Introduction to graphic design - Julian Bittiner

Introduction to graphic design - Julian Bittiner

Introduction to graphic design - Julian Bittiner

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Course OutlineThe course is divided roughly in<strong>to</strong> five sections: Design as Observation/Editing,Form, Visual Language, Identity, and <strong>design</strong> in Motion*.Design as Observation/Editing• Assignments A1,2: Collections• Introduc<strong>to</strong>ry Assignment: Abstract drawing• Readings: Norman Potter, Karel Martens, Bruno Munari, Paul EllimanDesign as Form• Assignments B1,2: Expressive Abstraction• Readings: Armin Hoffman, Ellen Lup<strong>to</strong>n, Mevis & van Deursen• Field trip: Yale Art Gallery – Print Study RoomDesign as Visual Language• Assignment C: Poster Remix• Informal Assignment: Typeface Research• Readings: Beatrice Warde, Phil Baines• Lecture: Typo<strong>graphic</strong> Posters 1900-2007• (Optional screening: Helvetica)• Provisional midterm grade: July 21Design as Identity• Assignments D1,2,3: Identity Design• Readings: Douglas Holt, John O’Reilly• Lecture: Identity Design Systems• Field trip: Yale Art Gallery Design Office*Design in Motion• Assignment E: Public Service Announcement• Final reviews: August 5 (group critique + final grade)*We will tackle this assignment time permitting.ATTENDANCEAttendance and punctuality <strong>to</strong> all classes and field trips is expected. Three latearrivals is equivalent <strong>to</strong> one unexcused absence. Each unexcused absence resultsin a one letter grade reduction of your final grade (e.g. A- becomes B-). More thantwo unexcused absences results in a failing grade.EvaluationYou will be assessed on the body of work you produce over the course ofthe class; understanding and demonstration of concepts presented in class;thoughtful and original responses <strong>to</strong> assignments; effectiveness and depthof process; active participation in critiques and discussions; care in craft andpresentation.Grades will be weighted 80% on assignments and process, 20% on classparticipation.

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