Personal details & correspondence Full name: Adam John ... - TU Delft
Personal details & correspondence Full name: Adam John ... - TU Delft
Personal details & correspondence Full name: Adam John ... - TU Delft
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<strong>Personal</strong> <strong>details</strong> & <strong>correspondence</strong><strong>Full</strong> <strong>name</strong>:Titles:Position:Nationality:<strong>Adam</strong> <strong>John</strong> PelPhD, MSc, BEngResearcher at <strong>TU</strong> <strong>Delft</strong>, Dept. Transport and PlanningNetherlands and New ZealandTelephone: +31 152 784 611Email:a.j.pel@tudelft.nlAddress:Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN, <strong>Delft</strong>, The NetherlandsLinkedin: of expertiseTransportation modelling, network modelling, traffic assignment, traffic flow theoryand simulation, travel behaviour, traffic control, evacuation modelling and planning.Educational backgroundDoctorate (PhD), 2007–2011<strong>TU</strong> <strong>Delft</strong>, Faculty of Civil Engineering and GeosciencesSupervisors: Prof. dr. ir. S.P. Hoogendoorn, and Dr. M.C.J. BliemerTitle of thesis: Transportation Modelling for Regional Evacuations(available at\thesisPEL)Master (MSc) , 2004–2007<strong>TU</strong> <strong>Delft</strong>, Faculty of Civil Engineering and GeosciencesMajor: Traffic EngineeringReceived graduation medal for innovativeness and excellence in MSc thesis. Graded 10(out of 10).Research experienceDoctoral research experienceMy doctoral research considers the implementation and application of transportationmodels in regional evacuation planning – Including literature reviewing, data handlingand analysis, theory development, mathematical model formulation, programming andsimulation, and model application. My theoretical work and newly developed simulationmodel EVAQ have yielded 25+ journal and conference papers, have supported acontract research project, and are used by fellow PhD, master, and bachelor students.Resume – <strong>Adam</strong> J. Pel Page 1 of 4
International research collaboration• Intelligent Transport Systems Centre, Beijing, China, October 2008Contributions to workshops on evacuation research. Follow up in early 2010 withjoint research on logistical impact of emergency services in case of an evacuationin the Beijing area.• Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, Sydney, Australia, February – April 2007Internship for master thesis research on the development of a simulation modelfor evacuation traffic flow operations.Contract research projects• Pedestrian flows for metro design, Enthoven Associates, July 2011 – August 2011Applying the simulation model NOMAD to study the pedestrian flows and flowand storage capacity for the new metros of the Brussels metro operator.• Regional evacuation planning, Rotterdam municipality, August 2008 – January 2009Applying the simulation model EVAQ to study critical factors in the evacuationplan for the Rotterdam region.Academic activitiesConferences, symposia, and workshops• 13 th IEEE ITSC and 8 th IEEE ICNSC – Special session co-organizer and chair‘Traffic and Mobility Management for Rare Events and Emergencies’ at the 13thIEEE ITSC held October 2010 in Madeira, Portugal, and on ‘Emergency Planningand Response’ at the 8th IEEE ICNSC held April 2011 in <strong>Delft</strong>, The Netherlands.• 1 st ICEM – Initiator, organizer, keynote speaker, conference book editorCo-organizer with Prof. S.P. Hoogendoorn, Prof. H. Mahmassani, and Prof. M.A.P.Taylor of the 1st International Conference on Evacuation Modelling andManagement (ICEM) held October 2009 in Scheveningen, The Netherlands. Eventaims at the development of theory, models, and simulation tools to explain,predict, and control dynamic traffic flow operations in case of an emergencyevacuation.• (Inter)national short courses, master classes, workshops – Presenter/lecturerE.g., Programme ‘Urban Emergencies’, Faculty of Architecture, <strong>TU</strong> <strong>Delft</strong>, February2009; ACE symposium ‘In Control?!’, University of Utrecht, April 2008; Series ofSino-Dutch workshops at ITSC research centre (Beijing), Southeast University(Nanjing), and Tongji University (Shanghai), July 2008, and July 2009; Master classat Tokyo University, July 2008Review and expert committees• Referee for 20+ international journals and conferences.Including, IEEE Transactions on ITS, Transportation, Transp. Res. B, Transp. Res.C, Journal on Urban Design and Planning, TRB, ITM, IEEE ITSC, IATBR• <strong>TU</strong> <strong>Delft</strong> expert dossierAcademic professional in the <strong>TU</strong> <strong>Delft</strong> online expert dossier as response to theDutch national Taskforce Management Flooding programme, initiated late 2008.Education experienceResume – <strong>Adam</strong> J. Pel Page 2 of 4
Evacuation Instructions while anticipating Traveler Compliance Behavior.Proceedings of 13th IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19-22September 2010, Madeira, PortugalResume – <strong>Adam</strong> J. Pel Page 4 of 4