An appropriate architecture, as soon as possible, for as many ...

An appropriate architecture, as soon as possible, for as many ...

An appropriate architecture, as soon as possible, for as many ...


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<strong>An</strong> <strong>appropriate</strong> <strong>architecture</strong>, <strong>as</strong> <strong>soon</strong> <strong>as</strong><strong>possible</strong>, <strong>for</strong> <strong>as</strong> <strong>many</strong> people <strong>as</strong><strong>possible</strong>In sub-Saharan Africa, with amajority Muslim population, <strong>as</strong> in<strong>many</strong> semi-arid regions, the problemof access to decent housing plungesmillions of families into a viciouscircle of poverty.In order to remedy this problem, theAssociation La Voûte Nubienne(AVN) promotes an <strong>appropriate</strong>construction technique (the NubianVault - NV) built professionally byskilled m<strong>as</strong>ons <strong>as</strong> part of anemerging and actively promotedmarkets.This technique is <strong>appropriate</strong> also<strong>for</strong> the construction of mosques.The building of a mosque can be animportant launching-pad ph<strong>as</strong>e <strong>for</strong>promoting the NV technique locally.We invite you to join us insupporting new communities ingetting access to decent andsustainable housing b<strong>as</strong>ed on thetraditional African Nubian Vaulttechnique, at the same timestrengthening local economies andquality of life.

The ChallengeAccording to the UN and WRI (World Resources Institute), over 50% of African families in the Sahel lackaccess to decent housing.In sub-Saharan Africa, bush timber h<strong>as</strong> traditionally been used <strong>for</strong> roofing and <strong>for</strong> load-bearing supports.However, climate change, de<strong>for</strong>estation, and incre<strong>as</strong>ing population growth, mean that traditional buildingtechniques are no longer fe<strong>as</strong>ible.There<strong>for</strong>e, rural families have to dip into their meager food, health, and education budgets to buy importedand expensive corrugated iron sheets and sawn timber <strong>for</strong> roof building. Such roofs have <strong>many</strong>disadvantages, especially a poor thermal and sound insulation, making houses too hot in the day, often toocold at night, and extremely noisy during the short but intensive rainy se<strong>as</strong>on. They can e<strong>as</strong>ily be damagedby wind and rain, l<strong>as</strong>t little more than ten years, and their very fragility is a source of danger. They have tobe paid <strong>for</strong> in c<strong>as</strong>h, which is often a problem <strong>for</strong> the <strong>many</strong> families who live outside the c<strong>as</strong>h economy.Families are locked into a vicious circle of poverty and squalor, with no durable solution to the problem ofdecent housing; this costs the local economy several billions of CFA Francs every year.In order to help solve this problem, we need a global solution that integrates:A construction technique <strong>for</strong> af<strong>for</strong>dable and <strong>appropriate</strong> roofsBuilt professionally by m<strong>as</strong>ons with the necessary skillsAs part of emerging and actively promoted markets in sustainable housing

The solution» A construction technique <strong>for</strong> <strong>appropriate</strong> roofs….The Nubian Vault (NV): a standardized version of an ancient African technique of earth <strong>architecture</strong>.«Social Responsibility:Solid (thick walls, weather-resistant roofs)Com<strong>for</strong>table (less noise, good thermal isolation)Can incorporate traditional flat roof terracesRein<strong>for</strong>ces local and family networksConserves traditional Sahelian constructionpractices.Economic viability:Less expensive than sheet metal and cement =>accessible to local families.Simple => rapid training of local m<strong>as</strong>ons andcreation of local markets.Local labor <strong>for</strong>ce and materials => strengtheningthe local economy.Environmental durability:No timber => 1 standard Nubian Vault (about 25m2) saves 4 trees.No sheet metal, cement or steel => 1 standardNubian Vault saves 2 tons of CO2-equivalent.Cultural suitability:Conserves the heritage of traditional Sahelian earth<strong>architecture</strong>.Ideal <strong>for</strong> the construction of mosques.

« A construction technique <strong>for</strong> <strong>appropriate</strong> roofs; built professionally by skilled m<strong>as</strong>ons… »NV m<strong>as</strong>ons: there are five levels of skill:L1: a novice apprentice.L2: an advanced apprentice.L3: a m<strong>as</strong>on, able to build a vault.L4: a <strong>for</strong>eman m<strong>as</strong>on, able to supervise aconstruction site.L5: a m<strong>as</strong>on-entrepreneur, able to negotiatewith clients and supervise severalconstruction sites.The NV m<strong>as</strong>ons:are local, currently from Burkina F<strong>as</strong>o,Senegal or Malimost of them are farmersare trained on site <strong>as</strong> apprentices by otherm<strong>as</strong>ons, and are thus introduced to marketrealitiespromote the NV technique and sell theirknow-how locallysupervise the NV construction sitestransfer their know-how to trainersshare their experiences with other m<strong>as</strong>onsare paid 100% by their clients, in c<strong>as</strong>h, tradeor barterare not employed by the Association LaVoûte Nubienne.can not only build simple houses, but also, inpartnership with local organizations, publicbuildings b<strong>as</strong>ed on the NV technique.collaborate mainly with La Voûte Nubienne : exchanging ide<strong>as</strong> and in<strong>for</strong>mation about the market,clients’ needs, potential apprentices, both in<strong>for</strong>mally, and at <strong>for</strong>mal congresses arranged by AVNeach year; some of them go even further, getting involved <strong>as</strong> extension agents promoting the NVtechnique, <strong>for</strong> which AVN compensates them.

