By Lauren Henry '99 - The Taft School

By Lauren Henry '99 - The Taft School

By Lauren Henry '99 - The Taft School

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S P O T L I G H TArmstrong, a psychologist specializingin children and adolescents, is afounder and educational director of therecently opened New Leadership Charter<strong>School</strong>. <strong>The</strong> school occupies thesecond floor of Van Sickle, a decrepit,Depression-era, Neo-Classical heap of abuilding. In the parking area whereArmstrong meets the students, three pairsof rusted, bent basketball hoops face offacross a span of broken asphalt.Starting with only seventh graderslast year, the school will add a grade everyyear until the first class graduatesfrom high school in 2004. Unlike somecharter schools, this one is not an alternativeschool or a special educationschool, although approximately onethirdof its students have special needs.It’s a college preparatory school for inner-citychildren who are willing tocommit themselves to a rigorous educationalprogram that includes a dresscode, Saturday classes and leadershiptraining with the National Guard.Armstrong makes a point with student Marcus Parks in one of the two reading classeshe teaches.STEPHENARMSTRONG grew upas the son of a prominent investmentbanker who was head of the Securitiesand Exchange Commission and secretaryof the Navy in the Eisenhower administration.Armstrong went to SidwellFriends and <strong>Taft</strong> before going to Harvard,where he majored in social relations, acombination of psychology, sociologyand anthropology. While at Harvard,Armstrong met his wife, Jeanne, then aRadcliffe student, and they eloped duringtheir senior year.Armstrong pursued his interest inpsychology, earning a Ph.D. in HumanDevelopment at the Institute for ChildStudy at the University of Maryland.He did postgraduate work in psychotherapyat Case Western Reserve andVanderbilt universities.<strong>The</strong> Armstrongs settled in Hadleyin 1977, when Jeanne enrolled in the4 Fall 1999

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