcely credible as the army began to demobilise. Lessons<br />

were learnt, though, and eventually a profound knowledge of the disease<br />

emerged.<br />

This book went to press be<strong>for</strong>e last year’s Swine flu outbreak, with<br />

Honigsbaum thinking Britain might not manage any better than it did<br />

eighty years ago in a pandemic of equivalent severity. He suspects<br />

the huge demand <strong>for</strong> medical services would be crippling and that<br />

absenteeism from work would disrupt the economy disastrously because<br />

of our dependence on remote providers of power, food, transport and<br />

communications. Gloomily, he supposes modern Britain would lack the<br />

grace and stoicism that helped people through the crisis of 1918.<br />

Considering progress since 1918, he grudgingly recognises that our<br />

knowledge of the virus is an important advantage. He also acknowledges<br />

the effectiveness of the international surveillance system that did so well<br />

during the 2003 epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).<br />

Today we have antibiotics that will cure secondary bacterial infections<br />

and anti-flu drugs that can reduce the intensity of the disease if taken<br />

early. He recognises the need <strong>for</strong> more research; <strong>for</strong> drugs to control<br />

infection and severe reactions to influenza and <strong>for</strong> the development of<br />

better vaccines and mass immunisation procedures.<br />

The title of this very readable book reminds us how British children of<br />

the 1920s extracted a little gaiety from unpromising circumstances with<br />

a skipping rhyme:<br />

I had a little bird<br />

its name was Enza<br />

I opened the window<br />

and in-flu-enza.<br />

A selection of science books<br />


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The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation<br />

Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science reviewed by<br />

Frank Norman<br />

Richard Holmes, HarperPress, 2008.<br />

This book is a multiple biography, about some key scientific figures of<br />

the late 18 th and early 19 th centuries: Joseph Banks, William Herschel,<br />

Mungo Park and Humphrey Davy. Many other men of science and men<br />

of letters also populate the book. One of the interesting things that<br />

Holmes highlights is the interconnection between science and letters in<br />

that period. He analyses the scientific imagery used by some poets of<br />

the time and includes poems written by some scientists. I confess that I<br />

was not really won over by his characterization of the era as a “transition<br />

from Enlightenment to Romantic science” and felt he rather laboured<br />

this point.<br />

Nonetheless, I enjoyed the book because it is a fact-filled and vivid<br />

account of the lives of these men and their discoveries. They opened<br />

our eyes to new cultures, as Banks travelled with Captain Cook to the<br />

South Seas and Park explored in Africa; to the vastness of the heavens, as<br />

William Herschel and his sister Caroline built ever-larger telescopes and<br />

catalogued the stars they found in the skies; and they explored the new<br />

science of chemistry, as Davy unraveled its secrets. I began to realize the<br />

enormous imaginative and intellectual leaps that these pioneers made in<br />

challenging the state of knowledge (or we should perhaps say ignorance,<br />

or even prejudice) at that time. It really did give me a sense of wonder<br />

at their achievements.<br />

I was also fascinated by the accounts given of some of our great UK<br />

scientific institutions: the Royal Society, the Royal Institution and the<br />

British Association. Joseph Banks was President of the Royal Society<br />

<strong>for</strong> much of his career, steering the nation’s scientific life wisely. William<br />

Herschel’s son John Herschel was later to become President, ushering in<br />

a new era of scientific professionalism. Humphrey Davy and his protégé<br />

Michael Faraday both had long associations with the Royal Institution.<br />

Towards the end of the period the birth of the British Association <strong>for</strong> the<br />

Advancement of Science saw a very different kind of institution arrive on

A selection of science books<br />

the scene. It was interesting to see how some issues still alive today had<br />

their origins in controversies that date back to this period.<br />

The book, like its title, is very interesting but it is rather wordy and a<br />

bit longer than I would have wished. It has extensive footnotes and<br />

bibliographies, and is perhaps more scholarly than truly popular, but the<br />

author’s eye <strong>for</strong> detail and lively style has won the book much praise.<br />

It won the Royal Society book prize in 2009, won the USA <strong>National</strong><br />

