Fact Sheet - Shireburn Software Ltd

Fact Sheet - Shireburn Software Ltd

Fact Sheet - Shireburn Software Ltd

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description is used for that principal and also allowsconfiguration of each individual charge to analysed inthe financial accounting system according to the needsof that principal.The <strong>Shireburn</strong> Freight System also provides facilitiesfor the maintenance of standard rates for chargeswhich are automatically applied to a bill of lading.Standard charges are able to be defined based on theweight or measurement of the consignment, based onthe number and type of containers on the bill of ladingor per bill of lading. Therefore based on the contentsof a bill of lading, the system will automatically apply aset of standard charges in addition to any variablecharges entered onto the manifest. The automaticallyapplied charges can also be modified and/or removedcompletely by the user if they are not applicable to thisparticular bill of lading. These charges are able to beapplied based on the principal allowing a different setof standard charges dependent upon the service.DocumentationThe main objective of entering manifest details into the<strong>Shireburn</strong> Freight System is the creation of the variousitems of documentation, statistics and reports requiredto support this function. Examples of documentationproduced by the system, applicable dependent on thetransport type, are shown below:• notice of arrival - with or without charges• delivery order - with or without charges• invoices/cash sales – optionally linked to<strong>Shireburn</strong> Financial Manager’s voyage ledger• gate pass out,• discharging list• import manifest - with or without freights, withor without consignee/shipper details• freight book - this report allows analysis ofcharges per bill of lading of all the bills of lading onthe selected voyage with bills of lading down thevertical axis of the report and charge types acrossthe horizontal axis of the report. Totals of bills oflading and of charge types are shown within thereport.• charges audit trail - this report shows a list ofthe various charges included on all bills of lading ofthe selected voyage. The report can be producedeither in local or foreign currency for either prepaidor collect charges. The report is able to list allbills of lading using a particular charge andanalysis can also be provided by port of loading.• other administrative reports e.g. lists ofconsignees for a selected vessel, ship's bag andport entry passes.Client Import StatisticsThe data entered into the manifest process, as well asbeing used for generation of documentation andreporting is used for the generation of statistics.The <strong>Shireburn</strong> Freight System provides facilities for theanalysis of all shipments received by a particularconsignee, showing the weight, volume and TEU'swhere relevant as well as loadings in weight, measureand TEU's per port of loading for a particular service.This analysis is able to be provided for one or a rangeof clients, for a particular principal and between 2dates of arrival. Statistics relating to imports aremaintained separately from those relating to exports.Links to Other ModulesLink to Container TrackingIn the case of container shipments, the data enteredinto the manifest process is automatically used as thebasis for the container tracking module. Containersreceived for those principals identified as requiringcontainer tracking is automatically shown as beingreceived at the quay using the container movementappropriate for the principal in question. See theContainer Tracking section below for more details.Link to <strong>Shireburn</strong> Financial ManagerAs defined in the <strong>Shireburn</strong> Financial Manager productbrief, SFM contains a voyage ledger designed to allowanalysis of income and expenditure per voyage.Charges invoiced to the client will be postedautomatically to the debtors account of the client (orcash account for cash sales) as well as the voyage cardof the voyage in question within the Ship's Ledger ofSFM with each charge type being able to be subanalysed.Configuration of the "destination" of eachcharge within the Ships Ledger is effected once at thelevel of each charge for each principal. Direct postingto the voyage account in the Voyage Ledger is thenpossible in SFM through either the sales, purchase andnominal ledgers including the cash book. This voyagecard is then used for the preparation of thedisbursement account. See SFM Product Brief formore information.Links to Malta Maritime AuthorityThe <strong>Shireburn</strong> Freight System provides the requiredlinks to automate the sending of shipping statistics toProduct Brief – <strong>Shireburn</strong> Freight System - Page 2

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