Minutes from March 6-7, 2013 - OPSEU

Minutes from March 6-7, 2013 - OPSEU

Minutes from March 6-7, 2013 - OPSEU

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Minute s <strong>from</strong> the Exe cutive B o ard Meeting<strong>March</strong> 6 -7, 201 3B u s ine s s Ar i s ingOPS B arga ining Revi ew ( c ont . )Brown, Sue aga ins t Marac l e , Kr ista aga ins tCormier, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy aga instCory , Mary aga inst Thib ode au, C arl forE ll iot, Ron aga ins t Thomas, Warren agains tE l l i o tt, L en aga inst T ocker, James agains tFahey, F e l ic ia agains t Tungatt, D ebb ie agains tDEFEATED 4 - FOR 1 6 - AGA INSTMov ed by C ormier / L ab e l l eI Under 5 . 6 change " 1 " to " 2" . JAfte rno onThe Ex e cu tiv e B oard was c al l e d to order at 1 : 1 0 pm. Pr e s id ent Thomas in the Cha ir .Gu e s ts pre s ent in the me eting r oom at Head Ofic e were intr o duc ed .Pre s entati on - ADAH & AR Pol i c ie sT ome e S oj ourner, Pr oj e c t Consultant, Emp loye e Re lations Uni t, made a pre s enta ti on tothe Ex e cutive B oard .Busin e s sAr i s ingOPS B arga in ing Revi ew ( c ont . )Mov ed by C ormier/ Lab el l e amendmentl Und er 5 . 6 change " 1 " to " 2" .Mike / E l l io t R . - amendment to the amendmentchange " c orr e l a te and c omp i le" to " r ev i ew and p ri oritiz e ' .Ro l l Call Vote # 9A lme ida, Eddy forArbus, Jef forB emister, Rod forB lancher, Sandi forB rown, Su e abs entGr ima ld i, Mik eL ab e l le, SaraL onghi, Gor dLundy , D av idMaracl e , Kr is taforforforforforJ]

<strong>Minutes</strong> fr om the Executive B o ar d Meeting<strong>March</strong> 6 -7, 20 13Busine s s Ari s ingOPS B arga ining R evi ew (c ont . )Cormier , Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy forCory, Mary for Thibodeau, Car l forEl l iot, Ron for Thomas, Warr en forE l l iott, Len for T o cker, James abs entF ahey , F e l ic i a for Tungatt, D ebbie forCARRIED 1 8 - FOR 0 - AGA INSTThe qu estion wa s c al le d on the amendment a s amendedUnder 5 . 6 change " 1 " to " 2" ; and change " c orr e late and c omp i le " to " rev iew andprioritiz e" .Roll Call Vote # 1 0A lme ida, Eddy for Grima ld i, Mike forArbu s , Jef for L ab e l l e , Sara forB emister, R o d for L onghi, G ord forB l ancher, Sandi for Lundy , D av id forBrown, Sue ab s ent Marac l e , Kr ista forCormier, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy aga ins tC ory, Mary for Thib o d e au, C arl forE l l io t, Ron against Thomas, Warren forEl l iott, Len for To cker, Jame s abs entF ahey, F e l ic ia for Tungatt, D ebb i e forCARRIED 1 6 - FOR 2 - AGA INSTMov ed by B emister / Thoma sF irst Vic e -Pres id ent/ Tr e asur er A lme ida in the Chair .Rep l ac e 6 . 3 - with "N o memb er of a barga ining te am who s igns a memor andum ofagr e ement may under any c ircums tanc e s opp os e that memor andum of s ettlement . Anyb argaining team memb er who has s igned a memor andum of agre ement and thenopp o s es that agre ement w il l b e de emed to hav e re s igned fr om the b arga ining te am"Mov e d by Gr imald i / E l l io t R . - amendmentAdd " unle s s they hav e v o ic ed the ir d iss ent to the te am and the s taf negotiator pri or tos igning the agre ement"Ro l l Call Vo te # 1 1A lme id a, Eddy for Grimal d i, Mike forArbu s , Jef for L ab e l l e , Sara abs entB emister, R od for L onghi, G ord forB l ancher, Sand i for Lundy , D av id forB r own, Sue for Marac l e , Kr ista for

