Student Accountant - ps1-1

Student Accountant - ps1-1

Student Accountant - ps1-1

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student accountant issue 23/201019per supportannual returnAs part of the PER, every trainee is required to submit an annual returnstating what practical experience they have obtained in the Past 12 monthsThe purpose of the annual returnis to help you and ACCA track yourpractical experience and your progresstowards gaining ACCA membership.It also allows ACCA to assist you bydeveloping products and servicesto help support your trainingand development.Even if you are not currently workingin a relevant role, for example if you area full-time student, you must make anannual PER return.How do I make an annual return?To complete your annual return selectthe ‘annual return’ button in the onlineTDM – this can be accessed throughmyACCA. There are various sections youneed to complete depending on yourworking status but the whole processwill only take you a few minutes. Theannual return allows you to:¤ view or confirm the performanceobjectives that have been signed offto date by your workplace mentor(s)if relevant to your circumstances¤ confirm the time (in months) thatyou have been in a relevant role sinceyour last annual return¤ confirm that the information you havegiven is true by signing a declarationand agreeing that you are committedto your development and to ACCA’sCode of Ethics.When do I have to do my annualreturn by?The closing date to make your annualreturn is 1 January each year. But thisdoes not mean that you have to waituntil December to make your return,you can complete your annual returnonline at any time during the year. Forexample, if you know that you will bePER1January2January3January4Januarystudying full time for the rest of the yearand will not be in a relevant workingrole, you can make your annual returnnow, stating that you have no relevantwork experience to record at this time.I am not working do I still needto make an annual return?Yes. All trainees are required tocomplete an annual return, includingthose studying on a full-time basis,those working in a non-relevantrole, and those not working for otherreasons, such as ill health.I have already made my annualreturn for this year buthave more experience to declare –what do I do?If you need to, you can make morethan one annual return in a year,however please be aware that yourmost recent entry will overwrite whatyou declared previously, so make sureyour latest entry includes any previousinformation entered. You can record aslittle as one month’s experience whenyou make your annual return – if itis relevant it will all add up to the 36months required.PER auditACCA reviews trainees’ workplaceachievement. Non-completion ofthe annual reporting requirement,lack of recording, and continuednon‐achievement of performanceobjectives (where you are in a relevantrole), will be among the factors takeninto account when selecting traineerecords for review. Trainees’ online TDMor paper-based records will be subjectto the same levels of PER audit.

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