bulletin - Allegheny County Medical Society

bulletin - Allegheny County Medical Society

bulletin - Allegheny County Medical Society

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PROFILEthe University of Miami, Jackson Memorial <strong>Medical</strong>Center. Prior to returning to Pittsburgh, I was assistantprofessor of clinical surgery at the University of Miamiand chief of staff services at the Jackson Memorial<strong>Medical</strong> Center. I was on the full-time faculty, and mysuperiors were actually in the process of offering me apromotion. Practicing medicine in Miami was great froma medical and university standpoint, but I just didn’t feellike Miami was a good place to raise a family. My wifeand I were both from Pittsburgh and so, with a lot of fearand trepidation, we decided to move back. We movedback on September 17, 1990.You are very active with the American <strong>Society</strong> for AestheticPlastic Surgery. Does your work with that specialty societycompliment your involvement with ACMS?My involvement with ACMS allows me to bring amore open-minded approach to the specialty society. Inthe specialty society, we are sometimes blindsided byissues that just pertain to plastic surgery, whereas ACMSaddresses issues that encompass the whole spectrum ofmedicine. That perspective is very helpful for me whendealing with the specialty society and vice versa. Myinvolvement with ACMS and that of the specialtysocieties play off of each other. I have been privileged tobe a member of both organizations.Talk about the role you play with the Pittsburgh Steelersorganization.The Pittsburgh Steelers probably has one of the bestmedical staffs in the NFL. I have been a consultant forthem since 1993. I am not on the field every week likeDrs. (Joseph) Maroon or (James) Bradley, but there is anoccasion when my services are needed. The whole Steelerorganization and especially the training staff are superb.They have really put together a superb medical staff thatvirtually covers every specialty for the men, women andchildren within the Steeler organization.Tell our readers a little bit about your family.My beautiful wife Susan is a graphic artist. She hasdone a lot of wonderful things in the art world, inaddition to raising four children. My son Lee, who is 25,graduated from The Pennsylvlania State University (PSU)in 2006 and almost immediately began working for NFLFilms. He has already won three Emmys for his work.My daughters Kristin (22); Kimberly (20), and Kelly (18)are all currently students at PSU, where I first met myJanuary 2011 : Bulletinwife. When our youngest daughter Kelly entered PSU,she became the 48 th member of the family, between myside and my wife’s side, to attend Penn State.What are your interests or hobbies outside of medicine?I’ve always enjoyed music. In 2001 I made a consciousdecision to learn how to play the guitar. My friendFrank Cappelli, who had a children’s show several yearsago, said he would teach me how to play. Now I knowhow to play a little bit of mandolin, bass guitar and banjoas well.I am also part of a group called theMonongahela Duck Club Band. AfterFrank started teaching me how to playthe guitar, we started to play old BobSeger tunes. We found that there wasan audience out there for that type ofmusic. He is a very good entertainerand the group just came together withFrank and some other friends. We play at different eventslike the Saxonburg Summer Arts Festival and the UPMCShadyside talent show, which took place this past fall. It’sbeen fun. I also collect guitars and mandolins.It’s a great outlet. You can’t think about anything elsewhen you play because you are working a different part ofyour mind. I also do some artwork. I draw and that’s thesame thing. You have to shut off one part of your brainand use the other. My wife is a much better artist though.I definitely take a back seat to her when it comes to art,but both music and art are great outlets for me.○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○○Ms. Morton is a communications consultant. She can be reached atcmorton@acms.org.Dr. McCafferty and the other 2011ACMS officers will be recognized atthe ACMS Foundation Gala andcommunity awards ceremony onSaturday, March 19, 2011, at HeinzField. Look for more details aboutthe annual event in upcomingissues of the Bulletin (see page 24of this issue).37

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