Minute s <strong>from</strong> the Execu tive B o a r d Me e tingMar ch 6 -7, 201 3Busine s s Ar i s ingOPS B arga in ing R evi ew ( c ont . )Cormier, Chr i s for Pr idham, Nancy forCory, Mary for Thib o de au , Car l forE l l iot, Ron for Thoma s , Warren abs entE l l io tt, L en for T o cker, Jame s forF ahey , F e l ic ia for Tungatt, D ebb ie forCARRIED 1 8 - FOR 0 - AGAINSTThe qu e s tion was c a l le d on the amendment as amende d :Rep l ac e 6 . 3 - w ith " No memb er of a b argaining te am who s igns a memor andum ofagr e ement may under any c ircums tanc e s opp o s e that memorandum o f s ettlement . Anybargaining te am memb er who ha s s igned a memorandum of agre ement and thenopp o s e s that agr e ement wi l l b e de eme d to hav e re s igne d fr om the barga ining te amunles s they hav e v o ic e d the ir d i s s ent to the team and the s taf ne go t iato r prior tos igning the agre ement" .R o l l C al l Vote # 1 2Alme ida , Eddy for Gr ima ld i, M ik e abs entArbu s , Jef for L abell e , Sar a abs entB emister, R o d for L onghi , G ord forB l ancher, Sandi for Lundy, D av id forB rown, Su e for Marac le, Kr is ta forCormier, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy forCory, Mary for Thibode au, C arl forE l l iot, Ron for Thomas, Warren abs entE l l iott, Len for T o ck er, Jame s forF ahey, F e l ic ia for Tungatt, D ebbie forCARRIED 1 7 - FOR 0 - AGAINSTMov ed by Thibodeau / C ory4 . 3 . 1 rep l ac e " sha l l" with "may"M ov ed by Pridham/ Brown - c l o sur eRoll Call Vote # 1 2Almeida, E ddy forArbu s , Jef forB emister, Rod forB l ancher , Sandi forB rown, Sue forC ormi er, Chr i s abs entC ory, Mary forE l l iot, Ron forE l l iott, L en forGrimal d i, Mike ab s entLab el l e , Sara abs entLonghi, G ord forLundy , D av id forMar acl e, Kr ista forPr idham, N ancy forThibode au, C arl forThomas, Warren ab s entT o ck er, Jame s for

Minu te s fr om the Executive B o ar d Meeting<strong>March</strong> 6 - 7, 20 13Bu s ine s s Ar i s ingOPS B argaining Revi ew ( c ont . )F ahey, Felic ia forCARRIED 1 6 - FORThe qu e s ti on was c a l led on the mo ti on :R o l l C al l Vo te # 1 4Alme id a , EddyArbus, JefB emi s ter, RodB l ancher, SandiB r own, SueC ormier, Chr isCory, MaryE l l iot, RonE l l iott, LenF ahey, F e l ic i aaga ins taga ins taga instagainstagainstaga ins taga instaga instaga instaga instDEFEATED 1 - FORTunga tt, D ebb ie0 - AGA INSTGrima ld i, M ikeL abell e , SaraLonghi, G ordLundy, D av idMaracl e , Kr istaPr idham, N ancyThibode au , C ar lThoma s , Warr enT ock er, Jame sTungatt, D ebbie1 6 - AGAINSTforabs entabs entagains tagainstagains taga instforabs entagainstaga ins tMov ed by Brown/ Pr idham- c losur eR ol l Call Vote # 1 5A lme id a, Eddy aga inst Grimald i , Mike abs entArbus, Jef aga ins t L ab e l le, S ar a ab s entB emister, R o d aga inst L onghi, G ord forB l ancher, Sand i for Lundy, D av id agains tB r own, Sue for Marac l e , Kr ista forC ormier, Chr is agains t Pr idham, Nancy forC ory , Mary agains t Thibode au , C arl agains tE l l iot, Ron for Thomas, Warr en abs entE l l iott, Len for To cker , Jame s agains tF ahey, F e l ic i a against Tungatt, D ebb i e forDEFEATED 8 - FOR 9 - AGA INST2nd Vic e -Pre s ident Pr idham in the Chair .M ov e d by Alme ida / T o cker4 . 3 . 2 - after "me eting" add " if he ld wi l l" and after " Saturday " ad d " or by v ide oc onferenc e "Roll C al l Vote # 1 6A lmeida, Eddy forArbus, Jef aga ins tB emister, Rod againstB lancher, Sandi againstBr own, Su e forGrima ld i, MikeLab e l l e, SaraLonghi, GordLundy, D av idMarac l e , Kr istaab s entabs entagainstaga ins taga inst

