Interview Transcribed - StopTheCrime.net

Interview Transcribed - StopTheCrime.net

Interview Transcribed - StopTheCrime.net

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So what they’re trying to do is they want to create a plasma because they canthen pump frequency through it. Specifically every tissue in every living organismis called a harmonic capacitor which means there’s a specific tunable frequency.Just like an earthquake will take down one building but not the next one becauseif there are not frequencies within that earthquake that are harmonic with aspecific building, the building will not develop what’s called giant waves and tearthe structure apart. Well the same is true with a living organism. There’s aharmonic frequency for every tissue in every organ. And if you create the specificharmonic frequency you can release it in biological molecules and it will destroycertain tissues and can activate certain gene complexes.They’re fully aware of this and they deployed these in Gulf War II. They werecalled poppers. I asked my contact why they called them poppers and it isbecause the Republican Guard would pop out of bunkers like they were popcorn,because they would release a fear molecule and hardened Republican Guardmurderers were crawling up to the Americans without one shot being fired,begging them to turn it off because it induced such a state of fear. They usedthem in Fallujah and in Najav so that people who would walk through the middleof a combat zone, like a woman and child, the operational robots, of which therewere over 1200 deployed in Gulf War II, would lock onto a target and hit themwith a ping for a friend or foe dog tag, and if they didn’t have a friend or foe dogtag on they could do an accurate head shot at 2‐1/2 miles with either a highcaliber weapon or directed energy weapon.So we’re in the 21 st century where mind warfare, operational robots, directedenergy weapons and turning the plasma of the air literally into frequencies. Ifyou want to kill an entire crop you can . . . because the air has become a plasmayou can pump frequencies that can be toxic to a wheat crop, you can pump infrequencies from the sky that can cause changes in behavior or cause bliss tomake people unreasonably exuberant, despite the fact that they are in adangerous situation, and you can make people basically psychologically andphysically paralyzed so they can’t function.

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