RINOL Italia Research & Technology Srl - Xdcms2.com

RINOL Italia Research & Technology Srl - Xdcms2.com

RINOL Italia Research & Technology Srl - Xdcms2.com

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Conditions of supplì and paymentb) Where the goods have been processed, mixed or incorporated and the vendor hasclaimed co-ownership of the goods in proportion to the invoiced value of the initially supply,the vendor shall be entitled to a part of the purchase price proportionate to the value of therights claimed on the goods. Where goods subject to retention of title are incorporated by thepurchaser into land or buildings, the purchaser shall immediately assign any right tocompensation that may derive therefrom, or in the event of the land or buildings beingresold, the credit proportional to the invoiced value of the goods subject to retention of titleand all accessory rights, including the right to raise first mortgages on the property.c) In the event of the purchaser assigning the credit as part of a factoring operation, thecredit due to the vendor becomes immediately receivable and the purchaser shall assign tothe vendor the credit acquired through the factoring company and remit the sum immediatelyto the vendor. The vendor accepts this assignment.4.7 The purchaser remains at liberty to recover the assigned credits provided that outstandingpayment obligations have been met. This right may be revoked, and will lapse automaticallyin the event of late payment on the part of the purchaser, or of a substantial deterioration inthe purchaser’s net worth. In this instance, the purchaser authorizes the vendor to inform therecipients of the assignment and collect the credits directly. The purchaser is expected toprovide the vendor, when requested, with an exact list of credits receivable by thepurchaser, with names and addresses of the buyers, the amount of the single credits, theinvoice date, etc., and to communicate to the vendor all the information necessary in order tosubstantiate the credits and allow the information to be verified.4.8 In the event that the value of existing guarantees given to the vendor should exceed theoverall credit receivable by more than 20%, the vendor is obliged, at the request of thepurchaser or of a third party damaged by the excess guarantee, to select and relinquishcertain of the guarantees.5. Material defects warranty5.1 Technical information, differences compared to samples. Whilst all information relating tosuitability of use, processing and application of our products is given in good faith, likewisetechnical advice and any other information of whatever nature, the purchaser shouldnonetheless verify and test the products independently. Under the terms of the warranty,differences compared to samples, in particular as regards colour shading and surfacecharacteristics, are not considered as defects.5.2 Claims period. Claims in respect of purchased goods will be given consideration only ifcommunicated to the company promptly in writing, and enclosing the pertinentdocumentation, within 8 days of the goods being received and presenting self-evidentdefects, or in the case of hidden defects, at the moment of such defects being discovered,and in any event no later than 6 months subsequent to the delivery date. Claims in respectof weights and quantities can be accepted within 3 days of the goods being received.5.3 Any claim submitted must refer clearly to the product in question, the type of defect, the billof lading number, the delivery date, and the factory or warehouse and if possible the supplyfrom where the product originated. The claim must be accompanied by a representativesample of the contested product, so that the company can verify the basis of the claim. Inpage : 3 of 4<strong>RINOL</strong> <strong>Italia</strong> <strong>Research</strong> & <strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Srl</strong>, Via V. Chiarugi 76/U, I-45100 RovigoTel. +39-0425-411200 Fax +39-0425-411222

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