Minute s <strong>from</strong> the Executive B oard Me e tingMar ch 6 -7, 2 0 1 31 0Busine s s Ar i s ingOPS B arga in ing Revi ew ( c ont . )Cormier, Chr is aga ins tCory , Mary agains tE l l iot, Ron aga instEl l iott, Len agains tF ahey, F e l ic i a agains tDEFEATED 2 - FORMov ed by Brown/ Pr idham - c l o sureRoll C a l l Vo te # 1 7Alme id a , Eddy forArbus, Jef aga instB emi s ter, Rod forB lancher, Sand i forB rown, Sue forCormier, Chr is forCory, Mary forE ll iot, Ron forE l l iott, Len forF ahey, F e l ic ia forCARRIED 1 6 - FORPridham, NancyThib odeau, C arlThomas, WarrenT o cker, JamesTungatt, D ebb ie1 5 - AGA INSTGr imaldi , Mik eL ab e l le, SaraLonghi, G ordLundy, D av idMarac l e , Kr i s taPr idham, NancyThibo d e au , CarlThomas, Warr enT o cker , Jame sTungatt, D ebbie1 - AGA INSTagains taga ins tabs entaga ins tagainstabs entabs entforforforforforab s entforforThequ e s tion was c a l led on theRoll Call Vote # 1 8Alme id a, Eddy forArbus, Jef forB emister, Ro d forB l ancher, Sand i forBr own, Su e forC ormier, Chr i s forC ory, Mary forEl l io t, Ron forE l l iott, L en forF ahey, F e l ic i a forCARRIEDma in moti on as amend ed :1 6 - FORGr ima ld i, M ikeLab e l l e , S ar aLonghi , G ordLundy, D av idMar ac le , Kr is taPridham, NancyThib o d e au, C arlThomas, WarrenT o cker, Jame sTungatt, D ebb ie1 - AGA INSTab s entabs entforforforforagains tab s entforforA M inority Rep ort was fil ed by C arl Thib ode au .F ir st Vic e -Pr e s id ent/ Tr e asurer in the Chair .Pre s ident Thomas in the Chair .

Minute s fr om the Executive B o a r d Me e ting<strong>March</strong> 6 -7, 201 31 1Tre a surer ' sRep ortF irst Vic e -Pre s id ent/ Tre asur er Alme id a pre sented the Treasur er' s Rep ort, whichaddr es s ed the fol low ing items :F inanc ialsC ontingency FundD efenc e FundD onation LineC amp aign FundPo l icy - Attendanc e o f Regiona l Educ a tionalsSummary Rep or tFin anc i a lsF ir st Vic e -Pr esident/ Tre asurer Alme id a pre sented the financ ials to the Ex e cutiv e B o ard .Mov ed by Ell iot R . / B emi s ter - In c amer aRoll C al l Vote # 1 9Alme ida , Eddy for Gr imald i, M ike againstArbu s , Jef for L abe ll e , Sara forB emis ter, Rod for Longhi, G ord forB l ancher, Sandi abs ent Lundy, D av id forB r own, Sue for Mar ac l e , Kr ista forC ormier, Chr is for Pr idham, N ancy forC ory , Mary for Thibo d e au, C arl forE l l iot, R on for Thomas, Warr en forE l l iott, Len for Tocker, Jame s forF ahey, F e l ic i a for Tungatt, D ebb i e forCARRIED 1 8 - FOR 1 - AGA INSTR i s e & Rep ortProgr es s .Roll C al l Vote #20A lme id a , E ddyArbus, JefB emi ster, Ro dB l ancher , Sand iBrown, Su eC ormier, Chr isC ory, MaryEl l iot, RonE lliott, LenF ahey , F e l ic iaCARR IEDf orforforforforforforabs entforfor1 7 - FORGrimald i, M ike forL abe ll e , Sara ab s entLonghi, G ord ab s entLundy, Dav id forMar ac l e , Kr ista forPr idham, N ancy forThib o de au, Carl forThoma s , Warr en forTo cker, Jame s forTungatt, D ebb i e for0 - AGA INST

Minute s fr om the Executive B o a r d Me etingMar ch 6 - 7, <strong>2013</strong>1 2Treasurer ' sRep o rtAttend anc e of r egiona l sMov e d by A lme id a/ PridhamWHEREAS Members may <strong>from</strong> time to t ime wi sh to attend another regions 'e duc ationa l ; andWHEREAS the c o s t for a memb er attend ing ano ther regi onal s ' educ ati ons should no tb e borne by a hos ting re gion;THEREFORE B E IT RE SOLVED THAT a memb er who w ishe s to apply to ano therregi ons ' educ ation p rogramme w i l l make request by contac ting the Regi ona l Vic ePr e s ident of the ir r egion and the R e giona l Vic e Pre s id ent may make a reque s t on b eha lfof the member to the Regi onal Vic e Pr e s ident o f the region ho s ting the educ a t ional ; andB E IT FURTHER RESOLVED it i s und ersto od tha t if b oth Regional Vic e Pr e s identsagre e to memb er attend ing, the expens e s of the v i s iting memb er wil l b e in l ine w ithwhat the ho s ting region has authoriz e d for a l l owable expens e c l a ims; andB E IT RES OLVED , expens e s for the memb er attending another r egions ' educ a ti onal ,w i l l b e d e ducte d <strong>from</strong> the v isiting memb er s Regional Educ ation Fund .Roll Call Vo te # 21A lme id a, Eddy for Gr imal d i, M ike forArbus, Jef for Labell e , Sara abs entB emis ter, Rod for L onghi , G ord abs entB l ancher, Sandi for Lundy, D av id forB r own, Sue for Maracle, Kris ta forCormier, Chr is for Pr idham, N ancy forCory, Mary for Thib o d eau, C arl forE l l iot, R on for Thoma s , Warr en forE l l io tt, Len for T o ck er, Jame s forF ahey, Fel ic ia for Tungatt, D ebbie forCARRIED 1 8 - FOR 0 - AGA INSTPre s i dent ' sRep o rtPr e s ident Thomas pr es ente d the Pres ident' s Rep ort which addr e s s ed the followingi tems :Interna l Is sueso20 1 3 Conv ention Award Nomina tionse Pol icy Manual - S e ction 4 -1 4 <strong>OPSEU</strong> D iv ersity S tatementC onv ention Cr e dential sStafing Is sue s - In C amera

