Towards a Green Infrastructure Framework for the Liverpool City ...

Towards a Green Infrastructure Framework for the Liverpool City ...

Towards a Green Infrastructure Framework for the Liverpool City ...

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QuestionSetting <strong>the</strong> Scene <strong>for</strong>GrowthClimate ChangePriorityRecreation, leisureand tourismEcologicalframeworkRural EconomyWill this provideevidence <strong>for</strong> greeninfrastructureplanning at a localauthority level?Yes - on key routesthat provide improvedimage around keyinvestment andplanned growth areas.Yes - to support localclimate change andflood managementplans.Yes – on key strategicroutes.Yes – on keyelements of anecological framework.Yes - on range of sectorscomprising <strong>the</strong> ruraleconomy, and are dispersedacross <strong>the</strong> sub region.Could this work bedone at a higherlevel?Yes - but <strong>the</strong> level ofdetail/ types of actionsmay not be specificenough at a regionallevel.Possibly - butin<strong>for</strong>mation will bemore generic and notlinked to specificareas of greeninfrastructure.Possibly.Possibly - but detailwould be moregeneric and lessuseful as an evidencebase <strong>for</strong> local plans,etc.No - Merseyside has aspecific "signature" <strong>for</strong> itsrural economy and needs aspecific sub regional plan.Policy/Strategicsupport <strong>for</strong> work atthis level?Yes - <strong>City</strong> RegionPlanning, SREconomic Strategy,MAAYes - <strong>City</strong> RegionBoard have overviewof this. Mini Sternreport to be issued <strong>for</strong><strong>the</strong> area soon.Health is Wealth.Feedback hasindicated that LDFsneed to look at subregional strategicroutes, sites, etc.North MerseysideBAP. RSS PolicyEM1b. Merseyside EFRural Economy Action Planbeing developed at <strong>the</strong>moment.Is this a crossboundary issue?Yes Yes Yes Yes YesIs <strong>the</strong>re linkage with<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r policyboardsYes - Economy;Employment andSkills: Planning andHousing; Safer,Healthier CommunitiesYes - Planning andHousing; Safer,HealthierCommunitiesYes - Economy;Employment & Skills;Planning & Housing;Safer, HealthierCommunitiesYes - Planning andHousing;Yes - Economy;Employment and Skills:Planning and Housing;Will it providein<strong>for</strong>mation that wouldnot o<strong>the</strong>rwise beavailable at <strong>the</strong> levelsabove and below?Yes - more detail thanlevel above, crossboundary issues <strong>for</strong>levels belowYes - detail that canprovide greeninfrastructurefunctionality outsideof <strong>the</strong> individuallocal authority areas.Possibly Yes Yes

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