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<strong>CRC</strong><br />

–<br />

A<br />

Strategic Stra<br />

t tegic<br />

AApproach<br />

p pproac<br />

h<br />

The <strong>CRC</strong><br />

Ener Energy gy Efficiency<br />

Scheme is now in full<br />

swing, but many companies companiess<br />

ccovered<br />

overed<br />

by its crit criteria eria<br />

are<br />

still gr grappling appling with rregistration,<br />

egisstr<br />

ation, and getting int into o<br />

place the the processes<br />

needed<br />

dtto<br />

ost stop op it being an<br />

administrative administr ativ e nightmar nightmare ef e ffor<br />

oor<br />

oor<br />

each year year’s s r reporting. eporting eporting.<br />

If,<br />

in 2008, your or organisation ganisatioon<br />

had at least one<br />

half hourly hourly electricity meter, meter<br />

r,<br />

then you will be<br />

obliged tto<br />

o rregister<br />

egister<br />

ffor<br />

or the sscheme.<br />

scheme. Ther There e was a<br />

misconception<br />

that if you aar<br />

are e a user of under<br />

6 million kWh you would be bee<br />

eexempt,<br />

xempt,<br />

but this is not<br />

the case, and up tto<br />

o 30,000<br />

0 businesses and public<br />

sector<br />

or organisations ganisations will ne need eed tto<br />

o rregister<br />

egister<br />

by the<br />

end of September<br />

2010.<br />

The delay in getting rregistered<br />

egisteered<br />

is not the rresult<br />

esult<br />

of laziness or a dismissive dismissivevview<br />

view of the scheme.<br />

A recent<br />

surv survey ey we cconducted<br />

onduc cted<br />

at a series of<br />

seminars i with ith Boar BBoard<br />

dl d le level vel<br />

l e eexecutives<br />

xecutiv<br />

ti es acr across oss<br />

London<br />

showed that 60% f<br />

feel eel the scheme will<br />

give<br />

them ccompetitive<br />

ompetitive<br />

adv advantage aantage<br />

and a staggering<br />

74% wer were e cconfident<br />

onfident that th the he scheme would<br />

reduce<br />

their carbon cconsumption.<br />

onsummption.<br />

The desir desire etto<br />

o<br />

get the most most fr from om the sche scheme eme is str strong, ong, but 58%<br />