Minu te s <strong>from</strong> the Executive B o ar d Me e ting<strong>March</strong> 6 -7, 201 31 3Pre s i dent ' sRep ortCentral L abour Up date s (OFL/ NUPGE/ CLC) NUPGE 2 0 1 3 Conv ention - Re s o lutionsNUPGE 2 0 1 3 L ife Memb ersInt ernal I s su e s - 20 1 3 C onventi on Aw ard NominationsH e a lth & S afe ty - L o c a lB al lots were d istr ibuted , v o te s wer e c ast and tabu l ated . L o c a l 248 wil l b e the re c ip ientof He alth & Safe ty Lo c a l Award .He a lth & S afety - Indiv idu a lB a l lots were d istr ibute d, v ote s wer e c a s t and tabul ate d .the re c ip ient of He al th & Safety Indiv idu al Award .Trish G o den, Loca l 1 08 wil l beRe c e s sThe Exe cu t iv e B o ar d re c e s s e d at 5 : 20 p .m . A l l memb er s were p re s ent .Mar ch 6, 201 3Hugh O' Re i l ly, Legal C ouns e l, C av al lu zo , Hay e s , Shi l ton, Mc Intyre & Cornish, made ap r e s entation to the ex ecutiv e board .Pre s ident ' sRep o rtInt erna l I s su e s - 201 3 C onv ent ion Aw ar d Nom inat ionsHonourary L ifetime M emb ersh ip Aw ardR i s e & Rep ortPr o gre s s .B a l lo ts wer e d i str ibuted , vo tes were c ast and tabu l ated . D aniel Murphy , Loc a l 3 6 8G ib son Mc I lwrath, Loca l 23 0 ; and R ick Nemi s z , Lo c a l 3 53 , w i l l b e the re c ip ients o f theHonour ary L ife Memb ership Award .Human Right s Award - Indiv idu a lEr ic D av is , L o c al 4 9 7 was ac c l a ime d and w i l l b e r e c e iv ing the Human R ights Awar dInd iv idual .

<strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>from</strong> the Executive B o ar d MeetingMa rch 6 -7, 20 1314Pre s ident ' sRep o rtIntern a l Is su e s - 2 01 3 Conv ention Aw ard Nom in at i onsL e ah C a s s e lman Aw ar d - Ind iv i du a lB a l lots were d is tribute d , v ote s were c a s t and tabul ate d . H l ne Cot , Loca l 6 73 , wil l b ethe r e c ip ients of the L e ah C as s elman Award - Indiv idu a l .L e ah C a s s e lman Aw ar d - L o c a lB a l lots we r e d istr ibute d, v ote s were c ast and tabul ate d . L oc a l 23 5 , Par tic ip a tion L odge ,wil l b e the recip ients of the L e ah C a s s e lman Award - Loc a l .L iv e and L e t L iv e Aw ardNo nominations wer e submi tte d for this award .Rainford J acks on E du c ati on and D ev e lopm ent FundNo nominations were submi tte d for th is award .S tanl ey Knowl e s Humanit ar i anNo nominations were submi tted for thi s award .T im B rown AwardNo nominations were submitted for this award .P o l icy M anu a l - S e c ti on 4 -14Mov ed by Thoma s / A lme idaWHEREAS the ho sp ital i ty suite s for M emb ers a t C onv enti on are prov ided by <strong>OPSEU</strong>for Member s; andWHEREAS staf ar e sp ecific al ly prohibi ted <strong>from</strong> engaging in the internal po l itic a lp r o c e ss of <strong>OPSEU</strong>, by which i s me ant p o l i t ic al ac tiv ity in suppor t of or opp o s e d to anyc and idate for or incumb ent in any e lec te d ofic e of the Union; andWHEREAS the ho spi tal ity su ite s ar e u til iz ed for such things a s c amp a igning;THEREFORE B E IT RE SOLVED THAT s e c t ion 4 -14 of the P o l icy, d a ted Ap ri l 2 7, 1 9 94 ,p . 22 , that re ads , " s taf w i l l b e a l l owe d to attend the H o sp ita l i ty Su i te s " b e d e l eted andr ep l ac ed wi th, " s taf may a ttend the Ho sp ital ity Su ite s exc ept for the We dnesday andThurs d ay ev ening in an e l e c tion ye ar " .

