2013 PERFORMANCE PROGRAM - Western Australian Academy of ...

2013 PERFORMANCE PROGRAM - Western Australian Academy of ...

2013 PERFORMANCE PROGRAM - Western Australian Academy of ...


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MINGUS, MONKAND MILES GEOFF GIBBS THEATREThree <strong>of</strong> the giants <strong>of</strong> jazz will be represented in this annualshowcase <strong>of</strong> the WAAPA Jazz department. Charles Mingus,the firebrand band leader steeped in the blues tradition andprolific composer; Thelonious Monk, the Picasso <strong>of</strong> jazz,improvising like no other before or after him and known for hisunique performance eccentricities; and Miles Davis, the mostrecognised jazz musician on the planet, famous for his minimalistictrumpet and futuristic vision to change the face <strong>of</strong> jazz.Music Director Jamie OehlersPerformed by WAAPA Jazz StudentsAPRILM T W T F S S10 11 127.30pmTickets$24 Full$20 Concession/FriendsBookings openFriends 26 FebruaryPublic 5 MarchJAZZDIMENSIONSMARCHM T W T F S S147.30pmMusic DirectorJamie OehlersPerformed byWAAPA JazzSuper GroupHOMAGETO BRittENMARCHM T W T F S S287.30pmMusic DirectorsSharolyn KimmorleyStewart SmithPerformed byPostgraduateClassical VocalstudentsMUSICAUDITORIUMMUSICTickets$24 Full$20 Concession/FriendsBookings openFriends 26 FebruaryPublic 5 MarchThis dynamic group <strong>of</strong> post graduate and 3rd year performancestudents will present an eclectic range <strong>of</strong> music from original works tomodern jazz classics.MUSICAUDITORIUMReaderAngela Punch-McGregorTickets$24 Full$20 Concession/FriendsBookings openFriends 26 FebruaryPublic 5 MarchIn the centenary year <strong>of</strong> the birth <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong>England’s greatest composers, we pay homageto Britten in a fascinating journey through awide variety <strong>of</strong> his vocal music. The studentswill be prepared and accompanied byCoordinator <strong>of</strong> Classical Music, Stewart Smithand Sharolyn Kimmorley, one <strong>of</strong> Australia’sforemost coaches and accompanists.PICTURES ATAN EXhibitiONAPRILM T W T F S S47.30pmMusic DirectorsPeter MooreMargaret BladesPerformed byWAAPA ChamberPlayersAnna SleptsovaMUSICAUDITORIUMTickets$24 Full$20 Concession/FriendsBookings openFriends 26 FebruaryPublic 5 MarchModest Mussorgsky’s Pictures At An Exhibition is his most famouswork, and is loved by pianists, orchestras and audiences aroundthe world. This brilliant new arrangement by Julian Yu brings freshenergy and delicious timbres to Mussorgsky’s music in an excitingversion for chamber orchestra. In addition to Schoenberg’s delightfulchamber arrangement <strong>of</strong> Strauss’ Emperor Waltz, Anna Sleptsova playsBerg's romantically charged piano sonata. The concert opens with aperformance from the String Camerata.THE RIOTOF SPRINGAPRILM T W T F S S117.30pmMusic DirectorLindsay VickeryPerformed byComposition & MusicTechnology studentsMUSICAUDITORIUMTickets$24 Full$20 Concession/FriendsBookings openFriends 26 FebruaryPublic 5 MarchStravinsky’s iconic score The Rite <strong>of</strong> Spring turns 100 this year. Teemingwith musical invention, Stravinsky’s breakthrough work resultedin a riot at its first performance on 29 May 1913 at the Théâtre desChamps-Élysées in Paris. To celebrate the centenary <strong>of</strong> this landmarkwork, students from the composition and music technology coursecreate new works exploring the radical techniques Stravinskydeveloped for The Rite <strong>of</strong> Spring.89

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