ST-460 - Watt

ST-460 - Watt

ST-460 - Watt


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Techto heat additionally the second tank. Pump 2 is deactivated afterreaching the second tank set temperature or when the temperatures ofboth tanks are equal.b) parallel operation – the pumps operate independently, each inits own scope (in accordance with the settings) and both tanks arebeing heated (according to the settings) at the same time(simultaneously)➔ pump 2 activation deltaThis function determines the difference between the tank 1temperature and the tank 2 temperature, at which pump 2 starts towork ( it is the threshold pump 2 activation value).➔ pump 2 deactivation deltaThis function determines the difference between the temperaturesof tank 1 and tank 2 at which pump 2 deactivates.IV.a.8) Scheme 8/10Installation 8/10 handles:➔ collector pump,➔ switching valve,➔ accumulation tank,➔ heat exchanger (heat receiver),➔ one direction of collectors location,➔ additional peripherals.Installation sensors:➔ collector sensor,➔ accumulation tank sensor.➔ heat exchanger sensor.In this installation, in addition to the accumulation tank, a heatreceiver is available (e.g.. CH installation), whose job is to deliverthermal energy rather than to collect it.Additional installation options:➔ valve hysteresisWhen the set temperature of the first tank is reached, the valveswitches the power supply to the heat receiver circulation. Re -switching of the valve will take place after cooling down the first tankby the valve hysteresis value (it is the differential temperature of bothtanks)➔ tank 2 set temperature- 17 -

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