Environmental Aspects of Phosphate and Potash Mining

Environmental Aspects of Phosphate and Potash Mining

Environmental Aspects of Phosphate and Potash Mining

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<strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Aspects</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Phosphate</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Potash</strong> <strong>Mining</strong>3.9 <strong>Environmental</strong> Management<strong>Environmental</strong> management is an activity that isongoing throughout the entire mining life cycle, frominitial exploration to the final closure <strong>of</strong> the operation<strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ing over <strong>of</strong> the site. It encompasses <strong>and</strong> influencesall the different activities <strong>of</strong> the mining life cycle<strong>and</strong> is most effective when integrated with the day-todaymanagement <strong>and</strong> planning <strong>of</strong> the operation.<strong>Environmental</strong> management consists <strong>of</strong> systems, procedures,practices <strong>and</strong> technologies that varydepending on the specific characteristics <strong>of</strong> the surroundingecosystem, the legal framework <strong>and</strong> themining methods <strong>and</strong> beneficiation processesemployed.As appreciation <strong>of</strong> the complexity <strong>of</strong> environmentalconsiderations has grown, a variety <strong>of</strong> managementtools have been developed to assist companies bettercontrol the effects <strong>of</strong> their operations <strong>and</strong> provide ahigher level <strong>of</strong> environment protection. These toolsinclude: environmental management systems (EMS);environmental impact assessment (EIA); environmentaltechnology assessment (EnTA); environmentalauditing; life cycle assessment (LCA); cleaner production<strong>and</strong> environmental reporting (6).Recent developments such as LCA <strong>and</strong> cleaner productionhave adopted a more holistic, pollutionprevention, approach to environmental issues. Theylook at the life <strong>of</strong> a product or service to determinewhere the greatest impacts may occur <strong>and</strong> then where<strong>and</strong> how the most effective action, in terms <strong>of</strong> cost <strong>and</strong>results, can be taken to prevent the impact to potentiallyoccurring. These tools assist management byproviding information to improve decision-making.Their effectiveness depends in a large part on the commitment<strong>and</strong> motivation <strong>of</strong> management <strong>and</strong> theworkforce.Amongst other things, better environmental managementcontributes to: Prevention <strong>of</strong> problems; Identification <strong>and</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> effectivesolutions to environmental issues; Compliance with environmental legislation; regulations<strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards; Engagement <strong>of</strong> <strong>and</strong> improved relations with stakeholderssuch as employees, community, regulatoryagencies <strong>and</strong> customers;(6) Additional information on environmental managementtools is available from the UNEP, UNIDO <strong>and</strong> IFA TechnicalReport on “Fertilizer Production <strong>and</strong> the Environment”, Part2: <strong>Environmental</strong> Management Systems <strong>and</strong> a variety <strong>of</strong>other publications by UNEP.Greater control by management <strong>of</strong> the company'sactivities.This section provides an indication <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> theapproaches being taken by the phosphate rock <strong>and</strong>potash mining industry to provide more effectiveenvironmental management.Corporate Environment PolicyA company's environment policy is a key element <strong>of</strong>an EMS. This public statement commits managementto a set <strong>of</strong> principles that guide their activities.Leading companies have moved from an environment-specificfocus, to a wider, sustainabledevelopment stance, recognizing the integration <strong>of</strong>economic, environment <strong>and</strong> social needs.Environment PolicyWMC have framed their environment policy in terms<strong>of</strong> sustainable development since 1995.WMC Environment PolicyThe Company is committed to achieving compatibilitybetween economic development <strong>and</strong> themaintenance <strong>of</strong> the environment.It therefore seeks to ensure that, throughout all phases<strong>of</strong> its activities, WMC personnel <strong>and</strong> contractorsgive proper consideration to the care <strong>of</strong> the flora,fauna, air, l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> water, <strong>and</strong> to the communityhealth <strong>and</strong> heritage which may be affected by theseactivities.To fulfill this commitment, the Company will observeall environmental laws <strong>and</strong>, consistent with the principles<strong>of</strong> sustainable development, will: Progressively establish <strong>and</strong> maintain company-wideenvironmental st<strong>and</strong>ards for our operationsthroughout the world; Integrate environmental factors into planning <strong>and</strong>operational decisions <strong>and</strong> processes; Assess the potential environmental effects <strong>of</strong> ouractivities, <strong>and</strong> regularly monitor <strong>and</strong> audit our environmentalperformance; Continually improve our environmental performance,including reducing the effect <strong>of</strong> emissions,developing opportunities for recycling, <strong>and</strong> moreefficiently using energy, water <strong>and</strong> other resources; Rehabilitate the environment affected by our activities; Conserve important populations <strong>of</strong> flora <strong>and</strong> faunathat may be affected by our activities; Promote environmental awareness amongCompany personnel <strong>and</strong> contractors to increaseunderst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> environmental matters.Source: WMC Environment Report 1996.

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