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Hybrid Telephone Auto CouplerThe CircuitWerkes HC-3 automatically ans<strong>we</strong>rs y<strong>our</strong>phone line on a programmable number of rings. Itfeatures a simple hybrid circuit that separates incomingand outgoing telephone audio, bridging balancedaudio input with a send level control and a lowimpedance balanced output. The HC-3's features makeit ideal for a variety of telephone tasks such as listenlines, concert lines and remote broadcasting. Dry relaycontacts close at pickup.• Auto-ans<strong>we</strong>r and auto-hangup• Remote pickup and hangup control formanual operation• Simple hybrid circuit for bidirectionalaudio connection• Built-in tone generator for setting hybrid null• All connections made to screw terminals• LED’s for incoming ring/on line,and po<strong>we</strong>r indicationsHC3 List $279.00Contact BSW For Lo<strong>we</strong>st PricesSubaudible Tone DecoderThe CircuitWerkes Sub-03 can automate y<strong>our</strong> networkfeeds or take the guesswork out of when to cut awayfrom networks. The decoder listens to y<strong>our</strong> networkaudio and gives you dry contact closures fromany service that sends subaudible tones includingsatellites, RPUs, ISDN loops and more. Its relay contactsinterface easily with y<strong>our</strong> automation system. Itaccepts a wide range of input audio signals, and itsfully adjustable, active, balanced output can be usedto feed y<strong>our</strong> equipment. Internal filters greatly reducethe presence of tones in the output.SUB03 List $395.00Contact BSW For Lo<strong>we</strong>st PricesKeep ItAll UnderControl WithCircuitWerkes​Dial Up Remote ControlThe CircuitWerkes DR-10 is a user programmableremote control that lets you operate y<strong>our</strong> station'sequipment from anywhere there's a phone. Itautomatically ans<strong>we</strong>rs the phone and waits for you toenter y<strong>our</strong> password, after which you have completecontrol of the DR-10's relays. They can be individuallyprogrammed for momentary, latching or interlockedoperation, and each relay can be programmed todecode any of the 16 DTMF tones. It features a twotonesequence mode and an anti-falsing delay modethat prevent accidental contact closures when you'reusing it for remote broadcasts. A built-in audio hybridlets you control equipment while monitoring a localaudio s<strong>our</strong>ce.DR10 List $399.00Contact BSW For Lo<strong>we</strong>st PricesSubaudible Tone EncoderThe CircuitWerkes SEN-6 subaudible encoder generates25, 35, and combo 25/35 Hz tones. It features activebalanced audio !/O with gain control and integralfiltering that keeps audio s<strong>our</strong>ce material from falselyactivating decoders. It can be special ordered togenerate 50, 75, and combo 50/75 Hz tones.SEN6 List $449.00Contact BSW For Lo<strong>we</strong>st PricesTELEPHONE INTERFACES AND ACCESSORIESRecordable, Talking Remote ControlThe CircuitWerkes Sicon-8 is an affordable, full-featureddial-up remote control based on proprietary voicerecording technology that lets you record y<strong>our</strong> ownmessages, in any language. A complete solution forfacilities with basic to moderate control requirements,all of its I/O, including 8 channels of relays, are includedon the main board, with all metering, status and controlconnections are on depluggable screw terminals.Designed to be controlled from its onboard Ethernetinterface, any dial-up telephone, an auto-ans<strong>we</strong>r cellphone or its serial port, the Sicon-8 gives you plenty ofcontrol options. Its onboard Web server gives access toall of the Sicon-8's metering, Status and basic controlfunctions and supports several simultaneous userswith 4 different access levels. The Web server requiresno software other than a Java capable Web browser tooperate, and works on multiple operating systems andbrowsers.SICON8 List $1,299.00Contact BSW For Lo<strong>we</strong>st PricesDial-up Controller and UniversalDTMF-to-ASCII TransceiverThe CircuitWerkes DT-232 is an affordable dial-upremote control offering DTMF access to f<strong>our</strong> userprogrammablerelays that can be programmed torespond to any DTMF tone or sequence. With theability to interface to virtually any piece of hardwarethat requires serial control or input, the DT-232receives DTMF tones from either its audio inputconnector or from its built-in telephone auto coupler.It can also accept ASCII input from its serial port andgenerate DTMF tones that are transmitted to a phoneline for controlling equipment in remote locations. Itcomes with a Windows program for easy control andprogramming.DT-232 List $289.00Contact BSW For Lo<strong>we</strong>st PricesAuto Coupler Rack SystemThe CircuitWerkes AC-12 fits up to 12 AC1B autocouplers(sold separately). It offers two balancedbridging input, switchable busses for audiodistribution. Each coupler card has an individual 600ohm bi-directional audio connection with level trim.• LEDs for ring, on-line and clipping• Strappable input attenuator which accepts a widerange of input signals• Individual relay isolated, user-selected, momentary orlatching dry contactsAC12 Mainframe List $379.00AC-1 Coupler card List $199.00CP1 Call progress decoder List $119.00Contact BSW For Lo<strong>we</strong>st PricesDTMF DecoderThe CircuitWerkes DTMF-16 is a compact and rugged remotecontrol unit that provides 16 optocoupled outputs using standardTouchTone signals. It excels in controlling remote satellitereceivers, network switching equipment, repeaters, or virtuallyany application where local control is inconvenient or impossible.Simply connect the DTMF-16's bridging input across an audio lineand its outputs will activate whenever a DTMF tone is received.DTMF16 List $229.00Programmable DTMF SwitcherThe CircuitWerkes DS-8 is a DTMF sequence decoder providing dryclosures for eight different tone sequences. It can decode 1 to 4 digit DTMFsequences used by networks for automating closed-circuit feeds and localinsertions. Relays can be easily programmed via DTMF phone tooperate in momentary, latching, or interlocked latching modes.DS8 List $299.00Contact BSW For Lo<strong>we</strong>st PricesContact BSW For Lo<strong>we</strong>st PricesBSW’s Lo<strong>we</strong>st Price GuaranteeSee a lo<strong>we</strong>r advertised price from an authorized dealer?We'll beat it.1·800·426·8434 • www.bswusa.com • info@bswusa.com39

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