The Netherlands: Carbon Experts - Holland Financial Center

The Netherlands: Carbon Experts - Holland Financial Center

The Netherlands: Carbon Experts - Holland Financial Center


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– ‘Action’ phase: in order to reduce CO 2 emissions CNGconsultants assist in making realistic reduction plans andeventual a plan to increase the commitment and awarenessof staff and other stakeholders. Compensation of CO 2emissions by investing in one of CNG’s renewable energyprojects (Gold Standard and VCS).– ‘Climate neutrality’ phase: the organization is now climateneutral.Comparison of initial goals with the result, re-aimgoals on regularly basis. CNG can support and provide acommunication plan in order to inform business partners– and other stakeholders – about the results.CNG offers, in each phase, a wide range of services such asworkshops, scans, training and coaching.CNG manages a diversified portfolio of carbon reductionprojects. In several innovative cases CNG develops projectsitself under the Gold Standard or VCS standards.René Toet, Managing DirectorT +31 (0)30 232 61 71info@climateneutralgroup.comMichiel Tijmensen, <strong>Carbon</strong> Portfolio ManagerT +31 (0)30 232 61 71M +31 (0)6 2934 2910michiel.tijmensen@climateneutralgroup.comDeloitteAdmiraliteitskade 50, 3063 ED Rotterdam<strong>The</strong> <strong>Netherlands</strong>T +31 (0)10 272 11 20Deloitte offers a broad range of integrated services withinareas that include accounting, tax, corporate finance, financialmanagement, mergers and acquisitions and outsourcing.Deloitte combines deep experience in executable strategydevelopment, tax advisory, accountancy and audit with anunderstanding of climate change risks and opportunities.We not only build on assurance, valuation and marketanalyses to address how carbon will affect the bottomline today, but we also look at value created in tomorrow’smarkets while understanding the changes in stakeholder62

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