Minu te s <strong>from</strong> the Executive B o ar d Me e ting<strong>March</strong> 6 - 7, 201 31 5Pre s ident ' sRep o rtIntern a l I s sue s - Pol i cy M anu a l - S e c t ion 4 -1 4Mov e d by Longhi / Pr idham - c l o sur eRoll Call Vote # 22Alme ida , Ed dy forArbus, Jef forB emi s ter, Rod forB l ancher, Sandi forBrown, Sue forCormier, Chr is forC ory, Mary forE l l iot, Ron forE l l iott, Len forF ahey, Felic ia forCARRIED 1 8 - FORThe qu e stion was c a l l e d on the motion :Ro l l Call Vote # 23Alme id a, Eddy forArbus, Jef againstB emis ter, R o d againstB lancher, Sand i agains tBr own, Sue ab sentC ormier, Chr is aga instC ory, Mary agains tE l l iot, Ron aga ins tE l l iott, Len aga ins tF ahey, F e l ic ia aga ins tDEFEATED 2 - FORGr ima ld i, MikeL ab e l l e , SaraLonghi , GordLundy, D av idMaracl e , Kr istaPr idham, NancyThib ode au, C arlThomas, WarrenT o ck er, Jame sTungatt, D ebbie2 - AGAINSTGrima ld i, M ikeLab e l l e , Sar aL onghi, GordLundy , D av idMar ac l e , Kr istaPr idham, N ancyThibo d e au , C ar lThomas, Warr enT o cker, Jame sTunga t t, D ebb i e1 7 - AGAINSTaga ins taga ins tforforforforforforforforagains tagains taga ins taga instaga instaga ins taga instforagainstagainstMov ed by Thomas / A lme idaTHEREFORE B E IT RE S OLVED THAT S e c t ion 4 -1 4 of the Po l icy , d ate d Ap r i l 27, 1 9 94,p . 22, that r e ads , " s taf wil l b e al lowe d to a ttend the Hosp i tal ity Su i te s " b e d e l eted .Roll C al l Vote #24A lme ida, Eddy for Grimald i, Mike agains tArbus, Jef for L abell e , S ar a agains tB emi s ter, R o d for Longhi, G ord forB l ancher, Sand i for Lundy, D av id forB r own, Su e abs ent Marac l e , Kr ista forC ormier, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy forC ory, Mary for Thib ode au, Car l forE l l iot, Ron for Thoma s , Warren for

Minu te s <strong>from</strong> the Exe cutive B o a rd Me e tingMar ch 6 - 7, <strong>2013</strong>1 6Pre s ident ' sRep ortInt ern a l I s su e s - Policy M anu a l - S e ct i on 4 -1 4 (c ont . )E l l iott, Len for T o cker, JamesFahey, F e l ic ia for Tungatt, D ebbieforforCARR IED 1 9 - FOR 0 - AGAINSTS taffing I s s u e s- In CameraCentral Lab our Up date s (O F UPG E/CLC )NUPGE 2 01 3 L ife M emb er sB r o ther Grimaldi ' s name w il l b e put forward as <strong>OPSEU</strong> ' s nominat ion fo r NUPGE L ifeMemb er .Conv ention Cr e dent i a l sThis is sue was d i s cu s s e d .P3 Fightb a ckR ick Jans on, C amp a igns Offic er, made a pr e s entati on to the Ex e cutiv e B o ard .Moved by Lundy / C ormierTHEREFORE B E IT RE SOLVED THAT the <strong>OPSEU</strong> Ex e cutiv e B o ard endors e theac tion p lan for the P3 F ightb ack in Kings ton .Roll Call Vote #25A lme ida, Eddy for Grima ld i, Mike forArbu s , Jef for Lab e l l e , S ara forB emister, Rod for Longhi , G ord forB l ancher, Sandi for Lundy, D av id forB r own, Sue for Mar ac le, Krista forC ormier, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy forCory, Mary for Thib odeau, C arl forE l l iot, R on for Thoma s , Warren forE l l iott, Len for To cker, J ame s forF ahey, F e l ic i a for Tunga tt, D ebbie forCARRIED UNAM IOUSLY 2 0 - FOR 0 - AGA INST

