06/07/04 Minutes (pdf) - Roseville Golf Club

06/07/04 Minutes (pdf) - Roseville Golf Club

06/07/04 Minutes (pdf) - Roseville Golf Club

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RGC MINUTES June 7, 20<strong>04</strong>MEETING CALLED TO ORDERAT 6:35 PM BY Harry Wharff<strong>Minutes</strong> from last two meetings were approved as readAbsent: Ken Lyon, Gary Krohn, Dennis Foxx,And Randy McMasterTREASURER & TOURNAMENT CHAIRMAN REPORTCertificate fund (Edward Jones) $4,388.11Treasurer’s Report-Gen. Fund $12,7<strong>04</strong>.93Christmas fund $388.00Tournament Fund $4,930.29*Outstanding RGC gift certificates $5,024.50(*Includes $1,000 loan from certificate fund)70 kids are signed up for David Oxley. Del Paso Country club Tournamentconflicts with ours.VICE PRESIDENTS REPORTNo ReportSECRETARYWe now have 312 active members, including 13 juniors.TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS REPORTNet Am has 36 players, 12 for Reno and 12 for AncilWEBMASTER<strong>Minutes</strong> are to be added to web page after approval by board one month inarrears.HANDICAP CHAIRMANEvery thing is going okay, but Neil will start entering away tournaments toeliminate mistakes.COMMITTEESMembership No report.

Bylaws No report.Playing procedures No Report.CORRESPONDENCEUSGA tournament magazineOLD BUSINESSMark Konrad is requesting a one day tournament in April or early may to keepinterest up. Some members cannot commit to multi-date tournaments early inthe year.NEW BUSINESSMeeting was adjourned at 7:14 PMNext board meeting is July 5th with time and location to be announced.Chuck HeathSecretary 20<strong>04</strong>

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