Academies’ book prize in <strong>2010</strong> and has deservedly featured on many lists<br />

of best books <strong>for</strong> 2009.<br />

Mismatch: Why Our World No Longer Fits Our Bodies<br />

reviewed by Michael Sargent<br />

Peter Gluckman & Mark Hanson, Ox<strong>for</strong>d University Press: 2006.<br />

Will people born in the 1990s in the developed world live as long as<br />

those born 60 years ago? The upward trend in life expectancy of the last<br />

century is set to reverse unless the lifestyle of young people dramatically<br />

improves according to the authors of this thought-provoking book. With<br />

the epidemic of obesity in mind, the authors condemn the mismatch<br />

between intrinsic physiological capacities programmed in the womb and<br />

lifestyles that encourage consumption of excess calories without the<br />

physical demands of <strong>for</strong>mer times. Like Old Testament patriarchs, they<br />

urge us to “return to a different way of life” and condemn the modern<br />

habitat, to which they say we are poorly adapted.<br />

The heart of the book is predicated on David Barker’s well known idea<br />

that nutritional and other kinds of stress experienced by the foetus in<br />

the womb affect its developmental trajectory even after birth. Extensive<br />

investigations of laboratory mammals and human epidemiology indicate<br />

that the response to nutritional stress is a Faustian bargain. Protecting<br />

the development of the brain and reproductive behaviour can only be<br />

achieved at the expense of underdeveloped viscera that compromise<br />

health in later life, especially if the child’s nutritional experiences are better<br />

than the mother’s during pregnancy. The outcome is likely to be premature<br />

onset of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and more. The embryo<br />

also responds to high maternal blood sugar and psychological stress<br />


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through epigenetic modifications of genomic function that are expressed<br />

after birth. These ultimately cause premature age-related diseases.<br />

The authors apply their “mismatch paradigm” to a range of situations<br />

where cultural developments create new problems. These include the<br />

emergence of a long post-reproductive life and the tricky interval between<br />

sexual maturity and the time when adolescents are considered mature<br />

enough to hire a car. Other issues include breast-feeding, the effect of<br />

reproductive customs on cancer of the reproductive organs, the possibility<br />

of diets deficient in micronutrients and the advance of myopia provoked<br />

by excessive reading at an early age. This book conveys admirably <strong>for</strong> a<br />

non-specialist reader the implications to human biology of an interesting<br />

idea, although it does suffer from that unrelieved sententiousness that<br />

makes Old Testament patriarchs so tiresome.<br />

50 Genetics Ideas You Really Need to Know reviewed by<br />

Frank Norman<br />

Mark Henderson, Quercus, 2008.<br />

Mark Henderson is the science correspondent of The Times and one of<br />

the most respected science journalists. Though not himself a scientist<br />

he has taken a particular interest in biomedical topics and especially<br />

genetics. He is there<strong>for</strong>e well qualified to explain the field to a general<br />

audience. Early on he explains why we should be interested: “The double<br />

helix…was the harbinger of a new genetic age in which it was to become<br />

possible to use DNA to diagnose disease, to develop drugs, to catch<br />

criminals and even to modify life.” Genetics is a relatively young science<br />

but it is changing the way that we understand life and, to an extent, the<br />

way we live.<br />

The book is arranged in 50 four-page chapters, each a pithy and lucid<br />

explanation of one topic. Henderson does not take a narrow view of<br />

genetics. His topics range from evolution and classical genetics through<br />

molecular biology, genomics, genetic technology, sex, genetic modification<br />

(GM), <strong>for</strong>ensic science, stem cells, ethics, patents, science fiction, evo-devo<br />

and synthetic biology. The chapters are carefully ordered; several times I<br />

got to the end of a chapter and found a question <strong>for</strong>ming in my mind

“what about …?” only to discover that the next chapter was devoted to<br />

answering that question.<br />

There is a liberal use of quotations from leading scientists such as<br />

Francis Crick, John Sulston and Alex Jeffreys, as well as quotations from<br />

figures outside science, such as Bill Clinton, Virginia Woolf, Karl Marx and<br />

