Fall 2006-2007 - Grande Prairie Regional College

Fall 2006-2007 - Grande Prairie Regional College

Fall 2006-2007 - Grande Prairie Regional College

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out the Peace Region. He served ona committee that helped developthe National Coaching CertificationProgram, and also made a lastingcontribution in founding theWolves Mini-Basketball programwhich has seen thousands of<strong>Grande</strong> <strong>Prairie</strong>’s children participateover the years.In addition to the major roleshe played within the PhysicalEducation and Athletic Department,Hideo was heavily involved in allother aspects of college life. He wasan inspiration to all with his contagiousenthusiasm and positive outlook.Since leaving the college, Hideohas continued his involvement withsports as an avid participant. Withinthe community he continues to beactive in a number of differentorganizations such as SummerGames 2000, the Real Estate Boardand Rotary Club.(Editor’s Note: This year Hideo andMarian Fukushima are the honourarychairs of the annual <strong>College</strong>Classic Golf Tournament)HeatherGodbersonHeather cameto <strong>Grande</strong> <strong>Prairie</strong>in 1993 fromFort St. John andbecame the mostsuccessful curlerto emerge fromthe powerfulWolves program.During her two years with theWolves, Heather skipped thewomen’s team to two ACAC goldmedals and was selected as the allstarskip for both the 1993-94 and1994-95 seasons. In recognition ofher outstanding performances atGPRC, she was a co-winner of theFemale Athlete of the Year awardin 1994-95.As much as Heather enjoyedtremendous success at GPRC, it wasonly the beginning for her as shemoved into junior and ladies competition.In 1996, she was the skipof the Alberta team that eventuallyswept to victory at the CanadianJunior and World JuniorChampionships. Heather was thenthe third on the 1998 Alberta andCanadian championship rink thatfinished with a bronze medal atthe 1998 World CurlingChampionships. At the 1999Canadian Ladies Championships,her Team Canada rink finished aclose second, and Heather wasselected as the all-star third at theevent.Richard HoskerOriginally fromFort St. John,B.C., Ritchdemonstrated hisathletic prowessearly by capturingthe NorthPeace SecondarySchool Athleteof-the-Yearin1983. He then moved on to <strong>Grande</strong><strong>Prairie</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>College</strong> where hewas a volleyball standout for threeseasons while also competing withthe golf team. Over the course ofhis three years at GPRC, the volley-Our values and ethics...Create a family-basedenvironment where successis determined by improvingthe lives of our customers,our people and our community.The Risley corporatefamily is proud to havehelped our communitygrow for over 25 years.• <strong>Grande</strong> <strong>Prairie</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>College</strong>• Living Christ Youth Ministries• QEII Foundation• United Waywww.GoRisley.com24

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