National SpS Coordination Mechanisms - Standards and Trade ...

National SpS Coordination Mechanisms - Standards and Trade ...

National SpS Coordination Mechanisms - Standards and Trade ...


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espondents indicated that their committees benefited from governmental budget allocations,three respondents pointed to external donor funding, <strong>and</strong> one to contributions from the privatesector. Four respondents referred to "other" sources of funding, without providing specificdetails (see Figure 5).32. Several respondents indicated that the establishment <strong>and</strong> operation of their committeeis constrained by inadequate funding. Admittedly, minor costs may be involved in maintaininga secretariat, a website or other web-based tools. Some costs may also be related toparticipation of officials from outside capital. However, these costs are not substantial <strong>and</strong>should be integrated in <strong>and</strong> covered by national government budgets, where appropriate.Meetings can be rotated among certain ministries or other committee members to share thecosts related to the venue, coffee <strong>and</strong>/or lunch. The practice whereby committee membersreceive extra compensation for their participation (i.e. the "per diem syndrome") should bestrongly discouraged, as they are likely to distort incentives <strong>and</strong> lead to discontinuation whenfunding dries up.Figure 5: Funding of SPS coordination mechanisms in Africa33. In several situations, however, external donor funding can help in terms of "gettingthings started", provided that long-term sustainability issues are carefully considered. Forinstance, assistance could be provided for the creation of broader web-based networks <strong>and</strong>tools that help public <strong>and</strong> private SPS stakeholders to assimilate <strong>and</strong> respond to flows of SPSinformation. Assistance could also be provided to national SPS committees that wish to developa national SPS strategy or action plan, or apply SPS-related capacity evaluation <strong>and</strong> prioritizationtools developed by international organizations, to inform future interventions.9

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