SUMMER SESSION SYLLABUS Hybrid Course - Saint Joseph's ...

SUMMER SESSION SYLLABUS Hybrid Course - Saint Joseph's ...

SUMMER SESSION SYLLABUS Hybrid Course - Saint Joseph's ...


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You will look at quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodology as a way to acquirenew knowledge about nursing interventions. The ability to competently read research reportswill become more advanced as each section illuminates previous lessons and builds an indepthunderstanding of each one of these research designs.As you complete the readings and assignments, you will broaden your understandingof multiple ways to approach quantitative research designs using either true experimental,quasi-experimental, or non-experimental methods.The final lesson assignment provides the opportunity to demonstrate an advancedlevel of knowledge of nursing research processes as you critique a qualitative and aquantitative study. This preparation will assist you in asking “How can I institute evidencebasedpractice in my current professional nursing setting?”COURSE OBJECTIVESUpon completing this course, the student should be able to do the following:1. Demonstrate competence in the use of information technology by usingcomputers to access, retrieve, and disseminate nursing and other relatedresearch literature by using search engines and data bases.2. Develop the skills of an informed consumer of nursing research by utilizingthe steps of the research process in relationship to quantitative and qualitativeresearch applicable to clinical practice.3. Identify, analyze, and critique, at a beginning level, published quantitative andqualitative research studies applicable to clinical practice.4. Formulate clinical research questions related to clinical issues5. Conduct a literature search to find primary research reports, systematicreviews, meta-analyses, and clinical practice guidelines addressing clinicalissues.6. Utilize research as the basis for evidence based clinical decision making.7. Utilize research for the development of evidence-based policies, protocols,and standards.COURSE FORMATThis is a hybrid course in which there is a five week online component with one week inthe classroom. The online format provides the opportunity to continue the online dialoguein a group setting. You will acquire the skills outlined in the course objectives throughthe following:• Readings from the textbook and required readings, which may include case studies.• Lecture notes• Active dialogue and discussion in person with your instructor and classmates.• Active dialogue with your instructor and fellow learners via the coursebulletin board. Online discussion is a requirement for your course and is facilitated byyour instructor. The discussion will help you think more closely about the readings,8

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