» A construction technique <strong>for</strong> af<strong>for</strong>dable and <strong>appropriate</strong> roofs; built professionally by m<strong>as</strong>onswith the necessary skill; <strong>as</strong> part of emerging and actively promoted markets in sustainable housing »"Pump-Priming" the marketAVN’s mission is to promote the Nubian Vault <strong>as</strong> <strong>soon</strong> <strong>as</strong> <strong>possible</strong>, <strong>for</strong> <strong>as</strong> <strong>many</strong> beneficiaries <strong>as</strong> <strong>possible</strong>. Inorder to do this, the Association trains and guides extension agents to “pump-prime” local markets. Startingfrom a b<strong>as</strong>e of pilot villages, evolving into pilot zones, and then entire regions.The construction of a mosque h<strong>as</strong> proved to be a successful way of introducing the NV technique into pilotvillages.Adjara is an AVN extension agent; here she explains her approach, in collaboration with Imam Siaka Djiri,in the pilot village of Dendjola in Mali:1- In the pilot-village of Dendjola and surrounding villages, I identified a local “champion”,Imam Siaka Djiri, who w<strong>as</strong> convinced of the NV technique and who is locally respected.2- I accompanied Imam Djiri to promotional meetings to explain the NV technique and to attractinterested clients and apprentices, thus setting the foundations <strong>for</strong> an eventual NV market; thefirst, unanimous, request from the villagers w<strong>as</strong> <strong>for</strong> the construction of a mosque.3- I then sent a NV m<strong>as</strong>on-entrepreneur, Ibrahim Mien, to start the local market: paid by the localclients, he trained the first group of village apprentices on-the-job, and built the village mosqueand several houses <strong>for</strong> local people. I stay in touch with him and Imam Djiri to provide any helpneeded to develop the local NV market.4- Over a 4 - 5 year period, the process of raising awareness, construction and training willreach a level that is self-sustaining, with the appearance of an autonomous local market; at thispoint both I and the original NV m<strong>as</strong>on can withdraw, leaving the place to the locally trainedm<strong>as</strong>ons.So far, after 3 years, 22 villages have been involved, 8 mosques and 30 houses have beenbuilt, and about 20 m<strong>as</strong>ons have been trained.5- From this original pilot village a true pilot “zone" is now emerging. Using this strategy, mycolleagues and I will promote and spread this solution on a large scale, then withdrawprogressively from the are<strong>as</strong> that have developed an independent market in NV construction.ImamSiaka DjiriAdjara, an AVNextension agent

Examples of NV buildings in Dendjola (Mali)A village mosqueAbout 85 m2 floor space5 vaults C<strong>as</strong>h cost to the local community: 200 000Fcfa (450 USD), or c. 2 800 Fcfa/m2 (6.20USD/m2)Unskilled labor and finishes provided free bythe communityA small houseAbout 25 m2 floor space1 vault of 7m lengthC<strong>as</strong>h cost to client: 70 000 Fcfa (156 USD)

The AVN solution (A roof + A skill + A market)Generates incre<strong>as</strong>ing, sustainable, rapid, and large scale impactsThey said about us« …. A remarkable initiative ….. » (Muhammad Yunus, Nobel peace prize 2006)« The Nubian Vault is until now the best program in the world in this field » (SatpremMaini, UNESCO chair, <strong>architecture</strong> of the land)« The leverage effects generated by the Nubian Vault are one of the most innovativeinitiatives <strong>for</strong> the benefit of the population in the Sahel », (Arnaud Mourot, Chiefexecutive of Ashoka, France)Impacts In four countries: Burkina F<strong>as</strong>o,Mali, Senegal, Zambia 10,000 beneficiaries of NV 176 trained m<strong>as</strong>ons More than 1,000 NubianVaults built 11 mosques have been built,6 under construction 44 volunteers andemployees 300 "social investors" 40% annual average growthin the percentage of NV built The local economic impact generated is more than 500 000 € The annual estimated budget (2010-2011) : 350 000 €

Our Proposal« You also, being individuals, NGO's or private companies, you could help to launch the NV market from aMuslim pilot village, creating local jobs, and at the same time helping the local population to build,independently, durable and decent houses, mosques, schools, dispensaries, etc. »Example of investment / impacts <strong>for</strong> the deployment of the Nubian Vault from a Muslim pilot village inMali or in Burkina F<strong>as</strong>o.Potential impacts in 4 years:3 NV mosques built15/20 NV houses built 3 trained m<strong>as</strong>ons and 6apprentices in training400 beneficiariesCosts:3000 € / year <strong>for</strong> 4 yearsImpacts after 4 years:Independent growth of impacts <strong>as</strong> NV markets develops, without any new external investmentFor more in<strong>for</strong>mationVisit our web site:In French : http://www.lavoutenubienne.org/In English: http://www.lavoutenubienne.org/?lang=enFor photos and updates of the Program around Dendjola, go to our entry on Global Giving(http://www.globalgiving.org/projects/sustainable-housing-<strong>for</strong>-rural-communities-in-mali/ ).You can also make donations to help the local Muslim community gain access to decent housingvia Global Giving.Call us on the telephone number: +33 (0)4 67 81 21 05Or send us a mail: Batoul.kazwini@lavoutenubienne.org

Examples of Nubian Vault buildings (exteriors)Kadiala mosque (Mali)A small house in Burkina F<strong>as</strong>o

Examples of Nubian Vault buildings (interior)Dendjola mosque in MaliA house in Burkina F<strong>as</strong>o

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