Christopher Reeve. I liked the use of different typefaces and of boxes<br />

<strong>for</strong> related points. Some may find this visual diversity a distraction. It can<br />

make it hard to read through everything in sequence, but it makes the<br />

book easy to dip into and browse. Occasional illustrations are included<br />

where this aids understanding. Each chapter also has a timeline, giving<br />

the dates of major developments <strong>for</strong> that topic, and a final summary of<br />

the topic in three to seven words, “the condensed idea”. The book also<br />

includes a short glossary and an index.<br />

I think the book works well on many levels and provides a very readable<br />

introduction to this topic.<br />

The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks reviewed by Vicky<br />

<strong>Mill</strong>ins<br />

Rebecca Skloot, Macmillan, <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

A selection of science books<br />

HeLa cells came originally from the cancerous cervix of a woman<br />

who died long ago. She was Henrietta Lacks and her cells live on still.<br />

This book takes you on a massive journey and paints a picture of the<br />

desperate attempts of its author to tell the story of Henrietta Lacks, and<br />

the desperate attempts of Henrietta’s family to close the door on the<br />

story. Rebecca Skloot took ten years to research this book; a testament<br />

to how seriously she took her work. She manages to talk the family<br />

round, but you get the impression it is because they know that the story<br />

must be told, and they finally have found a woman who is willing to tell<br />

it to the world.<br />

The story is not just about the cells or their ‘owner’ but also about<br />

her family. Far from being a distraction, this adds to the story, and the<br />

breathtaking honesty of the storytelling makes it linger in the memory.<br />

It will most probably make you cry; it is incredibly moving in places. One<br />


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<strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Essays</strong><br />

moment that sticks in my mind is where the gruff and rather unstable<br />

family member is given a photograph of the DNA from within some of<br />

Henrietta’s cells. His response was touching, and was the first time we<br />

saw him express grace. This family went through a very tough time even<br />

without the added burden of the extensive and very public use of their<br />

family member’s cells. The cells were taken from Henrietta as the result<br />

of a biopsy and at the time there was no rule against doing so, but you<br />

come away from the book knowing that an injustice was done. It was<br />

hard <strong>for</strong> Henrietta and her family to know the implications of what giving<br />

away her cells would have meant. The family were wonderful throughout<br />

though; they say Henrietta would have wanted to do good, and that she<br />

would be happy to know her cells had saved lives.<br />

I read the book in the space of only a few days it was so addictive and<br />

well written. Friends I have lent the book to all say how wonderful they<br />

found it and how addictive it was. The book won the <strong>2010</strong> Wellcome<br />

Trust Book Prize.<br />

Invisible Frontiers: The Race to Synthesize a Human Gene<br />

reviewed by Paul Driscoll<br />

Stephen S. Hall, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987.<br />

This book describes, in rather a ‘thriller’ style, the origins of the exploitation<br />

of molecular biology methods <strong>for</strong> recombinant protein expression. No<br />

other book I know quite conveys the mixture of hard slog and excitement<br />

that the pursuit of a practical goal brings, at least not within a field so close<br />

to my own. On top of the ‘eating pizza at the bench’ aspect to the race to<br />

synthesize a human gene, the book describes the socio-political-scientific<br />

concerns that were around in the early 1980s about recombinant DNA<br />

and protein engineering. In rifling through the pages of the book again it is<br />

intriguing to recall how ‘dangerous’ some of the procedures that we now<br />

do routinely every day in category 1 or 2 laboratories were anticipated<br />

to be back then.<br />

The book describes the early days of the pioneering biotech company<br />

Genentech and other aspects of the exploitation of cloning methods <strong>for</strong>

therapeutic agents (specifically insulin). The book was very well received<br />

at the time it was published, but it may now come across as dated in its<br />

description of molecular biology methods: the phrase ‘synthesizing a gene’<br />

does not have quite the same meaning as it would now, <strong>for</strong> example. That<br />

could perhaps increase the interest of the book to younger readers. It<br />

is un<strong>for</strong>tunately out-of-print now but secondhand copies are available<br />

through the usual channels.<br />

The Billion Dollar Molecule: One Company’s Quest <strong>for</strong><br />

the Perfect Drug reviewed by Paul Driscoll<br />

Barry Werth, Simon and Schuster, 1995.<br />

This book is a mixture of medicinal chemistry, biotechnology, drug discovery<br />