Minu tes <strong>from</strong> the Exe cutive B o a rd MeetingMa r ch 6 -7, 201 31 7Pre s ident ' sRep o rtInternal I s su e s - O PS EU D iv er s ity S t ateme ntMov e d by Tungatt/ Arbu sTHEREFORE B E IT RE SOLVED THAT the Ex ecu tiv e B o ard appr ov e the fo llowings tatement :A s one of Canad a ' s l e ading d emoc r a tic labour organiz ations , <strong>OPSEU</strong> rec ogniz e s thevalu e that d iv ersity br ings into i ts organiz ation . We are on the frontl ine s of Ontar io' srap idly changing demo graphic s , as r efl e cte d in our memb ership , and our s taf . I t iswithin the s e demogr aphic change s that <strong>OPSEU</strong> wil l c ontinu e to embrac e d iv ers i ty as acore organizati onal v a lue . We are impr ov ing our sys tems , and generating fre shopp ortunitie s to s trengthen our c onne c t i ons with div ers e gr oups fr om acros s Ontar io .T o gether with our s ocial jus tic e a ll ies, we w il l c e lebrate c o l l e c tiv e d iv ersity w ins tonurture su sta inab l e p artnership s .Ro l l Cal l Vote # 26Alme ida, Eddy for Gr ima ld i, M ike forArbus, Jef for Lab e l l e , Sar a forB emister, Rod for Longhi, G ord forB l ancher, Sand i for Lundy , D av id forB r own, Su e for Mar acle , Kr ista forCormier, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy forCory, Mary for Thib ode au, C arl forE l l iot, Ron for Thoma s , Warren forE l l io tt, Len for To cker, Jame s forF ahey, F e l ic ia for Tungatt, D ebb ie forCARRIED 2 0 - FOR 0 - AGAINSTPr e s entati on - C o rr e c ti ons ( c ont . <strong>from</strong> p age 2 )Mov ed by Gr ima ld i / Arbu sRefer thi s is sue t o the Pr esident' s Offic e for a more fu l s ome inv e s tiga ti on to b e broughtb ack to the Ex e cutiv e B o ard .R o l l Cal l Vote # 27Alme ida, Eddy for Grima l d i, M ike forArbus , Jef for Lab e l l e , Sar a forB emis ter, Rod for Longhi, Gord aga ins tB lancher, Sand i for Lundy, D av id forB r own, Su e for Mar ac l e , Kr ista forC ormi er, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy forC ory, Mary for Thib o deau , C arl aga ins tE ll io t, R on aga inst Thomas, Warren forE l l io tt, Len for T o cker, Jame s for

Minu te s <strong>from</strong> the Ex ecutive B oar d MeetingMa r ch 6 -7, 20 1 31 8Pre s entati on - Correctio n s (c ont . fr om p age 2 )Fahey, F e l ic ia forCARRIED 1 7 - FORTungatt, D ebbie3 - AGAINSTforCOMMITTE E REPORT SR e commend at ions <strong>from</strong> the Febru ary 28, 201 3 Ex e cutiv e Committe e M e e t ing:Mov e d by El l iot/ A lme idaTHEREFORE B E IT RE SOLVED THAT the Execut iv e B o ard approv e Local 1 55 andL o c a l 1 5 6 be merged into Lo c a l 1 41 , and the char ters of Loca l 1 5 5 and Loc a l 1 5 6 b ere scind ed .Roll Call Vote # 28Alme ida, Eddy for Grimald i, Mike forArbu s , Jef for L abell e , Sar a forB emis ter, Rod for Longhi, G ord forB l ancher, Sand i for Lundy , D av id forB rown, Su e for Mar ac l e , Kr ista forCormier, Chr i s for Pr idham, Nancy forCory, Mary for Thibodeau, C arl forEl l i ot, R on for Thoma s , Warren forE l l iott, Len for T o ck er, Jame s forF ahey, Felic i a for Tungatt, D ebb ie forCARRIED 20 - FOR 0 - AGAINSTS t anding C ommitt e e R ep orts :. Adv antage <strong>OPSEU</strong> Aud itC onv ention C ommi tte e sooRe s o lutionsCons tituti ona lo Cre d ential s (r ep orts at Conv ention)o Pl anningo B o ard Rep or t/ Se cti on E Ab original C ircle C entral Po l i t ic a l Ac t ioneoExclude d S taf Hir ingFranc ophone C aucu sIn S o l ida ri hj<strong>OPSEU</strong> R es ou rc e / Enterpri s e s<strong>OPSEU</strong> Staf P ens ion P l an Truste e sPens ion Liais on

