Middletown High School - Middletown City School District

Middletown High School - Middletown City School District

Middletown High School - Middletown City School District

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MHS Scholarships - Area and National Scholarshipsmanagement, school food service, institutionalfood service or dietetics,etc. Selection will be made on thebasis of motivation, good characterand financial need. Although highacademic achievement shall not bea primary criteria, a reasonable expectationof success of the student atthe college level shall be part of theconsideration. See counselor for application.JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGECOUNTYAmount: $1,000Due Date: 4/29/12 (postmarked)(Must be postmarked by this dateapplicationsmust be mailed.)Criteria: This scholarship is beingoffered to a female student who isgraduating from high school and acurrent resident of Orange County,who is entering an accredited collegein the Fall on a full-time basis. Applicantmust be involved in women’s/children’s issues as a volunteer. Seecounselor for application and details.KFC COLONEL’S SCHOLARSPROGRAMAmount: $5,000 per year and up to$20,000 for 4 yearsDue Date: Opens 12/1/11Closes on 2/8/12Criteria: <strong>High</strong> school graduates between12/1/11 and 8/31/12 areeligible to apply. Student must havea minimum cumulative high schoolGPA of 2.75, with plans to pursuea bachelor’s degree at a public, instatecollege or university with a startdate no later than 9/30/12. Alsomust be a U.S. citizen with demonstratedfinancial need. Go to www.kfcscholars.org to apply or see counselorfor details.LINCOLN TECH SCHOLARSHIP bythe Mendez FamilyAmount: $500Due Date: 5/1/12Criteria: This scholarship is awardedto one MHS Senior who is planning onattending Lincoln Tech. Student musthave a minimum 2.5 GPA. Studentinvolvement in BOCES preferred, butnot necessary. Community involve-ment and/or participation in student government.MHS application. Return applicationto counselor.MARIST COLLEGE-NSFSCHOLARSHIPAmount: 12 - Full tuition, room and boardDue Date:Criteria: For academically talented studentswho wish to major in computer scienceor informational technology systems.See website www.marist.edu/nsfgrantfor details.MID-HUDSON AREA RETIREDTEACHERS ASSOCIATIONAmount: 3 @ $2,500Due Date:Criteria: Scholarship is offered to highschool seniors who rank in the top 25%of their class, are accepted by a collegefor 2010-2011 school year andplan on a teaching career. Studentmust be in need of funds, but ineligiblefor significant federal or state aid. Seecounselor for application and detailsMID-HUDSON CHAPTER OF NEWYORK STATE ASSOCIATION OFSCHOOL BUSINESS OFFICIALSAmount: $500Due Date: 2/24/12Criteria: The scholarship is awardedto a graduating student from a schooldistrict in Orange, Ulster, Sullivan andDutchess counties who is in pursuit of adegree in Business, Finance and/or Education.See counselor for details andapplication.MILES OF HOPE BREAST CANCERFOUNDATIONAmount: 8 @ $1,000Due Date: 4/1/12Criteria: Students who have been affectedby breast cancer in some wayare eligible to apply. Essay required.See website www.milesofhopebcf.orgor counselor for details.MONSANTO COMMITMENT TOAGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIPAmount: VariousDue Date: VariousCriteria: <strong>High</strong> school seniors pursuinga career in an agriculture-related field.See counselor for details or visit websitehttp://www.ffa.org/documents/16 Scholarship Guide 2011/2012 sch_guidebook.pdf.NCLR BEST BUY EMERGING LATINOLEADERS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMAmount: 1 @ $15,000, 1 @ $5,000,2 @ $2,500Due Date:Criteria: This scholarship is awardedto graduating Hispanic high schoolseniors. Essay required. Apply onlineat http://lideres.nclr.org/section/opportunities/bestbuyscholarship1.NATIONAL ACADEMYFOUNDATIONDue Date: VariousCriteria: Various opportunities areavailable for Academy students. Seewebsite www.naf.org/scholarships orcounselor for details.NATIONAL COMMISSION FORCOOPERATIVE EDUCATION (NCCE)Amount: 170 @ $6,000 eachDue Date: 2/15/12Criteria: Merit co-op scholarshipsawarded to high school seniors whoplan to participate in college cooperativeeducation at a NCCE PartnerCollege and University, attending oneof the following:Drexel UniversityJohnson & Wales UniversityKettering UniversityRochester Inst. of Tech.University of CincinnattiUniversity of ToledoWentworth Inst. of Tech.Early submission of applications is recommended.See website www.co-op.edu or counselor for details.NY BEST AGENCY SCHOLARSHPAmount: 2 @ $1,000 eachDue Date: 3/30/12Criteria: Scholarship 1 - Financial:This scholarship is to assist a studentin good academic standing that hasa financial need, in order to pursue apost-secondary education or college.See counselor for application.Scholarship II - Academic: This sscholarshipis to give a student who is ingood academic standing and is interestedin a career in business, healthor education an opportunity to pursuethese paths in college. See counselorfor application.NEW !

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