and high-stakes competition in structural biology research. It is also<br />

about scientific intrigue, including attempts to manipulate the publication<br />

process in a top journal, and business development. Characters featured<br />

include the star synthetic chemist Stuart Schreiber, a phalanx of go-ahead<br />

US business types, and stuck-in-the-mud Japanese Pharma corporations.<br />

I like the book partly because it features (albeit briefly) people who at<br />

various times were my close competitors in structural biology. In the<br />

past I was involved in a major collaboration with a Japanese company<br />

<strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Essays</strong><br />

2009<br />

and experienced the culture shock that that entails (first class flights to<br />

Tokyo complete with in-flight massage, obligatory exchanges of gifts and<br />

business cards, protocols at business meetings) as well as being part of<br />

a university team that raised the finance to start a small biotechnology<br />

company. The book describes these off-shoot aspects of an academic life<br />

all too clearly. Eight out of eight reviewers on Amazon gave this book a<br />

top rating.<br />

God’s Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the<br />

Foundations of Modern Science reviewed by Alessandro<br />

Pandini and Jose Saldanha<br />

James Hannam, Icon Books, 2009.<br />

A selection of science books<br />

God’s Philosophers presents historical evidence aimed at correcting our<br />

misconceptions about the Medieval era. The book is interesting particularly<br />


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as this period is otherwise poorly documented. When we think of the socalled<br />

‘Dark Ages’ we tend to conjure up visions of an unenlightened time<br />

when there was conflict between science and religion, with the Church<br />

holding back scientific progress. Some myths about that time prevail, <strong>for</strong><br />

instance that people were burnt at the stake <strong>for</strong> scientific ideas or that<br />

the Church supported the idea that the earth is flat. In reality, however,<br />

the middle ages laid the foundations <strong>for</strong> modern science. James Hannam,<br />

who has a physics degree from the University of Ox<strong>for</strong>d and a PhD in<br />

the History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Cambridge,<br />

argues in this in<strong>for</strong>mative and engaging book that the Middle Ages were<br />

a period of great technological change and cultural advance.<br />

The Church founded universities in the 12th century where the subject<br />

of theology encouraged the study of the natural world because it was<br />

God’s creation. The Church supported natural philosophy (science),<br />

as long as the philosophical speculations did not impinge on theology.<br />

This was beneficial since it kept science focused on nature, instead of<br />

metaphysics.<br />

In his conclusion Hannam suggests: “It would be wrong to romanticise<br />

the period and we should be very grateful that we do not have to live<br />

in it. But the hard life that people had to bear only makes their progress<br />

in science and many other fields all the more impressive. We should not<br />

write them off as superstitious primitives.”<br />

The book is written in a humorous tone, with sections suitable <strong>for</strong><br />

bedtime reading; but as it was based on the author’s doctoral research, it<br />

includes extensive academic references to back its claims.<br />

Heart of a Dog reviewed by Frank Norman<br />

Mikhail Bulgakov, Vintage Classics, 2009.<br />

Mikhail Bulgakov trained as a doctor but switched to writing after just a<br />

few years of medical practice. This background is reflected in some of his<br />

fiction. Heart of a dog is one of his earliest works, written in 1925 though<br />

not published until much later. It has elements of farce, political satire, and<br />

science fiction, though it is not entirely any one of these.

A selection of science books<br />

The humorous aspects dominate the early part of the book, which is<br />

narrated by the dog. It reminded me of the very funny short radio series<br />

About a Dog, scripted by Graeme Garden and starring Alan Davies as a<br />

dog. Bulgakov’s dog is a street dog who has just suffered a bad scalding<br />

thanks to an angry cook who caught him scavenging. He is rescued from<br />

the street by a kind gentleman who brings him to his home. Professor<br />

Philip Philipovich, the rescuer, is a doctor who specialises in reproductive<br />

health and rejuvenation including some rather experimental treatments.<br />

Philipovich has done well <strong>for</strong> himself; his talents have earned him privileges<br />