Minute s <strong>from</strong> the Executive B o a r d MeetingMa r ch 6 -7, <strong>2013</strong>22N EW BU S INE S SNo ti c e of Motion - Chil d C ar e P o l i cy Re c ons i der at i on ( c ont . )Mov ed by Br own/ Arbu s - c losur eRoll C a l l Vote # 33Alme id a , Eddy for Gr ima ldi, M ik e aga ins tArbus, Jef for L ab el l e, Sara aga ins tB emister, Ro d agains t Longhi , G ord forB l ancher, Sand i for Lundy , D av id forB rown, Sue for Maracle, Kr ista forCormier, Chr i s aga ins t Pr idham, Nancy aga ins tCory , Mary agains t Thibo d eau, C arl aga ins tE l l iot, Ron for Thomas, Warren forEl l io tt, L en for T o cker, Jame s aga ins tF ahey, F e l ic i a aga inst Tunga t t, D ebbi e againstD EFEATED 1 0 - FOR 1 0 - AGAINSTMov ed by Pridham/ Brown - amendmentTHAT the informati on reques ted be br ought back to the April Bo ard . ]Roll Cal l Vote #34A lme ida, E ddy for Grimald i, Mike aga ins tArbu s , Jef for Label l e , Sar a forB emister, Rod for Longhi, G ord forB l ancher, Sandi for Lundy, D av id forB rown, Sue for Marac l e , Kr ista forC ormier, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy forC ory, Mary aga ins t Thib o deau , Carl forE l l iot, R on for Thomas, Warr en forE l l iott, L en for T o ck er, J ames forF ahey, Fel ic ia for Tunga tt, D ebb ie forCARRIED 1 8 - FOR 2 - AGA INSTMov ed by T o cker/ E l l iot R . - c losureR o l l Cal l Vote #35A lme id a, E ddy for Grimald i, M ike aga instArbus, Jef for L abell e , Sara againstB emister, R od for L onghi, Gord forB l ancher, Sandi for Lundy, D av id forB r own, Su e for Mar ac le, Kr i s ta forC ormier, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy aga ins tC ory, Mary aga ins t Thibodeau, Carl forE l l iot, R on for Thomas, Warren forE ll iott, Len for To cker, Jame s for

Minu te s fr om the Executive B o ar d Meeting<strong>March</strong> 6 -7, 20 1323N EW BU S INE S SNotic e of M otio n - Ch i l d C ar e Po l i cy Re c ons ider ation ( c ont . )F ahey, F e l ic i a for Tunga tt, D ebb ieCARRIED 1 5 - FOR 5 - AGA INSTaga ins tThe que s tion was c a l le d on the referral :Roll C a l l Vote #3 6Alme ida, Eddy for Grimald i , Mike agains tArbu s , Jef for Lab e l le, Sar a agains tB emister, Rod for L onghi, G ord aga ins tB l ancher, Sand i for Lundy, D av id forBr own, Su e for Maracle, Kr i s ta agains tCormier, Chr is for Pr idham, Nancy agains tC ory, Mary against Thibo de au , Carl forE l l io t, Ron for Thomas, Warren fo rEl l iott, L en for To cker, Jame s forF ahey, Felic ia aga ins t Tungatt, D ebb ie agains tCARRIED 1 2 - FOR 8 - AGAINSTA M inority Rep ort was file d by Mary Cory .Pr e s ident Thomas in the Chair .Prov inc e Young Worker s C onfer enc e - Chi l d C ar eMov ed Lab e l l e / C ormierWHEREAS young worker s fac e many barriers when entering the labour mov ement tob e c ome ac tiv ists and l e aders in opseu; andWHEREAS <strong>OPSEU</strong> ha s undertaken one o f the l arge s t s o c ial mapping proj e c ts in thelabour mov ement w i thin C anada to identi fy and r emov e b arriers tha t curr ently excludeequ ity s e ek ing group s fr om fu l l p ar tic ip ati on; andWHEREAS suc c e s s i on p l anning is e s s enti a l to c ont inu ing the trad ition of a strongv ibr ant, inc lu s iv e educ a te d and r enewed opseu; andWHEREAS hav ing a young fami ly withou t the option of on s ight child c are has be enid entified as a primary barr ier to p artic ip ati on a t the anu a l Internationa l Y outh D ayC onferenc e ;THEREFORE B E IT RE S OLVED THAT <strong>OPSEU</strong> p r ov id e on-s i te chi ld c are at theprov inc ial young workers c onferenc e re gard l e ss of the numb er of p ar t ic ip ants requ iringchi ld c ar e ; andB E IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this me a sur e b e highl ighted in the appl ic a ti onfo rm and any o ther c ommuni c a t ion r e l a te d to the ev ent .

