SUMMER SESSION SYLLABUS Hybrid Course - Saint Joseph's ...

SUMMER SESSION SYLLABUS Hybrid Course - Saint Joseph's ...

SUMMER SESSION SYLLABUS Hybrid Course - Saint Joseph's ...


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Class Schedule________________________________________________________________________PERIOD TOPIC ASSIGNMENTWeek #1onlineResearch EthicsBelmont reportNuremburg codeDay 1 oncampusDay 2 oncampusDay 3 oncampusDay 4 oncampusDay 5 oncampusIntroduction to course, LibraryresourcesEvidence-Based PracticeClinical Practice GuidelinesWhat is critical thinking?What is a research article?The Research ProcessTypes of ResearchDeveloping a Research QuestionPICO formatCriteria for CritiquingVariablesTheory and ResearchInductive/Deductive reasoningConceptual and TheoreticalframeworksDesignsExperimentalQuasi-experimentalNon experimentalLiterature ReviewEvaluating Quantitative ResearchQualitative ResearchLoBiondo-Wood & HaberChapters 1 and 2M & F-O (ch 1,3)Critical Thinking WebsiteLoBiondo-Wood & HaberChapter 3M & F-O ( ch 2,3, 4)Identify a Clinical Issue andDevelop a Research QuestionLoBiondo-Wood & HaberChapter 5LoBiondo-Wood & HaberChapter 9, 10, 11LoBiondo-Wood & HaberChapter 18M & F-O (ch10)Quantitative ResearchArticle Critique (in class)LoBiondo-Wood & HaberChapter 6,7,8M & F-O (ch 6,11)Qualitative Research critique( inclass)Wrap up/prep for switch to online10

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