Microbe Hunters Book Report Worksheet.pdf - McAllen High School

Microbe Hunters Book Report Worksheet.pdf - McAllen High School

Microbe Hunters Book Report Worksheet.pdf - McAllen High School


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SUPPLEMENTAL READING continued Name _______________________________________________________<strong>Microbe</strong> <strong>Hunters</strong>Date _______________________ Class ________________________Writing About the <strong>Book</strong>© by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.On a separate sheet of paper, write the answers to each of the following.Extending the Story1. Paul de Kruif’s historical account of microbe hunters ends in 1926, when thebook was first published. The hunt for microbes that cause disease continued.For many diseases, a vaccine, an antitoxin, or a preventive measure has beendiscovered. Choose and research a scientist who worked to discover themicrobe that caused a particular disease. Write a description of the scientistand his or her research. Include the motivation for the microbe hunt.Thinking About Assumptions2. After determining that tsetse flies carried sleeping sickness between humans,David Bruce set out to rid Uganda of the disease. He made a mistake inassuming that trypanosomes only live in human blood. Later he regrettedthat it was not possible for him to experiment with injecting the nagana trypanosomesinto one thousand human beings. Would such an experimenthave proved Bruce’s assumption that the new form of sleeping sickness wasthe same as nagana? Why, or why not?Responding to a Review3. In writing about <strong>Microbe</strong> <strong>Hunters</strong>, F. Gonzalez-Crussi, M.D. praises the bookfor continuing to engage hearts and minds today, especially since he statesthat it “deals with facts and personalities whose description has been reiteratedad nauseam.” Write an essay in which you react to this opinion. Do youthink de Kruif’s book is still timely and interesting? Why, or why not?Evaluating Characters4. Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch approached science quite differently, yet theyhad similar goals. Compare and contrast the two scientists. Which man doyou think achieved more? Why?Writing a Journal Entry5. Imagine that you are working as an assistant to one of the scientists who issearching for a specific microbe. It is your responsibility to keep a writtenrecord of each day’s experiments and discussions. Write the entry whichdescribes a major discovery in the search.Analyzing Scientific Methods6. If you were a microbe hunter, which scientist would you use as a role model?Describe the scientific methodology used by the microbe hunter, as describedin the book, and explain why you think it produced the best results. How hasthis methodology withstood the test of time in taming the diseases caused bymicrobes? What would you do differently? Why?HOLT BIOSOURCES / Teaching Resources: Supplemental Reading 9

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