BULLETIN - Heliconia Society International

BULLETIN - Heliconia Society International

BULLETIN - Heliconia Society International


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THE <strong>BULLETIN</strong> / JANUARY 2010 PAGE 3The next species we were chasing was H. brenneri,a higher elevation species. One time, after climbing wayup into the mountains on an off-chance, we finally decidedwe were out of luck and called off the search. Just as wewere turning around a strange <strong>Heliconia</strong> leaf fluttered atus, and sure enough: there was H. brenneri growing nextto a waterfall in rocks and rich leaf humus with perfectdrainage. This was on a different road and some distanceaway from the original, and only, collection made by GustavoMorales and José Abalo way back in 1982. It is goodnews that this beautiful plant is still growing, and in arange larger than previously known.Emboldened with our success we continued headingnorth, taking side trips up different drainages lookingfor more plants. The next species we came across wasH. peteriana growing in the same place it was discoveredby Abalo and Morales also back in the early 80’s.The forest around this locality was just about nonexistentdue to clearing for cultivation and grazing. At avery small remnant patch of woods we wandered in andquickly found ten or so clumps happily flowering. Itseemed that all the <strong>Heliconia</strong> we saw on this trip wereflowering, getting ready to disperse their seed in thecoming wet season due in 4 to 8 weeks. H. peterianaalong with H. brenneri are species I have never comeH. vellerigera (leftphoto: CarlaBlack)H. brenneri(left photo:Carla Black)H. orthotrichaH. dielsiana (2color forms) withAngel Rodriguez(right three photos:Carla Black)H. pastazaelocalities from left to right:Guyazimi, Indanza-Gualaquisa, Macas-Riobamba, (right photo:Carla Black, near Sangay)H. peteriana(right photo: CarlaBlack, showinghabitat loss)

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