of rrespondents<br />

espondents stat stated ed that<br />

pr preparations eparations<br />

ffor<br />

or the<br />

scheme had been tougher<br />

tthan<br />

than they eexpected.<br />

xpected.<br />

So once you hav have e establish established hed that your business<br />

is is ccovered<br />

overed<br />

by the scheme aand<br />

and you need tto<br />

o pr prepare epare<br />

for for<br />

rregistration<br />

egistration<br />

by Sept September embber<br />

2010, what is the<br />

best way tto<br />

o appr approach oach the scheme sscheme<br />

and what ar are e<br />

the chief considerations?<br />

Fr FFrom<br />

om our eexperience,<br />

xperience,<br />

here<br />

ar are e our ttop<br />

op tips on nav navigating vigating phase one of<br />

the scheme scheme and making making sure surr<br />

e it doesn’t bec become ome a<br />

distraction<br />

fr from om your ccore<br />

orebbusiness:<br />

business:<br />

Strategic<br />

cconsiderations<br />

onsiderations<br />

Allow plenty of time – If yo you ou hav have e not alr already eady<br />

started<br />

planning, you now hhav<br />

have e less than thr three ee<br />

months months to toccomplete<br />

omplete<br />

the rregistration<br />

eggistration<br />

pr process. ocess.<br />

Being structur structured ed and or organised ganised<br />

is the only way tto<br />

o<br />

reduce<br />

err errors ors and av avoid oid hig high h implementation ccosts,<br />

osts,<br />

so so start start today<br />

and get a bo board oardle<br />

level vel<br />

sponsor sponsor. .<br />

Could Could the <strong>CRC</strong> <strong>CRC</strong><br />

Ener Energy gy Effic Efficiency iency Scheme eff effect ect<br />

your rreputation?<br />

eputation? – It is incr increasingly eeasingly<br />

important that<br />

a a company’s<br />

br brand and is seen<br />

by its stak stakeholders eholders and<br />

customers,<br />

as a ‘gr ‘green een br brand’. an nd’ . The most ob obvious vious<br />

mechanism mechanism ffor<br />

or measuring a ccompany<br />

ompany against its<br />

competitors<br />

on this issue wwill<br />

will be via the league<br />

table. So, a str strategy ategy<br />

should<br />

d ccover<br />

over<br />

how success<br />

will be eexploited<br />

xpploited<br />

tto<br />

o the business’ adv advantage, antage,<br />

but equall equally y ccompanies<br />

ompanies should anticipat anticipate, e, and be<br />

e<br />

pr prepared epared<br />

f<br />

for, or,<br />

any failing that the CR <strong>CRC</strong> C league tab table ble<br />

will show.<br />

In Involve volvettenants<br />

enants<br />

– If you hav have ettenants<br />

enants or<br />

fr franchisees anchiseees<br />

engage with them in pr preparing eparing ffor<br />

or tthe<br />

the<br />

scheme. TThis<br />

This not only spr spreads eads the workload, bu but ut<br />

it is in the their eir int interests erests<br />

ffor<br />

or the ccompany<br />

ompany tto<br />

o perf perform orm m<br />

well, as sa savings avings as well as ccosts<br />

osts will aff affect ect their<br />

r<br />

businesse businesses. es.<br />

Cashflow<br />

f ffor<br />

or allowances – Astr A str strategy at egy f<br />

for or the<br />

scheme nneeds<br />

eeds tto<br />

o cconsider<br />

onsider the cash rrequirements<br />

equirements<br />

tto<br />

o pur purchase chas se and sell CCO2<br />

O2 allowances during the<br />

e<br />

lat later er phas phases. ses. If your business is ccovered<br />

overed<br />

by<br />

the league<br />

e table element of the scheme, your<br />

perf performance orman nce in<br />

this<br />

will<br />

hav have e a<br />

dir direct ect impact<br />

on<br />

the<br />

buying an and d selling of allowances.<br />

PPhase<br />

hase<br />

oone<br />

n ne<br />

ttactical<br />

actical<br />

cconsiderations<br />

onsiderations<br />

Understan Understand nd the structur structure e of the business – It is<br />

s<br />

helpful tto<br />

o dr draw aw up an initial view of the gr group, oup, iits<br />

ts<br />

assets an and d ener energy gy supplies in or order der tto<br />

o de develop velop<br />

astr a strategy. ategy<br />

gy y. y Use this and back background gr g ound inf information ormation n<br />

on the sch scheme heme tto<br />

o pr present esent tto<br />

o the boar board. d. If you<br />

hav have e strug struggled ggled tto<br />

o get carbon rreduction<br />

eduction ont onto o the<br />

e<br />

Boar Boardroom droomm<br />

agenda, you will find a vital ally in<br />

the CR <strong>CRC</strong> CEEner<br />

Energy gy Efficiency Scheme. No boar board dof of f<br />

dir directors ectors<br />

wwould<br />

would welc welcome ome its or organisation ganisation being<br />

positioned<br />

d at the bott bottom om of the public carbon<br />

rreduction<br />

eduction league table, particularly when it can<br />

actually rreduce<br />

eeduce<br />

its ener energy gy use and sav save e money money. .<br />

Ev Even en if yo your our or organisation ganisation does need tto<br />

o mak make eaa<br />

financial in investment, nvestment,<br />

a bonus paid thr through ough the<br />

league tab table ble syst system em will mak make e this worthwhile.<br />

Crunching<br />

the numbers - The ne<br />

next xt st step ep is f<br />

formal orma al<br />

ccollection<br />

ollection of data, a time-c time-consuming onsuming but importa important ant<br />

task based<br />

dar around ound the or organisation ganisation structur structure ean and nd<br />

the ener energy gy<br />

met meters ers and cconsumptions.<br />

onsumptions. We hav have e<br />

ffound<br />

ound the<br />

best ttechnique<br />

echnique is tto<br />

o set up a RRequest<br />

equest<br />

ffor<br />

or Inf Information ormation<br />

based on eexisting<br />

xisting inf information ormation an and nd<br />

we ensure ensur e our cust customers’ omers’ syst systems ems ar are e int integrated egrateed<br />

