Born Free, Born Equal: Celebrating Human Rights - World YWCA

Born Free, Born Equal: Celebrating Human Rights - World YWCA

Born Free, Born Equal: Celebrating Human Rights - World YWCA

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They anointed him when he was alive and were willing to anoint him nowthat he was dead.Women are able to experience Easter in a different way from men; womenlive Easter each month in their bodies. When they found Jesus’ tombempty, the Galilean women believed that God had resurrected God’s son.Why wouldn’t they believe it when, after all, they had seen Jesusresurrecting a girl (Luke 8:51-56), a boy (Luke 7:11-17), and a man (John11:43)?Immediately they went to see the 11 disciples and the others to announcethe resurrection of the Christ. Luke mentions that the group included MaryMagdalene, Joanna and Mary the mother of James. But how sad! All theirwords seemed “an idle tale” to the men and they did not believe them (Luke24:9-11).Perhaps the 12 disciples never really understood that Jesus was seriouswhen he referred to the equality of all people in his reign. Maybe theythought that Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well (John 4), hismerciful acts of healing women (Luke 8:46-56), his words rejecting thatfemale anatomy determines one’s ‘fate’ (Luke 11:27-28) and his revelationto the women at the tomb were mere coincidences?The curtain of the Temple was torn in two at the death of Jesus (Luke23:45). There are no more privileged places. The women entered into theNew Alliance, in the same upper room where the apostles live, praying withthem in the same spirit. The Holy Spirit pours on everybody—men andwomen. This is a great contrast with the Old Covenant. It breaks with thediscrimination of women in the Synagogue and in the Temple. In theChurch of Christ there is no more division.We cannot deny that Jesus chose women to be witnesses of hisresurrection. In Matthew’s Gospel (28:9-10) and John’s (20:1-18) we findthe last words of Jesus to the women, which are as his will and farewell:“Woman, why are you weeping…?”“God be with you!”“Do not be afraid…”“Go, and tell my brothers… Go to my brothers and say to them…”9

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