order form - The Wine Society

order form - The Wine Society

order form - The Wine Society


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How this offer worksWe expect the demand for 2012 Bordeaux to be high. We share outoversubscribed wines as widely as possible down to a minimum practicallevel per member. After that, wines are allocated as fairly as possible.Please be aware that some wines will sell out and substitute wines will beused where requested unless no substitutes are specifi ed.• Website, telephone, post and fax <strong>order</strong>s will be accepted for this offer.Your <strong>order</strong> should arrive at Stevenage by 9pm, Tuesday9th July, 2013.• We may have to ration wines in <strong>order</strong> to satisfy as many membersas possible.• Members whose <strong>order</strong>s have been received by 9pm, Tuesday9th July, 2013 will receive confi rmation of their purchase by31st July, 2013 at the latest. Members whose <strong>order</strong>s have beenreceived after 9pm, Tuesday 9th July, 2013 will receivenotifi cation by 21st August, 2013. If you wish to receivenotifi cation by e-mail of the wines you have been allocated, pleasegive your e-mail address on the <strong>order</strong> <strong>form</strong> or when you <strong>order</strong> viathe website at thewinesociety.com/openingoffer. rTerms and conditions for <strong>order</strong>ing the 2012 Bordeaux• En primeur wines are offered in pre-mixed cases or in a minimumsix or twelve bottles of any one wine (in exceptionalcircumstances, we may reduce <strong>order</strong>s to one bottle per member).<strong>The</strong> en primeur contract between us• Your en primeur <strong>order</strong> is an offer to buy from us. A contract isnot <strong>form</strong>ed until we accept your <strong>order</strong> which takes place whenwe invoice you for the wines at the en primeur price. <strong>The</strong> enprimeur offer will indicate a date by which members will receivethis confi rmation of their purchase.How to <strong>order</strong>• Members may <strong>order</strong> on the website, by telephone, post or fax.• <strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> recommends that payment be made by debit/credit card,as there could be a difference between the value of a member’s <strong>order</strong>and that of the wines available. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> will only charge the debit/credit card for the value of the wines allocated.• If payment is made by cheque and <strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> cannot fulfi l any of thewines on the <strong>order</strong>, and if substitute wines are not available oracceptable, then your cheque will be returned to you. Otherwise, ifa slightly less expensive wine is substituted, the member’s accountwill be credited.Prices• Prices shown include delivery to a UK address but exclude exciseduty and VAT which is payable, at the prevailing rate, after the winesarrive at Stevenage. Please note that VAT is payable on the sum ofthe en primeur price paid plus excise duty.• <strong>The</strong> approximate time that the wines arrive (when duty and VATis payable) is in summer 2015. If a particular wine is unexpectedlydelayed beyond this time, we will advise members with a revisedanticipated arrival date. Duty and VAT will not be charged untilafter the wine has arrived at Stevenage.If demand exceeds supply• If demand exceeds supply for any particular wine: we will seekto share stock equally amongst those members who have expressedan interest. This may mean that stock is rationed to six, three or,exceptionally one, bottle/s per member.• This rationing is regardless of how many cases were <strong>order</strong>ed bythe member. For some wines, cutting down <strong>order</strong>s in this way issuffi cient action to ensure that everyone gets something, at least.However, for very oversubscribed wines, this may still not allowevery member to have some wine.• In this case we will allocate the stock. Allocations will be prioritisedaccording to members’ levels of support for <strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> (basedon <strong>order</strong>ing history). Members who have given greater support to<strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> will have a better chance (but no certainty) of beingallocated a rationed amount of wine, and those who have given lesssupport will have a lesser chance (but still a chance).• Indicating a willingness to accept a substitute will not infl uence yourchance of receiving the original wine.Substitutes in en primeur <strong>order</strong>s• In the absence of instructions to the contrary, if your original choiceis unavailable, we will endeavour to complete your <strong>order</strong> withsubstitute wines.• Substitutions will be of a similar style, quality and value. If the substituteis of a higher price, you will be charged the price of your originalchoice; if less expensive, you will be charged the lower price.• If you have a preference for a particular alternative, should your fi rstchoice be unavailable, please indicate this in the appropriate columnon the <strong>order</strong> <strong>form</strong> or on the website. In this instance, your namedalternative, if available, will be substituted at the advertisedselling price.Order cancellation• If you change your mind about an en primeur <strong>order</strong> and wish tocancel it, please contact us within seven days of receipt of the Invoice/Opening Offer Order Confi rmation issued by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> following<strong>order</strong> processing. We will then reimburse the appropriate sum paidwithin 14 days of cancellation. Due to the unique nature of en primeurcampaigns, we are unable to accept cancellations after this time.Once en primeur wines arrive at Stevenage• <strong>The</strong> amount due for duty and VAT for en primeur wines will becomepayable upon request from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> following the arrival of thewine at Stevenage. This is expected to be summer 2015.• <strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> will contact members, by e-mail or post, requesting dutyand VAT payment and instructions regarding delivery or storage.• Members may opt to have them delivered within the UK, stored induty-paid Members’ Reserves, collected from Stevenage, exportedor transferred to an outside bonded warehouse (see below). <strong>The</strong>sewines cannot be collected from our showroom in France.• Please note that only unmixed cases can be exported or transferredto outside bonded warehouses (for which there will be anadministration charge).• If a member does not respond to this request for instructions withinthe time frame stipulated, wines will automatically be placed in<strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong>’s duty-paid Members’ Reserves.• <strong>The</strong> en primeur wines remain the property of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> untilthe wines are either transferred to Members’ Reserves or aredelivered/collected as instructed, when they will become theproperty of the member.• <strong>The</strong> <strong>Society</strong> will remain responsible for insuring the wine at theoriginal en primeur invoice value until they become the member’sproperty. Note that wines stored in Members’ Reserves are insuredat replacement cost.THE SOCIETY’S PROMISEUncork with confidence<strong>The</strong> <strong>Wine</strong> <strong>Society</strong> is a mutual organisation, so our members’satisfaction is paramount. If, for any reason, you haven’t enjoyeda wine we want to hear about it and will happily offer a credit,a replacement or a refund. thewinesociety.com/promiseTo <strong>order</strong> thewinesociety.com/openingoffer 01438 740222<strong>The</strong> International ExhibitionCo-operative <strong>Wine</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Limited.Registered Offi ce: Gunnels Wood Road,Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 2BTRegister Number: 1824R (IP)Website thewinesociety.comEnquiries 01438 741177Orders 01438 740222twitter.com/<strong>The</strong><strong>Wine</strong><strong>Society</strong>facebook.com/<strong>The</strong><strong>Wine</strong><strong>Society</strong>societygrapevine.comthewinesociety.com/app

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