ttogether<br />

ogether f ffor<br />

or this pr process. ocess.<br />

written<br />

bby<br />

y BBobby<br />

o b bby<br />

CCollinson<br />

ollinson<br />

will w will<br />

Reap<br />

Rewards Rew<br />

a ards<br />

MMaintain<br />

aintain<br />

yyour<br />

our<br />

eevidence<br />

vidence<br />

ppack<br />

ack<br />

–<br />

IIn<br />

n tterms<br />

erms<br />

oof<br />

f tthe<br />

he<br />

ttechnicalities<br />

echnica<br />

it<br />

es<br />

oof<br />

f rregistration<br />

eg<br />

stration<br />

aand<br />

nd<br />

ssetting<br />

etting<br />

uup<br />

p tthe<br />

he<br />

ssubsequent<br />

ubsequent<br />

pphases<br />

hases<br />

a<br />

pphysical<br />

hysical<br />

EEvidence<br />

vidence<br />

PPack<br />

ack<br />

tthat<br />

hat<br />

cclearly<br />

learly<br />

sshows<br />

hows<br />

ccompliance<br />

ompliance<br />

is s a<br />

m mmust.<br />

ust.<br />

TThe<br />

he<br />

ccompany<br />

ompany<br />

ccould<br />

ou<br />

d bbe<br />

e aasked<br />

sked<br />

tto<br />

o pprovide<br />

rovide<br />

tthis<br />

his<br />

iinformation<br />

nformation<br />

aat<br />

t aany<br />

ny<br />

ttime,<br />

ime,<br />

aand<br />

nd<br />

aan<br />

n aaudit<br />

ud<br />

t ddoes<br />

oes<br />

nnot<br />

ot<br />

nneed<br />

eed<br />

tto<br />

o bbe<br />

e a<br />

ppainful<br />

ainful<br />

eexperience.<br />

xper<br />

ence.<br />

MMake<br />

ake<br />

ssure<br />

ure<br />

ssomeone<br />

omeo<br />

n ne<br />

iin<br />

n tthe<br />

he<br />

bbusiness<br />

usiness<br />

hhas<br />

as<br />

cclear<br />

lear<br />

oownership<br />

wnership<br />

oover<br />

ver<br />

mmaintaining<br />

aintaining<br />

tthe<br />

he<br />

eevidence<br />

vidence<br />

ppack.<br />

ack.<br />

Mak Make e year one ccount<br />

ount – Ther There e is a chance tto<br />

o gain<br />

back money fr from om year one, wwhilst<br />

hilst also establishing<br />

a good rreputation<br />

eputation ffor<br />

or the ccompany.<br />

ompany.<br />

The Early<br />

AAction Action i MMetric Metric i ddeliv delivers li ers equal l wweighting<br />

weighting i h i of f vvoluntary<br />

oluntary l<br />

AMR and carbon accr accreditation editationn<br />

which can aff affect ect<br />

the rranking<br />

anking tto<br />

o such an eextent<br />

xtent<br />

that nearly 2%<br />

of your annual ener energy gy ccosts<br />

osts wwill<br />

will be sav saved. ed. The<br />

pr process ocess is simple – in principle<br />

e at least - install<br />

AMR met meters ers on all supplies wwhere<br />

here<br />

AMR is not<br />

mandat mandatory ory and apply successf successfully fully ffor<br />

or accr accreditation editation<br />

under Carbon TTrust<br />

rust Standar Standard d ( (or equiv equivalent) alent) ffor<br />

or<br />

ener energy gy and carbon manageme management. ent.<br />

Once you ar are e rregistered<br />

egistered<br />

and aactiv<br />

active e in the scheme<br />

its ont onto o phase two, our ne next xt aarticle<br />

article will highlight<br />

the ne next xt st steps eps p on fforecasting,<br />

orecasting,<br />

g pur ppurchasing<br />

chasing g of CCO2<br />

O2<br />

allowances and rreporting.<br />

eporting.<br />

Please view this link to<br />

hear more<br />

fr from om Power<br />

Efficiency Efficiency<br />

on CR <strong>CRC</strong> C www.power<br />

www.powerefficiency.co.uk/crcinterview<br />

efficiency.co.uk/crcinterview<br />

Power<br />

Efficiency Lt Ltd, d,<br />

Churchill Chur chill House, Sidcu<br />

Sidcup, up,<br />

Kent,<br />

DA15 7DG<br />

t +44 (0)20 8269 610 6100 00<br />

f +44 (0)20 8269 6161 61661<br />

www.powerefficiency.co.uk<br />

www.powerefficiencyy.c<br />

o.uk<br />

To<br />

ccontact<br />

ontact Bobby Colli Collinson inson please email:<br />

bobby.collinson@powerefficiency.co.uk<br />

bobby.collinson@po<br />

w werefficiency.co.uk<br />

JUNE 2010 | B+U Utilities 13

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