<strong>Minutes</strong> <strong>from</strong> the Executive B o a rd Mee ng<strong>March</strong> 6 - 7, 20 1324N EW BUS INE S SPr ov inc e Young Worker s C onfer enc e - Ch i l d C ar eMov ed by Gr ima ldi/ CormierIn the I s t r es o lv e rep lac e " regard l es s of the numb er of p ar ticip ants r equ iring child c are "with " if r equ e ste d "R o l l C a l l Vote # 37Alme ida, E ddy for Gr imald i, M ike forArbu s, Jef for L abelle, Sara forB emis ter, Ro d for Longhi, G ord forB l ancher, Sand i for Lundy, D av id forBrown, Su e abs ent Marac le, Kr ista forCormier, Chr is for Pr idham, N ancy forCory, Mary for Thibode au, C arl forE l l iot, Ron abs ent Thoma s , Warren forEl l io tt, L en for Tock er, James forFahey, F e l ic ia for Tungatt, D ebb i e forCARRIED 1 8 - FOR 0 - AGAINSTThe que s tion wa s c a l led on the mo tion as amended :WHEREAS y oung workers fac e many barr iers when entering the l abour mov ement tob ec ome ac t iv ists and le ader s in op s eu ; andWHEREAS <strong>OPSEU</strong> ha s undertaken one o f the l arge st s o c ial mapping pr oj e c ts in thel ab our mov ement within Canada to identify and remov e barriers that curr ently ex c lu deequ ity s e ek ing group s fr om fu ll p ar tic ip at ion; andWHEREAS su c c e s s ion p l anning is e s s ential to c ontinu ing the tr ad ition of a strongv ibrant, inc lu s iv e educ ated and renewed ops eu; andWHEREAS hav ing a young fami ly w ithout the opti on of on s ight child c are has b e enidentifie d as a primary b arrier to p artic ip ation at the anual Internati onal Y outh D ayConfer enc e;THEREFORE B E IT RE S OLVED THAT <strong>OPSEU</strong> pr ov ide on-si te child c are at thep rov inc i a l y oung workers c onferenc e if r eque s te d; andB E IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this me a sure be highl ighted in the appl ic a tionform and any o ther c ommunic ation related to the ev ent .R o l l Cal l Vote #3 8A lme ida, Eddy for Grimald i, Mike forArbu s, Jef for Label l e , Sar a forB emister, Rod for Longhi, G ord forB l ancher, Sandi for Lundy, D av id forB r own, Sue ab s ent Mar ac l e , Kr ista forC ormi er, Chr is for Pr idham, N ancy for

Minu te s fr om the Executive B oar d Meeting<strong>March</strong> 6 -7, <strong>2013</strong>25N EW BU S INE S SProv inc e Young Worker s C onfer enc e - Ch i l d C ar eCory, Mary for Thibode au , Carl forE l l io t, Ron abs ent Thoma s , Warr en forE l l io tt, Len for T o cke r, Jame s forF ahey, F e l ic i a for Tungatt, D ebb ie forCARRIED 1 8 - FOR 0 - AGA INSTRe s o lut i on for Conv ent i on 2 01 3Mov ed by Arbus / TungattWHEREAS <strong>OPSEU</strong> i s d e eply c ommi t ted to the improv ement of human r ights ev erywhere ;andWHEREAS a ba s ic l iv ing wage is a fund amenta l human r ight; andWHEREAS in d ev el op ing c ountrie s a minimum wage e i ther d o es no t ex ist or is no tenforc ed or is inade qu ate to me e t the r equ irements of prov iding the nec essitie s of l i fe ; andWHEREAS in many c ountr ie s a social s e curity system e i ther d o e s not ex i s t or is inad e qu a teto me et basic surv iv a l ne e d s ; andWHEREAS ev en in dev e l op e d c ountr ie s l ike Canada ther e are many who d o not hav e theab il ity to ac c e ss the minimum food r equ irements for he a lthy surv iv a l ; andWHEREAS a "minimum fo o d ba sket" i s c ons idere d to be a s tandard me asure of theminimum amount of food ne ede d for the he a lthy surv iv a l of a typ ic al familyTHEREFORE B E IT RE SOLVED THAT <strong>OPSEU</strong> form a c o a l ition of unions and e spec iallywith the CLC and NUPGE and through them to the Wor ld Labour Congr e s s , to worktoward the go al of a univ ers a l minimum wage and s o c ial s ecurity sys tem which wouldme e t the r equ ir ements of minimum fo o d b aske t in ev ery country .Roll Call Vo te #3 8A lme ida , Eddy for Gr imald i, Mike forArbus , Jef for L abell e , Sar a forB emi s ter, Rod for Longhi, G ord forB l ancher, Sand i for Lundy, D av id forBrown, Su e abs en t Mar ac l e , Krista forCormier , Chr is fo r Pr idham, N ancy forCory, Mary for Thib o d e au , Carl forE l l iot, R on abs ent Thomas, Warr en forEl l io tt, Len for Tocker, James forF ahey, F e l ic i a for Tungatt, D ebb i e forCARR IED 1 8 - FOR 0 - AGAINST

Minu te s <strong>from</strong> the Executive B o a r d MeetingMar ch 6 - 7, 20 1326N EW BUS INE S SThr e ads of L ifeThis is sue wa s d is cussed .S t aff a s s ignm ent l i stThis is sue wa s d is cussed .CAAT ( S ) s tr ike an a ly s i s adhoc c ommitte eThis i s sue wa s d i s cu s s ed .Adj ournmentThe Executiv e B o ard adj ourne d at 1 : 1 5 pro . A l l memb ers wer e pr e s ent .Warr en (Smokey) Thomas, Pre s ident Ka thryn Kaminski, Corp orate Secr e tary/ kk

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