Fall 2006-2007 - Grande Prairie Regional College

Fall 2006-2007 - Grande Prairie Regional College

Fall 2006-2007 - Grande Prairie Regional College

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we were in crisis. Would I be willingto support the family? “Noway!” Ten years ago I had given uppursuing a career to become a wifeand a mother.Reluctantly and with trepidationI became willing. The local optionsfor work were nil. This could belong term, and then educationwould be beneficial. Suddenly therumours we had heard about a collegewere crucial to our future.Even though it was Saturday, DeanHenry Anderson willingly invitedme to come in for a consultation.His graciousness and calm put meat ease. Late registration was noproblem. The excitement in thebuilding was palpable! Every applicationadded more proof to thenecessity for a Junior <strong>College</strong> in theNorth. By now enrolment hadalready far exceeded the expectationsof the planners who hadbegun work ten years ago.Dean Anderson personallychecked my qualifications andexpressed joy that this institutionwas meeting the needs of ‘older’people as well. I felt genuinely welcomedand made to feel at home. Iwas now registered as a charterstudent of <strong>Grande</strong> <strong>Prairie</strong> Junior<strong>College</strong>, the newest institution ofits kind in the province; then realitystruck me. At HOME were our fivechildren, three of whom werepreschoolers, who knew nothing ofthe plans my husband and I hadjust made! To top it all off, CLASS-ES BEGAN ON MONDAY!Our oldest two boys were excitedat the prospect of having Daddyride the school bus with them. Wewere thankful that in those daysthere were no restrictions prohibitingthat. A gal only in her teenswas willing to move in to be ourpreschooler’s nanny. What a preciousjewel she proved to be. Shecooked, baked, washed andcleaned. I never needed to worry.Then we had to tell my parentswho lived nearby. Working mothersin those days were not necessarilyunderstood. What an encouragementwhen theylistened andthen even gave us their blessing.We knew their prayers would beundergirding our new venture.Friends and family, even thechurch, would eventually get toknow. But before I could panic, itwas time to drive the 40 miles toclass in the only car we owned.Young faces filled the halls ofthe <strong>College</strong>. The majority of the 69full-time students came right outof high school. I was met with loudboisterous talking and laughing -not intimidating but refreshing! Afew older students were there aswell, but where were the instructors?I soon learned who theywere, and realized that several ofthem were younger than I. What afine group of people who influencedour lives through theirinstruction and friendships. Wewere challenged in our classes tomake a difference in the vocationof our choosing.I never felt excluded in class, butI didn’t become part of the socialfabric of the <strong>College</strong>. The newlyrenovated Wapiti Dorm was theofficial residence for the studentsfrom surrounding areas. Othersresided at home. As I listened tothe students’ social plans for theevenings or weekends, I knewwhere I belonged: at home! Theresult was that I never got to knowmany of the students personally.At our recent 40th anniversary, Ilearned that the students had lovinglydubbed me “the mature studentwith a family at home.”Nevertheless, lasting friendshipswere made that year. Saturdayclasses accommodated ten localteachers, bringing the number ofpart-time students to 40.The recent collapse of the roofof the <strong>Prairie</strong> Art Gallery wasbittersweet. This buildingbrought back so manymemories! Knownas CentralParkSchool, it housed the <strong>College</strong> in itsinaugural year 1966-1967. It wasthere for the 40th Anniversary. Ithad been erected the same yearmy husband was born. Had it alsocompleted its task and was it timeto pass on the torch?Both Peter and I, during successfulteaching careers, have beenable to complete our BEd degreesat the <strong>College</strong> primarily throughextension courses offered by theUniversity of Alberta. Several ofour children have also attended,and now in retirement it is a joy tohave the grandchildren benefitfrom this local post-secondaryinstitution. It is their time to takeup the challenge.We have watched the fledgling<strong>College</strong> grow and expand from thesmall two-storey building witheight classrooms to the uniquemulti-building complex on thehighway bypass. No small feat!Our prayer is that it may continueto expand to become theUniversity of the North. As ouralumni publication challenges usto wisdom, we concur that theattendees of the future may neverbypass true Wisdom, namely, toknow how to apply the knowledgelearned to life’s incredible challengesday by day. As a family, weare grateful for the opportunitiesthis college has affordedus.– Margaret Penner

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