and he knows how to play the system to his advantage. He has no patience<br />

with the political mores of the day, observing that speaking of Bolshevism<br />

at the dinner table is the best way to ruin your appetite. This brings him<br />

into conflict with the chairman of the management committee of his<br />

apartment complex, Comrade Shvonder, who insists that the doctor give<br />

up some of his rooms.<br />

The dog, nicknamed Sharikov, is taken to the doctor’s luxurious consulting<br />

rooms in Moscow. Sharikov cannot believe his luck: he has warmth, good<br />

food and com<strong>for</strong>t. He slowly regains his health and strength until one day<br />

he finds himself in the doctor’s consulting room, lying on the operating<br />

table. Philipovich proceeds to remove the dog’s testicles and pituitary<br />

gland and replaces them with those of a recently dead man. The doctor’s<br />

notebook records Sharikov’s post-operative recovery and subsequent<br />

development as the transplants begin to affect him.<br />

The rest of the book works out the consequences of Sharikov’s<br />

trans<strong>for</strong>mation and Shvonder’s interventions in the doctor’s affairs. The<br />

book has been turned into a film and more recently into an opera,<br />

recently per<strong>for</strong>med in London.<br />


94<br />

About the authors<br />

Peter Coombs is a postdoc researcher in the Division of Virology.<br />

Zhores Medvedev worked at NIMR in the Division of Genetics from<br />

1973 until his retirement in 1991. In addition to his scientific publications,<br />

concerned with genetics and ageing, he has published several books on<br />

Soviet science and politics.<br />

Mike Gilchrist is programme leader in the Division of Systems Biology.<br />

Harriet Groom is a postdoc researcher in the Division of Virology.<br />

Marianne Neary is a PhD student in the Division of Developmental<br />

Biology.<br />

Marina Lynch, now at the Trinity College <strong>Institute</strong> of Neuroscience in<br />

Dublin, worked at NIMR in the Division of Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology<br />

from 1983-93.<br />

Qiling Xu is a Senior Investigative Scientist in the Division of Developmental<br />

Neurobiology.<br />

John Galloway is Head of the Dental Team Studies Unit at the Eastman<br />

Dental Hospital. He was Senior Administrative Officer at the <strong>Medical</strong><br />

<strong>Research</strong> Council.<br />

Thomas Elliott is a student at Queen Elizabeths Boys School.

Thirteen previous volumes of <strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Essays</strong> have been published:<br />

1995 (gene patenting, gene therapy, obesity, malaria, TB, spinal injury, muscles)<br />

1996 (memory, AIDS, risk, morphogens, MRI)<br />

1997 (cloning, GM food, Alzheimer’s, xenotransplantation, SAD, endosymbiosis)<br />

1998 (TB, ethics, influenza, consciousness, MMR vaccination, diabetes)<br />

1999 (2000 on cover) (growth hormone, meningitis, health in<strong>for</strong>mation, warts,<br />

multiple sclerosis, salmon anaemia, handedness)<br />

2000 (<strong>Mill</strong>ennium edition on cover) (microbiology, frogs, immunology,<br />

neuroscience, influenza, malaria)<br />

2001 (transgenesis, stem cells, antimicrobial resistance, ageing, endosymbiosis)<br />

2002 (drug addiction, limb development, Rosalind Franklin, TB, infertility, malaria,<br />

obesity)<br />

2003 (science and citizenship, Alexandre Yersin, genetics, molecular drug design,<br />

RNA interference)<br />

2004 (epigenetics, Drosophila, bacterial biofilms, self improvement, allergy and<br />

asthma, chemistry)<br />

2005 (African health, cancer, systems biology, heart disease, philanthropy)<br />

2008 (developmental biology, public health, statistical relevance, laboratory<br />

robotics, medical diagnosis, saviour siblings)<br />

2009 (ageing, tuberculosis, Peter Medawar, stem cell therapy, biological imaging,<br />

John Eccleston, apoptosis, measles eradication)<br />

Please note that no volume was published in 2006 or 2007.<br />

All <strong>Mill</strong> <strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Essays</strong> published from 1995 to present are available on<br />

the NIMR website: http://www.nimr.mrc.ac.uk/millhillessays/<br />

Audio versions of some recent essays will be made available during 2011.<br />

ISBN 978-0-9546302-8-9<br />


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